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Show WOULD NOT TRADE a for state prison employees. Ukas to equaiial boar! Kowauo MERELY USED AS A PARABLE ' !3IB!ggg?gyo Ui Hi.. i a 8 C. M. b. biyaa Favoring incrcaaa and t of Tm;ab naliuiutl forest. H A lap, F! Individual Cuod a A samp, a of Cww S. B. HP, hirwhi Permitting aettiemiint n h n asanas ka.atsd Only In K of taxes up to 2J. and Unalion ciiuc 8. L. 12.1. Imagination of klin.atar, li.'v.n at:;n of H. B. ISO. F'le; riyhn xt fftrr-l.ceiiMia of gmiib. .ng or buut-U- v trewau Tr v ruunly c.uba. mlu.-ii-- r. At little the a church (lie K and taxa 'vrnue B. j b. Ul. Junxm trirh- colored n.itu. auuoun-c: ,it lie rr , 11. H Mui and ral cuua.iUi turns h.ius h.il I'Hg of Male givlied tu atutc tlml a cvriaiu hr Nj. 4tv FIN AT, ACTION TAKEN AFTER in .he a. ho.ila.aui bud retiieU tu rest the luk'lil luf-.of n.iimr vaccination aory & b. -, counRom Ah;u ringWithout lira ih l orn itti-e. the diaq ,4 Ills uLAl til i)LbA I La ta rx;tuJ mrtiin of 1uiijc j r;fiwii.Niiiir4 H B. 1S2, Dunv i buue, and on rising la the uiora'ua ri,ni fund m in.l riiivw. bud found tliul all bis lirrkfns li.i.J at aciiu. a. Iunu i f. B 11 Lei fij.tMl f r a $. d hUii-ured- . from H.o'f to daaa oil fiuiila. Tha Iveraun bli nial-ntha state run! h3- Srk- - Making Armiatn 7 S. B. Kt, Funk A.Miiiig power, uf . H "1 duiit wxiit lu be iers.oi be maurance fund monopiu.atic in the Mi ' ii w adiluU. "hut 1 hub my au- -na'y alfjira, i i.x u wnung of cum M:naa lory insurance, t'.M'r nnd rummiaaiun and of iku ,ia H B. 1 hiilnUy. ! I, btarh ? i o Vac uf aemuriea til nlui and authorising the pa--! At i.xHkM.-- a TLd wLal. want dona to Of cat Turaday by a roa.l ri:.iiirr, (k ill ihlikenc I e oli I r Mine . a 'for war yeiernna, Militurv affair. voto of 3S to 111, with three meiu-begiail if (lie until il.u i 1. ,ii w .tl 8. B. w H. B lSo. mcorda Reijuiriitg roun-i aiaulaunCdirfowl of the house absent. Drat h of the tn-- to 12.1, Irv n Uul put any nu n, ) m ;ne l,.x : k It affu-raoJ,Uil-la'of p:.y tom eapenw tatrad bnClhcSawaAsxiallV'wV bill took p.ac aftor unc of the most facii-v.lx I'.ie-i-- il 1 Mid si lull linn iMni:, from jviaure H F. lliil, fiiark blak r it un'aw-fu- l livoly and prolonged controveraiea in know if ih .nr s.ixpiciniia ki i .cht or S. B. Hid. W uder l'.acmg t,tc and to wear wdhxut au'h military not. the houao daring the present teuton. eounty road ux. a un lor control of nieiu's and ms cna. bl.inary aiVoir,. The measure ha been the subject of aiate board of tax rvvivw H K Itff, F.ark - Tteou:' ine F.iery oae pi void niuti'iliiileil. many phases of act.on and parliamen8. b. lii f, ( anillanl Abolishing "Now. lirciiili-m.aiiaouiu-i-i- l i,i be e.iixena of Fl.e ( n.,ed Sums. il. Final vole waa stale dirartment uf Ii V tary - M and vorpta- -r puriatv