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Show BffH . I v r U2;: ' 2t EG20- w Weather, News, Post Informatica Dial DPG 2141 Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway Utah Published by the Tramcript-Bulleti- n Publhhing Company, Toode, Utah, a private firm, in no way connected with the Department of die I i Send News Items For Test Ron to Information Office VoL 10 No. 23 TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 Army. Opinions on herein are their ridered an official by pnhMier and writ and are not to be by die it of the Amy. The fppw- rof adver' in this publication does not constitute by die Department of die - Army of die product! or services advertised, Ceremonies, Presentation Of Medals On 16th Change-of-Comma- A formal retreat parade for the month of June will be held on the poet parade ground at Brantley Field at 4:45 p.m. on June 2S. 1 0 ft 0 Q nd 8 II COL Fraser Reassigned; Rogers Assumes Command A change of command cereColonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, Dugway Proving Grounds mony, during which Colonel Joaeph J. Fraaer, Jr, will symcommanding officer since September 1, 1965, will leave Dugway transfer command of on June 19 for a new assignment as deputy commanding officer bolically to Colonel Jo- - of Pueblo Army Depot, Pueblo, Colorado. the installation seph J. Rogers, is scheduled at THE com- DEPARTING COLONEL FRASER has been this time. mander will review troops in a In addition to these formal formal ,tatton " retreat parade on Friday, ceremonies, a medal of Italian wai 8 InD1961' at IncludField. 16, June Brantley knighthood and two Army Comand served with ?86 the ed in will ceremonies f"? parade mendation Medals will be prebe a change-- of- - command cere- sented to Dugway personnel. the X.VUI The medal for Knight at the mony. CoL Joseph J. Rogers, pro- k arming at Dugway. Order of Merit of the Italian sent deputy commander, will as- Republic will be conferred upon sume command until the arrival oCHOOl Colonel Rogers. This honor was of Colonel James H. Watts in accorded to the colonel in rec- mid-Julognition of his service while staFollowing the parade, a party tioned with the Allied Land . in Colonel and Mrs. Frasers honor Southern Forces, Forty army, navy and air force ROBERT H. BRUCE, (right), a physical science administrator will be held at the Officers' Open one, Italy, from officers from Australia, Great Mess, sponsored by the military at Dugway, and Benjamin Goodwin, U. S. Army Test and June, IMS. and civilian members of die club. Britain and Canada will arrive at Evaluation Command technical advisor, discuss one of the Class Fourth James Specialist Ground on June Colonel Fraaer waa also hon- Dugway Proving fine points of a class lecture at An Orientation Course on H. ' Taylor, now assigned to 19 attend to the three and one- Materiel Testing recently conducted by the comDugway, s S5th Military Felice ored at a noon luncheon at the CBR Weapons Orienta-Mes- s Army Noncommiasioned Officers ty be will the mand Open at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Platoon, presented on June 9. A memento tion Course. Army Commendation Medal for St udents for this course, which to the colonel was presented meritorious serexceptionally vice in the Republic of Vietnam by members during the lunch-- is given once a year for Australifrom April, 1S6S to April, 1M7. an, British and Canadian officers, The Army Commendation MeYesterday,a coffee was gV include a major general and seven for Colonel Fraser by the brigadier dal will also be awarded to Spegenerals. Thirteen of cialist Fourth Class John S. personnel working in Head- the visiting officers will be accomKeys. The medal will be given quarters building. Major Robert C. Peitsch was recently awarded the Army panied. by their wives. ta recognition of SP4 Keys' outCommendation Medal with Third Oak Leaf Cluster for exceptionOn Colonel Fraser arrived at DugTuesday night, June 20, standing competence . in action ally meritorious service while assigned to headquarters of the 82nd way in July, 1964, and served as the Command and the CBR school Airborne Division from hostile . forces in Vietagainst July, 1965 to December, 1968. will for a party the visitors nam from April, 1906 to Febru-uar- y deputy post commander until asthis period. Major During 1967. iHe is now assigned suming command upon the de- at the Officers Open Meps. ri,enUtion Coune Certificate of Members of the Officers' Wives Peitsch served as assistant to Dugway, s Headquarters and parture of Colonel William W. Achievement by Colonel Wah G. G-- 3 3rd as and Brigade, planstfClub will give a coffee for the Headquarters Company. Stone, Jr. ' fleer. He was the principal action COLONEL FRASER was born wives of the visiting officers on for 1985, to officer and the organiplanning in Augusta, Georgia, on October Tuesday. On June 21, the ladies w ne' 1967' SPP indof exercises xiration training 6, 1918. He attended Creighton will be escorted on a guided tour ction de- the to ucted Kenne-coprior brigades Salt of tt Lake the City and une- - The. University from 1936 to 1937 mine at Bingham Canyon, ployment to Turkey in September and the University of Nebraska 1965 for the NATO exercise, Deep ' from 1937 until his graduation in followed by a luncheon, at the with the 15 mm. firing battery Hotel Utah. The tour director is Furrow. 