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Show THE GKAKTSVILLE OBSERVER. GRANTSVILLE, UTAH COUUHOTSTAHO b, CHARLES J. Saji Lydia LPiaUami Vff aUbU Compound Mada liar Well and Strong ' for mi tm Chw FiU K m 1 win mtlM Mtibtaw o f buuuwurb. Inid mc-aaaar- l.iha L. 1 tcslk-menia- oinI r it .mi i.a iiai.lii l f tin lu tt'iari almut t..kbain'a me i f. kJ at la wnu-- d C v. Ijdla E. T. P'Ki upon Aili.u"i"a Ixi lent nJ free, V'r ro to the I t'u I.. iii i lin.- - ba. a. wuiumu ahnuid i l Yt tvr ib'..v i 'ail,.. i,i i : . Me ,.t. N, ' Ii Sr tl ;li Lio'i .'IJi t '.I !. l If i ill' Il I f lU 'll! Ji- ' f'0" 1 i IN t U it ud Continued or I'm, Isiif il1 hm r.in 'l tl'T 'Ii IJ.I v , 1 I ij , r1 I 1 I 'K I lilt (11 i flu1 I'li ( ll ;..a nil r . I I; 1.1 n.-- ' '' t . J BEM..NS j ELL-ACd- S I .1; ij 0 1 im 2 v '. "i fi Hitii HHH I ' :l t lie.i.f n Ilia fetid naxte anft tni rrrvmla n'rainiiC. Jhirliira prr-- . rilia .Suid b .iie it nit anlr hiurtnm tka anffrrn.g of piU-Ihe iiri'n-liubut rr ! bnrga unnf irt and hclpa te tiiae. llir.n. ln-.r-u urn iM'hni rti t V- f t4 'lry it Mill t:uy. i.iin f IjKojlk V ; ' a a li a n-"- i - 'ih Ar -; t.- -r t' 16799 .. ' 'i 1 I l. .'i r -i iirn v. ..r !. 'll-- . illlf 1 J'M I. h r Mr .im Mr S J I I iinnkU. I If MMX'-- Ip 'I If- : .4H in. l n l t " Th Il'T I li'r l.rl k;n-- r' ' lllj 0' r.iTVO'l-- 11" i know - ilo- I nl s.;, '.e'a; nu-- r artMi-rivl- , Sl;ke uua "Ile Ir inurih-re- in at II 'I'e rill III H I ih-- I III l!iir:h y '.i My -l. Ii , l:J" l mi nil tie- in oh I wl.li rnr. H'.e. grew fm-- he 17" ! him .III f) IJ, Did Hot Touch the Bedclothes but I '? tonf If. I'l" I Jim. mn l!l'l." I '.l p'ljd'-iI :ini p I I'or fi.h'VM'.. t!fht uii hIH fit il- ! !' I i Mini I v I l.i- " 1 klien. Ile haieued him gii-e- . :i,g loir noli fi hy llmt he hm k to il'inr-r- , lie 'ellria - it Kitll John. l.lui f r a h",j lime hell : llll'l r Iirn he llm a, In roli'e iof f "K ! il. hfl. Mnn. I f on nr il.mr--li-!ihe I mlk n uiiu'ih r . iii!j-i- il. t Ii n a M I. "1 InYou i i"' 1r,M U'iky ' I ueier jvimili-- r Him killed St ike. ill'! i i ?" liked him verj mm h. hut I know uf If f1 "i-i- lll f to SI j fs:',i,i New York City alone from lid. Mfi ff - rn 1 H rnr n Flui! r uni Do rtiiami Tor Ida being I Kent to the garaue til'd hui-r- l I M fi ney tna. Me liat year. I ton tallow - imit-'- l vo,r j t e-I.i. lii-'ruiwlMiiil. ftti-IliH IP T JnOli'l. ym.rae'f to become virtun M, n- -t fr-i- i lur t'e n. In flout uf Ihe ,nat utn e Vy lieyei.iing pain and wlm. lib or flmt I I aioiaol Uh- - mr and got on.. I knew lio irtfllM'd U': MI - "I i ijiaifl ihaTn." Ciuai d agairr.t trouVie by taku.g It the lOHtiitiHK'er eii. give me lur vl nr vp loord Hi tiorf toi thatatldrerw-. of the men a he hud hern BuriT-KiM- t tr,mr the k.wji! . Iturfioy ai.-- e tinIt -Kotihl me a ht i M il I 't'l a iiiiriv, t:i rn look CHiov im' It t j'.in eiliniiig let lot of I fu .e peve me ttie .lea r.-on I All h! fill t t t i;e ' M'i I f the f Wi :' on f ii,"io Sul ' uf the ( I... -l M!fb !; on. fun it himiM Iip the I at n that .if the I '.are Im al I timt I:p and It rijr"' w an i I r, ?tr I '"try io f M, ur,r a -r. e ,n j. idea ta me. r t. t iiji f r I. I M I :il i l: !n., l il-- if. AL Ar-lv'! fh"e ! . fi m I's'et-i- t Js::rnJH. ir If .O l.p at fie n-- v r ufln-e- . 