iiiins er. "1 Uoiit want your diniwikj ,? tonuwr0p l.laey affairs con.m.tlee. Uhcn ali.er four days of dehatiMg. dur- - rhasa and ealulil.ahlng board of exam if II B liih. A 'Woo. I and oT N ah Bounk siHiiIt l) won.li riu' where dat brud jiiwnL mg which time the biii waa Uh:d aa inert as boo id uf auro.ica and '(' iM JhpvrfwtM '7ti.rga5l dary n- of Maaalch a ..I l iah coundur live wl.u il'Hi't luck Ills cliloknua a anonal order af buaimax and pro- - rhaainr. ties. T'lihiic land your, re. pen ting itself for the last three days at ap briulder Iut Amt 8. B. 12P, Irviae Fixing nigl.a exist, H- B IKS Peipv-.ik'r-i l.lui. nt under the head of unfinished bus. next quenry term for drama. uh frhinl-- ; he wua a uir:ille for the district Mnuuta.-tu- r . i At the inrppiion of debate on the n.' and ruM-uf liaoiuv." purimee rx'e measure, the house rule permitting H B 170, - SaH-niresort to the previous question, wa of BII.IA lTKili CFD. IIOISE Th Bud Awakening. ua pended, which ocnoa paved the mine and frauduient assays. M.n-.iH B I'M. t'un; hi 'P The hui'in'r d.iiikiocr uf the funtlly smell and way for unlimiied discussion. Tues- inc reculstions ng l.ivea'ie k romiuiiic. f iruii.e to the luenkfosl tuhle la a H. II 171, I'.mstaiitine - .inimr-s- . day, whea the debate was resumed, a )I H 121, F.n!insun -- Tax for con1 AWbWV"';i,,15S u y b.ul hiiiuur. motion prevailed to the elect that th trol of i ui uf roual I dual ore wly xtion hoard ii'cmS,- -. hog rijoleia l.ikvstock house should not adiourn until a Pital ,ik) (, ,( in s ronimii'ee. ii Nwiikuued un- - wli.-you ilul, voio had been taken. Thu resulted n II B 122. II B 172, Con mnt nr Futiiic - Tax to pay in1 wus to her luoll.er. isiiupluiiicil a aeasu.n that coni nued nn.l snort'y d.iru t e. ufFm1innn Ml h'Co.,. :u r.i'c l.cSVerM.jV, Just nl'out tu a proini-u- l. luhcu!ar pub.ic uli'iliea - after 7 oclock. The roilcail of vote c;i,:i I 2..' wrVid'.inC lh?rtl'X j n. .lui'iciarv. eo ii, lee. Iirciiliii'd John Thad liiki'U Hie wa iiiicrrapud by a call of tha II. B 121. I.yman Ann-u.- -i I Tl. B, ,"1. S iok c , i'un of Publication dii.m-rnut to we b.iil In JuM id, cl house, and sergeants J&uaiawere Fit tri'ilnient of takes. eiiting uliil he Fill'll L.a linmN Mild guler. I'ubl c limlih n uieea run' ll ii" uni out to summon absent members cuiiimMee. Io and leva' who Fad grown restless under the looketl Hit? at like lie w.i remly to, II B 124. Niilliiluv - I'rcihih I II. B. 174. Oprnshaw-Mon- ey pjlilir tvs- axk a queslioii when you wka aie lengthy and anmet'ws nionntnnniia off to rente rmnpen-a'io- n h't v:r- - 'to. at on. which ensncl-ing an arguments, during fin of tu H. B. ITS. r. nn'in- - Flection uf url- - up. array of figure and aiatialic a.fmn. apnointuiint u;her puti'ic povli. t ic Inv ii in liruther n inffihrm J i '. :,v