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Show THE GRANTS Y1LLE OBSERVER. GRANTSVILLE, TOOELE WANT ADDS t FOR LEASE OR Hotel. Apply, Professional and SALE-Col--niol Art Nelaon. Two Hudson bicycles Business Cards. dap at Art Nairn. PICTURE FRAMING sea FURNITURE Plaintiff, ve. JOHN 8. FECK and LOTTIE PECK. Dafandante. For Calcimining, Paper hang-in-f NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. To ba aold at Sheriffs Sal on the A Plastering. T. Lt Breton ATTORNEY AT LAW 2nd day of March. A. D. 182$ at tha Main Street. Adi. AS N. of 12 oclock, noon, at tha Wait bout e e e front door of tka County Court House FOR RENT--BuiUin- g ia Tsovla City, Tooala County, Utah, formerly Notary Public all the right title, claim and interval of occupied by the Touele Drug Co. rr 1 dvfondonu of ia and to Ectreneee from Vain end Vine Tooele, Uuk. above tho following dvacriiiod rani salats. treete. Beet business location Commancing at a point 4 chain in Tooele city, will be vacant Wst of tho Southeast cornar of tho June Northwoot quarter of tho Southeast Inquire at Tooele County State Bank. quarter of Soction II, Townahip I HOME OF COMMERCIAL MEN South, Kangs Wool, Salt Lako Mar. Hiian, and oatendmg thcnco North 10 FORRENT-S- ix room houae Headquarters for Smelter chains, thonco West 4 chains, thence phone 46. South 10 chains, thonco East 4 chains and Mining Men. to placo of beginning, containing 4 vary ARTISTIC lu tka Third Judicial District Court of The Bute of Utah, la and Fee Tanaka County. TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK. a Corporation, for sals RUGS AND RANGES Adi ess JOHN B. GORDON ... Easy Terms TATE-K1CK- S TOOELE FURMTURE CO. Touele, Utah. IsffKCM B1L, Phone S3. OQUIRRH HOTEL let SALE-A- uto FOR ahop. Inquire of Electric Art Nelaon. Hot Water Batha. Dinning Room in Connection. Garage in Rear. Utah. Tooele, ... Market price paid for hidee pelts, wool, fura, etc. W. M. Mortenaen, Z57 North Second rmiCLEGS.rNa, 1.tliAIU,VuNi. Weet street, Tooele, Utah. Glasses in Tine, Save Sight. Neglect tiy have them properly examined may cause n Lfe-tiof aor-oand regret. Small disorders grow more serious every day. There ia satisfaction in Snowing for sure that your eyes are all right, WE CAN TELL YOU. Purchase price payable in Lawful Money of tho United States. Dated at Tooala, Utah this 8th day of February, A. D. 1923. A. O. EVANS Sheriff of Tooolo County. (Dote 1st publication Fob. 9th, IKS ) m EDWIN N. 011 FOR SALE Five room bo ae on Gienwood Ave. of John CL Bryan fur NOTICE TO BIDDERS. TOOELE COUNTY The 1923 FOR RENT Furniehed rooms. 115-- J. Sedan In 1922 Chevrolet led the world in closed car sale, chiefly because of the Sedan. This new Fisher Body Sedan is completely eclipsing its predecessor because: SUALTTY FOR SALE Pure brad Bronx Mali Turkey. Raised from Imparted stock. Inquira J. J. Gillastt, at Tooala Motor -- Ca. !' $75,000.00 (anil Some Distinctive Features i o. aalo at $8.00 TWO BEATERS-F- or sack. Inquira at Tooolo Auto Electric. PHIPPS m ia PECK, I a r A FOE EENT Tluya 42t North Mala. roam kouao, FALL AND WINTER Salta, 3oaU, and Dream, made to ueaaurc and Ready te Wear root Victor Ladiee Tailoring U. Mrs. E. J. ltoker, Agent fur roeele County. Phone 87-- DR. GEO. R. DAVIS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. DENTIST ..Estate of Robert Thomas Brown, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 611 Deseret Bank Building, on or before the 26th, day of May, A. D. 1823. Busina D. Bnwn, administratni of estate of Robert Thomas brown Hereseed. (Date first publiratioa Jan. IS, 182$) Special attention given to Gold Crown & Bridge work J. Funiiakad rooms rOB BENT-T- we r light housekeeping at Colonial itoi. Inquira at tho hotel. FOUND Improvod matalie Upo Inquire Maura In winding boa. thin office and pay for add. FOE RENT Throo funiiakad ream Fhone 87-apartment. FOB BALE Four iquira of Lora Johnson. pigs Tke Wisest Thing to do LOSTdOpn ram gold watch, with leather fob. Reward offered. Mervln Diooe Shields, 96 --J. When Ton Are Constipated. Te Ineura a healthy nrtion of tlie boweia and eorrert disorders of the liver, toko two of Chamterlaia'a after supper. Tableto immediately Ttey will not enly eauaa a