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Show Page 2 BUNDING THE BLANDINGITE ALBERT R. OUTLOOK I reeall that when we went down the gangway into that ship, we were Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews- and- Gantlles, eaeh one reserved in. a kind of swg separateness from cveiy one of a different belief. The sky was. cl ear, arid the sea was ripIhe eight hundred or more pled by a fresh gentle breeze. passengers looked forth with a kind of pleasant anticipation to We were all the fourteen days ws were to be on the ooean. sociable in a perfunotory way, still preserving our wonted After three days ws enoouniered aloofness and self sufficiency. a rising wind, a strong wind, a fieres wind. It heaped the waves up to terrifying heists, and as we slid down from one we The sailors began became all but submerged in another. putting s. .'They deolared it was water and provisions in the but routine praotios, and had no rsfersnoe to the storm, but scire people watched them through tears. Some prayed. one It moulded us into a company of ons heart, one hope, conour ths in all world, prayer. No matter about other things on Published every Friday at Blandlng, Utah PUBLISHER I. We Cox - Hilda Perkins, South Blandlng Jollne Holt, North Blandlng Anita Cranes, Mexloan Hat Marilyn R. Rowley , Mont leello Trudell, Bluff life-boat- Subscription Ratos: San Juan County , one year .34.00 San Juan County , six months 225 I Slsewhere in USA 4.50 year Slsew-herin US A 6 months 250 suming .... vation, Letter to the Editor like to you 700 own with a book value Corporations billion dollars? And tax free? all take a losj of 10 billion dollars a year on this business, doing 20J5 of the Nations total business? fiiat's what our Nations Business r.en are up against rirfrt Could you - Court.oy FRANK WRIGHT WET SNOWS BRING 1.05 INCH MOISTURE REPORT now. than More 1,000,000 employes on avers by skill and our fidelity dsstiny hung. of its watsr-soak- sd preserits erew to and dangers have compelled us to forget our individual and sslfoentered ooneerns, and to rseognize and to units in hopes and prayers and efforts whioh are imperative tc our continued existence. There are dangers we have to meet, and Besides needs which haveto bs supplied or we oannot carry on. we and we whioh to the supreme destiny in whioh appeal as trust, orsw exerting themselwith one heart, we have our water-soak- ed He have also cur free ves to steer our ship through ths storm. agency, with the responsibility it entails, to take a sane A useful part, instead of standing complacently by, or lavishing our time and attention on our own persona 1 pro j sots, in a blind and stupid trust that somebody else can and will oarry the bur-- d We oan en. profitably remember the immortal word of Lord Nelson to his orew in ths perilous fight at Trafalger, "England xpeots every man to do his duty." . Advertising PAYS of e the for our ship, difficulties for these Government owned Cor portat ions and are paid an work was : Utah WEATHER Editors Vould at Blandlng, desire stser it safely through the tempest. In the orises we have had to meet In fighting our wayto survival in this whioh was a dry desert plaoe when we began here fifty-fiv- e years ago, I an impressed with the way these e Second Class Postage Paid - - CORRESPONDENTS NOnole LYMAN by ( of 262 March 10, 1961 BLAND TNG OUTLOOK us, the taxpayers. fibres form thei I'ouse Government Operations' Committee. rt'e can and mu3t stop this gigantic Government Steam Roller" These come . that is flattening and stifling R. HURST OIL CO. INDEPENDENT our country. the newly introduced 23rd Amendment to repeal income taxes and get the Government our of OIL DISTRIBUTOR Read private business. Sincerely Ray Stebbins. station we handle first line gasoline and offer It to you with a liberal discount. We also are more than competitive on all the better At our SHOWING AT THE BAN TOABJ brands of THEATRE Thurs - Fri - Sat SERENGETT SHALL NOT DIE LIFE in a year's time. Add to this our prompt courteous service and it presents a question. Why trade elsewhere? ADVENTURE & amount In Technicolor Hon - - Tues oils. With approximately ten percent savings on your purchases, you can readily visualize the accumulated March 9, 10, 11 AFRICAN BLANDING, UTAH Wed March 13.14.15 FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL will later receive a Frontier credit card. Come in and try us now.. B. F Goodrich Tires - Frontier Gas You "HEROES DIE YODKG" lntrodue ing ERIKA ' SCOTT SI PETERS with BORLAND Hints - . ROBERT GETZ Thur- - Fri- - Sat- March - - FRLDRiq MARSH Save Hon 16,17,18,20 BECIT TEE SPENCER TRACT in your car - Save in your truck Save in Barrels - Save with Burst Entire Family ccy GENS KELLI I |