waa cted. luuiilii'.l, I know tliut guy iM'tlur Ilian D. B I'.fl, t'an'inii-Duti- es uT public Brpepxiinla've Iverscm of Boxe'idor H B. 123. BuHe; field - II co ring 't you ilo. lie goo g to adi ymi osin. Juv' enun'. whii in'rmlured the bid. enih-- county off ears ti hr r, tnt-rr- y M' B was punt to thf debate with an elmiuent plea wh.eh mo i d ron- m'' ,. themcelv. wth axh you to leu Iiiia itHiPcyr tu ..,y Jlli i' UVV. lastad the better pari of two hmir. Uinme to tlie.r orf.cea.atutuica per- !r s wrh uii'i Juiluury, 1 hrniiihout. the ron'ext he had been B 1.. M .lsl,, nrrin"' j the dinner cl.ei k." eiiroirutee r "f H furni..h p.u-pract 'rally alone in the defense of the B. 12(5, Fleteh-r- it;u- -, ,r Anpn.nri measure. only one or two ohur mem- - f'dil.lino to huild ary. ram. un fad her havir" attempted to rise to hi B. er I'd. Tr"i of CAterrti la CATARRH county. Aiunina:; 'tii cm h) iIim rmiflv In- of I uh support. Their effort wer brief Mr. nn''ee uf i jf. Fd- - fl '" tl I y r fw: i.iftoiT t Iverson made a rnureoiie s'enii fur H B 127. Miizley HAIh .'(I fA'I INK rri Hr Amirnr. iLtmir s "'s uf an (I'.u'iiui'T a ii ri vi,,-th meaxure, and conducted his aide I in.onti t build aeunic h luv-- - fnen IIui. u - Kininlui nt enn- 1K,I rvi-e1 f I.i .il aul-III" o deenrnus'y that h'a most ardent n'liili, u in. f 'iiin'v, lo I'M- f Jndrarv. xterl us. a 'luri.-s wi I opponents in Hehxtr homed to extend f l"r II IM, It..m- tl i.UiLO the lu-- . it un l I's k' lu'ii'iS s n Ri la'irg to :ie him mnrratu'.atiune at the rluxe of the . 1 ake a II. I.:S Jai ihs nr-Hill. in Hseisis uu Aiiii- ir .eg yuar l'i nifi n ui nm ,i, U,1 dnst uf pn-iLittle g. easinn rix'ii ii a. rulli"- - to roun, r.it, ui II P- H2 J iryun t'i n Ink 2 ii 3 f ir a f w uu i T i. v re u r IS. iil In r. vs of I'ui'a piy. pir A hill Tears, rr,, e pnipua.ng to renenl all hut one nc Mivn-'- s nf dcniiins'rHt' ns. I in - i "rs n.n pc or V. J. C m lu., T'i.e.; i. O. t' g, mi to thc.r pt ., 'r fei.. ic.iua and UtoilailMi u. ail adjacent Motion of i he Snuthwirk iv i f ish and Agiicultu u1 col- Slid tli (cu.-c-s t'. n enn'rvttee ol it poai rwny. law and aub iitumg fur the remainIIH K'l. Ko Mf?r.trg, It Mil ATE THE ROMM aad 1 I j der a license on traffic in cipi "er ,eH Mskim-ltmia. A v. y of No is m J fn( ;M net hf yiiui'j ru,rnr which. It is eo 'iraied, would produce ful fir i pa vnr i to he a In Ii ih. A nprniirialins rur-any t ce lli Iry iiiir tf rne of ilip a revenue of lluOriigi tu the state coe- live uf ,.p,.,n, . Man-- i ImBM.ISsIIIIw 3l3 f Or Bi.',M.re C Sh?.''