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Show THE GRANTSYILLE OBSERVES. GRANTSVILUE, UTAH WRIGLEVS txiag, la all anna Nmki paraded. ia uf irtneui viewed and selected by buyer. Tlietr ekiNTleni'ad hecu, Judgment rllhee niuke ur break tha luunvatlnu that aapli ta become taaiilutiO. kj till lima m knnw that lie) liaie set tha ecul nf their approval agaiu uu Ih t rulyrlit line aillmuetle fur all typea nf aprcrcl i'ur practlciil w c.ir mi eulta, tni'luil ng tliuke for rout mill ilri- 'The vkcvplUHi la Ihe KHirt wear Tlx design. illstlucttvo orf pXyi'ISIT. inwlity, tsarina ting color, int r'atod through nuuuev gcuiua la hull-laart, la winning the applaiiM of the la ew fuahiou world. biy'x duuim-tlola the wouriiou psclally appai-wo- t knitted truck wlilcb are proving such a tremendou fm'tor ta llie cootuiue program outlined for till iirlng anil aaauuer. Fur thoea uf ua who are looking fur fttlra tuned la any cllimi'e. time nr My Isa far ha leelaa rW flea ti Oka fkiaaal biaMa lav ala laaik,rrtilcM ilraBofl Ik Tkaa. too. II alia lia HIKIfVS vary (!ark kcllcr iwtta. - IccL $ & The Flavor lasts LloyiS I I umiLns Cm i Im!j Ak Your Lava Write Mow 32 iVe lV.ili-- r I , r-- ir i V v IWUt 1U -- Man1 1a 1 m M-- . 11 I l Mil it jr in Oil er nr tC mi.iili; WOKEN HEED '. i V j Jack Frost, you are tin enemy nf mine; rallict liMik to you a friend In nerd. Tie true I hue the outdonra all the year Tlx recurrent uiim- le of tlx hpilng And aplendur of the good old KuuiuxrTInw; Kilt mure I lute tlx lutlinn hummer (hi ye k'luwe drowsy calm la charged with Aatumo'a tang. Forecasting even then your coming rvign. 'And moat of all I love tlx wih-- I of white Of which you nre the undisputed King Who shouts his royal fiiexxigr, SiiHppy IJnyaP And oflurs to lilx suljecle ruysl aiHirrs That net red Idtiod tn rtmiclug la tlxlr velne, Tlxt give to Ihein a Joynns apiwtlta. That bring am h eie p aa money boy. Ilo, ho. King Jock ! It I your reign of frnet 1 hat harden up tlx filler of a man To atalnre full nf body, iiuml and soul. Jock Frual, I )niw you a wise old king! Jack Fruet, I limw you for t friend in need I SHE It MAN 1 WALK pun the city elretl, For to hath fait it unt; TkvuykU far ouay and bitler-n-oBfOuilt oitk rkeat my trilling feet, Tkit. flti Ike trail I kit: - ot J Tha Fern Lake Trail, whet virgin gnow IJaa soft and deep tha pines heluw. Away from Mai) and far fnnn nil, Kuowehne and akl ta break tha trail (Toboggan' erenk. the squeak nf thnng. A girl bright mmIi, a match of aong, our and quirk inn rub, A The rest at noun fur bit gruh). That vln (la and twlats its way to make From valley up to niuuntaln lake, With mills on Its frozen edge And down Ita a'eep hung ledge And raniplr throwing yellow light Tliat tunia ta gild world of white A playground decked to brave array llo, ho. Jack Kmat ! runic to play I" fruat-nlpe- fr tkl-rn- a Alt ki n Kpurt In tlx anow ll' been the proper raiier all Winter and tlx American ieople are atill ft It all through the Nurth fnnn hew Kur'iind tn Rurky Muutnalu aod frtun Yuwemlte to tlmint Rainier. Ktuilutit of tlx tlmea are nniiiuen'iiig on It as a kw dinae In tlx evolution nf the nation