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Show THE CRAXTSVII.LE OBSERVER. 1 RANTS VI LIE. UTAH. ESHPfl GF WkkvnthaiB Samuel iUCKIE, THE PRISTERS DEVIL 5. W. ICOLEl Wo.ii.-y- , It Sounds Reasonable ih aubjwt of this kvUh, wwa born at th0. lie Kamoo, lituhMit, Apiil mi the aun ef Edwin D. Wuolvy and The family laft Mary Wakurahaiu. Mauvuo in lB4d Uaiiiig at H inter Muslim. In IftUl the fanuiy crossed IBa jilaiii settling in Sail Lena City. of the Hm family Bara resident r Nuiih tit ard fur a number uf eventually moving mto the Ttnnvaulb Ward, the father bvcnaiing Bihp uf that Ward and holding that otfue till hit dvaui Mr. W'onley ana married to Maria Angall tha daughter uf Truman (J Augell, the arehiuvt uf the Salt Uki tla lived Temple. April lTth I ti.'Hi. nilh hi fatha four yearn after hi Buirriaga. Ituring thin period the pau. making uf an income tax return NEWS ESEEASI KEWS pi were ordered to Wait their homo CGliKTT fltkN) tur a tingle person, whether and m v South because uf tha fear married, widower, wakiw or divorcee, of invasion by Johnson Army, Ilia Frank Morris it a Suit lake visitor and SdnOO for a Burned person living Hula lawal I aim Bureau hold their this week. W'onley family alayad at Irovu, re with husband or wj un December to file that return within the turning to Salt Lake City after the regular Semi us'iith'y Meeting last busiMiss Pearl Kcmmgtoa has returned time dng had panned. On April l.'ith Monday Besides tha regular required by law, it ia the duty of Itfdl Mr. Wuoiay with hia wife and ness routine the beet question was dis- home from Eureka. the Collector to notify tha L S. Distaro anna moved to Uranlm ilia. Tha cussed to some eio nt. trict Attorney, of tha duliquenry, and Mrs. J. A. Painter is visiting her 1 he Local also wished to go on F.dwin I). Woo ley family at Ihia lima tha latter official ta required to proowned a amall herd of cattle a hark record as being opposed to the wide daughter, Mrs. Atui!!a Benson uf ceed rriainally against the deliquent. ware in charge of W'. C. Rydaleh. Mr lire law, whirls ha been debated in Clover. Cnder the law, the deliquent, previous W'onley took them over and had the tha legislature. , Mr. and Mr. George Maze uf to having been reported to the U. 8. A County Wool marketing comcare of them fur four yearn, the com Tooele was visiting with hia mother, Attorney, has tha privilege of making dissolved and Mr mittee meeting was held in the County Mra. pany was thi-a cash compromise through the CoBetsy A. Thomas Tuesday. W'ooley went into the slunk business Agents office last Wednesday after, llector's office, which compromise ia fiir himaelf continuing in tlie name noun. Edwin Ornie and Joseph Linillwrg not a fine, aa that is fixsd by law at until hi death. It wa agreed that the committee were Miwuonurie at Sumlay School $1000 for the failure to file. But the On hia arrival in GranUville he work on the project and that tha wool and Sacrament Meeting, Sunday. Secretary of the Treasury stay accept trailed n rave puny to Janira hear! for growers in tho various Local be a lce sum in addition to whatever Mr. Mrs. Jamea Mr. and Johnson, n log cabin and five Berm of gras approached and asked to take part in tax is due. The minimum amount and Mrs. David Thomas, Mra. J. A. land. In a short tima he had built the project. thus far accepted fur this district has Benson and Mra Mrs. Painter, Arjuilli The committee astuiuiled roughly two mure cabins and eventually built been $6 wham there has been no insletha rnmfurtable homee whirh hi there would lie better than 14, IKK) Arthur Hardwood enjoyed a bob tent to avade tha laar. When there familie occupied. Mr. W'oulry and fleeces or 116,000 pounds uf wool at igh rule to Tooele last Friday. has been evasion tha figure is much hia family were mdustrioua and aner. least. It was also agreeded