. ,,r its e , if ff , ,4j , n:r. val fund, wa in'.riidueed In the a'ste iirrn lo rfort o l.re and eursma-rI nc.imirtee. wtsratoNawisNaaiiwmata 's pi)' ii luv,,.';., s,i. senate hv Senator Henry N. blandish Almuf ( dihsfin-m-linim IliP il. B 3d r:.u. i,r(rr 1s T.u r p 'iirjt! reror.il. af Sait Ijk,. v i iii.ule f Julc.ury h iard of r' im nal i la nt jriHiiitf rvii'tripr re t uni.l f -- n. The measure makes it unlawful fo dic'arv f iiiT,i,i u th rioiii'miiiii p. ell rigarats or c garrt pauers with n is II B 131, -P- -i r r- - can-l!.e p.:ir tuhl Imm nIt fowhk(ptinar-l-flip RKN ATI! afTIQN l the flat of I'tah v uhnut a nermit. :'ieR to bo sanifarv THIS S'atic. a' turin r PulRam Tiflelru Dyei cr tints as you dish rnpnrf lii'iiini', iii .('!', This permit may be issued by the ntv an' -. J: B. V. 33. rnn'n:!,tee. rat i tiini fu fo to iti4ixi. ar town authorities fur an innrporated R. 4, Mrs Diiny in H. I Iii ir:p-'pin- af 1". Avs ab . i. hi1) tint fn Mry rffwt on hr.Ui;Ci H S t L3T inni'l n n ny rxpns't.nn at i.i K. rommunity, or by the enun tv enm -- t B. C3. Pi s Aas-'-tliut liHrin-.1- 1 vwib thp Mfinv.ur. sk'.refnre. lake, and aitin" ruerrnr tn misiO"ars, ant is li.m' s. A t 0. I! IV! ff, hhu'lll 2. the Ineal authuri'iex Indiana) nils Naw.tiey Piersd Plurbrr F't tic H.iri a R g'. ti La The hu-'tli t i jf Hltnr. LK mun cpie with n her r- i P'irs and Wly nrHY R B. J n n f' ist uf a- - uns.n f Ha Had Hit Sha-of tua W.l of Issuing th permit, however, is re- -' s Pioud tl h.s no hm iMiH'iirt." n .n,u family 7 ('ives. Ayes ri'plif! n' 2 riys . to revoke it in rae vinlxfinn ormls and Ri- .l.e.-vr'fi Mif r.in.in i.i.n liens. in r M. R. 3, I'li'"-,ieup uf 1iiwe's hi show of any of the provisions of H B. 1 McK'-- ll -- Hi f au I l 'ci. h s' I of-- e i li.l'r.a'.ion. Ayes 2, I1r row nmi iIip fIih 'rniin h'ii-euf l.ivnsi- - l abcracL-irPuii- la one if in. .'ie l.s iui.- -i rluii Kfi I) tiller fiir IiiMh." UmlieiH if s s IV a'- i t 3. Th permit Would rail f ie a fe In lir lends. a. ' i eldii mil Ii II live y nil ui- R It 73 Audit of r'lip Ininornif nmi (lironM. Fait lake of IV) e year; jn ri'ie of' II. B. 135 Mi Fell Putin an I l:i-In lllix I'll m rw n. e f 'n I. il'lll Aves 13. ab 2. tha peront class, 3n: in ci'ie n' th' bi ts of licensed ub-- l' I Ini ut l i, Il ff. R ff . Jensen fure bt ll'n if itll. third t'nsx. $23, and the ainmmts s1 lie lands. Kansan's Dantructiv Lcugh. Cl. Is III H I: lie : Aves 19, ei.pnt j, 'i n- ali"i w In. ant fxed in oihar municipalities or m In the liny! wl:iii Imrxi'fli-el- i whs In I Tafils tod News rin!ru..i This mun-- v roes ino the bids foe hu lit ng counties the (er flow ig mill uf III r'nint uf.ic s 'luo'a I.Hrdust lliine In r,.'r 'h'iK r? pint In general fund of the body Issuing tha Hiuh'vnvx and hr..l rhnrn f town whs to get Iumhu aceiisiiiiiieil to 7 he "t'lpr ev. i I- :- .lie hriii.elit Inin a H. B. 134. Mi Kei- f1. Job llnfcr is rrqu red to put 10, permit. The uf ronn ffHir x, aud be rneke.l t liiilgh. lively tune lie fuuk lo-pm- I.iuftiewarm gi.