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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 Savings Bond Drive Figures Announced 'Watch The Birdie9 : by Ogden Kraut Bird watching has become a world-wid- e holtliy, however bird photography can lie far more challenging and rewarding. Surprisingly very good bird pictures can be olitained almost within ones own back yard. Without traveling over a hundred miles, an inexaustible supply of beautiful and interesting birds are readily available. With the extra effort of knimevine into the almost crags, muddy swamps or dens$ uidergrowth, a photocan grapher capture a realism in bird life which can lie most fasalso very saleable. and cinating As the 1967 U. S. Savings Bond Drive drew to a close oil May 31, 1LT Stephen L. Haight, assistant project officer for the drive, reported the participation figures. The data is not final, as some fonns had not leen submitted liv May 31. The U. S. Army Test and Evaluation Command section of the installation reported 84.7 per cent participation this year, in comparison to last year's 83.3 per cent. The overall post percentage including Deseret Test Center and the CBR Weapons Orientation Course - was 80.9 per cent. There are no comparable figures for the entire post for last year. The following organizational units reported 100 per cent participation as the 1967 drive ended: in the Command block, the LITTLE LEAGUE DODGERS . . . Shown above are the Little League Dodgers who through Office of the Commanding Offitheir first six games played at a 500 pace, winning three while losing the same number. Shown cer; Scientific Directors Office; are, first row Mike Hdricgei, Bruce Hays, Mike Magann, John Hays, Mike Eva, David ) Office of the Executive Officer; Coach Mervin Pyne, Mark Long, Danny Eisenhise, ) Pyne and Roland Pine. Back row Staff Judge Advocate; Chaplain Chris Currier, Dee Shirts, Cary Harris, Allen Lidholm, Ashby Boyle, Butch Willson and ManaOffice; and Information Office. ger Doyle Harris. Also, the Mission Planning Office; Management Sciences Office; the Comptroller staff; Office of the Director of Logistical Op- - Ulflll (yUAId erations Directorate; Administra- . tive Division, Manpower Manage- - 1 CStlllg IlCrC rnent Division and Military Train- Lt. Colonel Henry C. Newell, More than 300 enlisted men Ordnance Corps, recently ing Division of the Personnel and Directorate. and 50 officers of the Utah Na- - fened from Washington. D.C- tional Guard will be at Dugway has been named Battalion Com-fo- r two weeks of training between ,n.nA of regular Army troops 25. June stationed at Tooele Army Depot. UNDER THE guidance of the Colonel Newell assumes responsi-X- I Corps Artillery from Salt Lake Utility for all U. S. Sixth Arasy City, Utah guard units will be military personnel assigned to the given artillery tests. Target ac- - inrallMnn. The 435th and 436th Chemical quisition and aviation batteries He is the son of Mrs. Hilda N. Detachments for Munitions Safety will be accompanying the corps. Norton of Long ilnd Control arrived at Dugway on The battalion-levArmy June 3 for two weeks iff orient- - training tests will be administer- AFTER HIS graduation in howitzer 1944 tion. The reserve units are on ac- - ed to two eight-inc- h unfon High Mw1 in tive duty for training at this time, batteries from Cedar City and Og-- Willoughby, Ohio, the colonel The three officers and ten en- - den which will visit the installs- - enluted in the Corps, ser-listed men from Beaumont, Texas, tion for one week each. vjng utj 194& are receiving While they are here, the training From 1949 t0 1959 he studied with the Munitions Branch of Dug- - howitzer batteries will be in the i,,. s administration at Test Operations Directorate, field on bivouac and will be join- - tem Reserve Cleve-Captain University Richard B. Allen is in ed by members of the corps, tar- - iaivi anj batteries during University in his home town of Lt. Colonel Henry C. Newel, charge. get and aviation Battalion Commander of U. S. While they are here, the de-- the final week. The units plan to nhm At the htf1 tachment members are receiving bivouac and fire near White Sage he received his Bachelor of Science Sixth Army troops at Tooele Army classroom instruction and are par-- Flats, utilizing the area in front a? ArimintehaHnn- - Depot gr in of duty was a three-yeticipating in the demilitarization of Camel's Back Ridge as an im- - Accpunting. assignand destruction of ammunition, pact area. Newell en-- ment in Washington, D.C., beginin 1950 The enlisted men, who are THE PERMANENT