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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 N0RWEST TOMATO K ! . n 1 ,r. : - DR. WILFORD E. SMITH, professor of sociology at Brig-baYoung Univenity, lectures Dugway 65th Military Police Platoon on facets of criminology. First of M OS-Relat- ed Courses ... Criminology For M.P.s Dugway Army Education Center is now a course in criminology to selected members of the 65thoffering Police Military Platoon. ' Dr. Wilford EL Smith, profes- sor of sociology at Brigham Young dCFVICe LilUO University, is giving instruction in mj the theoretical aspects of crimi- - ivCWS fllMl JMotCS ntdogy and jurisprudence. The doctor holds a Ph.D. from the Uni- - '.Sandy Acres Service of Washington, where he rectors Lea Lane and Joan Garvin remind all Dugway penonnel to taught before coming to Utah. SECOND LIEUTENANT Mar- - oome to the tour of Timpanogos shall H. Feldman, commanding Cave and Bridal Veil Falls. The officer of the M.P.s will also con- - bus' will leave the service club at duct several of the classes - those 9 m. on Sunday, June 11. Three films on South Africa will dealing with practical applica- tions and aspects of criminology bo shown on June 13. Included courts, prisons, jails, punishments are, To Catch a Rhino, Lake and fines, probation and extradi- - Wilderness, and South African tkm. He is now studying for a Animal Kingdom. masters degree in criminology. ON JUNE 15-1the service The criminology class, offered club will be running buses to the as an extension course for three NCAA track and field com pet of credit at BYU, is the tion at Brigham Young Univenity in Provo. in M a lint series of Interested . penonnel courses which may be taught at ign up or phone the service Dugway this year. A study of the chib in advance. Tickets can be kind and numlier of MOSs which purchased hr 91.50 or $2 and can be authorized in various fields the buses will leave Dugway at and justified in terms of the in- - 4:40 p.m. each day. On June 16 the service clb stallations mission is being con- ducted. will present .the Fabulous Fol-- n , nb 7, . ml On the basis erf information compiled by the survey, courses in algebra, English, military writing, military correspondence, meteor- ology, biology and chemistry may be scheduled. The study will also determine the contents, organi- zation and duration of these hes," a talent show featuring girls, gM. girl, Mrs. Lane and Miss Garvin have invited all enlisted men to come to the square dance party to be held at the club on June 17. The Promenaders, a professional square-danc- e troup from Salt Lake courses. City, will appear as guests of die IT IS HOPED that these service club. . courses will encourage enlisted ON THE 18th, Dugways to improve their MOS pro- - listed men will have a wiener ficiency and will prepare them for roast on the patio in honor of MOS evaluation tests. The courses Fathers Day. The roast will be offered are completely free of followed by horse racing tnide charge - even the text book is the chib, On the 20th, the given to the student. Mr. Dale P. King, the director chess matches will be held at the of General Educational Develop- - club. All interested personnel are ment at Dugway, has coordinated Invited to sign-ii- p for these this program with the cooperation matches, of the unit commanders. The On Tuesday, the 23rd, goal of the program is to further the wU be a bus to the rodeo at growth and development of MOS Reduced tickets are $1.50 and the skills. bus leaves at 5:30 p.m. Ml, ul en-m- en dl .il Vi.Vf ft sM buyers safest eafy cars fad perkere, Ibet ere fees eed flea featured is predate a Id. ayscfel flam far yaw breakfast tehbf Ih SKINLESS WIENERS LUNCHMEAT BAR-- S FISH STICKS 4 !; Loaded with money problems? mm jhS ILL Ife. 1A White Brener lease e 4 4 4 I J V L .vs : r I; When you have a money need, youre welcome to aee the military loan counsellor at the HFC office nearest your base. Hes trained to serve and satisfy the money needs of VaaON servicemen like you. I So unload your sin money problems with a loan from HFC Household Finance. UTAH SPRINGTIME PEACHES ZUCHINI SQUASH TOMATOES Mmt pmjHmtmll iitcludt principal mmd ckmttn fnmdimt all paymimti an mmdiim fMi. SUPREME FIG BARS tttoo maiity e. HOUSC HOLD FINANCE CORPORATION ISIT LASS CRT OPHCI 160 South Main t--. V" t St.-PH-ONE: OP UTAH 328-428- 1 ,i-i- b. Pkg.. 39' SUPREME CHOC. FUDGE 1 -- lb. Pk8.. 49 Giant Size . . From 1 19 S7.. 25' 8 220 YOUNG a TENDER BEETS 55535- 5- 3 r i 3 FRESH MUSTARD GREENS PDCACV3 41. PAPER TOWELS JUMBO DASH DETERGI SAVE! CRISC0 SH0RTEI START ORANGE DRINK Get a loan from Household Finance 4': 4 5: coirfagi IVORY GIANT SNOW BOLD 89 Pk8. For . 78 GIANT CASCADE fkj. For . 85' IVORY SOAP 4 s 35 |