-- briiiii R B. Kj4. p a bond of IfrlO, rn''-riiiIty rtimrr'VR nf'r RfIifv'p Bfirr' bjiMfur viuluiiie l.iti till (Ii main liHti-and lie!e'il lilmself Rtonkev of Tooale mas and bridge. nf f'nnnv fill tI Representativa and J:. hwuys ff,l nf pr j lo a reul iiimin ieiilr gurg'u uf glee luHii's fur her viYMld )! thu1 now haw brifljrM. Avo 1?l, 1. And mine with a troa fbera were (wo or (limp runnuevs to be g:van publicity through the ad- v H. H. 13'. McKcll H. B 4 NmvIff Pnwf'rM of Hu fur . Tli hors!' Irish ini'U'liniiT! he anul. I.iiily. Vert''n rolumns of the pres given bid for hit Min-- ' mi'mc srhuuls to p")iiy clock. AypR iliiWB Bln H sirei-rlnrgidy 'rl f inn Is un hove HI. Pvs 3 hy pntiee aturk ap on fenees or treii ienun'v districts of the first rlaxa. F hu( Juli'a Ixuh box (ha "1 til ,liil tin- li'l'-2 H has ii.troduead the following in est,on. maid. 11 J oil w- - e iii.irne.l un jimr jf p 21. Rxi,ee .. Au'horily of water S' me Hava xi nr lug fiTut ludi'y he Ir'V the house, known as H B. 173: H. B 13. VrKell-Ttt'- ng on tin- - s'n-vlwill nev i. Ml siiineiliiug of is ,n no - s H He aiiuiM-.r tw )3 shunt 2 wlillu In Be it anseted hy th legislature af.traefs for pulilu: -M ft B. fix the ., ; p,, R p impnrvcmenls. E.lu-uiiviMig like youi-i'f- , I.iiiiiiis lord, anil Iwu Junes of nnd .t mg e- rest of ns kiiie Mu .id have ,m tm-'WIIl.lllW u In tin. pi i;h.i, gin.-ig fell 1,1 IlilNflll f nut. I" 1 In a'1 rams in which Seetion II B. 137, Fletcher-Tdeensand Ayes 17, uf li'isiiif-ii- . l ahsenr,'t lliiws. It is provided hy the law of this state bonding warehouses. eiury av,n l.u'i-- e Tl-l us'.ness 1". UH auys tliut wss he Manufacturing mni luio1 that notice concerning improvement and enmmerpe ,, ale ever itA Sendmeutal Show. l"'t 1111.5.!,-H'tlffR AfTlON ON RIM.ff finest tave. district taxes, water filing, II. M. 133, N. C. Chrieniien-Bola- nd ii'liu n ; is News. H. B 21. Owtiilii f.iid." This la lulled aa a love story and reived I.naa tens and filing, tala nf public land or iwre-- d or ma-l- r and and ruarrnt-- e company public Property, or in case of alt:e for violation. l.veock. And th- - v il w pcmita. Ayes 47. mmes up In Ita I'liling." tiuiq 1 and absent 3. H B. 131 N. C. ny other public yant hy th' su?e or Owlish. ikIii in, lion "f lie ; 'eie'.il f.uaI'Aln It ctN''ng.'' aiihdiv'sioa thereof, shall be given 'solution of drainage dis.nrt. I rn gaH. B. 2(1. Bsileyffunervision ht And left d relied ilia j ill into whr-l- i thf wia ule.iii 10 by pub! 'ration in a nawsnaiwr; it aha'I ,t.iun, water conimisi.mers. Aye 4A, ab Ii a .er, to wl!