units will tem (he Army at Fort Dix, N.J. ning in 1964, during which Colonel billeted with Headquarters and be billeted in the old dorms, build- - Increasingly responsible Newell served as Military Asris-taCompany here, are ings 5140 and 5132, and headquar- to Assistant Secretary of' the in area g hn.noi.i taking part in work formations, ters will be set up in building 5132. m.n,gamni took him to Fort Army, W. Brewster Kopp, who The other two artillery bat- - Hood, Tex.; Korea; Fort Benja- - made a brief visit to TAD in Oc- training and parade practices with regularly-assigne- d members oi talions in the Utah National Guard mjn Harrison, Ind.; and then to tober 1966. will not be training at Dugway the company. ' Prior to his arrival at this in- Washington, D.C. and Europe. These are the first Army re- - this year. On? of diem will be on attended a die Durtae tours of duty in the the other nJtes he studied finance, ordnance throe-weeserve unite to be trained hfcre for maneuvers munition and missM several years. Dugway haa been is at low strength and will not be and Army management at various course at Recktone Arsenal at chosen because of the unique facili- - able to participate.' military schools, as well as at Huntsville, Ah. Colonel Newell rerides on the Indiana University where he earn- The reserve units, which are ed an M.B.A. degree in general depot and awaits the arrival of in no way related to National business.' He also attended the his wife, Eva, their son. Hank, Guard units, are sdected reserve wheat is being seeded or har- - Command and General Staff Col- - 9 yean old, and daughter Brenda force unite vith high priority, vested somewhere in the world lege at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. 6, who will be driving to the would be arming die first to BEFORE COMINC to Tooele pot from Washington, D.C every month of the year. return to active duty in case of Army Depot, his most recent tour early in June. a national emergency. ,2 " ' s. -- SURFS UP, SNOOPY! Or at least the pools filled. A happy throng congregates at the post swimming pool for seme summertime fun in the sun. (L-R- (L-R- A great percentage of good bird pictures can be taken near a nesting ground or feeding area. And, with the use of a telephoto lens, to seemingly bring the subject closer, pictures of birds in every phase of life can be captured. Such bird pictures can be more re- Army Troops At TAD Get New Commander warding than bird watching and even more treasurable than dead trophies taken by hunters. General Orders Are Rewritten The eleven general orders which soldiers have been traditionally required to learn are sched- - year on June 20 at 7 p.m. The uled to be rewritten and reduced game will be played on the post in number to three in the near fu- - softball diamond behind the nis courts. A CHANGE to Field Manual Dugways American Legion 22-- 6 to be distributed to the field Post 131 will sponsor the game this month will change the entire and the Legionnaires will compete concept of guard duty both on against members of the Skull t. and ley Riders. Both teams are authoThe changes will be effective rized a few wild cards in the line on August 1, officials of players, Army-wid- e said. The entire game will be played The 11 general orders how iri with the able assistance 'of the donkeys in the country, operation apply to all sentries of the main and special guard and Advance tickets are on sale are the same throughout the arm- - now and may be purchased from ed forces. The Soldiers Handbook any Legion member. A conces-say- s the orders are required learn-- jon stand will be available at the game to supply fans with hot ing for all soldiers. THE ARMY says the tra- - dogs, soft drinks, peanuts popcorn, ditional 11 general orders are be- - candy and other goodies. So, for a evening ing reduced to three simplified orders with each unit command- of laughter, come to the donkey baseball game on June 20. ing officer being given the responsibility for establishing his own ten-tur- e. - el Val-po- st off-pos- Jarman's best-train- handsome new tflHQOK Wes-way- in ed ar fun-fill- Hfty Styling a In a Wing-Ti- p Classic We are proud to present a new deluxe version of style classic: the Jarman wing back brogue, with accent on trim detailing despite its husky build security and sentry requirements and special mission-oriente- d orders. New PX Annex , Completed Soonj, Officials say the three new. general orders will be broad enough to encompass the duties of both Mr. Harold K. Halter, the resithe interior and exterior guard. dent manager