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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 9, 1967 Your Civil Service Retirement System This is the nineteenth of a series of Question and Answer articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will be answered by the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Branch. Q. ARE FURTHER medical examinations necessary after the employee is placed on the disability annuity roll? A. Periodic examinations are required until the annuitant reaches age 60, unless, in the meantime, it is found that the disability is of a permanent nature. A finding of permanent total disability may be made upon the first or any later examination and will eliminate the need for any further examination unless circumstances warrant. Q. Must the annuitant pay for these medical examinations? A. NO. TIIE GOVERNMENT pays for the examinations. If travel is required, the annuitant may be reimbursed for any mm KGV KO0S5 O'OgKliffg muiBBicwiaiinmir. ffomoo SQJKJKS PtSKP reasonable expenses. Q. In case a disability annuitant recoven, what is his status? A. Upon recovery before reaching age 60, his annuity is continued temporarily (not to exceed one year) to give him an opportunity to find a position. If he is reemployed in the Govern- ment service within the year, annuity stops upon reemployment. If he is not so reemployed, the annuity stops at die expiration of the one-yeperiod. Q. WHAT HAPPENS TO a disability annuitant whose earning capacity is restored? A. Even if he remains totally disabled, an annuitant whose earning capacity is restored before he reaches age 60 (not after age 60) will have his annuity discontinued. If earning capacity is restored, the annuity is continued temporarily (not to exceed one year). If he is reemployed in the Government service within the year, annuity stops upon reemployment. If he is not reemployed, the annuity stops at the expiration of the one-yeperiod. Q. When is a disability annuitants earning capacity considered restored? A. EARNING CAPACITY is considered restored if, in each of two consecutive calendar years, the annuitants income from or both, is at least 80 per cent of the wages or current salary of the position from which he retired. For example, if his earnings are equal to or more than the 80 per cent figure in 1964 and 1965, he is considered restored to an earning capacity. If he meets the 80 per cent figure in 1964 but not in 1965, then he is not considered restored. Q. Does the restriction on eamings apply to an annuitant who has been found permanently disabled? A. Yes, if he is under age 40. ar tteaty. Materrib cat e tobhend pbK0A3 ar opaonoBDO. GOLD t9 1"" ' ' ; A-CDA- 9 D3 PWT DUTTOR CDVOCOOIL run IfaataklA T99HQD19 rrvsn BIG 24 OZ. 44 QZ. BOTTIE MR. RAY PECK, cubmaster of Pack 581, presents an award to Scout Zane Kuddes and his mother, Mrs. Collene Kuddes, with Mr. Volney Wallace, the institutional representative, looking on. This is typical of many awards being presented in Cub Pack 581. JAR Summer Fun and Water Safety For Your Family EUJD 0 About 40 million people go boating over 20 million go fishing and millions more go swimming each year. It seems like everyone is doing it - taking to the water for fun, relaxation, sport and health. Any type of water recreation can be disastrous, as evidenced by the six drownings which occurred during the past week in the State of Utah. THE NUMBER ONE and most important rule for any type of water safety is to leant to swim. There is no substitute for knowing how to swim - for your own protection and to help others. Some of the important basic warnings and rules to observe while swimming are: dont swim if chilled, overheated, overtired or during stormy weather; never swim alone; should stay in shallow water and choose a safe place. Always take a boat along for distance swimming and- - of utmost importance - know your ability (dont try to show off) and never dive into strange waters. Be certain YOU know what to do if you should get into trouble while in the water. BOATING SAFETY starts with a safe boat t, clean and Equipment varies with the size and type of boat. Check local and Federal laws and ask the Coast Guard Auxiliary for a free boat safety examination. Now that you are certain you have a safe boat, the next step is safe handling of your boat. Be cautious when boarding your boat - never Jump into the boat; instead, step into the center and be sure the lines are secure. Dont ever overload your boat Distribute the load evenly side to side, bow to stem. When getting underway always start slowly and watch out for other boats. Children aboard should wear life vests at all times. AFTER YOU GET underway and are on the water, be alert and keep a good lookout for bad weather, boats, swimmers, obstructions, fishermen and skiers. Always: olrserve the rules of the road; stop to help others if needed; watch for fire hazards; don't stand up unless necessary - and operate at SAFE speeds. So - lets head for the water but always be careful and follow the water safety rules. FOR ACCIDENT-FRETAKE SAFETY RECREATION, ALONG ON YOUR VACATION. ADD DAC3G GAC1G ST 4- -ti ,29. 39? Reg. 19c Value o MUSHROOMS Bar--S Brand, KI?' ysliced to fry up r crisp & flavorful 4 Ox. Cm 3 BISCUITS 3fer25 1 bq Mello' Cheese SS? 3Pkg Mm Sandwich Bags BTSlS 2 far 39 SW OmmUA .h SET.- -, 1 79c Margarine Chiffon Ik Pkg. Hie DPG Test Run PC:iuGX 53c 55 c : 19 VO- -5 Heir Sharp Cheese end NUSOFT 49 THONGS 59c Mild Cheese SNACKS DQAQH8eK02l6I2Q Carolyn Pkg. GBJK3GO m E Savings Bonds - Freedom Shares 89 PGPPGCOOT PDD.D.0OT well-buil- Buy OF1QO ed ship-shap- e. -- V GTOPC j BOTTLE p0 ED ... 3 DA0 TTGA 00 Perfect for the Barbecue Tender, broad-breastSix to thirds (Eight Pounds ASPI . Bayer Brand Western Family, Creamy or Crunchy BmremL - bS-IIJ- CnOmr t V 69c ' - wax 75 Cheese ilharp 10x.Mck 79c TV-PAT- IO Sturdy, Attract tve King Size TRAY 88';.', : ?S |