Theae winter a)Mirts hv been growing in popular favor foe Severn! year This Inter, however, tl elr vngua la aiu-- a tn make aHioiuglti ait up and taka notice how there are winter apm-t- and winter apnrtn r For etample. on n January Kniiday dVkn goth tred at the Oarnrhl park lagoon to are a thounnd or more (lilcago lirra and girl rmupet In a aerlea of skating race (hi tha asm Wunday Sfi.nnn aixcfatnrf a tended an Interoarioanl nkt tournament at Cary ('lfrago'a misklrt. That la not wlat I mean by winter sport IVhar I mean by winter apurr. by sport In tha snow, la the people turning nut to do tlx plxylng themarlrna, not to watch somebody else do tha playing And the people are doing It this rear. A generation nr no ago tlie rudent of American life Were roiuplaliilng that tlx American people did not know h'w to plav, took no and all that sort of tlilcg Then the people did learn to play and did take varitiuua -i- n the summer. Tlx nest eharga was that a class of vtcationwra was evolved who lock vacations all tlx year rotind-Theplayed In the North In the auitoner and the warm weather South to Florida In the or West to or abroad Now tlx sorcery yt!tora to tlx R'nth hava been ly Car Tourist," who travel In flivver the more than H.0O0 held tl e fourth annua! eonrer'lon of fba Tin Can Tnqrfaia nf tlx World In lx Kota perk, Tampa, early In JantiB'y of thl year. Tlx Intent development of this recently acquired rimmer and winter play on fix pat tripeTte of the people la sport In the anow. It ha been evolved a'mx the war Ferlxpa tlx red blooded yonr.y fi;;low Who came liai-- from fiver ThiTr" In such flrie p! ylml that they mint let have lieen In parr off oeam fbrorgh real revrwm-iiiilAnvwar, he Idea has lieeonx flat roairlng tAHigrnlne suing fklJorng. l.'kii.g and all tlx other winter Wtor ra"y within the rea'di of the averege Amer loan In the No h arc erwr-laf'in. The rooj.te-ne-rarPVa la that a real ph Jacp Fmat In 1 to red hi od na'lre wild la niov rand rosy cheek and good npi-c- t pe than lew 'reii-lounder warmer akiea at hme or nbnt& An erthuaiaat ir'glit put It l'ke tl.in: s y d wlt-te- r Tr fr e erce wide-anrea- y fu-l- ! id-iv- nefly Winter eport this getienu In New Fnglaud are the tni'Mie of limvio-he- r really on a !' acale. a Itoston hlii'lar rcwiHiier Ml warranted la gelling out a "SihmIhI l Infer Itesort Fillnn containing page afo-- r nge of displuv a'lvertieenient In I erino'd. New lliiniplilre, of winter rixi-- i Mn -- e and It appears tlmt over list ho' el nnd Inn are niien fur winter spin in fit IheMe os agn'e-lnt wilder. Tlx rhdinlier nf coimncrce In mny Hi in lur e adver. tleed lllierdliv al! v Inter. Tlx New Kiifdand have made Miilmtcp'lal rpduiil'ina In fare f,ir wilder toiinsi. Illderpr'dlng citle lidve etah-llshen grounds nnd arranged muiiicpnl elaborate Wider crn:Hi; some eien adverrlKcl enininuiilty Cl rwtnni tA'C. and a spednl program fix Wnxl ir.tton a l.irtlulav. Amotg tiled! !1 they offer a I'tr-- KX of ar'e"a, IniHuding fohngEMiilcg, aiiowahueing. skiing, ski luring. ak sting, sleighing cwe'lng rnrllng akl hob hing. hm key. Ice laadirg. mnuntaln rilmtdng nnd h'ku g Koux een offer fishing through tlie e snd K"uva nf 'urr:ng.ff parties 'n a sugar ririij. IiexT-'v, wider ramlvals were singed ilur-nwillsort nf cu'er January and eicy In keeping w1'!. tlieaevs-talun-en- t The news ru'nmna of the I'.ns'cn ii"", apepec ee tv In win'er ers. T"-1 forth fleet tlx a'-- ' ci'ors nf vnrinua Hiv r '.