1 Lank f tM MM f.rld Mmt.il fti Wwrf ! I konvil-- t J i.i ;.rn ll i nr fotii'd tt.e lo-.and wcH m, fmiu' n W hen f, . lo-.- n riirr ri. I a ! l net to he le:irtin! t.ii dii' I 1 I l.w I it i. r px, t'let 1 I h I to s jooiie .. I 111 I 1 it r'-o- i HUM n!i Hlllr t Slj'ke. lie In te-- J me Hy nX4H mm 1Aiyf I ! . I I ft; u n .. i:m rf'UT to Hi'll til. ' r ftetfsl I I! r :'f it Ml HP hUo i.h1 Me Kent to 1 la elnh. end In the ' I'.ni F'v1 fill i'f, Hfi'T H1, i all t' n !i g room fmind a f 'ee to M-i t Ti nil r -- f ! ; . s' I. .!!!! M U'.o'-- l'ir i.;i I ioen'ho:-.- i the a( ',j. 'll 44 Rtf NMie-fi- to irotft " P hfif lirtn nf i.avo-r- . he fold me all that lie I non r ll 'I.f -pf , At AH Dr A few teen, if r met i:io'Iy old I i a liraInto every a ee. u go tn ft!' I'otr rr flier poker ! . r ."'f! Hfi'1 t i ? i.i' aa eit to S'he's tiaoehy t!1! BTIV1' he put It, had m"re tionre han furt)pr. v ana P-ntnl flie In d l.u! ill .if lur l!.." The tie CKANVLATrn LIM airr ! ml 'i arte-.1:.-- : i! !r.g to ) r fi- nnd The arekea low. fr'endly ayi-jrXt'enl real r-- a t t .i! m-..-I'i-'I a t T: ou M't'.-I a .ii' s1. i .ir m !f Mr. I.n v reti.a-- h tr - bend oryiar rue-art! I rr hi-b tor (ni. imart---- : "d a'ler the n!o rri.. '.T.' il her and rlie led gone r I .a hull e, he f . ir.i-ie'- l. fhnt he he I end "hot Rrmrrfr Co. if Wa i ... ItfaRral klde e.a fill Anmifba ap the In- -' hoa. lfi. he thoug ,t Mlvke h"ne'f ,;!(I ekefl .iii t i hr.il I ri rtow n"k h'-- to though he 'I'd no1 on. i., oi liia rum vnim ..ii reoann. So'tdefi-'It hr" for v l.i-f ht o r'ir-'io- . to ! Hi nt .e hell r ftl'ip, fhM r ro'TirM ru'd m';-.- i' ;.tn-- e I awr- r.-- fn an awlt- ."M. "'1 - i". a rdr Kp. a r. r'i- - l . -T'-'- i c . , of i i ni. e 1'i'n I ru V i i I f "i .1 ft. a. 'fit .? to i'n k h Kike1 -i l.-o I'fi i ir ro,i.e ia go i. reed narr- - ti ' t I'f ln.r. on li.r 1 nf n DIED uinl f iiT rj n!iif, 'i hate K loi'ii I. k n y 1 vl-- niter fli e.r i LATHPOP'S le MtM "nrtcstcir-- neaiier. rip 'vt 'fif - lAccirpc SOREEYE5 aim' Inn l. 'n fk "hke lf wiS v. ri,t, baking powder &iltililiiti(il(i(ii(.t(i.tiiii((.iJiiiI.ii:la.f A Big Tlm and Honey Saver When you bake THE LEGEND OF FRAY JUAN DE LA CRUZ It as bnppaned ttiat rent ago. before any of ua wero bur. oad wheo uur fulhora' futhera' falliero acre only boy a tlierw came out uf HiO Kouti.lnml many while men. and nU the ahue men aero tn aeun-- of tha a aparkilng gold wliieb hiy la the muun-lumahe.e It aaa hid from all eyw And iheac wliite men aere cruet lo the with Calumet you know there will be no loss or failures. Thats why it is far less expensive than some other brands selling for less. NOW Irihesnien and murdered lliein and eleven, and Hie tribe aaa giviiily friglilisied. one duy tig re came and her a Idle man imd liia numr wua Juun Do La t'rui. and he entil'd himself I'nilrv." nd lie aus a grout medicine niii. who aorgl.lpisl gii'iiiigc goilg and who iir.iglit ninny of the irilg'emcii In aorslilp Ids god algo