gentle movement of tho howela, without urpleeeant effects, bat baniah that dull feeling, that duU, atupid feeling, that often aecoBipaniea constipation. Adv. C Sm JOHN BRYAN, Insurance Attorney. J. & HICKMAN, Office Utah. Towle, WM. S. MARKS Attorney A Counselor -- Attorney A Suite Canneelor-at-La- w 414 Judge Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. MORONI ENGLAND Funeral Director Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer - Do You Newd Any J If So, Set J or Phone If you believe fa home Ue Your Order NOW in a home newtpaper in boosting your town advertise in tkie paper We cm nlao do your fob work quickly and satisfactorily J. Salt Lake Depot: Taking Desperate Chasm is true that many contract sever colds and recover from there without taking ary precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fact leads others to taka their chsnee instead of giving their colds the needed attention. It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the longs, lowers the vitality, makes the syaem lee able to withstand csrh and paves the wsy succeeding stta-rfor the mors serious diseases. Css yoa afford to taka such desperate chances when ChemterlahTs Cough Remedy, famoua for ite euras of bad enids may be had for a trifle ? Adv. PLUMBING Bad oil kinds of Repair Work trade Window flsss replaced. HOME ASDtESfe-I- FHONE NO. H UTAH 4VWJI 114-- TteiqM te tbs Dty. mss Is like s ; be ess go mdy ter ss bis bead wiu 1st hja, A I trt Ttxwle Depot: Oquirrh Hotel TIME TAliLE: (Effective Deremlier 1st, 1922.) Lv. Tooele Ar. Salt iAke Lv. Salt Lake Ar Tooele 10:i) a. m. 12.00 m. 8:00 a.m. 10.00 a. m. 8:30 p.m. ,ri:00p. m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. ME GUARANTEE SLR VUE. at Liberty Cafe in Stave will receive Newtown and Oquirrh Hotel as indicated on The Time Table, rhoncs: Oquirrh Hotel 134; Liberty Cafe 206 For liiformation regarding Delivery of Light Parcrla Cadi Oquirrh Hotel. pasat-nfrer- a Ex-pre- Lake Stages are heated for the comfort of their patrons. The Tooele-Sa- Com-ortab- le lt Now Order favorable Make her a Spring suit she will always remember woman remember, aomr favorite her girlhood day, ben ( lorhea fir to count. Make your daughter ruth u You will find the popular material, ' lu'ii'e-puflannel, arrge, ratine, ptij lin, in all (hr new shades And at cur at our piete-foocounter. BuneeK k Pattern counter you u ill find tu only tbr new wylet in suits bur in han a, well 1 be Dehir enclosed with each parem will show you b'w r i bty our, put together, and fini,h your f.m.rnt 1 lie Dektw for the jaiket aliove, for tnuar-ie- , ttil you pictures and words how to get the tutk rPe-- i And the D kor for the young by using padding. girT a hat shows you the right way to nuke and trim k. for coal The outlook is not this winter. Stock up for that zero Weather. EVERY of We are still receiving regular n, It LE ROY LEE Lake Stage Line Tt'ery Hotel, 3rd S., W. Temi'le of Robert Thomas Brown, Deceased. NOTICE Notice ia hereby given that Rosins D. Brown, admiruaU stria of the estate of Roimt Thomas Lrown, deceased, has petitioned the above entitled court for aa order authorising her to renew n certain obligation evidenced by a promissory note incurred bjtethe said Roiiert Thomas Brown, deceased, in hia lifetime with the N kmal Bank of tho Republic, as is more fully set out in said petition, and that hearing on said petition will be had on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1923, at ten o'clock A. M., at the court room of the aim vs entitled court In Tooele City, Tenele County, Utah. Moyle and Ray, Attorney for Rneina D. Brown, Administratrix. (Date first publication Fab. 16, 1928. TOB PRINTING Utah. PASSENGERS AND EXPRESS. April, A. D. 1823. Elisabeth Cook Rockwell, Adminis-tratri- s of the Estate of David Rockwell, d vested. Date of first publication Feb. 16th A. D. 1828. PHONE 42 - Tooele-S- all Estate f David Rockwell deceased Creditors will present claims with roue he re to the undersigned at Lahi, Utah, on or before the 26th day of Utah, . Co. Agents For Tooele County are-bus- t CLIO C. TANNER - - Tooele, Tooele County State Bank Bldg In the Third Jedicial District Court a the State af Utah, in nnd far Tasele Canaty. Tooele, TodarT Tooele Motor Warning. Thera are those whs refuse ts aw uiatta, hew rapt tha foavawUnPlS,- sxpraasad. Taka ilia matter af tbs wars las algnaia Bow sammoa oa tbs barks sf motor ears Usually they Bash readily tha ana ward, Stop. , But the other wailing so Fifth whaa a light four was brought te a atandatlll, tlia eumimuid, "Halt, Kid, flared lata slew, Detroit Nows. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate Study the specifications Nothing Compares With Chevrolet allow , I Sec these remarkable offs. BUY INSURANCE Office FOE SALE Autto Trippla kniU Alao aoma para, Ng aaaehino, nrw. iquira of Buaaeli Harrison, Lake . link Toma if desired. Jam, Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Streamline body design with high hood, vacuum feed and rear gasoline tank on all models; drum type head lamps with legal lenses. Curtains open with doors of open mode lx Cliieed models have plate glass Ternsiedt regulated windows, straight side cord Ores, sun visnr, windshield wiper and dash light The Scdanettc is equipped wuh auto trunk on rear. MU ...Tar Boat Aa unfurinated room house with talk larga lot and fruit troaa. Also four room kouao and Mil lot. Inquire of Wm. C. Iarrooo 164-SMain St. rkuno 14. has been still further improved by more artistic design and ECONOMY has been still further increased by engineering refinements and greatly increased facilities. SERVICE is now offered on a fist rate basis by 10,000 dealers and service stations. PRICES of the new line remain the same in spite of added equipment pnd more expensive construction, which have greatly increased value Sealed bids will bo received by the Shard of County Cummiwionera DR. A. G. COWANS, Toads County on or before noon, Monday March hth, 1823, for the erecF) might Specialist. UTAH tion of machine shod and garage on TOOELE, the Cbunty Court hnuoe lot O.cr For plana and specifications consult Peter Clegg, Chairmen Board of Catarrh Cannot Ba Cured Cbunty Cumnuiui loners, or Fred Bryau Um WM UlrtL APCUCSTlONS. an, County Clark. Mans tee Mai nf lb. mmmt Phone 25 Tooele, Utah. , Is a basal la te' s.ssmsUssl saasiuuaa, aa K must uss aa is Halls Catarrh Madi-l- a tweed, NOTICE TO CBbUITORS lavas lataraali, aa aria thru DE HOW AID MOL PHIPK, ' Ite mamas aurtaMS ml Iba tall a CataraS Madusiaa was Estate of John C. Shielda decaasad. te aaa ef tbs Saat alivaiaaaa & new, luv team li la aa-a- f Creditors will present claims with eaaa sf tbs teas taabw kam, anas area abb aaaw af tb. kal btw vouchers to tbs undersigned at Stock-toTbs aa.i aMeMnattmi nf I 8 to 10 a. m. SaK-ata- a Utah or at the office of John B. mkIMi lbs lharawata m 2 to p. m. Office Hoorn ia woat m halt (atari Gordon, Tooele, Utah, an or before the vaswHa la aatarrtial 7 m. 8 to I p. 20th day of March A. D. 1823. twiamni.ia ties J (HSMri CO, Pmps. Talsda, Robert M. Shields, Executor of the AS Iviamn. Office on North Main Street will of John C. Shields, deceased. Utah. Tooele, (Dote of first publication Jan. 12th D. 1829). Capital and Surplus SUPERIOR Chevrolet w STATE BANK Phone IT AH. guy Buttfrki Pttttnu wnt ate Dtlttr shipments of that good old LIBERTY COaL. Atkin Bros. Coal More MoUirr'a Tooele Trading Co. Tooele, Utah H8--j, Cha inter laia'a (auah Rrmrdy the liiHfite. Daddy's II wm the Aral day of Brimol eud h ruling Immrt.mr was taking tha nanM of nf C'hamteria-n'Cu'igh of tbri.r fatbora and prompt Iba chlldmi, ilioav if, Small and tha bnatiwws nf rarti . and iflV' tual turri have made it a Lucy part bar nm and that of bar faroria ui'-- profile tvrrywhrni. It fatbar. bat liMrt.Trd aad bw-aai niniherf of tent wlru It ram ta bla bsatesaa. is erjirr ial'y priard ynurg ihi.il'ru fur c'.liln, croup and Urgad by Ite t"bvr. ate bluablngiy said: JJ ta Dun; Jana that dnaa tbs uhiM.p rg ri.urh, as it elwaya qAiik rv'i-- f and ia frw from opium woman's page and tha beauty rolumu af iba sswipaper." and alter hanBfal drugs. Adv. and The x a y, t! ur-a- h ls Barter Ma'am. tlirrnigb Mary a by r akra M w Up te Van. flrl' but he II w!ige by wrttte you a Wring. ( Tha world lifted f rhal yon a",!te soma ability vaya amsds K to Ms aa a eoiiwr.ar--naCvaulng True- - a publisher Boourtie (Mo.) ItepubDa ve CO. aff-i'd- i |