-Here lie Hinaeit iiiurry y J"iirn.il. reujiie are more likely to do h ufficieot that aurh pntice shall H. B 140. Callister-Pow- er nf P'lh-b- a sent 8. v ho?" iniuncii il.i Jm's'e In If II Ixii'l nmrle nmvllessli un nos'ed for tha period nHiuirad for lie utilities aommisama. If. R. 30. Phrstrnsen Comneus. judiciary plan sunt. Ouaiifed fa Enfr. publication in at least three puhlir .romm tee. t'on for irihennn-- e tax -a Iduf a lr e friend la mte Oor "Ulien are i"ii tint's' tu 14 n kies H. B 141. Ilnlenlmek, suhstitot foe Av-- s 3. navs 43 absent I appraisers place in th vic'nity of the property a mu tiliide of who see us 'iil.v fmiiitur uwa view viiliT i 'unie Bmlety which i the subject af au-- h not'ee; ,11 B 11 Ieovid ng fur one uu rriduv. Tbs ' p'"u.hr of 11. B. h'. Thris'ensen Cost agamat feminine stuuililem. puim. pusvided that one pise af smh post- - public utilitie commission. Judinary estate. AVe g, nays 44, absent 7. niiu.imr I'1.1 lug shsM be tha nesst poatofies commit'ce H. B BO. Iverson Duties nf hank- 11 B. 14 Proof of pos" shall he si provided frau.-Anpom ment of Ayr 42, nays , section hy 7x3d, rorrnded laws of adult probation offirera. Judiciary ,j,..ut R. lrtah, 1M7. AH a'U and parts nf aefs rotunr'iee 15 J- I'ra-II. mm:ee At lit tn eonflirt wrh tha novision of this H. B 143. Fle'eher Provii'ip. f femtt to kill. Aye 4., nays 8, ab act are hereby repealed " are to become dd n t'i-N.tv. nilier er 2 IKSURAKGE BILL iMwwrTgi ; FOR $10,000 GASH Benefits From Tanlc in Ending His Stomach and Rnnaiutio Troubles, Price'ess, States Tucker. . lak 1 wouldn'tdona Tkalac OASTORIA HEEISOEfEAT l'-l- i krurL1 EasiL i'r li-J- i li -- KoUisrs Know That It i fur tit pirf Biv," declared W. K. Ui TtekM. 113) Forth !Mth St, Kiehawiid, boaiaakar tar tti Jdiegbenp Va, Iw Ca, recently. th'vugtit l would kin t give up O M I bad km aa aewutvAi years, bat Xanlac baa built aa ap eighteen pound aad 1 arar fait bailor la I1U.ODO 1 a) Ufa. 1 was ao weak aad ran down and bad ltiaa a murk weight and strength I Juat felt broken down all the tuu. I go ap luoruuqp awfully ncrvoua, ''With ao appetite, feeling like 1 hadnt alept a wink, aud ahila aa the Job aiy aareaa war aa unauuug that the notaa la the factury just tortured My Sear wear acting right. aud 1 d a much trow rheumatism 1 could hardly aaa aiy anus, "But Tan lac baa mad a elaaa sweep af aiy trouble, and now, with plenty of streupth and energy, 1 ant working aad fading Sue. Ttuilae la (nr aal by all good drag gtita. Orar S3 Million bottles sold. Advertisement. M auf-fare- Fcr Infrrs ' - Genulns Castoria 1-- ; vi-in- I rs t'V ii- 1 s , I a n-- Always Bears tlio w . uv Signature prui-.ixr- j -- of IM , -s 1 ' c , r. iFii:ne--Mie- hi -I- adu-rtiauig- . i- - f In it 1 Use 1 - ren-resi- l For Over coni-iii's- u it""! at-ar- Thirty Years i . Swalnaam -- Boox," aald tha kditor'a aenxdary, bera'a a letter frtHn a fellow who says you are a bug aered, pig Jawed, hatchet fared bora thief. What'U I anawer hlmt Why-er- , auld the Editor, languidly, "did fa Inrlnae a atanip for reply ltlrhiiMind Ttmea lilapatrb, ii- -' i wull-eve- u ...... I wii-n- - i I r 1 t Siin-mi- DYED HER EAST'S COAT, A SKIRT AAD CURTAINS I.'