lie lived alth Ihe trllw- - luuny niiMiiia and went anioi g them in In airungv gunnunt und I. Iked tn tlu-n- i und luliglit tliem luaoy ihiiigs lie coniiniic.'l to move northward it 'and iii'i II lie came cid uf Hie lo the t,i cut YVh 1C moiiiiliiins. where Then Ida dwelt the gods of ra'n Ind.nn f'iciids lohl 1. in n it lo p' further. for llm iiiioin .iins were tilled ., alio were ')' Wili grciil s) a till the lii'dmcii iiuil v. ho wmihl iml IsTinil lliem to ('"im- v.itliin their at llielr Ininls. Hut he only i lit god waa the l.'iiisi and lohl gn t god of nil, and the ludinnn hcMcved Idni. for he aim a greut ()!. Ine waa medicine mun and Id slri'lli' Ko lie came In I lie liPut While uiiHi.Miiln mill nilwruil lulu Ihe euuyoiiA where Ihe splrlta dwell mid Ihe Induing av.- Idni wmk onhiirnied. And an Ihey fulloacd him uml Ihe whole p.uty entered Hie canyon ami apenl uaile them il The sale of Calumet over 150'p greater than that of uny other UiT kT TUT brand. Don't Lo led Into taking Quantity for Quality Calumet 1 .is proven to be best by test in millions of La r pest llir.g brand in the homes evtrry L.!.c-daworld. Cont.ii. s only such ingredients as have been olhcully approved by U. S. lure Food Authorities. y. ih-.- im: mo'au. s c tnhisc pohuli u:Asi:.ST uh-1- - tlo-ii- iti-g- to" - mmiy dnya. one day Juun Ie l.n frui 4 ' .' a . J 'S found mtii li gold mul he an very glad. nm the Anri the ludiun told Idni It gold of the god and aeri.ed Idni aut tu torn Ii II, hilt he Imiglicrl nnd aidd ll aae The foist Hines," and with Heir help he isilleeted great lings of Ihe gold, which he lomlvd on Ids I'Ur-rn- a to tuke wl;li him. llmt night there aa a great feast end Juan Im tl la t'rux ana the spot uf the Inrge alleka In nnd before them Why Farmers are Turning to eery hnppy. nnd at ndne he erected two the furm uf n mis, . he hrev.nl greut In 1922 Chrvnvlct jumped from aevmth to aecnod place in aalea of all earn, and to firaf place in (alee of fully equipped modem cart. rurchoaea hy fartnera were the chief factor In thk remarkable development. Tarmera want automohilea D'f only of low firaf price, hut alao oil low later coat for operation and maintenance. They want room, comfort, and the ability to aland up under hard conditions. Tlwy find that Chevrolet, fully equipped aa oold. ia field, and the heat value per dollar in the neighbor! tell them It coata lea per mile to operate. PrictlF. O. A Hint, Afkirp In the innriiing. before Ihe Journey wan begun, lie went tu Ihe tup of tli great Idll anil walked In tha ana light and atdd airnngt words lo hla gmla. Hill as he was anlklna the Inrllnne aw Idni atiimhie and full nnd ha plunged ihau the nioiintiiln ahle out of him ho aigld. And alien they rem-heon (lend and Id body waa broken And tbe ieuple wet ami bruised very imicli afraid. low-price- Pf f: H N d fwMir r Bi,hn raauiHf' r 1I iMiflfil ( nt 1r (nwt I'miiiiNT ketbrnUlt 9 Hr Pati'iiiirr ItdM Licni UTiAvwT Ft Nh'H (( Jf'l M I'MATint-- T M M 'IT F !i tkfi'fcfcll I'l 94 MO 90 MO 9t0 Chevrolet Motor Company Maun thrum m afCmmmt Cl-J- Detroit, Michigan Bears Em to IL I Mi jriu npunxe uf tidkallve