of the Post Exchange, has announced that build- ing has begun an a new PX an- nex. The annex should be ready United States Savings Bonds in out 30 days. ; The will be the and the Armed Foreea education program are both sound invest- - site of the annex. A false wall merits for your future. has been knocked out and the area will be partitioned off, to allow different hours ofOperations. Mr. Halter stated that the 200-Golf Shack and higher than those annex will stock and square-fo. items purchased at the Com- V I and masculine looks. Whether you're in college or business, this is a shoe you'll want to add to your wardrobe. Why not come in right away and let us fit you in a pair. 24 M. Main wash-a-ter- Your Family Store . nt ot ORSTfSECURIT - ia ... ks . de-Th- .of -- JjVS "Jf 2. . remain open r . Golf Shacks current price is 50 and Sundays including evening, at the cents, while holidays. roll at 41 cents each, Commissary im Prices at the mines will less than those charged at the half-gallo- ns the credit card so welcome at " auiNOiina iionatmii thousands of places! A Firat Security BankAmericard ia no ordinary credit card. Sure, you can use it for gas and oil, traveling, dining, or staying you a single, itemized statement, along with copies of your receipts. So you need make but one payment. And you have 25 days from the date of billing to pay. over, night. But it can also handle a big load of your shopping . . . like buying cosmetics at the corner drug store, a pair of shoes, a gallon of paint, even a new hair style. day-to-da- DELAYED PAYMENT, IF YOU LIKE! Should you want to extend payment, pay as little as S10 a month or 5 of the total bill. There is a small charge for this service. You don't have to makrapecial arrangements to budget your payments ... its automatic. CASH . . . WHEN YOU NEED IT! Anyone can use a quick cash advance from time to time. As a First Security Bank- ONE PAYMENT TAKES CARE OF ALL YOUR CHARGES! Whan you use a First Security BankAmericard, First Security Bank keeps track of all Americard holder, you may obtain an immediate cadi loan of up to $100 by simply presenting your card at any office of First Security Bank. You wont need much cash with a First Security BankAmericard, but it's reassuring to know quick cash is available should an emergency arise. your charge purchases whether they are made locally or out of town. Once a month, we total what you have bought and send dont already have a BankAmericard the thousands who this convenience. join enjoy sem Me a msr secuvTY great BAmAMcmavn Aeeucmat Name I I Address. City. ;jr. - v,fc. . . 1.- -1 t' 4 Finance and Accounting Division has recently acquired a NCR 500 computer which should become operational by July 1. It is anticipated that the computer will be able to perform tasks such as appropriations, accounting, civilian payroll, stock fund and other miscellaneous accounting functions. LAST OCTOBER, approximately 30 persons were given aptitude teste for programming the 500 computer aid wily six passed the test. Mr. Rod Dahlgren and I y PAY NO DUES OR MEMBERSHIP FEES! A First Security BankAmericard tests you nothing. And you need not be a First Security Bank customer to become a cardholder any credit-worth- y person is eligible. If you Finance and Accounting Acquires New Computer State. Mall to: FIRST SECURITY BANKAMERICARD .Zip. iUlaK FIRST SECURITY BANK Mr. Aaron Housely were selected to complete the advance programming courses and were sent to orientation take a three-wee- k course on tjie 500 computer. The NCR 500 computer is unusual in that magnetic stripes are used to record information on ledgers in addition to informatiwi being printed on the face of the ' ledgers. This computer is considered small when compared to a large automatic system. t, moduIt is a relatively lar computer designed for small and medium size businesses. However, it will allow the Finance and Accounting Division to mechanize certain aspects of the operation which are now done manually. low-cos- THE EQUIPMENT is comprised, essentially, of a central processor with high speed input and output. The unit also includes a console, a line printer, a punch card reader and a ledger feeder reader plus auxiliary equipment such as a card punch, a verifier and a sorter. The 500 computer will improve the present method of reporting accounting data to higher headquarters. Currently, reports are submitted on a monthly Imsix; it has been estimated that the new cmnputer will allow reporting weekly or even daily. liamERieRqssi rczraiB !K!;! .iH ovn jjjjj Ph. 882-31- 41 23 S. Main |