- - t 1 . 1 I : i ln,'n. - - WITH 1 DIAMOND DYES r Bsch packaga af "Dm wood Three" Codirw-tiiMiso simple aay wonxia nil dva er tint her eld, wore, lulled thin acw. Evea ii aha lua never died aha eaa put a aew, mb cnkir uito kirta, flrrsses. w Mia. costs, atm kinaa, westers, aov urines. lirsp rim, bangings, everythin. line Humntid llyte-- nn oilier bind then perfect home dvemg a gimp antaad. Jud tell ynor dniryial whether the tenal yoa wnh to dva a wool or Ik, ar whether it linen, cotton, or Bnaod Ihanmnd Dvvn sever atnak, Mot, feda or ruaAdvortiacmnit. 1 of'.'.rh 1 ST'i'u'i - emmis IT7Lr: IVL JPM G ln fr 1 nri fici-i.u- UII ri.mT An-- Js-'il- peopl ttc r-- f. t- -:I Gl-.- ii' I curi-wit- partner-ititp- . r n. - r'i nsi-m- g Mr. France iit J . Courtship Is a sort of coo liter '.-- Gives f'cw Life ti) Oli Stockings 1 riim-nifie- Cailrrs poJ Hi-- n. I ' anti-urar- et - .1 -- - ntain. Life la ahnrt, and yet aum waata It la hmirliut - - I . - Allgood s 71cm-nufe- a ll.t'ir ! Kl-- . H'lii-li.- r f i !; H'.- - 11 - l aist-aciu- J j -u 'er V fc. j rits . i hn.-ill- Adve-t:in- ; -. f jt I low's Your s Ydw Tlta . li"ti-ll- TahoThie Adrian I j S'l erd reve-U- B f ivs'iel PII, IB INTROIUTFI), 3FN4TI! II. R Ml An'ers-mI'oicr of B. B Mr for chfrnuo'tv P'lt'1 e hexi-- rooim . 11. B. cm nlovs at I:n've-- : Liens nf t.-Hr,, ty of l.'tsh. Referred to romm:tee on real and personal property. Ju liOn eduesrinn ce T ff B 102. of re- JenbipsToint board for; II. B 418, Tal and co'lege. Jview and ree.s s from (be m.b'ic 8. B 103 Irvne Proper malnten- - !nt:!itie rep min '"n to the d'srK-- t nee pf I'Pkipg fund. Tonrt and to the supreme court. Ju-- 1 B B 194. Irvine Investment of dir arv eommiltee. H. B 147, fv, !..er.release nf irking funds ff. B 105. Funk Limifi:;g load on morgxye or iff ed of trust hy mar yehr'e. g'pxlrn'rv. Jii'l i cry rompi'fee. n 8 B 108. ITirsrhi Incorporation of: II- B 17, faliis'-- r Powers uf !ic HtJ't'ea copim-"- ' m in resp-.-- t to . 8. B 107, Mrs K'nney Permit, ng au '"oh le corporxh-.inin pur- - commtee. wpivera'ty regewts to ax' ennuichase I' B- 43. V. C wa . ;,f- -t gyto for farul'y merr.- F.diw of d.' ft V n in "g el II R B. I'tff. ffndlsli To cont,il sale F Pith :r :sl d II. B f e'gx'eff . , Jodd- nr use rT 8 B 109. Irvine Increasing eor. rrusi'-bridge- s Iliyiiaaya an.J - (erVr I i rmbr ie-e- as " I , ..1- ' ta. ptinns ff. R 110, arir T'pltorm fil-je!- on . ff Ill, 1? I' ff. 1 h i E? V rr- - ST I':n' rn- I'vu: i x !l 1 ff. tTLZrszi r4:s. 47. Av-- ' e- v fo- 4n. V ahs-- re'airr revs S. B. H. tl"'nr t' Jt charge of vme n b r- of bias on the wn't nf he hid-- . ff B 115 Coei! Rvtfnd rg dsvt def-Inii- i" i, lfn.f.,rnj.J, foe nonrayment of poi:tirr. and for mifom'.:.y m eompensalion inaseanr" B I1. Irvne Cma-lr- g peps'ea k '- r: gf TJ.'