l Erhd menr Clura- - 'HeiiMj, have jut lo hear one'" I- half-pus- TVsiifrfohM Jbr tired-Icine- Hu km vv my giirprlw and wild, "It does aeem an.niL'e I aurprlaed mv self. I li.nl that he liud a lot uf In ore ; hilt we were nut the eluaent of frlemla, and ngwoduy a mun leta his Ijipinr go enly to hla pa'a. The man who will let yoa have ttv eimea l a of wlil-- tr 1'ietty good friend." Then the rhlefa held enuncll and I mnlli'd at Ids answer, lie wan rV.ht. I'eo.e wl Ii linpuited liquor when Ihey were through tliev railed were imr mois It awnv. And wliat nn Ihe medicine men of the trih and ucn told them ll waa the inedii-lnwns nmre tew men uf Mlvke'a pngltloll hnd. They sold the g'sls uf tiie f.reat weie geilii".- - thi-'- private atuek. lawrenee ruidlnned. White tiHiiiutiiln were stronter tlma "jie t 'l i n 'lint lie hnd a great deal more than the white limn g"d. nnd ioul caused t un to he hurled over the cliff bcau ii- -. he niid that lie would well me some f r one hundred itnllani a he touched their gold. ruse. Tl ni'a p city cheap fiw lin- They urged the people to rentra I g'lid " v lienee they curie und so they went Hut they Iml tm n j on lefr hloi?" I asked, Iwi'k lu their h'Uiieliinds. "lew. I ir to d me lie vug not go- left liel.iiiil them all the gold which collected and they ing to hed pi gold aomeong waa the padre lul-would not tom - It. for It belonged to t nne." eo'ii'm: In aln.i t Here an a n"V piece of evldenie. the rain gods, who di elf on the Hrent Myke then, hinl led gone to hed arier M liltr niountoin ami if 'hey touched tl l.awnn'e lert, hot had ani'rii up for they would rl e. When Ihey returned in (heir home i.i'.e visitor It eurioiia. tha one o'clock In the they told other vluie men iii ki.y Hr le.ost tnoiiniig le not a usual Imur tor ra- arraiige gods which dwell In the inoun il lung (llilers. Inin, but tiie while men nnlj Innghed, "Have you gey Idea who It wagY and many there were wlm went fort I "No," lie on ., gheklng Ml head. "1 to seaP-- for Hie gold. Iml there wera havei.t the lee SI idea. As I waa non who found It. anil there It I to this day. hidden In the ii.non In h aia rung lo go hr fnifi, K'sy g while. a .own ginmt tan, and shadow nf Hie Hrent Mhpe ii.ountnln am eape.-tlnhave to welt r for liiia.' That a all I knew ainci' ' Whale Nut Disappearing It wgg !iin"h of n cine, atlll It f'nn the whnles nnilrl i.l v wi'h sudl. ana l.eoer 'hen It d'd .s.'nl-l- " eietif rnplillty lo prevent Ilo .r li ii at there hnd lieen li.e f Ihe v hy man? aome- - ne else 11 gli ke tllt flight. ilietuae'ves are eunvlms-thut they ' hat Is. If ! vi eg telling the rru'h. esn They estimate that rliere are The hu1 i.o k f.'i Ion In in- mind was, lens nf fhousunds uf whi'iis. tn the aio ga tin; ao .mi peramiT Was lie sen. H'.d at iiresenf the various wlml 11 one wtm killed Siykel ThO Ing slanotis hftvr lieen aide in mt'-ml Is i., favor h. lAwreneo nil Hie wlinles tiie need wi'leuit going had Iiti.c f.irii.e- - information to yve Uinre than twn hundred miles up slid me. He s,i 'I th::t Klyke lid not lieen down the const mol out tu ae i. hadi eappeiiii y m- -i cps, nor had he