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Show -- r VOLUME ONE EIE3 CURIE The Gi IS KILLED U KDCMUI V com of II GRANTS VILLE, VLFA-- mm mmiE EDITS T. n s. ui HEMS. h f Valentine's night wsg a big event The speakers at the 1st Ward Sacg Merrymem-be'- s rament services Sunday were: W. for the rapid'.y-gmwhas tieen club While the Cliii. Chester Jefferies, C. J. Anderson end In exiatanre tor several years it has J. 2. Hicks of Raymond Canada. never had the success that has attThe Relief Societies of both Wards ended it dance this season. On gave a picture show Tuesday evening. thing that possibly added to the The proceeds to help defray expenses attraction of last Wednesday night incident to entertaining visitors at was the fact that it had been heralded forth that a dress and a suit should Conference. ...... be givn to tha Indy and gentleman Anderson 2, Brown 1, Millward 2, held the lucky number. Dene, John U. Hicks was the speaker at who 1, Wratbeil 2 was indulged in unitl slmut 9 o Bailey I, Imlay the Parents Class of the First Ward ing S, Quattn I, Brocket 1:- - Free Thrown, clock when the committee serii I W I Ign begun It wa necessary to ving supper. nerve three different tablet in order to accomodate the crowd. Ai soon aupper wa ever Interest began to rise in the drawing for the price. The drawing wai done by Georg Fark under the direction of Chairman J. W. Anderson. Dena Boyer and Alex Johnson, were th lucky one. Mra. Boyer winning a little calico ehi'd'x dress many, mary year too ma!l, while Alex wee fortune'e '?) in getI suit, aieo mary year ting a wee ton im!I! Ey a unamamoux vote K wa agreed to hold the next dance on Friday, February 21rd. and invito ail th young people of th town to un-- I r it with their eider the I eat dance of the season. A. Gorge Condi, prnripal of wh sols at Ophir was a Grantsvillc visitor Friday. After the dance in the evening he went down to Burmester, catching the early morning train for Sett Lake City. Glen Wooley came down from Ophir last Friday to sec the Tooele Grer.ts-vill- e backet hell game. He the Ophir Jur;or High team, returning with them aftr the dance. He reports the Ophir school doing very good work, keen interest being shown by most all of the students and arrom-peine- 1 patrons. J mi d 1 f.2 s' ITAH, FK1D4Y. FLKKUAKY 23rd, 1923. NUMBER EIGHT Wmfhall out of S, Quatto 2 out ofR. Broi-ke- t 0 out of 2. Total points: Crantsviile 22, Ophir 13. i 1 The Bill up before the Utah State House of Representative to nisk it possible to take a portion of the West-- J em part ef Tooeie fiunty bigether with sections of Junh end Millward County end make a New County out of rt we defeated Wednesday. Sheriff County Brj. R. Harris of Fa!t lake waa in Tooele Wednesday mnrnirg crfirrpr.ied fcy deputies He hurting for the Mexican who shot one of hi countrymen at Gar- field the previous ever.irg. wi SID! MTES.ITSL TEE BEETS 1 COSEXIIT TEKP1TS TELEEFJUT KEED REEFS FE2EFJM IT STELES 18 Mutuals of thu Find Waid ere RILL EE FEESEfllEO HUE. Some years ago there was Friday (Tonight) with a play "lhe Unseen by some uf the men agitatme in "DESERT Wm. Russell S made Announcement has just been they expect present to the jg the progress of our little the last oi llieyiionth. that Uto dales for the production of aly whlck had to do with the mstai-th- e TUR STAR High School piay, Mrs. Tumpk I illl)B pf a Vocal telephone exchange. Larry Seaman Comedy have been definitely set Fur mime time we have been thinking HOARDER. Telegram Mrs. Joseph El:- -. Went to Salt ADM1SMON TRICE 10c and 20c This will come ea a about this problem and Wundering for March l,eke City Sunday a'lernuoe by auto aiatter of great interest to those who why we should nut set about the same o -to visit her suiter Vi. F. J. Murray have been wailing for the anuuimce-aisu- t, thing again. Thera ia surely none to Saturday returning Monday Bu rning. and wa are sure that no sue deny that our present tali phone sysBeebe Daniels end Jaa. Kirkwood in who is fortunate enough to eee the tem ia inadequate, end anyone who -play will be in the least disappointed. has tried to use it to any estii--t knows riMt going.... Mr. end Mrs Jem k'iama onler-kaeee to ben Baby 1'cggy