.vm.f 9pf4 4.pe:-?I. R 1, f r ne ff .IV I ,r--: -r TT 'fV cr. r spf t; c rv JR '''I. 71 iiffr ir P-- H penei 15 ver'ie srd tavs' b r .tn iwoo- -t tri9, Tti and eorywear;, hy 11. :,e - t'o-m j ng s. ; j Pay up .n' d1 on a"o - nf r C 9 ' r V- pr-"- s"ion d f' wayxmt- t n a . r 2 n- - enu-r- -' rr,- ... V f,i P. '1 rv r.x .':"g y 2i. ab - "in ' f' ", fag""-saEl' - I f r V"1 ?T j ' tirwrm. an! hi ti n ahs-- e t 3 f.3, l rm Tf (lt 'Kau, ionvry adver- - f, )', v ft'V1I !, ar: eel f r I. Vnh'-- e?' r. r. 111 .t-'Of a lotterv ff'! 8. B 118. M x. K un. roownisa on I.. B ta PTiw:d g aet-i- e of Vaxbalrre, t5. . 8. B 117. JenVn Prnvi 'ing 'or t gr in fu" eaneelli tmn of eorpne"va,'on :nsn i 'Staten ta ras, ,3. '1. Trqe w na'-- hi'i-i-- A Has your mealtime drink said - s Amend'ng eert-on- . Aves 21. 77, V A I tV-'-- A 1- ffa's of prepirn tae. Ayr 3, nourr R i"rrjJ( K Xi'r'j - , -- jj. pt SI. to riisent B re 111. STrs ('' f k a. - 513. of swi M'rr--!i'Fc'-mV k'l A'. lives "2, u,T a 13. st vrt R a -- rs''arv e "i n- If B 97 mipt f r !' ff 'ii.'Knri in (he. 're ? 80 I'D f ir a P" ued hv 8. E B 42 f r. T fp fourty fort jn rle"d'" P P 112. T? lie ui,uie pe. CYE3 SO RET eff .TJ, mWATIR rrfm IJ a mu s SS sscr ff. R 11. '. w festo ' P- - peu-e- r Owmt X mi tot. Tskwa Sc shept I, - -- 30, W..F'US -- n"itir vs:a emj;i. i s. Myi s 4J, tiSj r!e in h Iv-c'i- n IT. - lt. K'nnev-soneraeuue- 'ed puh-low- Vwa Pic. - nt p"v:y For the Skin i a j Bo3, CsppcA Hock sr BanHis (er The Velvet Touch I'hi'-us-- , IWt Cot Out Cuticura Soap " - 1 An be. -" y tliet-dul- caw-ditt- wH4 11 ' pan-oth- leave no Worn-- I labs, tax lamanesa promptly. Don not MiatoT ar wmwt tha hair, and bora an ba (l.M tank A dabvaraA V. f Two, bt. Ill Iwwb 11. VtatrU. Ii ie . 1 than and - ' ing Snh lake City, Uiib-'- Dr. Pierce's Gmdm Medical Discovery was a Slewing to mo whea I was hi a weak, nervous and eahaaited My appeiit waa poor and my Sleep broken. The tonic chert of tha Discovery helped me in every wav. lor 1 got my appetite bach again, count rent at night and my a trench returned. for thoae in a weakened nd rundown condition. Dr. Pierces Goldea Medical Diaeoveey caa be depended upon." Mrs France Allgood, 23 2 Mrent 6ih St. South. If yon need a building up fools fiw stomach and blood obtain Dr. Tierces Ooldea Medical Discovery low your nearest druggnt, or send lrw for trial pig. of tablet to Dr. Tiere, president Invalid' Hotel hi, Taft ado, N, y. I , , Appetite? Arm You Nenrous? Slespleig? raduea s Kia-r- lo-i- 1 Jk wt j ; 1 ( 4 R Pr "n , t! Postuni tr lerinff ;n' fw r' a i' ruse av are p h iv IwtoodiMed, "v of Mrs wi!T shed wh a facing to pay , rli he ytk! rvrt waeb fce ,t . 81 ?? "-"-1 Mads by 1 ou "7 lines a Reason P tnr, Ce-- Cu.. tMi'.is CnW. Kick. rv1 o J |