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Show rmrrn- - TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 ) i q. . - OPEN FACE MARK S SPIN REEL nK"r fHERMOs. with 2-P- C. ge well-train- ever-increasi- ed skilled PORTABLE with fixed reel seat President Asks 4.5 Hike in Pay, Gap Closing by OcL '69 President Johnson has proposed to Congress a 4.6 percent pap increase for all except the very highest paid Federal civilian em- to take effect October 1, Jloyees, He recommended that Congress take the final step this year to achieve full (pay) comparability with private industry," and proposed a two-staplan to remove the remaining comparability lag in all grades by October 1, 1969. The first step would take effect in October 1968 and the second a year later. Submitting the bill, the President said: Through the years, this Nation has built a corps of public servants whose quality is unmatched by any other country in the world. Our career employees are and experienced. In are numbers, they GLASS ROD Reg. 14.90 professionals. They tray. Urethane foam insulation holds cold S days or longerl Seamfiner, less maided chromed steel hardNEVER Will ware. break, rust or leak. Now only in- diplomats, economists, scientists, engineers, actuaries, systems analysts, law enforcement officers, nurses and many others critically needed to provide public services in a complex world. These men and women come to the public service not by chance but by choice. They come because they are challenged by problems that are iJ COOLER Weighs lew than 5 lbs.1 L capacity Big with' adjustable food not only administrators and managers, but doctors, lawyers, clude EAGLE CLAW SPIN and FLY 15 RODS 99 RE9. Water repellent 2.00 $24.95 and far-reachi- ng ful They come because fateGovern- ment offers unique opportunities for unselfish service. From them, we expect unusual dedication. In turn, they have a right to expect from their Government rewards that match their contributions. Proposed rates for General Schedule employees are as follows: HUSKY 4-L- B. 88 DACRON YOUR CHOICE FLY or SPIN SLEEPING Rag. 10.95 BAGS Reg. 22.95 high-qualit- y ... Trua-Tamp- SIZE 1776. Army, DPG Rockhounds Attack RfiSCrt by Charles L. Helm sonnel and Administration 923 or PENN BIG AIR MATTRESS No. 209 The final figures on the annual Red Cross Fund Drive which ended on April 30 have been compiled. According to the report submitted by Captain Ronald E. Mitchell, chief of Administrative Division, contributions this year totaled $1,087.53. The total contributors numbered 871 and the installation par- TT, t,dPation was 89.7 per cent. Con tributions in the 1968 drive totaled $1,044.86. The following offices had 100 per cent participation in the April drive: Management Analysis Division; Headquarters and Headquarters Company (Office of the Commanding Officer); Post Exchange; Provost Marshall Office; Naval Unit; Data Systems Division; Security Division. Education and Training Divi- sian; Civilian Personnel Division; CBR Weapons Orientation Course; Logistical Operations (Office of Director); Procurement Division; Administrative Division; Man- - country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty. in addition to marking the 190th anniversary of the Stars and Stripes, June 14 is the 192nd birthday of the United States ... pocket 1967 Red Cross Final Figures The flag of the United States will be 190 yean old on June 14 (Flag Day). Although the U.S. is one of the worlds youngest great nations, our flag is one of the worlds oldest. In fact, only one nations standard is older - the flag od Denmark, established in 1219. THE STORY of the origin of bridge site. our flag parallels the history of General George Washington, our country. The first flags adopt- when he first observed the flag ed by our colonial forefathers in 1777, is said to have described symbolized their struggles with the its symbolism in the following wilderness. Beavers, pine trees, way: We take the stars from hea- rattlesnakes, anchors, and various ven, the red from our mother Rag. 18.95 101 CONSTRUCTION YOUR CHOICE additional comfort to yoursleeping bag with this Air Mattress in heavy-dutrubberiad husky Add Levsl wind Largo handle 9 Free spool 9 Corrosion resistant On-of- f dick iff 5x7 PUP RAICHELLE m Reg. flown over George Washington's headquarters cm June 