19401 Demonstration Divi- THE CITATION accompany- - 0f After receiving his commission 2LT Marshall Feldman, commanddemonlrted PP noted medal Major Pietschs through the college ROTC pro- ing officer of the 65th Military ing t0 IUPerior do- he instrumental was in that T was gram at Nebraska, Colonel Fraser Police Platoon. rgeant praised for rifle trainveloping the brigades was assigned to Edgewood Arsenal h untWn8 program sermid he that had ing Maryland, as a procurement officer. ,nd itUtive, contri- ved as coordinating officer for After several domestic assignments, toward the Immeasurably 1968 of the the training support he served in the Pacific theatre efficient of his division. Fort Bragg ROTC summer pro-option The citation also noted that during 1945. Private First Class David O. gram He returned to Washington, PP professional Major Pietsch was commended D.C. in early 1946 where he re-- Cederstrom was killed recently and Jence, impeccable military bear- , he was fo the K mine'n Vietnam willinpum to duty withuSteh he "8 additional cer. are in keeping with the higji-e- st The Dugway Proving Ground moved to Edgewood Arsenal as a convoy escort duty near the Camtraditions of the NoncommisCertificate of Achievement was of the chief chemical bodian border. sioned Officer Corps. David L. to Captain PFC Cederstrom, who was as- presented COL JOSEPH J. FRASER JR officer. He served there until Mason for outstanding service as v . the to First 4th signed Cavalry, of 1949. January Armored Division, had been in a dental officer, while assigned to tiOlOIlCl vjCffir the Army since November, 1966. Dugway's U. S. Army Hospital tO He completed his basic training from August, 1965 to May, 1967. CAPTAIN MASONS citaat Fort Lewis, Washington, and Colonel ' Paul Cemr, deputy received his advanced individual tion stated that he had performed an in chief of CBR and Nuclear Openioutstanding manner, displaytraining at Fort Knox, Kentucky. unselfish devotion to tions duty, Division, Office of the As- ng Construction and remodeling on the Dugway commissary He had been in Vietnam far only sound judgment and a keen under- sistant Chief of Staff for Force three weeks prior to his death. building began this week. The project, which must be completed The ninetecn-year-ol- d soldier standing of the professional task Development, visited Dugway this by February, 1968, will cost $118,000. week. The colonel, who is chairis survived by his father, Mr. Wil- at hand. The captain was particularly man of CBR's Academic Advisory A TOTAL of 5,000 square feet W. works who lard also closed Cederstrom, will be building commended for his contributions Board, attended the course here k space will be added to the cur- - ing the final period to in Dugways Motor Maintenance rent building. The addition will allow reorganization of the stock. Branch; his mother, Mrs. Naomi toward the high standards of denColonel Cerar was the com779-9t- h extend another eight feet into Street East, tal care received by military per- mandant of Dugway's CBR WeaCaptain Coring noted that he Cederstrom, the parking area, but the major hoped to increase the commissary Salt Lake City; and five brothers. sonnel and their dependents, es- pons Orientation Course from July Services for PFC Cederstrom pecially in the area of fixed and 1961 until November, 1962. At portion will occupy space on the staff by at least three people afeast lawn. held on June 7 at the Emi- removable prosthetic appliances. that time, he became the were is ter the project completed. post In other recent ceremonies. Several major changes will officer and remained gration Ward in Salt Lake City. commanding result from the remodeling. The He was buried at Fort Douglas Staff Sergeant Claude J. Sapp at Dugway until June, 1964. was awarded the CBR Weapons will be area Cemetery with foil military honors. commissary shopping enlarged to include all of the existing building. An additional 100 linear feet of shelf space will be available 'and aisles will be Five Dugway Proving Ground widened. One more checking line civilian employees will leave here will also be installed, accommodatthe latter part of June for a temin Vietnam. ing droppers who wish to pur- porary chase ten items or less. The five - William R Woods, In addition to the construction deputy director. Logistical Serand remodeling, $60,000 in new vices; Darol G. Bailer, housing