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Show Published in tho Interest of Blending VOUiME 3 BLAHDINQ, the Surrounding Oil and Mining Conaunitiee UTAH , FRIDAY , MARCH 10 HO. 10, 196l Aneth Wastes Million Barrels Oil Monthly Utah Oil and Gas Commission has been informed that for every 2Jr barrels of oil produced in the greater Aneth area one The barrell is being left in the ground never to be recovered further calculation shows that the loss amounts to a million barrels per month Engineers have advised recovery- secondary - throui that . a system should be water lnjeetipn started by the time reservoir 1050 to decline pressures pounds Continued production, however, while installation of mtor in- jection facilities are being delayed, has already reduced to as low as 746 pounds per square inch in parts of the field causing a substapressures With over 3500 logs, estimated to saw out a million and a quarter board feet, piled up and floating at the millsite, Company has dspeth Hu- palled a halt to its timbering operation until after the spring thaw Next project is to make boards out of the huge piles of logs shown above Superin Company ion tendent Leonard Powell, couldn't mill say yesterday when the hands would fire up, but all were working end diligently to that oil waste ntial is urging the of Interior to Department quickly to oorreot the sit- Governor S move U Clyde uation SJHS Spring Skate Vacation Starts Wed. March 15 1 SCHOOL TOMORROW TO MAKE UP LOST DAT Spring vacation has been moved High jp two weeks at San Juan School so that students and fac. attend the ulty members maytournament bebasketball state ing held at next Provo week School will dismiss at 4 pm Tuesday, March 14th for the remainder of the week at San Juan High only All other schools in (TURN TO PAGE 7, COLUMN 4) Dishop Onto Dfct& Undergoes Scrgcry in tett Ldso City Bishop Kline Blaok was flown by Blending Flying Service at 3t00 an Thursday to Salt Lake for an emergenqy appendectomy Mr Blaok beoame Tuesday evening and when his condition ill did not was decided it Dr W. W. Fal- Improve his physio lan. lon, to fly him to the LDS by basketball season dosed for the Bronofficially cos 'Wednesday night when they barely edged out the Montleello The 1960-- 61 As seoond placers the Bronoos are entitled to enter the State Tournament at Provo next Wednesday where they will oppose South Sevier at 3 pm on the first Qaokaroos. by 43-- 39 ) With the season oonpletc the day Broncos have registered 12 wine Left to in the picture and 2 losses and are winner of are front row; Johnny Nielson, second plaoe in the San Juan-Boe- ry Don Rose, Tin Bradford, Johnny Division of Region 8 Helquist, Scott Baylcs and John- Cochran Box ooorc game follows; for tho Montioello SAN JUAN PLAYERS FQ FT F PTS elain to seeond place made fim when MoabVom over Greenriver to give was 54-- 46 Greanrivfr its third loss with one league loss, won plaoe mit-r- n Moab MONTICELLO ny Conway Back Morris row; Assistant Coach Swenson, Jay Redd, Corry Jin Joe Jones, Stanley Bronson, first Hurls, Lewis Blaok, George Coach Ncldon and Bay-l- es Bronco . . .Fallon and Mrs Blaok accompanied him on the flight Reports to relatives and friends here are that he is doing satisDr factorily. riit Their Hospital there READ TliE WANT ADS |