ia bW EFT IE." have whs Those how almost impossible ii is to do so permitted tamed at an oyster Friday ef the (ehvreaeki say the patrons without the eompeuitua ef the sIIm ADMlbblON FRICK 10 gad 20c hsw was had time An exesT night s who wra ea ut 25 friends of dramatic art in Giaatsvills have eight or by nil those pm them the same line. Tins is r.jt store in several surprises necessarily werw present wbaB they eee tha depth ef talent the fault of the rumps., that serve MONDAY & TUESDAY' T. hitherto unsuspected. Ih'rector us, fur with the few suhschtiers they Tha filed great raramuunt Spcial THE A. V. II 1U1 by his J dineon telle us that the cast ia pra- have here at poresont they car, nut Oi l HOMESTEAD ms, ef Afton ctically ready to go bcfhre the public well afford to install an mure daughter, Mrs. tirav-equipAlso ' MOVIE CHATS" Wyoming, made a t; is Salt lake now, but in order to pit on a finshed ment then thry have Ad moo. inn 15c and 35c. City Wednesday lai .eie they will p'odurlion he is arranging for two If our serves us qrht the work in the Temple wr a short tima. performances next week, one in Lake val ex- remiiuii) agreed to lVint and one in Ophir. The fimdiing change at the tiin. . .. Wednesday the nixt j on the coinliiion town Frank M.yu in "OUT OF TUE The entertaining iVnmittee of the touches of the rehearsals of m. kc this positively furnish them with at. h , , iub- - S1I.FNT Miinil Relief Societies ef th.. two wards gave two weeks shouid . tiavi "F ls-a- i Mruus have hail L,.r,i,l.rs. Since that t: Con led) llmae lean" a picture eluiw in ,ee Opera House;01 uf niu,,r almost that many, i lm lined k ,lut Tuesday night nndeltoemddi rectum of i1 AI'MlbSluN I'klCE like and Stic which i being paint- jto think, on the two in -t the Chairmen, Mrs. Goldie Johnson Th new acenery .h..j have o vd especially for thi p'ay by the simp here. W hy couldnt w,- atari out to a a s buy willl make the pi. y nil :he more jknuw what wuuld be roiuired nf I'hursday i, Mrs. F.Jith DcMottF ciiukh of Bur- sill active to those V out to now, ami hnwrg found thi- - nut. why BACII LOR Thus. M.ighan in eventSuesdiiy arrlvod Graotsville ha would it not tw a good thing for see it. In the ley, Idaho, HAHDY" mother-in-lasome of the best home drs- - icdi- - of Grantsvilie t. get behind the ing for n short visit with her and ' .Esop I ai'li " She niatu-Mrs. William Ryilalch. in the country, and the people mnicnicot anj see it lliri.uyh Mihb-rAI'Ml.'-siOTHICK -- ldr and 20c. Lm returnsd to Salt City Thursday have been loyal in their aupxrt. hfv is so complex that alnc-- t eiety-- ! afternoon. The Oiiwrver feel certain that this one having any commutiicaiinii whal-plawill surpass efforts lor many lever with his friend and t us people TOOI.I.K UK AL MAS and trust that a i aacily house need a phone in his ho.,-e- . years It ha Ruby Jefferies onIda Cooley ent-- 'will the young players when long since , out of the luxury left W eilncsda S"il. E. M. ertoind at fand. pull Turslsy they appear. class, proi itlcd we can gel ice thut IMno, to a'ti'inl the Clcielaiol, Alice wer: Those present evening. will be satisfactory arid ade piste to lils'i :iiieiiienta N.iHonal I oiin iitiun Worthgington Weely Andeiaun, Fistt our needs. This is another problem ci. mi at that (Yy. He will return Clark, Frances Jtewiierry, Melvin NEWS OF TWENTY YELRS EDO. for our and this, again about Mutch luth. Bailey end Grant W assail. bring up tlie urgent need of e Commercial Club or some similar organiResiib'ids on Wed Si reel w 'ie very Arthur Burnt! of Raymond, A liter A sleighing party Went to Burmes-U-- r zation to look after just sm h Comlit-inn- mocli ex.'ilml when a dog. Canada a guest of 8. W. Wooley. to live rabies, made a wild last Sunday end were entertained tu, Again, why not ? niptis-at dinner by Mr. ami Mrs. Benaril President Charles L. Anderson arrlb lough the hi'igblHirhnud, A of Mr. ived hum after a trip to New York. Swenson. The party dog ewnud I y Pi in. N. J. Harlow wa A HI MANE 1NDTSTKY and Mrs Glen Hale, Mr and Mrs. Lee uiiljy bitten up by the ranine. Hairy Willi home after a lung Johnson, and Mr. and drs, llulgate. th Nu" 1, sen re bringing with him a firend, Mr. t"nl Alia. Thomua K. Adam eonililion of factory lias an improv.