to buy A birthday surprise party was givhigher. en in honor of Mr. IKivid Thomas at petit. Aunt Maria told the writer well sack and twine Corporations have bean given a It was resolved to hold a mass meet- her home last Thursday that she would maka seventy five evening blanket eatenaioB af 90 days fur compuunds uf butter every two weeks, ing of wool growers if a speaker could High five was the features of tha plete return, hut only on condition of taking the same to Salt Lake City to lie induced to come from Salt Lake, evening. High scores were awarded filing, before March It, a tentative trade fur the necessaries of life. She the meeting to be held M Grantaviile to Mrs. Jack Kearney and E. W. return, and paying tha tax thereon. The Wool Committee selected are said we used to woik early and lata llanip, 2nd high was awarded to Hilda Since with Utah corporations, tha filta maka the home ahera wa lived se Allan B. Ware, Chairman, Peter M. Brande and Mr. llaudreau. This was ing of a tentative return ia aa much happy for fifty years and it was a Clegg, Leslie W rathall, W'm. Gordon, followed by a dainty luncheon served trouble as tha complete return, the and Hobart II. Smith. dear home to to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jamas extension affects but few of these. E'lbt. H. Smith County President Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Neil Brown, la lftrtH hr married Km hul Cuhnon Any extension of Law after March and a few years later he married Polly represented Tooele County at the Mr. and Mra Baudreau, Mr. and Mra. It ia obtained only upon application Tulman. For uf the Clean Town, and Clean home Cain Jesse Wyde, Mr. and Mra. lavid to the Collector, and fur reasons paTin ker law he spent aeventy paign Committee meeting held in the Thomas, Mm Jack Kearney, Mra cified in the law. Thu extension by five days in the penetrntiary. lie Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Mon- F.mma Mr. Jack Smith, Mra. the Collector may be for 0 days, and related to me an incident tlmt occurred day. Ho report that the different Betsy Thoms, Miss Maria Him, Mias the authorization therefor must ha in counties through out the State are Hilda Brande, Charlie Hiss during a visit ta Grantaviile of anj E. W writing and ba fttached to the return l--" was taking tha matter up with a god deal Hamp. "f'rv'.iHenf when it ia made.' Otherwise the taxa guest at hia home and while walking of enthusiasm. payer ia subject to penalty. Tooele County Committee of clean arnudn the plane he stopimd and turnMany persona are now avaling themselves of tha assistance given by MAKE INCOME TAX ing towanls the lake and pointing to Town and Clean Home Campaign the Collector's office, without expense, it said Sammy there will lie a rail, will meet next week. The date will RLTt HNS NOW mad built along the lake and you will lie announced later. by having their returns made up in A rile I lira to see the rare running all of Kng'and Mayor of Tooele The Cnllecbir of Internal Revenue advance of the rush period whirh which was fulfilled. Ha alio added Ciiy has been appointed Chairman of for the district of I'uh, June H. cornea between March 1st and 15th, All this Went bench will be settled the County, who along with A. L. Anderson, rail attention to the fart to their own advantage in avoding de Hr wa a very hospitable Christianson, Secretary will call the that hut a short lime now remains for lays and mistake. sometime. man, na one was turned away hungry meeting. the filing of income tax returns fur A beet contract ha now been drawn from hia door. He was a man uf good 1922, both for individual and corporFIFE EXTRACTED HONEY have judgement and executive ability. lie up which the Sugar Companies and points nut that one need For Sale by A. Fawaoa at Granta-villations, was very aurreenfull in raining hia