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Show On June According to the latest reports 18-1- 9 from the Bawling Alley, the new, are updated pinsetters are now in Two golf tournaments scheduled for Dugways Frank Skul Memorial Golf Course during the weekend of June 17 and 18 according to Chuck Byrd, manager of the local course. Set for play Saturday and Sun- day afternoon is the Scotch fouron was which postponed May 30 due in inclement weather, The tourney, combining a man and woman partner, will be 18 holes with nine to be played each day. The other tourney set to the Fathers Day weekend is a "best ball tournament to men, with play to be during the fnom- ing of each day. As in the Scotch foursome, the best ball tournament will be full handicap. 36-ho- le operation. The alleys Grand Opening cm May 31 marked the in- stallation of new models which are in excellent running condition. W On Tuesday, June 13, the Rod e and Gun Club will sponsor a for al demonstration avid anglers. may atteiul upon the invitation of a "irnnber. Hections for nmrt years officers will also be held at the meeting on the 13th. The demon- Oration will begin at p.m. in building 5808. spe-som- fly-tyi- rs Ever wake up, or at least about half awake, in the night with a splitting heacache? Or a pain in the tummy? And stumble into the bathroom and reach to a bottle in the medicine cabinet. And gulp down a pillor two, or a spoonful of medicine? SURE. All of us have. And we are risking serious trouble in taking medicine carelessly. The medicine was prescribed by your physician, and he included specific orders to size and frequency of dose and how to take it. The American Medical Association reminds that there is a good sound reason to these orders, and theyre meant to be followed A few simple rules for taking medicine can help to avoid an accident that may make your minor discomfort a lot worse. NEVER take medicine in the dark. Be certain you can see the bottle or pill box, to make .. certain its the right one. READ the directions carefully before taking. Those directions are there because they're - ' needed DONT increase this dosage or take more often than directed without checking with your doctor. - IF THE label says Shake well before using it means what it says. Shake it. DONT take medicine prescribed to mneone else. Just be--' cause it helped your husbands cough doesnt mean its right to . Babe Ruth League baseball teams in the Tooele area will have their sights set on Fairbanks, Alaska this season as they coop pete to championship trophies to be awarded by Aetna Life end Casualty. Die 1967 Babe Ruth World Series will be held in Fairbanks, to help Alaska August 17-2Celebrate its 100th anniversary is a U. SL possession. General Agent J. T. Butler, CLU, head of Aetna Life and Casualtys life division at Salt Lake City, said his office will Present trophies to winners Babe Ruth district play-ofthe area as past of a Little League After three weeks of play hi Dugway.s Little League competition, the Braves have built up lead over their I three-gam- e gesreat rivals, the Pirates and Dodger. The Braves have won six straight games through Monday night June S. to Draft 19,900 in July WASHINGTON (ANF) The Department of Defense haa requested the Selective Service System to provide 19.900 inductees in July to be assigned to the Army. This is the highest monthly draft call of the year, up 100 over the June call and 1.900 over fray. The lowest monthly call this year was for February, with 10,900 requested for induction. H ed . .EDITORIAL N 0e nd dft.miin.tion of or. PMjl. who Jttomi, suffering. rivers, hardship mountains, by 88Z-356- 5 attracts . . . ...KILLS! Amirriesns SPECIAL SPECIAL 1st Pkf. $1.19 2nd Pkg. just SO Lbs. (2m) J)1(2M.) Both pkgs. only $1.20 (5-lbs- .) V ed Price adjustments in the pest LOOK FOft THE protection! SKOAL M0R0B0 DttKAYS Insist upon quality MORGRO GARDEN PRODUCTS several months brought the average pre-ta- x price of gasoline to 22.70 cents a gallon as of April 1, 1967. This was only a fraction of above the 1957 price of 22.11 cut cuts. Oil Facts points out that todays osoline prices ere 3 to 7 cents lower than thorn prevailing in 1919 and the ratty 1820s, when nationwide gasoline price avenges first were compiled The publication emphasizes that todays gasoline is vastly improved to quality and performance over the fuel of four or five jwsdw mm ROSE PESTS 4ar CasoUne Htosi dropped dur- ing the'peat 10 yean, while can- -. prices generally continued to cbm Ou Fleet reports. In the decade 1957-198the avenge retail price of regular-gd- e gasoline, before taxes, 2.4 per cent During die sum years, the federal governments Consumer Price Index ran man than 15 per cent , sue gasoline taxes increased 19 per cent SALE Loflf-listhi- K WHILE IT FERTILIZES! WHIMS pravldas WEED a grass KIU1S E pntacttaa gluts. carton only $2-9- 8 this Now WEEDiTfa taws wild srT tfeat sts rasalts .. . braadlaaf ariads quickly graw liiaas, and driviways quirt cins only all vogota- watd-fn- t $2.98 (Rag. S4.47 fa je Mt( , Or ywcan apply prataction spray with dry with Now Morgro Liquid Morgro Granule Systemic Insecticide Systemic Insecticide Circiilatas tbrughoit plat list spriikla u fa graud. up syittm. lags bit ... vitae) Sethkle Cailaa. is who to see fata good deal on auto insurance. This is who to see for .thesgmo . good deal on lie and hodieownert .1 k tii . I All participants must have nani hats, fhuhlijits and. suitable Mnehi- n- Hard hats and flash-streng- th IflB.ipEP'fiaTOl y?2 60 to Choose From We hove all colors and models oir conditioning . . . automatic transmission . . . 