14, 1777. Popularly known as the Betsy Ross flag, it had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. The stars were in a field of blue in a circle, so that no single star or state would be in a prominent position. The first flag carried by United States troops in battle was unfurled on September 3, 1777, at Coochs Bridge, Delaware. Today a monument may be found at the 488 7.95 with I0D GLASS 2S0 99c COMPLETE WITH POLES, ROPES AND O 2 spools O Fixed reel seat O sO TENT SPIH REEL CE with cover y, 9 a Star drag Scout MESS KIT 6-pia- ca STAKES. WAVY CANVAS. Hollow glass CAMP STOVE TOASTER 8 CAMP GRILL HEAVY CAST (Of- - ALUMINUM Direor);d Eighteen members of the Dug- - the Commanding Officer. way Cem and Mineral Society toured the Fish Springs Came Refuge on 20 May 1967. The group then visited Wilsons Hot Springs, n mineral a onetime health springs. Lunch was eaten on the open prairie under the beating sun and was enjoyed by all. At this point, the true "rock-hounstayed on the desert in search of treasure while the others1 , returned home via Callao; Cold BUjUiSiSiTlIlD BODflS Hill and Wendover. Treasures were found by this group in the important papers were carri-wa- y of purple bottles from the ed in the crown of his stovepipe Callao and Gold Hill dumps and hat by President Abraham Lin--a Wendof jackpots at couple CQn over, Nevada. CANVAS TOP With groove and well to catch tha grMM. CHEST WADERS WITH BOOT FOOT Reg. well-know- THE FIRST official flag of the United States was said to have 24 patterns Big and lofty sleeping bags insulated with .4 lbs. of Da cron 88 polyester fiberfill to give you snug warmth and comfort Heavy cotton poplin cover to repel water and wind soft flannel lining and double air mattress ar OCEAN CITY No. 'Glorys 190th Year On Flag Day, June 14th Hand tiod FLIES FULl ADULT TROLLING REELS insignia with mottoes like Hope, Liberty, Appeal to Heaven, or Dont Tread on Me were affixed to the banners of colonial America. The first colonial forerunner of the present Stars and Stripes was the Crand Union flag, some- times referred to as the "Con grew Colon. It consisted of thirteen stripes alternately red and white with the crosses of St. Ceorge (the banner of England) and St. Andrew (the banner of Scotland) in a field of blue in the upper comer. This banner was first flown in 1775 on ships. In June, 1775, the Grand Union flag was adopted by the Continental Army. It was later carried by American marines and bluejackets of an expeditionary force which went to the West Indies in I44 Rag. tubular fiber glass with Mad from is sturdy aluminum handle finish bonded the a reel screw locking tube seat, nylon windings. -- HATS FIBERGLASS VahM. ( 14 ds J 00 Makes 4 slices & 57c 499 a Healthful a Greaielois a Stain miitont .Extra strong, double texture body 'material, triple reinforced at seams I.. . gum rubber chafe guard Jboot feet with cleated soles. ... KIMBALL WATER SKIS BOAT and SAND SPIKE ROD HOLDERS REMEMBER! Solid Fiberglass Combination pair ... ene slalom, one regular. 4? LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL SHOES gold Best deals ever FINEST Nsw outside frams is spring-loadefor sim I plified assembly. assembly poles lock rigidly I in placa quickly with patented Vagabond is the perfect name for these new tents by Colsman-ths- y'rs Ibig, spacious, and have plenty of openings for full comfort ventilation. Two windows run almost ths entire length of I the tent. There's another window in tha rear wall. All are screened with fiberglass netting, each con be zipped closed from the inside. Huge zippered screen door and storm flaps. Straight wall design permits use of full floor space. New Coleman duck, vinyl coated nylon floor, can toured zippered threshold, complete with tent bag, tent asstmbly, assembly bag. Color-code- See us before you buy! Stoker filotor Co. f . n..' aa QUALITY Lock-Oroti- c. DRI-TE- X We need good used cars and are offering the highest trade ins. teg. 5.95 12x9 COLEMAN VAGABOND TENTS IU 4188? j Major League styling end construction to give tha Littla Leaguer proper sup-comfortable fit uppers with white collar trim set on regula tkm molded rubber cleats. aand . SizesltoSL BUY YOUR UCENSE5 HERE "BALLS O' FIRE" Genuine Poutzke red salmon egge. INSTANT CREDITl nothing down NO INTEREST IflEBiqaujrel BANKAMERIGARD, file. fSe |