agreed to sign. It is based on a $5.30 not 1 gallon caa $1.23, 1 gallon ran neeeserily he a taxpayer ia order families, the family gnverment hairg minimum with a sliding scale of to be liable for a return. KM. aa perfect aa possible for men, all of on rendition that the beet growers As a matter of fart, several bundled hia children being active members of will agree to supply the factory with "Cock and lull persons have become liable to proaee. Tha origin of tho term and the Church. All of hi living son a tonnage based on the average crop ulion because of fsilurc to file return bull aiory" baa been discovered by fur the last five year. and two daughter have filled for 11)21, although if returns had been a British newspaper man, whs asyo One son Samuel E. has rpent filed they would not have been subject It came from the atari told In two half of hia life in muuuonary labors In to tax, owing to exemptions allowed heeteiriea, the Ouch and Hi Ball. I acrleHia-i- i teal affairs he was promina small Kiiglish vlllaga ft evert ho law. MENTIONS. by When ent being the first uerintendrnt of VERNON a person who is liable to the les wa mat give tbe British all tha the Grantaviile Sunday School, and credit ter rnefe and bull Morten net apart a a memlier of the High swift trip Jrnae l1. Henson made Council when Tooele Stake was first to Tooele and return Monday after orgamied and remained a mcniU-- r un- Dr. I'ei'k. til his death. He was oi darned a Mia Annie Mao Plant, of Clover t palnach by President Francis M. Ito wa a was visiting with her father, iant duly 2P'h, ixsi-Ij minute man while living in Salt lake week end. City. Charles Iatt of logan i here via-- jl In rivil affair we find him Captain with hi brother and family at' of calvary In the Tooele County Mil- King the Ruth Vail y Dry f arm. j Bntil itia it wa disorganization, There are none better-an- d they cost leas.i Kaep the Justice of the Peace for three terms I laroid It red of Salt Lake City, was fires burning and fclway buy UUh Product. home over and a Irmr to evil doers; a trustee the guest of Mi Emma of the htMii dirliirt for many years; Saturday and Sunday. Ha returned ho served three term a a county to hia home Monday. j ele- - mar aa the eommiiminnera were 19c Mr Ih.inhMs Pure Okoa in bulk jier lb went to and Bennnm, family Glynn un whirh 11m fur ..2uc then called, during term Thfcte 2 bu'.k Mai in anTii Queen he with T(vid H. Caldwell end Ibdiert Salt Lake City Monday to take treat- 1 Utah C.nnried Tonihtoea 2 Chn for 2"c Bke;ton were railed upon to adjust ment for the rabiea, aa he ha had two 2 Utah Pea rna Sifled Me for Iwea have which die with it, j they the water claim in the different Utah Made Cheow ju-- lb JlOc ron-- f 1 in milk and also from, got using of the county. Rur.r pe liolled O&ta Large pk.g 27c Mr. W'onley passed frbm this life tact with them ia other way. 9 lb Pound Sur.rjie Lolled Oat H 49c 2fa,-JlhiM in and is buried January Dr. Howard Tech of Tooele was'J ITUh Canned Cum extra fine per t an .25c tbe Granraeille Cemetery. here Mordny to attend to the lK'i!j Gibnon Steel Cut Coffee pi r lb 44c He wa the father of twenty child, 'hiM, DuWuwe, non of Bishop Fredri- M Mr Donald Donttioil fVgna lb can JS9c ren. five anna and seven daughters .y 'knoll, who accidently fell out of a Mr Jhinali Ihuntboii Qiroa 1 lb can 75c h hi wife Maria; on non and three dau window and broke hi am,1 9 lb P.ug Gemade 45e , his wife and two and received other bruise. He ghter by J 9 lb Ii.g Graham Hour 40c aor.a and two daughter by hi wife 5!) lb Rag TckjcIp Flour reported now a resting easily. 