4 speeds . . . overdrives Save .Hundreds of $ $ $ during Sale The Fabulous Ford (Car of the Year) W.S.W. Tires - Radio - Power Steering - Select Shift - De Example: luxe Belts - Deluxe Wheel Covers (Many, Many Extras Are Standard) Stock No. 443 Factory list $3181 r. Beige Mist 251 4 Bonnevilles Price: SpesiaDsS 150.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 57 Ford 54 Hudson 54 Plymouth Wagon 51 Chevroiot Panel 49 Podge 1 . i - insurance. See Kim now! LtONAKD esuoosM 41 1 let iferi iui Moeoanci ime FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES liJbtoOflicM; i ELY , aged lo ana older, 58 Ford 5-- SPECIAL! BRASS KlUER .. . kHls uM 59 Ford Na mass! Ha miss! Just vMMd I apenmaer toun will be persons aged 12 yeen and older. Thom aged 12 to 18 years gf ,ge mint be accompanied by -charge to the tour a.i, 59 ClxvroletT: 4asida-lha-pla- . . . Mis damaghg st...wMtaRcoMtatalv apftok Both CAVES, ad to ffisEaoia MORGRO ROSE FOOD A SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE tlai. Mikas patiai, faaca UsHKlAH HP- - Biggar, MgMar bloom! WEED SPfCTACUlAI Bonneville 6, GrMo Up Tine st.y Single, limit- - Gasoline Prices Show Drop In Last 1R Years mrts-ao- afar h - Not haiafui to pats or paople. fasti PaadtllaM aid ttimnlwt ta daath. would rmt have followed the Stan and Stripes through I hails of arrows, musket fire, cannon allot and machine gun bullets to build and preserve this great nation. The Stars and Stripes is the symbol of the freedom and democracy enjoyed by us all, bought I with the blood and sweat of dedicated patriots throughout our history. rec- Pint observed on a national scale in 1877, Flag Day is now cele- ignixed by presidential proclamation. It is a day that should be brated by displaying the Colors on public buildings and private homes and by patriotic programs throughout the land. The Stan and Stripes represents the principles, history and of the greatest nation in the world. (AFNB) Ifrfcfl MMart dissolves ptllats . . . attracts posts aid Mis thtR. Cantrols snils, slugs, iirwifs, cutworms, strawterry not watvii. DOUBLE-VALU- - UT' uanT!"7 salt-starv- ALL YEAR WHH A10RGR0 Underground National Symbol tjJSSsJck Greenup Your Lawn WEEDS! Spelunker tours will be given twice daily, seven days a week, reby reservation only. To make servations write: Superintendent, Lehman Caves National Monu-- fs Deliver STP caves. lights may be rented at the Adventure 4-- 1 916 N. Main. v-- V 7-- 4 4-- e;; (L-R- The Dodgere moved into secyou. ond place with four wins KEEP medicine out bf teach against three defeats by downof children. The small child who ing the Cube Monday as the second round of is rushed to the hospital . after night, schedeating a whole bottle of sugar-coat- play started. They were tablets is ad all toq com- uled to face the Cube again on the Pirates Wednesday while mon occurrence. PUT THE CAP. back on the and Braves met Tuesday and bottle. Some medicines chsnge Thursday of this week. an The Braves downed the Cube to three and three. The Cuba, mighty nation spanning the continent from emit to west and atretch- - three hour trips will offer in- re in fourth place, aa theylng more than 1,500 miles north to south. strength if exposed to air too 2 and unique experience to those and the Dodgers, long. behind the pitching of Steve have lost seven games and are The 18 stars in the first flag have grown- to 50, reflecting the terested in learning more about - KEEP the medicine in its Outrun ammtoMHWatoMBM caves and the science and sport and Rex Palmer, thus till looking for their first i In eddi- their season, a record toryof the aeaaon. original boa or bottle. Shifting bringing arJRfljfc TJKaM of caving the soSunkerc Sill me sel- sleeping pills into an aspirin to I and 0. tlon. w June 5, Arc. BrnvaoHc&iljKMfpM39H9BSu. . i.n.rn nf The Dodgere beat the Pirt i bottle, to instance, could produce j won 4 and bat 4. net 2.044: dire effects to someone else in ates 4 in one of the best LitCaves. A Lehman BL V h JlSflntfiBBBk JMWSwftM tle League games atDugwey Dodgers, won 4, lost 2 net. the family. Emphasis during these cave lost 2 and wonj, as Ashley Boyle hit a sixth-inni- .471; pirates Cuba. adventures will be three- wm .404; tw crawling jHrRMBl homer to the only run. pet When Lots wife turned to salt, inm fold: .471; safety, cave conservation and ud hr Pireteq she probably took a licking from The Pirates defeated the Cubs win 900; 9 cave Cube, loot 14-27-- 7 7, pet 5 exploration. Participants will scores of and to the animals in the by briefed on caving equipment be pet to their wins their record bring ares! and safe techniques before enter- - MM V (L-R- 6, stopped j REPRESENT THE CUBS . . . Pictured above are the members of the Cubs Little League baseball team, one of four playing in the Dugway Little League this season. first rowi ) Tom Hise, Mike Bingham, Kevin Lindsay, Larry Asplund, Chad Griffiths, Steve Purves, Noel Carlson and Russell Taylor. Back row Bruce Ilooley, Bradley Lindsay, Richard White, Brady Hawkins, Cecil Zumwalt, Kenneth Eva, David Griffiths and Manager Don Lindsay. ( owth, -i ' U.S. B.R. League Sets Sights during Braves Lead In On Alaska Health and Safety Tips ; Ity UNDER THE WATCHFUL EYE cf the men of Headquarters and Headquarters Company PFC Adolphus C. Johns, SP4 Carl Ziegler and SP4 JohnSOn demonstrate their the an- Physical prowess nuaTpTtest TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 Sports Reports Two Tourneys 61 a. V ra Bonneville 4x4 276 He F-1- 995M 00 rJloteirs Main HoMulnitutoi IHiarii IV I aV fi |