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Show Page 6 March 10, 1961 BLANDING OUTLOOK Elementary School stu- were invited to eat luneh Bl ending Up & Down the Street dents with Senate? Pasbss children to celebrate "Sohool Nutrition Week" Tracy Redd, Miss Nelfena Parry Smiles on They certainly put out good food Hazel Grover, Loretta Hunt and and those that the best who didn't get to at"Have contacted head of NaStevens Mildred snow the inis tend the past two days are tional Parks Administration and T Mrs Jos Nielson were Mr and not are of or and Blandingites coming vited to go today partake ask them to aooelerats Natural going so much as they are stay: thrilled the other night to son the delicious food Bridges National Monumsnt from a their oall and in fey reeeived feet .warming their Frank (Bo) Montello ing Will follow program Franois who is in Berlin, Gerfamthe fire. from his a to telegram Tuesday with latter dirset you." So LDS a the on for mission many home weekend cf him for New the Coming York telling ily in says Senator Wkllaoe F Bennett He mi getting along the from the BYU in Provo to visit Church Alfonso of his death 'father, in a telegram to County Commhimself and very fine enjoying were and their parents His wife, Afton Montello Gary Shumway issioner Hyrum Blaok. much and his fianeee Sandra Butler drove Mildred Frank and The. wire was in response to a at Mrs children Mrs tiia . i:o car their for Bridges re-oe- ive Dsv-lopm- snt I o ! and Mr DeVhyne Shumway and Perkins who had as his George guest Jenny Lee Gries Little Saturday night guests Rsdd's horns were Mr and Mrs' Riohard Patton from Salt Lake City The Pattons art Govon a in Ksysnta temporarily Ruth oelebrat her third birthday last Monafternoon with a party at ernment Job Word was reoslvsd here this She had all her home. the weak by relatives of ths serious children in and neighborhood of Mrs Lovells Nourse they enjoyed playing games and illness of Grand Junotlon, Colo Mrs Coleen Palmer ed day having a birthday little; luncheon oake. iColeen with is the daughter of the Eiert Palmers Spending a most magnificent Nevada weekend' in Las Vegas . were Nr. and Mrs. Kline Black, Warren Bronson and Son Stanley and Herb Rose of the Cortez Ply- Service Leaving here Saturday morning they had to fly olir'-3to Flagstaff, Arizona to go around the snow storm, asking their trip a three hour one. ing t attended They is a daughter of Pools and a sister to Nourse Mary Mrs Mrs Annie Butt Mr and Mrs their guest P two V Redd had as nights this week Larry Memmott of Salt Lake City He Mr Memnott is a wool buyer Ward Sunday sang a solo in 2nd Sacrament meeting and watched it on Tv but the atmosphere and excitement of being there was wonde- took in a French They also show held at the "Stardust!1 that took your breath away Bob just Wills and his Texas Playboys was another attended show outstanding the On they Sunday they way home on stopped in St Utah and visited awhile, Bronson's daughter, George, with Kathleen who is attending lege there Mr col- Chauncey Black attended Testimonial meeMrs and Mr also in Montieello Sunday, when their son Dean blessed his litting tle Lici daughter and named her Neva 11 e Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galbraith re- ceived word this week from their daughter, llene that her husband .Bob Quint from Blaok Mr to stay for eight days His father had Just most attraotivs table decorarecently returned from a trip to tion presented at a large flower in Italy club she belongs to Everyone get their dates for Arvid Black and TTaqy Redd York his-hon- the He intends e "Ke Kali 'Nei Au" on Saturday in the Blanding recreation hall Last niht at the home of Lela March 25th Black, a group of ladles got to- -' gether for Eve Lynn Ferkins birThey were: Patsy Shumway thday Donna Black, Ardell Palmer, Klee Palmer and Lelja Perkins Mr and Mrs Erastus Burten-sha- w got word from their daug- presented last the Sunday held fy.ose at the "GodHead" lesson, night at a meeting home attending of Ed Black were Mr and Mrs Bumhard Blaok, Mr and Mrs L a Veil Palmer and family. Mr. and Mrs Ricnard Perkins and family, the Palmer Black family, Mrs Leila Palmer and Mr and Mrs family from refreshments Montieello lives in were served Light at the olose of the Bruce Black and (TURN TO PAGE 7 COL. o 3) None home rful. the Senator had received letter the fight between son, held ttiat night at the Convention Center in Las Vegas They may not have seen the fjght as good as most of us that stay- at where Cortez Wednesday morning he toSk a plane to New hter, Veva Barrett, who Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Norfolk, Virginia that she had of this week the parents of the won the "Golden Medal" for the 'Gene Fulmor and Sugar Ray Robin- ed to him was in ths hospital from k knee injury he suffering sustained while playing basketball. They live in New Jersey. ! Going to Arizona for a few days were Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wight, Beverly Ann and Melvin They visited in Mesa with a son Uliar. The Wrights then went on down to the border of Mexico to n au (Kraus Effective March 6f 1961 all dogs' being held or kept within the City Limits of the City of Blanding, are under quarantine and must be kept on a leash at all times. The period of quarantine will end March 20v 1961, During the period of quarantine all dogs must be licensed A license cannot be purchased for any dog without first submitting proper evidence that the dog has been vaccinated not prior to one(l) year previous to the date license is applied forv with a live virus rabies vaccine All dogs running loose during the period of quarantine will be im- pounded and disposed of in accordance with Ordinance No 403, series! 1957, 1 v o V get a ear and returned through and LaMar son New Mexico. Their his family accompanied them as far as Denning, Hew Mexico and to returned while Mesa the Wrights Journeyed' on home. of Relief Society A number ladies, from all three wards are making plans the Relief for a party for all Sooiety members and husbands on March 17th ini their the Chureh Recreation Hall ' : : ' 4 : Little ill qyite is the small Lundells Noraan daiugrtsr of the tthe Principal Don Davis of want Blanding Elementary sohool week. put Lake .City laat Friday tc attend a U.E.A meeting He alfox so attended a. reoeptlon E U.EJU nsw post with Mr West, past Prssidsnt oi Mr. West has accepted i in o She to Salt Allen : Cindy Lundell has been for a few days this Washington Davis and Golnj his wife wen In connectio which were vac are eligible f tion Those d care of by app ( |