(. It it'eiy the vin'er l a'" 'i y Is doappears fmoi t'-- pews column cliilw by 'le score tlmt ing It, loo. piuae wi'h the g lining setaon n;une,J fl.eir deirs o get jidies. M'lnilre-l- of ca'.'ireg W ith were befit O'n an'l V ee cr'iu'-leguers. at !'led were re. whose upfiiea g'ent length ty 'be eoruc pv enmity S'e, roponera. sslo'ierg had to wake up and hue tractors to (dear 'he road fix ale:g tog and aklier'rg. Maine stBrted In esrir r. aTstire a progm nnd peneialmed It intent Ion tn Ixcoine tlx "Kr. M'lH'r Tlx pirn called fix eaenlvsl gs of America Wa'ervKIe. Jntumev i'i, 2i and 27 : rortletid, January 27 ; Anms'a. Feh'iiarv 11. IB rnd T : flno. gor. Fehruary 22 : Tier Ilcriaie, fehniary 22. snl the I'p.lveeai'r of Maine I hnnivy k and 10. of the National park, the or!v one is wep adapted for l',ae sjmets nnd Iti use for i hut purpose la encmiragad hy rix a a' park service. In New Vk the Ad'roudaHa vetx the ret.tcr id winter sport. I.f e I'lni'id lm Imd 'hron i H' 'in"r. Ic"s'uirr of mweruxlmst.y In Jtinucry. visitors and a esnil-.a- ! The c"v Pail; me T.'eceei.fPai wpr'ngs we a'bud gr yo!d, nu de mat.y imp'o'-et-iepnxrsm for a week Me in- Jnnua'y. 1nu wn Falisad'si park on Tlie v!fed by lltotishnda, Including boy ouuta, gill t mil-rmd- d 'i fV-tdr- ("dl-PsrP- y et na-tp- pe-h- - s Inte-sta- ie f- sp a d II. dr frb uil liiern ocouti, Caiiiiflra were w ipie hotel and ca up a and pert prnyraiiio. kin in iK'li for winter sp its It New Vhiglnud end the llnst. Nw fix n Ju up a riwe the coipinrut to Uni iiinul xrks uf the West. If Ij. lit here, however. It Is well to nute I lint our nHiiunal funk sisicin, cii 'tj.iuing ndieiren l'cscrvu-lionuil.-rall jesr ai reel ions to the lourisl, Bailie fiom the ( nest mn n wlnll- epnrts. Three of our mill'iiinl iwrls are ail year n oite liraud Ilot bpum. und I In vail. Jose mile, Moiii,i Itiiin ic rn: Rocky Mountain are llx three Wcicru ii itliuiii' i"'Cka where the t do cm s: W inter merr; makers n,i pita. They an 2' all tluee rusl'y inngnlfp'cnt aifnery. They all plaigmiui iit'uipfi'l In I he ' Ixlieie llmt a very few jnira w of (S! I or n w liner na in mal park under 2 0 wild' e la row an all (nnr Mrix. Iliei the aii :pions of llx iinMcn.il Ixr 1, 1!t2l, to were 4 1s:; yislioss fna.i N" l. h i' (hi win nr lux the St 1, atl- k been much gietner Mi f llx nierry maker ch Is slieiiered. In llx pK-- nf l:dlcj I'oiiil on the llx liiinil'T e.sp'r'lIn arlimi toor i.'.'