11.60 j Polly. In add item to her own large 50 lb Rag Meal Hour $1X5 rahi-A a killed number. Coyote family, Mr. Mar, a W'ooiey took twn Fawn lb 50 White Flour 11.80 Rag J Davis Amo to of rhickeii belonging Jane Brice and orphan girl, tn rsi-50 lb Sperry Drifted Snow Flour... $1.95 Van Ham. In 1PJ0 Aunt Maria Monday morning. He then ran over to j 11c Sego M.!k Large Car; bought a horn in Salt Lake City and the neighbor, Jack Brazior and hit two 3W lb Caddy National B.aruit Soda Cracker h'lraes, two raive and ail hia hog. !! moved there with her four daughter .42c and la still living aged 2 ye- -. The The ciynte then returned to the Davie 15c Craf 2 ker fur 2'c PVg Mr. hen where home kit and into the names of the surviving children am ij R Tkgs 15c Cracker for 25c a follow: Samuel E Eugene T.. (ia via c!uMed it to death. Cakes per lb IhH.re 29c Ijima and Mra Maggie W. Anderwm of .29c Chorolate Bon B'n per lb The following Program will he ren- Leo C. and A. G.rarljrvil-e7:30 p. m. ai lb at next per Sunday, Snaparoon of Alberta Canada, Horace Vi of Verhe regular M. I. A. service: nal, Mary L., Alice May, Sarah Viola, Erwin Bniiey Talk Mra Nellie V. Lucy, Fdnora. V.a'vin Oh'irei Music Ak.rwi II. of Salt Lake City. Mr, Reading ir. honor of Mahir.rtnn, rhoebe Jf'li and Mr. Nettie Taylor h Florence I'ek ur. of Provo work Cta Every body ir cited. re STOCKTON ls a New Spring Styles In Ladies Footwear Just unpacked & now on Display Black Satin Tump with Black Nubuck Trimming, High IlecL Black Satin Pump, Brocaded u" II', i.' quarter V Heel, in a high heel $5.98 $5.98 Patent Vamp, Brown Nubuck quarter, Spaniah Heel $5.98 Black Satin Swede tongues, Spaniah Heel $5.98 Patent Pump, Tat ent tongue, High Heel $6.50 Brown Satin Vamp, $5.98 Brocated tongue & quarter, Saniah Heel PATENT, KID, SATIN, AND NUBUCK IN PUMP OR STRAP SLUTERS, IN HIGH HEEL, SPANISH HEEL, AND LOW HEEL, ARE NOW RIGHT FRESH FROM THE SHOE STYLE CENTERS, AND THEY ARE STAR BRAND-Y- OU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. a. 801." TOOELE MERC CO. mis-ainn- I I.y-ma- Use Utah Made Goods hi-r- e r 8 1 i - : ' A twci-ito- Rw-hnl- 1 ; Rg J J j . - a j The Ajax Variety Stores Tooele, Ophir & Grantsville. iam4444444m4W More student or working their RWBMWNo8iwire)tiwwKiwaiiLimi)iii uimaai iawcfc, way through tha University this year than ever before, "says Dr, J. T. Kingsbury, who ha charge of the Ktu lent f.mpioynumt Bureau at tha are Student University ef Utah. enabled to alay In college and complete their work who otherwise would he compelled to discontinue whool on err mint of fmanrinl string sneira. Over one hundred men students of the University have been givan through tha aid of tha Rta These dent Employment Bureau. young men have by the aid of the $.wf.w Burena been enabled to at least partly Dem-Kiand Starter $4B5.40 nr entirely pay their way through a. RUNABOUT $256 45 College. This number doe not inI)em-Riand Starter 455.25 clude an equal number of men wha are employed in the city who have obtainIC27.93 coupe (complete) ed their potion through their ewn Sedan 1C&5.50 (complete) cm BUY A FORD And spend the Rest. Stocking m 04s. m effort. The etudenta work in department ho stores, drive taziea, tend furnareo, wait on tables, de night watchman aervire, janitor work, r lories work, stenography, and accoun- tore, I oTruck ( complete)! $465.45 aTractor... $470.00 (F.O.B. Tooele? 4 ; owoauti ting. ..NOTICE TO CREDITDRR. Azile L. England Utah. Tooele, Estate ef Mary A. Harris, deceased. Creditora will preaent ciaims with voucher to the andereigned at Toneie, awswwwMcjipwriwtwiiiiwawjcBei ,arjaK(3UjiJdM4.'wer Utah, on or before the 2?th day of April, A. D. 1923. Fra and Frank Op)"'o. No Frabiem at AIL W. W. Farm, Admir.ietrator of Tea ask me." aa'd the ha rawed Whet happen t all liare wbea deF. state of Mary A. Harris, the adttar, "If yoa onght to writ oa both o Broadway preoebar. ceased. a to ef the paper. Ia my opinion yua taay. dif asks lie Kill. New Tort They aid of Mtfeer on tho net writ Feb. of first t Data 23rd, NgM publication Ire a. A. D. 1928. 91 9-- law |