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Show THE GRANTS VILLE OBSERVE H. GRANTS VILLE, UTAH. He Graotirule Okserw Published Every Friday Ku Advertising m Spring Dressgoods WHEN YOU THINK OF JOHN T. FUNDERS, Editor. AND Apylicattoa OtOARTHENT USES TMI FRANKLIN PRiNTINO PRiC LIST. Hosiery JOI OUR gAtcnptM 1A Pric h 'ar' FBANCR.KfctiKiN AS LAUCK AS The legislatures of fivn u gnl Vs-- U Furepa m Urge rival program, Colorado tbs tslifmg Ur-- Wi SUM'S Peppy Local ' j programs eovering M sU France in ncres territory into carried operation. arc to be Sis Million nails at water power and Million! Irrigated homes Sr thnes farmars art to he provided by tins ImtLus Are Now In F plan. Water, light, hast, power, tnonnous eounllaas production from tha soil and induatrws am among direct results. Tha I is Moo's wildast river is to be tomad, nblisad and hanwaaad and tha graataat dsnarta Mclaimad. Certainly ardarly goearnasant, and tngneenng ara to maka a reality of tha Bdiia pniphaciaa that tha and regions shall boconse productive and the deserts shall bloom with AT SPEIRS STORE Still Side 21 Party Favors acl-ao- ca W Pkoie MerckanL f AND SERVICE AND ART IN If you tr planning a party wt have for your convientnce, PLACE CARDS, TALLEY CARDS, NAPKINS, FAVORS, ETC, ETC. ESTERS MINING BBCOBD Kaletive to Senator Pittman's proposal to add a ridel'" to the Nwholwm resolution calling fur a silver eommis-aio- a ws understand that the Nevada Senator will offer a substitute measure which it la expected w ill enlarge the scope and strength of the Kirhnlaoa bill. It ie aleo laid that Senator Pitt- Man has the support of the agricul- HANKS & EVANS. Tooele, ture bloc" Senator Smoot's bill authorising tha expenditure by the Treasury of 3fi,mi0 to pay transportation chargss an silver dollars delivered to Wen tern banks has been passed and la sow a - - Utah. MHN SPRING! I law. Gold hording in Mvsica, due chiefly to the recent failure of many banka there, has created an awkward eurren-- 1 ry situation. It ia understood tl tha government will proceed to resume the coinage of eilvrr pesos. Silver ahs ka at Shanghai ara now )..ai ft nominal JJlpwanjLany attempt at London to lower silver prirrs is hound to create large demands from China. Total silver purchase of the Govern-Merfor the first 17 daye of January ounree roMpar- amounted to oed with 7,4U,5W) in Daramber and EAXZJK'O n year ago. It soon kere aid jroaQ need joarear HOWS YOUR BATTERY? We do rebuilding and any kind of repairs your battery nay nwd. Wo At edit tlio famous Wnatingbouat Battery. Let us yn over your electrical system. ELECTRICAL Direct Your Attention To TOOELE it The Observer 4 The i I Try This Delicious New Treat Amcrican-Hawaiia- nat-bin- al Win M Call tha raisins and aataieal he varioaa standard Wa have brands. ..Yea'll he glad yaa called aa aa. Vowles Market f- - tjvwMiw.. r nnrrvuinri Phone 9. yl 133. Soil Lake Wti. 4350 i One Equals Two! One pair of shoes properly taken care of by our Repair Shop will equal two pair of new shoes which are allowed to go tortpiird. Englands Repair Shop. DO IT NOW One hundred years ago penp'a were afraid of rae and thought it to be work of the devil. Later when Westminister Bridge was Lghled with gas people thc'ight the pipna were filled with fire ard vitiM the epertocie dumb founded. When a Lgtti; g eye-tews installed in the H oe of Commons the member of Farlimert. fearful of bcng burned, would not toorb the pipes wi'h anr'oved faandi But tbst was a hundred ye- - ago. Today there - l,20 osee for pae. nd it takes t xj thousand tni'ee of tneet males to de'.ivrv the gae af the country to s et"su"'tre. Forty five million pe.p'c in hrmet er.d factories are now served with gse, or write and make arrangements for courses of instruction Agency for all kinds of Musical Instrument! Expert Piano Tuning, Finishing and Repairing all Musical Instruments a Specialty Music furnished fur all occasions and town faad bills. H. Pkce ofllopolulu. health, smash seal'd.ry av atop whining about Every tk in g given immediate attention. and other iiiatruments yae will fond eonfsrtiou ha repaid la arw-o- Furniture moving a specialty Music Studio Mrs. Bunk I pupil of Mrs. J. Caltia and of Evana Stevens tow her of piano, r.lsaaical or Jazs system. Violin and other instrument taught by K. E. Bush (pupil of Pipf. Wiboi of New York, and ITof, hnmt Keel health giving dish for yssng and oM. this tttv Instruction on PIANO, VIOUN. UKULELE, STEEL GUITAR TENOR, BANJO apply a faod alcment seeded to mako a ewMplrto, Start today to serve PHONE 7 for all kind of hauling Nothing too large or too small. Tooele City Utah ITtona 1D4W a new seat to aa old favsrite cereal, raiajas Addiag to ujmmi its liberty or isn't clever and brave enirh to resist them. Action at tha pulls ia needed not lamentation about an imaginary throttling of frea apaaeh and about tha triumph of fanatics lot ue either CO. The Barton Truck Line iAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI v vtTvvvTTvv F I M n Oatmeal and Raisins ts reetnrtone Great Men But Four Prophets, There ia a madman proposing tn light London with -- what do suppose ? why with emke.s That's whut Sir Walter Kcntt wrote to a frirt-- when R was first planned to light IamJon with gas. Kapoleon sad it omt a folly, T. ART KELSON THE PLAIN TRUTH. With aur increasing Ameriraa tondenry to write our prejudice upon the atatue books and to turn personal preferences, if wa can, into law, wt are jeopardising aur ancient freedom more and mine aeriously. Legislatures can be momentarily frightened into doing almost ary thing, says Mrs. Gorould. Commenting on this phase of a qtiection tits New Turk Times This ia the nnclean spirit of aays: eoerciun, and it aught to be exercised Organised fanaticism, whether it make tha law, or break it. ie the enemy. Artistic and literary censorship ia at once a joke, an imposition and an nuisance. Propaganda of many sorts is at work all tlie time. It mey be that, as the Socialist State is built up with- mit acknowledging its orgin, liberty will hacunie a great congeries of prohibitions. hut either the majority wan- AUTO-ELEC- Earl M. Christensen New is the time to mat e repairs and improvements inside the home. Line that unfinished room with wall board or Lave a cabinet built In the kitchen. N. G. Lindahl CHRISTENSEN & LINDAHL A i.i.w fiuor fTNERAL DIRECTORS A LICENSED EMBALMERS Moat Up-to-da-te Methods A Chapel la Tooele County We are prepared to be Responsible for all details aa yoar Morticians Healers to Flower Fbonr 13 and Munumenta. Teorla, Utah cf maple can be bud right over the old for a lifetime. It ia just aa cheap TeH us the size of your rooms good linoleum. we wZI give you a figure on the cost. floor and will last e I LUMBER Co. jPARKER-WARNE- R niONE 9. TOOELE CITY MILLING CO. Detires to state that they intend giving the retailers the benefit of the wholesale trade, and doing retail business only at the m3L Patronize HOME INDUSTRIES and keep TOUR money st kone |