-ia Adah Smart of kw aiiM.'iiice ll.e enjfeci-T.ien- l v. I 1 Verne Item, W i Ihaiic.iiug nd "noniOjB-livI i Yi ' A Hurt K. Erukuon, KuperinA'iiileut iiiduslry. randy pull Rulurday evening. will tah.a-The wndditg Liimiii at tile The Store of beet Oakley, Peoples sugiir industry mean Those present wme: Alb'S Worthinglay i'ebriuity 2'.h in the tall Lake here vunting rcliiliccs and f: famiug, and a Urge turn-of- f ton, France Row'ierry, TTieu Johnson, Idaho, of ealtle find than from any other lYmple. end. Fannie Judd, Cl.:ra Millward, Ruby kind of crop. Jefferies, Mnlvia Bsdiy.Vosie Jphn-i- i Officer of the Ir'twiry met at the Al the Souh W'anl afternoon Meetdi.itrii ls double and treWralhall. Grant Iratt Clark, Wdliiirn Mrs. home of si, Ryiiulih spuit ble the Fuinlsy the Young Mens Mutual ing of fat production daitying, Weely Amb rson iind ('lark Butler. ocinl evening preirntnig her with swine and abeep and starvation of was reoigaitied , lon Iocis k who has and an album in token of reifM-i- t si rved as presulent waa releaSd and stock is at an end. as a winther of rnbes I red J. I jeld ted wa sustained as the appreciation were Club entertainThe Justsmere in the Primary organization, she new piesiiieiit. George Turner and E. "Count That Day Lest. ed by Mis Gladys Tiddler Weilnesday er Tin iihisi h ated of all tlsia la that M. ( hristeiiM ii will act as hi Council- having recently resigned. evening. Hie guesis were, Mrs. Milan on which tin baa not laughed. CTiam Johnson, Mrr. Edoie Rotierto, Mrs. fort. M'saea Ralu-gJohnson, and th h:eh , Ucrnb-Cora Norma Clark, Johnson, Gwendyin Anderson, Leah liarruH, Anon Worthingtoe end B teSupt. F. M. Reid was a visitor at the schori'i last Tuesday. nia Warren. BLOB-MIM- 7-- at U-- a lutsK-tiber- fr ah-ad- j bt ''' 11 n - -- j - J.t -- a y J grt Pi-I- pto-ae- d fi-- r sees : -- in-- ii mn-uste- - mb-rso- Sunday School Sunday morning. Elder J. R. Hicks of Canada else addressed the Sunday School. - see i .ft - The buoy which publir JI line-up- I 't k Andrew G. Kygrvn, a resident of Last Friday night the Gantsville Granlsville fur the past 53 yean, died School fust and second team High Amu l)wn, a raiwhauin living five at the family home Monday after a dnuuuucmd decisive defeats to their him occasioned milw baiow Vvnwn, killed a rabid long illness by gutting opponents from up on the hi'L The in th kitchen uf his foot fruxen durwg tha winter ef score of coyul with an the second team game was 1921-2his early Monday Burning, after 24 to II, end in the main event of the Maria He ia survived by his wife. the aiaddimed animal had attempted the first team trimmed the Nygren, one son and five daughters. evening to attack Mr. Davis. Before appearTooele buys by a score ef 12 to 12. eervk-eheld will be Funeral today ing at th Davis huoM the coyul had This makes four euuaecutiv victories piayad have at tha J. W. Braciar in the First Ward Meeting house. for our team ever their rivals in the ranch adjoining, whew it had bitten last two years, which kelps give the several caivaa, four hen ea, eight to hoys confidence for the future. ExTOE! tan pigs and killed eighteen chickens. cept for the second quarter, when both Ur. Bresier was amniaed early in teams seemed to slow down, the locals the morning by a disturbance in a easily showed a superior brand at Copy From Tooele Traeerript corral an See bums. Un investigatWe send basket ball, both in knowledge of the Give this a thought. ion he diaeoveied the coyote among men to the legislature and pay their game end in team work. In spits of tha caivaa, the latter struggling to salanva out of our tax money and than tha d if t semes in scores the game was Ur Bresier re- we either have to go ourselves or pay fast and kept the fans tenaaly seiiist eerape its eitacha. entered the house to obtain e gun, somebody else to go and watch that to the end. and on hie reeppee ranee tl coyote Special mention should be made of our repreaentaiiiiee don't ruin us had entered e barn in which four the is This enact splendid showing mads by our laws the they hones were stabled. All of the hor- through second string lads. Except for their whet they try to ceil