equipment will be installed. Freez- project manager; Harlan V. Bank-heaers for meat and ice cream, as program analysis office, well as a new dairy case, will be MS&DSO; Dean S. Perry, lead purchased. foreman. Commercial Traffic DiCAPTAIN RICHARD H. Cor- vision; and Farren A. Keyte, gening the commissary officer, stated eral supply supervisor. Supply that tire building will remain open Division - will be in Vietnam tar for customer service during the approximately BO days. entire period, with a few excepThey are the first Dugway emtions. The contract specifies that ployees to go to Vietnam under contractors may close the comthe Quick Reaction Assistance DURING THE FORMAL retreat parade for May held on May M recipimissary for one or two periods in Team program which is adminison the parade ground with Sergeant Major George stand awards of ents k when necessary. The tered by Army Material Command. B. C. Sur and Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, "ertl tl b rDD ABC y. COLONEL JOSEPH J. FRASER, JR, ii diown presenting Dugway's Fire Department the award for receiving 17th place in the National Fire Prevention Contest. From left to right are Mr. William V. Southwick, Mr. William O. White, Mr. Arthur C. Clover, Mr. Warren W. Bone, Chief James I. Alcorn and COL Fraser. Certificate Of Merit For Fire Department Six Civilians Honored June 1 civilian employees were honored in an awards presentation The Dugway Fire Department was recently awarded a Cerceremony here on June 1. The tificate of Merit by the National Fire Protection Association. The awards were presented by Colonel local department won seventeenth place in the U. S. Army division Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. of the international 1966 Fire Prevention Contest. MARY ANN W. Halladay of The certificate was accepted Biological Division received an for the proving ground by Robert Outstanding Performance Award A. Brooks, assistant secretary of place in the 1966 National Fire and a Quality Step Increase. Leo the Army, from Percy Bugjbee, Prevention Contest, there has S. Palmer of Facilities Division general manager of this national been a significant lowering of was awarded a Sustained Superior association. It was subsequently fire ratings at Dugway Proving Performance Award. presented to James I. Alcorn, Ground by the Fire Rating Bureau. John F. Owing, Jr, of MisWhat does this mean and how sion Planning Office was presentwill it effect persons living at ed an Outstanding Performance Dugway? Award, as were Doris R. Zyistra Insurance companies base the of Test Design and Analysis Ofcost of fire insurance on the rat- - fice and John . W. Schrier of Perfrom Major General Leland C. ings of the Fire Rating Bureau. sonnel and Administration. Cagwin, commanding general oi Lowering the fire ratings in an The Suggestion Award was the U. S. Army Test and E value- - area should result in lowering the presented to Jerry J. Lowell of tion Command, and Lieutenant cost of insurance premiums. Procurement Division. He submitBefore the recent lowering of ted a General William B. Bunker, de- suggestion to substitute . puty commanding general of Army D fog ratings, English ! 15015 mm. petri dishes for 150x25 Materiel Command. . .. mm. plastic disposable petri dishes General Cagwfos letter com- and was presented a check for x D'll mended Dugwas department for $482-50- . t"haA significant complishment in its MR LOWELLS has reevaluated at . . , iie overall fire prevention and pro-- Village was Charles R Ming of Deseret lection prognmand for lowering StZ Test Center. It is estimated that e,hl the fire rating? which are assigned the first year benefits from their 1U ,r by the Fire Rating Bureau. suggestion will total $62,750. John Tuttle of Chemical Division has been awarded a Sustained Superior Performance Award, although he was not present at the ceremonies last week. Also absent were Carolyn M. Kowalski of Test Design and Analysis Office, who received an Outstandby SP4 Jack Hamilton ing Performance Award, and Emma Harrell of Mission Planning In conjunction with the recent Office, the recipient of a Certifirecognition of the Dugway Fire cate of Achievement. 17th for receiving Department Six "2 Your Insurance Premiums and Fire Ratings fOT Students -- . . Military Trio Receive Medal, Certificates co-ho- st S-- 3, J, Cederstrom Son Dies In Blast K riS hitS sub-offi- ce . Construction On DPG Commissary Begins KetUrilS Urlj . two-wee- DPG Civilians TDY In Vietnam tour-of-du- ty d, ' CIVILIAN PERFORMANCE awards and a suggestion award were presented to Dugway personnel fo ceremonies last week. Recipients are (left to right) Mr. John F. Owings, Mr. Leo Palmer, Mr. John Schrier, Mr. Doris R Zyistra, Mr. Jerry J. Lowell and Mrs. Don Halladay. Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, presented certificates to the group. mid-wee- 1 I i S |