acted station has iindonMeiilv alrendv taken wloiies 'hen nni Im. nutuml hke a nmn HlVij of nnyililng. I rose m g tut mused at n new resident nf the waters In wlik-- they nitrate, lieme the los-- e In that area thought. can nnlv he tnede tip I f nher whale "oil, Jfr. I.it reB'-o- , d.d Kiyk g! swimming In from other pnrt of th jou a li'.tik'' Ile had pnnied nie tn ttie door, gild laiis'd one head on ttie knob. "Yes. lie d. up n fho room over Ida Whaf la Good Laraf ' lens In the He got out hof'le Bleeping morn. A 'g'sid-phi'Top gigs-e- g . and had a drink." and wlt r've a per-ferllv clear d:'ll''t Itlli'ge. Without distortion and wlrluoif "false "That't enough to prav thoo w'leji It ls t sod ath a Icrpe stop and teen had nottnng to da weth th river a wi le fhere'nro, borgiary." we are .n a twoniinB - ser whe'lier a r I" len is "gm uni. tons' know :. h w:p at al.i'T fnj (To t a t.'tijfTivrrn j what angle t (netndes I ; e t co-rna a therefor 'het norou-Batamander Llvaa SffD Tea's. mere to rl e'irT p te'! ved fn he Xft yea's o'd. B iYx t disco. la necessary. long bsa i uasd fn a tempi pood fa Tokyo, d nlt-- ni 'My l.rnl.e It hy liiTfl iit ri mi'll t I.it iukI h! i.' If ! I k)N '.no, (. ii a. I'! Mill itf'-- ! kr s riHifii K'Oxt'lrik llr m. til n it, I ! ! It a-- ns 1 lou.ii, hiol 'rr - if Ilf i r'!r I - Min to l Ju- -t leu ri-'- h- in Ii .s. I liHll till HfiillHhr bmi up ii.' " i I rtifl nw - T ::i n t . f Ij -"im- .coph uould me piihlir lhal the l.iilh-- r h 'l HM I. rniil ttlvki'v vnioe Imiiin u fi 'T l.nwii her ih'iiHi'liire. lint Tor ini w If. roi. d I". ronnei'l guilt wall the linn. i. rv i urn flgme he.iile me. Wliut dill he a. ml to gee yq II hunt T" I uski li. I. I.fcarem-- t lltii-l.- i en hnlf grinned, a he amovi-red- , 'He aaked me If I aunied to buy w or whisky." tiny go aM.kyT" 1 repealed la vv I nour thr n'r Ii Vn-i- (,up"1 fio' aa r' ipa. to ftm f! rm lu v .V r I fi ar rana-r- t (j? I.. tnrti-- iiiayHiip l.fi'iv .,-- i III N n j a I la 1 not ri.il f - If n' n, rlubrii rfirv CALUMET VUEmy jr For C. Frick iHiik-hr- d IniM ,'w Jki't that hlyko amnlerliig wanted lu are l.dwrenre ahuut, and ; had even made geverel but never In my w Meat lmi;iiiHlliHi had I utipiiuaed that It aaa uImiiiI ahleky I could un leratiind aliy I.aareniB uhiinld aunt to buy It, fur good all laky ia hunt get; Iml why Klyke, mun. alioultl want to he a 10 Roll flve iHwa aaa my ; i' uii'l ii M li.' l t in ilit Ithum nm ini lii'uke Never.il tiinea. I did winy ; Ind II lie n all' tell you llml I ana until bl.ke going lupin- - will, lio-i- n ii fell me to well g lmnm-id- . I hnd t no nl almt lie vtgnlril. f.-I e -li u I IiiiiI gong ailli Hie I'e t. home il .I ioo aill k: v I killed milUh. doesn't It T "Yee, Ir mh-ii- i Rul tlmt'u K'liiit lie wanted to a--e mo ahiint. lie ggid he had Iota more tiiua lie lli'h'l, and th t lie ctuild let lua Imve live iHst-a- " I Kind liollillig. tr. Ing to lllgrot tlilg ftstonlgliliig Inrorini luw. I had lieea (;! nifwl It hi agtnni-liinon- n,u-- j o i v. ii Ml I I , f in I ! K h.ll't- - bixiiiUi f .. 1 i ini n.tif l't4 lMnij(lu ii 'I i'l liuitM Ihrr.