democracy. ses were bitten by the animal some Representative Hookey from our first gams at Murray, when they sufin the nose and neck, others in the kgs own County ha introduced a bill, fered from "stage fright they have Leaping through a widow in the which if made a law, will strike the won every con teat this season, and on barn the coyote sculled a high woven very heart of the country weekly. the flor Friday night some of the wire fence and made an attack an the We would ask our Honorable Repre- men made such a remarkable showing chirkens of the Bresier ranch. Withsentative, what have we done to de- that it is not out of place to forecast in a few moments it had snapped off serve such treatment? We feel happy some hard scrapping fur first team tha heads ef eighteen. Hr. Bresier in the thought however that he ia nut next yaar. Even soma of the first opened fire on the animal, but the the will of our good teem men are going to have to extend wire fence prevented the bullets from representing themselves to hold their places next County people on this matter. taking effect After it bad killed or This ia liie second bill introduced year. driven to cover all the chickens, the s The end summaries ef the nt the Session ef legislature rabid visitor again leaped over the to do present to the rounlry weekly. two games follows: injury fanes end jumped into a pig pen, Tooele First Teams Mr. Rtookey gave support to the first Grantsvilie where a half dosen pige were within Gowen and is author of the second. The first Cuok rf, ita neck, end all ef which were bitten. Batson Adams If, bill was defeated. Still another pig pen was visited end c Barber is n good thing that our legis- Soellierg It at last two other hope were bitten. lature don't meet ofterner than every Hale Gilleapie rg, In tha meantime Mr. Bresier had Tate two years or the men at the head of rg, kept np a steady rifle fire on the our Shields lg would bo nerv- Btromberg many enterprises animal, hat was unable to piece a ous wrocks Field goals --Cook 4, Summary: trying to protect their fatal shot The coyote paying little Watson 8, fioeibeig 2, Gowans 1, business. attention to tha shuts, sped from the legitimate Adams 2, Barber 1; Free throws Bresier ranch, nemo a creek to the Cook 10 out of 12, Gowans 0 out of 1, farmyard of the Davis ranch, 150 Adams 4 out of I. A EDITOR SETS SUEGESTIQH yards distant Mm. Davis was imGrantavjlle ... Second Teems ... Tooele mediately spied by the animal as she Anderaua Beaman stood in the kitchen door. Mr. Davis rf, Editor Grantsvillc Observer, Bailey rf, approaching from a barnyard, saw the Granlsville, Utah. animal, and realising Ita intention to Deer Sir: attack his wife, attempted to inter, When, I eubcrttied fib,'cer a, per 1 sept Ul fieisi'if dfl as, be acWko the coyote within a few feet of the supposed I wee going to get a paper the kitchen door. Ho struck once with "Made in Amerien" and using F it when opened eufficent fo.vi to knock the coyote F.nglish language. last week's paper what do I find T A Summary : Field goals - A over, but paying little heed to Mr. in Swedish! Not that I mind letter Bailey 1, Butler 3, Wrathall 2. Orr l Davis, it regained its feet and conSwedish language not at all F. Johansnn 1, Beaman S, Mi Krllar 1; tinued ita effort to reach Mrs. Davis. tha I have n Swedish wife and because Fra throw Butler 6 out of 10, Me The letter turned and fled into the wouldnt dare say anything aliout it. Kellar I out of 7. kitchen, cloely followed by Mr. Davie, do like to know what I am readwhs armed with the ax, sue ceded in but I about and therefore have a plan I ing slaying it. GKANT8VU.LK JUNIORS WINS should like to suggest to you. Other newspapers hava campaigns The Ophir Junior High basket ball fur raising subscriptions through preteam journeyed down to Grantsvilie and which mium offers they make, LOCAL NEWS from the success they have I should to meet the bawl Juniors last Friday think that would be a good plan fur afternoon hut proved that they were Mrs. Jerk Hudson has come in from you to try out. Now my scheme is no mntrh fur the locals after Coach Gold Hill to consult with the Doctor. this: why not give, with each yearly Snow began to send in