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Show fflfflMMEllSMUfi ima MBERT ILL HOUSE ALBERT60NVS TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 u. Linguist and Folklore Expert Lives at Dugway Dr. Jnsue Trujillo, now retired after forty year pf teaching, is residing at Dugway with hi wife, Lora, and hi daughter, Einelda T. Colanto. Dr. Trujillo i the past chairman of the language department at Northern New Mexico College and he was a United State Fulliright educational representative to Argentina and Culta in 1958. WHEN FULCENCIO Batista y Zaldivar, the Cut uni dictator, fled to the Dominican Republic in the face of Castro's rebel force in January, 1959, Dr. Trujillo acted a the leading interpreter in CuIhi for U. S. reporters covering the subsequent trials and court proceedings. Dr. Trujillo speaks five lan-gua- js fluently - Spanish, English, Italian, French and German. He emphasizes that it is necessary to think in the language you are speaking to achieve complete fluency. The doctor received his B chelor of Arts degree from New Mexicos Western College. He then went on to get a Masters degree from the University of New Mexico. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Texas and the University of Mexico in Mexico City. DR. TRUJILLO was Ixrrn in New Mexico and he is considered the greatest authority on Spanish folklore in that state. He has published many 1 rooks and has written articles for magazines throughout the world. His lxroks include "Los Penitent es, Riddles and Saying of New Mexico and Grammar and Literature - Xuestra Lengna Nuestra Tierra. He ha written articles in Mimdo Hispanico and Indice, magazine published in Madrid and distrilnited throughout the Spanish-speakin- g world. Dr. Tnijillo is known throughout New Mexico for his play Un Casorio Antigue (An Old Spanish Wedding). After lreing presented in Albuquerque, New Mexico, it was shown at the National Folk Festival in Washington, D.C. THE PAST editor of El Nuevo Mexicano, a newspaper in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Dr. Tru- - DR. JOSUE TRUJILLO jillo has also lectured in high schools and colleges throughout New Mexico. This year, he has been invited to give the commencement address at Ojo Caliente High School in New Mexico. Einelda Colanto, Dr. Trujillos at daughter, is a Dugway and ls currently working on her Ph.D. Joseph D. Colanto, his is an ecologist at Highlands University in New Mexico and Ls finishing work toward his Master's degree. Dr. Tnijillo is retired, but, he erynys meeting people and keeping occupied, he works as a janitor at Dugways Officers Open Mess. On occasion. Dr. Tnijillo lias taught Anny education classes; he has also taught courses for the University of Utah. micro-biologi- st son-in-la- lie-cau- se Army Education Programs And You This is the fourth in a series of articles on the various educational programs offered by the Army. See the next issue of the Test Run for information on the Degree Completion Program for enlisted personnel. If you have any questions, consult Mr. Dab P. King, the director of General Educational Development at Dugway, or Mr. Robert M. Kennedy, the administrative coordinator. One' of the must popular and ' Consult Mr. Dale P. King, the important fields of, study in the Army today is foreign language director of Ceneral Educational training. This can be attained Development at Dugway, or Mr. through group study, USAFI, over- - Roliert M. Kennedy, the adininis-sea- s service schools, civilian col- - trative coordinator, for assistance leges and universities and the in setting up a foreign language Defense Language Institute. study program. OPPORTUNITIES FOR forThe worlds deepest fresh waeign language instruction are pro- rded for military personnel ter lake is Lake Baikal, Siberia, through the services of Army Education Centers. Foreign lan- The world's shortest subway guage instruction is provided by is in Istanbul, Turkey Education Center in third of a mile long, spoken language courses, academic courses, language refreshercourses, courses conducted by the University of Utah and Brigham Young University, individual study and group instruction (using recorders, language tapes and language laboratories), and correspondence study (in conjunction with foreign language tapes and language lab- Lb. 89 tTOP ROUND STEAKS 88 LJiEAN CUBE STEAKS CATTLEMANS ROAST JUICY RIB ROASTS 59' QLEAN FRESH GROUND CHUCK Si - RIB STEAKS CMU Tel Cm 14b. A Pkgs. Ifht, May pb ibaH iw Sawing wHb b ideas, assorted IP may flings, tapped wfth oratories). The Defense Language Institute, because of its intensive methods of training, turns out highly polished language students. The largest DLI activity is the W'est Coast Branch located in Monterey, California. You can apply if you 29 25 ROLLS $ Rob FRENCH BREAD 1.89 NT JING SLICED BUNS ZzbV 4 Caai 411 Far 33 Hm. 49 2 Sts z.45 CINNAMON ROLLS ftybDOZ. 39 ry ANGEL FOODCAKE Thoso Budgetf-Sauer- s Ufht, assarted kings EA. w ASSTD 2 ir49C mQlS EFFECTIVE THROUGH ' 1 1 PREMIUM DUZ Giant Sizo .88 COOKIES SUNDAY Oven froih packed ia boa THE FRIENDUEST STORE IN TOWN! 227 N. MAIN - 4 T 49 GIANT BONUS OXYDOL Pkg. For 5 TOOELE GIANT AJAX CLEANSER 85 Ptg. For , 78 meet certain requirements. Consult your education adviser or unit commander. Graduation of language schools of the Defease establishment are encouraged to maintain their language proficiency through refresher courses. Other military personnel identified as linguists or as having an aptitude in foreign languages are also encouraged to use the classroom and services provided liy the Army Education Center. SERVICE IN overseas areas, particularly, affords military personnel (and adult memliers of their families and civilian employees of the Anny on a Iwsis) the advantage of instnicliou in the language of the area in which they are serving. le The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: Saving is the key to independence! When you save your hard earned money at your credit union, it provides generous dividends Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and save together not for profit not for charity but for mutual service. - GIANT GIANT SPIC 'n SPAN 99 $l space-availab- TIDE Pkg. For , 78 "Savings is a key to the future" Dugway Federal Credit Union, 2 522-257- |