-fio- I i ri !n ( :i I In il I rn'iltl Nl'4 i.l h; Ii m f.j' v rro 'ilit ii"l r tHii'!i !,il v'l lu i' "U are HanaPy due la attaining a km runatii al.,1. li Ile :iii'KrM'ie knew Her v.r I. el " i, .led mi-- lu M)lu', . he il'il nit .IH'I ;'l T fimlil i I ti ri h h N.lp. I'1 In "V. i'Y, tliP H' f' r I I .I'd 'in? li L r. i Iii ! i'liug mi the !ii,ru Ihe Im lie gul Mini mil me In the devil la John?" he -- Itl I ft i i,R 10111 nr i III hiirrii While - lifin-kel- It aim ri :i. IiihI 1 a-- e mi, 6ur-par- I'f ' U . A'vr l'iles tl - . - f v til. I n fit ' ii v ri iy r t'lfiir of V knpt u In n Ii Tiiklng a chair by hi riile, I auld. a ere tiie Lift ienuoi, au fur ua Mr. Klyke ae tan 'i alive. We know iliul nn giuved lur f a feu niomenla oiv. ami Ihnl lir As you axkril thut you ri'iiiuiu. a ere Hie Imd one l gee him alive, ae ure lulu'll lntere-- tl lo a Iml yon I ell ua uf liow lie I itl he a eiii nervinig or iiiuei?" ly qiu'gtiiin did not ni"kr Ho- - mun I iv lie aiikHereil my aide nny e (iii'kly, Iii a hlgti'pitehed Vel'-- r thut "You in the Kitchen Use Lodge lier crime. ForReaSEconomy Indian. Ttles ni hia car to putat tba balidtug mbara Uarauct bad bia adkov tiara ba toft ata, aaytag that If I would caU al bia ova ia about aa boor, bo would baa tbo back btoa of I ho aowaiwpor 1 aauiad rradjr for bml" a offica aaa oa tbo aocuad uur of a brick bulidtag. and hla door buna tbo aiga Iww OIB.w." At a deak, reading a aowapapor, oraa a ataa , uf about furty-fivowltk a vary this nerstiua faco. Ila threw dowa tbo and cyad bo quoatluaingly-M'hI told blio thut Sijka aaa dead and Hint 1 had ruuna to learn about hla Interview with hiut. he moved uneasily a hla chulr; but a hen 1 added llml f lielieved that hljka had been inurilered, and that i far aa aa knew he aua the laut to oee hint unnerved. I all's hr aaa mill gee that, ini' II I uienili-aet- l the anrd uiUPlt-r- , b(liMd thouglit thut fur a Myke hud riiiiinliiiil aulcule. l I aomlep-i- i if, atier all. he had ta tie aUU the n4 had kouieilo him" V Hear More About the I I'lli'r.e vua I ft Ji'Hor m, iii p . ' i! ! iin.u n Ii.. ' v l t I f. . i.in.i: j lkIRt-,U.l- If p1 v Hof water .I Sure Relief .i ii.' i . In Which 'U 1) in Hi ill ll MU) u 11. 111 In H.i bu-- CHAPTER . I.Mlf I p t1 lliM 1,1.1 tr. I ,! . K. 'I i!ii:srsTori 714 WhlMk.S iii blir.U'i-- vf.i Il l' it l .... "S1.! kYtgu.rlt Sure ron tieiiej' fMb3 ll- He ia li- .n.i u n I iii LUui' f'l l t vivirb i iO W ;i : tl ' il '1 II- I- t fj:l , il 11 v,ill Ini .Mi'. . r .1 itl. l - lu I!"'. 11 ,4 rri i v v 1. I .1 i 1 ' l. "L'.l f'.a : Is til s. lx I'.' i. ii.fi mix 1j ll t'.:: "! .i Ir ill Hi .4 F I -ii u f r l.t fill I . - . I I'l 1.' riiiii- ! s r ! I I i ri LR IV i f i.i rl II m M: A I . r, mu. i i r 1 I II i iI. fl- ' F, CHAP I I r- .r, I I', inwUua i i III i t ii: 1. a . I iii l f I p hit. ivl" ill .if I III' el. ( i..v- - r I I . - bnl. t J 1' In i h r. n.n ai P . i u u r.v tf 1 ii A .in S, r.a i 10 it I t i ai i a 't. i I , t ! Jr. ..k - iiinba.il V.i'w. 'i.oaeito. l'o., Lynn, i hi that every In i. n to Vo-Iwr on ii :i I i. i, i a Vrivau. Trrt- - w! .i r a an .it Y. ! i r ii' lua, IMM t I, . ri. I ll i. I. : ii r I jl a 4i r l, I a N"bl Ik! I a txu taT bit. I atilUdi very wii.iua. tt I IS lit I ll' ' - ISdwuli.l, Cla..a T.'