-'lie' h's i,lo. ;.cr lw 'here whl lx i no iiicl rimer hold, nu a'l nrr ni..tor rmd lino the l imit. lum Imnli it1 " toli'a-iey,,iii ami ie' Cl.riat'icis inf is a Iming Kciiioln, ISO I fwl I V' I In tlx siiw M(int It'idiier I na nnnsinil sii 'untie ri.niP'1-ins- . and nf h loiog'"i Tlx Kiontiiiiin Is It PX fed hi.liI1 and, wi h Its Icwnr aliqxa slii's1. user l'H square tnl'cs. ihi-rIs a flower none. are l.eiivity tilrlxri'd Then si w '! Ix. ho visTlu-etui's the everliiaiiiig It the y,.r t it, u I, ml un wider SHUT ' ,n ,1' V:!,T 4',r, rl riitinl. The Ids : The seam va'ioi I close t he no er.ui'lnnul Ski IV The nffnliiilv IXi'ix J- -e exh year. H.. ynw cna tmimament la l In d unimer a;MXt the winter aiHirt one iPiy ulirn (i-r- i Hini-r- MirnlLlitline I tn le fisiml In evening iiml oilier fnrinul gowns, v In-rquaint mnl pMuri-ip- ie typea g:iln an amll em (. lu Iciik'ib llierr la liitltuile ;ruM ii,g fm liulii idiiiil Instr. Chief Ci'i'i'. Iii li severiil popuiot weaveg, li- - t - IP' nf',.i "I iiiiroiluc-- : the nr) chuiix for atPilay aniiuig I.- iliesHcs. Hii'l c.llcriiouii hlcevc and lug I io ..r : io'-- i .nln-- , in'ii knitti-I !i. 4 liili i und llreae ih ne k line rlmu iiilereatlng variatl'in i li There idol innn skirl-- , are fuller than fur IWlteni Cll'lllly till I 1. ii These Mull atyle-poiu- ls BSMIivI .'tie ih- in Ihi- oournl hcii-c- i, In Hu- spr'-i'- j nre revealed solid colored kiiltted Blur s.lk frock filcturcd. The fna k with sniiilc line check cimlniti or Iii the two 'lrc-'c- with tlx I'Tivnlur Jncqiinrd lutlerueil at llx left ut Hut rreix lux pretty s n o! ihe skirt I slili red niul i fit worked mil In acverul tiama. wli.g .c . . , - ii't-'i- I ! - it . tomt of Dunt i i of tm- - it irt'ijt'lr. - lxe rFOM-l- j nrk nfrt!.rM :n w th the r- -l t1 i'.g In tlx rv of ph y r the anow I close I, !,ke fwi'h ska Fr-'sJak l.euti I,r" BoJoeb'd tnr win'er a(H,rra and I ) le ,.( (rroopil tuciod auav In a deep vmiey ,.'(i,,.. r'-'1 niuler tlx giant mnka of uu i;ie f ten p.i.' nr o m Ii'lie, lie mi Ir.ci'i'.l fn-rt eiitranre M 'lie nclu.mil "It. e Turk. Hie Park hv CfoOlO r. s jr,. y,:- t- wet from I y (!': f. I'-eyou're gm to lilt h.ie. Thm tlx s. nod vou've gut to ur the tr1! on piin r,,,r,i fol.iar.--rWht T ft -.- use luiul in vmir ('"'d tx i" : !ure: yon re trav a - w I fur antv the lfw' h "f l' e pine tree And el ig (;p at'"' (" i! 'l lire In log cel.ina. to I n I Phi you tn front of And tixres the h.le ( and aM-mnnc't.rsl i"1 - C'.n e'-'- l vo-- ( tr hnit tirt lut'wlt (vt t pF'iuif if Rtpif fr un tn? if if f rut in tNt you lorvir. j tit de '! everywhere you and Miignifl-f,.- t I' t. all nrimnd we.e Ipil - vlfft'ora tn the ' tt'!'"ir fsmt e sra s tn tu" xne'lilug about theae (K,"v joi .. For example, tlx seage ,.(.' c n p:. "'c C at hecpoe Po nyy M "in'shi g.,eri-ie Cnufinantai "1 k I pe" t -- d nc Vor l! ter We'l, the re;oet of the In ri y It I i ,i..f l 'rr'i fix the seven davs. ,,4 1 Him! j5; t' ... Trv'mmn j, ,.. y 11 it. ivjV SB. m; mtutmuo tempers-I'i- . 4 47. to. ?7, ih'-r- .l f,' l1 r- r-- si TV-l- de - a'' fe-'p- er- . NmIV :o it r t toiiff K ir. ff t U., kr tui irfn nntint U.iite tbit pt;t?r. Aiifii,.r4 it kllDKT I t to N. V., !; i I ttmle I't'tif. ! In?1 itt- ! I BitHUoK Rat tnd l'horf It Sh'hte tn h Irifliiil riir lost rHrB nusf i rMt f Mf. Prevent FLU 3ndGSIP i j fV Slop ( f tCLTKS' ' nd dll FOLETS P rr'F FWff t Pl.M v d.ff'4 tr 21. 17. Vi 1 1 J.inifl rm i . ,.'(4 i; t t p te 1 'tl t'-- ! !' or bar and p'av Pad the d"w-- r v un'! rt ou"d t' r. to fc r two week a tlx end I. The H "! of Tlx of February and kix beg)"n!'ig nf M"-- h t'-- fl-- W. N. U ; V r L .7 . 