hi ninth grade to the Observer, e good, men. While th eighth grade hoy Bert Talbot ef the Bunkers Load subscription remained in the gam the Ophir lads standard Bwedish-F.nglisdictionary end Trust Ce. wee e visitor Saturday Then if that Hjalamar fellow, whom- had the advantage, but they were unea an inspection trip. ever he ia, wants to keep on writing able to maintain it after the more exhim go ahead. Perhaps in that perienced men were sent in against let Berra-swSpeakers at the 2nd Ward The visitors remained guests I can pick up enough Swedish them. services Sunday were: Frank way of the School foe the game beto means understand wife what my Knowlten and Kay Hammond. sometime when ahe get mad at me tween Tooele end Granted ie in the e vening, and most of them were treJ. B. Hicks ef Raymond, Alberta, and speaks in tongues. ated to their first real league game. Canada was visiting With his brother Trusting you will see the merits of John U. Hicks during the peat week. my plan, 1 am Sincere! four, Harvey Anderson shipped a cur of A ehsrriber. lambs an Saturday from Burmrster consigned to MiFsrlund Salt Lake MEKB1 MEMBERS HA1E DANCE. City. knt ' v. 't j i.ii:, echjgl notes. e Andi-rson- - ' H44444aftf4tom4ttoM4Ht4tt4444to4m444to a The offb'iTa and tearhera at the Y. L. M. 1. A. of the first ward were given a Valentine surprise party at the home of Mr. F.. M. 8 panto Thura day evening at 8. p. in. by the Presidency, Mrs. Gertrude Jefferies, Mr E M. Fpantiin, and Mr. Alta William The evening was spent in playing games for wh'nh prise were given. The prises for the game, Hunt for your fortune" were won by Mr F.rna Stromberg and Mist Annie F.rkkson Mrs. Adsh Wiilia won the prize for the "Blindfold" game. The Heart contest was won by Mrs-- Irsata Page and Jonnis Andemo. Mr. Ktromherg wiol' g the ic.-hprize. The guessing : by Mis Gwenever enntost was Anderson At 11 p. m. a dainty luncheon wa served lu the foliowi'.g: Mcerfame Irene Pitre, Lillion Anderson, Hazel Johnson, Lids Bailey, Adsh Willis, f.rria Sl.rnnil erg, Annie Maggie Lizie and lleo-- Anderson, the Misses I'enina Wrathall, Annie Ervkson Ver Jefferies, Gwenever Anderson. Mud Settle, Jenris Anderson and Gladys Anderson. A qmrtette contest ended th ' tertainm-- rt evenings Heart and a color whemc of red and white was tarried out in th decoration and the table setting. Mill-war- d, Row-herr- The Domestic Science department under the direction of Mis IVuina Wralhall, served a di lironis Uiiii beun to the faculty, the bs al iuanl member RupU F M. Kadd and I'ruf. ('owlet last Tuesday non. In the debate on the mitlier'a bonus flues' ion Inst frilsy the negative team consisted of Alice Rupp and Arthur Rfleeijd w n the ile. bin over Gwene- vere Anderson and Loab Rnrmesti-- for The decision stood 'he aff.rmative. two to or e. Cowles Biiiir High FrWl of Halt luike Cip was visitor at the High fbhool last Tuesday. lie visited all the ri'psrfments nf the school and rnnd't- risirle'l the si h'K-- in l fr-- L ion. Tins i Mr. Co.t.i ffir.'. oi:re he SjMt.i.kl h-- M D'K'-rrM- : (rivi-rj .. Shfit tu'k S' ii'iol Iiyh Tin SupJ, VwhI Talk A Ifih f Ih:e hs'e for the .i 'ulm Kn. piay, T. I It ho'-- ii ?o ; !" KO elsewhere. a a J ' f 2 4 4 T. Roy BarnCft,. Hirrikon ford Fritz! Ridgwiy l error iti-'- ; "viirl cowt Olw-rr- a II h hs'e Ion angi-me- ? i tnn iif . n r' h V, ! fb i.nol h j jii'n." hh. A rf 1 f " T rV - -- ' i f tiv l J- A hor. V of ti e !be - t "Ai. " . i, g-- Arr p.iidc wl'h tt.c m-.- o do before you J 4 4 4 Tlh-14 4 4 4 Oithira 44 if Pmvfi 4 r i'!f pK'ror. xnj lnvi-drsmi wdl ef- what we can FktHKTI L.lAi-r- ' school sec JUH . v ht 10 oVli k Opera Ii' use for Much Printing MONDAY & TUESDAY st j, HEN in need of STRAND THEATRE le-s- t D. tu'l ail! piavs ever fit nn b"- tie g'ven nut Infer, w"h a Ti e r V'P !'; arr east of to t at.,1 j.tdnt irjf g'f an ert'cey new set of scenery f r this production. 'v ! - . - Y I mh ?Y'N j C'l'-vci- i irn sh !l r:m fci.in Dsy-ie- s in brown ms gis Jewelry Co. On rod I'l t v ec-- 1 T'.'r ir nd Grat twirl, T'rt !ny fib H. Finder piease ceil 172 R. Reward. A ISIfi A dm Union lAlT: Isir ef b" rKTURE Irire l ie & 31c 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444441 i |