1 Hairs ft Hevi - . rnmm. t j P'hr f in ? In ittrew-i- tu-'- Iiv tM !. nl an? - TV. jhii io't In rnption, .tir.iiet t riHidthti ffni FJUIp- tiMimrnf riiy Friing Kilmi-r'- t j Yo fiur otgu Otlit tiillit ET ' ,re. tiit to or e, 'xe -- "" tn4 I mn-lie- n.gi, ps"k i. miu er td T it. tr t It tlif kiu.. diuon, tier? to btlflllt I'tin in lh i Yieo-inii- e r SVVAt.P-F.LQ- i'U i triiui.iF n( in ver WoiiM'Tia eoini''H p' oi'.Ff twit nil ri11 1it krli'M -r t ii ivn.iiI 'f ki.Kirv n- 1 ii.i ic 'f w mn Isive ti Cao-yon- . -- lue In i1' i II. nt wly, I ni.i wc.ir-li- ( e el;- Hi. I lu Coatuminf. ! , By JOHN DICKINSON In m'riiHlnii, tlii1 sunniest "rt nf conserve the ni."l.i. nre Ml cnnimuiit himI fur' i.e;i..M i In I hiv u'li'in nv.mii- - ! i !,ie. II I well lu Hie (no p-- nl ai'ld-cot- i In lie l,ri;i.iii wl I. N kilo ' loi!"e of f T Knitted Art V. I i cf t' I b'lind. i:i. h tl "11 Wlcll I t'liiinl- - " wl. t I'iitii Yes I anew a v Is I ( li In Mm i i (I1 ! Muu - :rin I'H'N III (i in Kt-- i r ii' L'.'h5522L i ) r i II i ( t,vrr? http t fbl 4 itfqjwttMi f I l'Jav KlHl. tl. NtJviG V1"- - 1 d r Ybiui 1 ban Lake Cty. No. 6 1. I Creel Irve-- l on. I d- - 'i I. ihe v in k "r n l.uy H' lc nd - J!v w I- i f tost .i r e have nmr-!'-- i - Moae a 6ho jlBorir fl ir.firi;iniK High B'y! r.!!ied at the !! Point. the -- hirrli.g a short n:!V,e. Two yoke lina'lcd l' a s:r,-s from a Bar Pot. inrrou s'. hi ei,i! 'le of crcfi) row, fl,,' sJriile - ai r W )' Sl uri. r The skirl I eiceptl ift hrrB ulrh ln:V. tile Si "t 'uceil H!it'H Ti'lx make thsult ?it!i ;. mnA. n,ni'il l'li round i.p dr,., nt the rii'ii iit-y. uirk rrtirr u I. nd I'a I :nd Is itiifH n fr lic-nt lhin. Id fiMd, fr r .) Tie Bni. it'd o' mrii.g "i. f tfrl f tb fnr hIohjI flu- ne-kpi'iu !i I hx- will'd i rred ro'l of the aril Hit scconipar iTig iiiiivTii'loi: t'-!- l I ' e n cfri si.k and t nel g'ves an oe g nf tn vwl art In In part r! e s'-- ry f'd the li.frud'nlbx nf kt'iii ".cr, of eiubrn d tra-'t'nturning. T! r"'-- c g The g feriii!i!i txr cox 1 In ban rodi4 nrer.t tlx ap; ery .o-- h In a" ortinc ei.f a'ijij'O-tlo- g e'id wl.h h I a fen niuh'-to the of cpqs ',i,!r!.ed wi'h a beg In seal. ll wi ichcd f"-ei""':' knifed ( ro"nrf n,a ie lu a!1 'he In h'own a1 k. wnA frMk tnvnt tWh WfitnM 7 K rA r. '.k, In I rh iVh t.x r' ihxe p'yie r'X oet-Rl-Rsshea Cu'lcu'S i and burn, by hid tvi'ha That t X r'liiicura Kixp fy ti.n'niet. ec.u.'i.'ini'i of Cirici.r N"l.lt:g hc'i-- , rvn-r- , gw ccttx, rpm Cu'l !,1!.v If a I::'le of the c. rw Tiih uni I fli's'ed nu a tha Bo Advertisement. 'x ea-ieh. fti frp'nl j . ; "VI t j i'ds t(.;uNaia tl e f'in.e r?" I s , Vc,- - vr r.'fF I :p:0' the J: 1 !. f liul.k'! :i It u-- C'l ( il' " iorr Lye t fr. Ia r t' iTM.Iilrelin I fowl pf. ,5,770 S liriceee.t Hardy i (!'-(- hx-!7oe)- "ii 4 a1 co-- i- e rit s e""!nd Ir. 'x efxr en'or. kn'tted fro k. It ! I ;.l'i1 of jit o H rol(wd wool wt'h radio l ie- s' k on fhe T nT'.pe atresuier of the rnlie tlie al ea-. to tlx er :u;r. Ida, lend d Ir.-l- rry tlt II i f.. 'rtiFt. ', : em -- x rr I,- rrf Mwrrn a I ? V. Tl reaf to I'd .'IJI I PTf |