.lt. N. Tree tipi.u IT I'U 1. k. . IVO I . lie'! i A d L i I ill IP I Ik i.'ill 1 iiir h ky r I I a - ing tuo. 1 am new wv-- and airot , rating aU my work let a fan,.!y .f f ;r, a'u mjr waaliinrand ay wkuh 1 ILU.k ia remarkai k, aa I nut . to run Hi? orwir.g but bad dim all my swmg be band. 1 truiy Seal that aero it Bid f r your Bkyh.ina I All ." e for lil kiM'tir aeni aut to iiH-and liar I ley uulked ev.-- r to the Inina. 1 folloaetl luui Hlid f aloml liHiklnu tm I al I lie lew. lie iiit-i- ( Ida hum! oa mj ''I'.-ll- . jou hate a g.iud tleul uf mk to ilo tuiiii.e. I want uu to llml uul all jou run alutui Ihe ineu aim aeiv ui (In- - linker guiue. Then ou uniat ki-llml mun lnunn-ami gi-- l hla -I'lrj. J iihI mil lij he aiayed Ihe til hern. If tuu liuva an) lime toil Imil lu'Mer liHdi up id Ihe llh-- e ul the Ioi'hI m-- .luilii-r- a the liiiru In of Ul Ji-ii- i "ton ilou'l ll.ink llml lin-- uni Hung lu iii mih 1 1n- min r . do ioiiV 1 in ttuiiuor. lie lhii- - l ie i ru of llniM kiiiilea uf l hie I lint uitlilng. mill iliHUleil ii.. I, "I mu lint -- U.iiu.', hill Jou knna m- - I..IIU- - IJ i hri'i- - on u liuij.lurj Ohm1, iio a Inn. ini.i-- i i." lie il.il n-- t cite me lime In Miller h Iml hla mi'i'iih Ion "I!. ii-r .o In finii k ti ml get lii-mi- i ii.. iiumek of Ihe ile li "ii jo. i In e." A- - I li ii.'li'h Ilo- - ruoin he unveil U; iiiiliil urt.-- r me so ii li a hi. l.i ml M;iih', 'Si uul l.j.-- ! Jull Ion alii," n an lnw bid liou-e- A - .'ora ik had f...isiu-- taking t. f.r-t- l Ui l!i olial rmul ilw.J till- ra-linr- - niwii milt t vegetabletween to l 1 ' me rtmiiMkl Is t opur-uo- a . Uweba" be aaid at length. 1 am ure It aaa ampler, a4 aulriila. Itatm uf IIm uhwI uyatrrtuua Crimea 1 kata ever krurd uf Ve are up la the cuker fur air. We kuua of uu or far Kljke'a lu. ilia keen uiunk-re. liiu ka.iiig killed liium-lfTlwre la a g real Ural jet to do. Iw kad belief iiili- of juur uiea up kere aa K4 a ttie uuli-klaa ' o.hie and trl)v, rvitiiwornvtanii ftna tpemlui. 9h rri MtH'i !! kbi, la unit in! be tt ftnvri.tr ufa mjaNef lur tu intwhi.e ; I nutii roiMK-rlh Kflipol hiki' nMt at i i la Igat i ! lua Kt ' e'aiNu In rw Ibe ud mto r IcfTi-r- JImi Aa 1 waited la iiunaa lawretoa amt. tba odltar cuuiupantad aia ia far VLan be patiaad. ba did net aa. ntlljr at aa.. imiiiiMiji(Mj s a are uf a man nkuea thaughta air DUTTON tone wHitKvr uv T. Jucluc biuawlf Utai ba tatwid rvar bava tbirad h bra a il a la bad bo autyed brkiad Inal Bight," ia Out of the Darkness so WOMAN my dnir, ! Bualnaaa Man's Lunch. "Will ymi lunch frh meT" Thaak jou" What aiinl we liar today S vliaiuliiea re cslnrlcal" as a linli-uie- v ;o. ' US trir-r- e Unless you r'l-o-- i I to t BAYER SAY I j when you buy. sc- - the "Bayer Crons oa tablets, you trt not getting the penuine Bayer product prescribed hy physicians over 23 years and proved safe Yy miiiions for au-r'- Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, t- o-- iite-rtnr-e in-- : rn's-maotl- f'-- 1 Pain e ' ""V ''Pm-cT- ' 9 Rp which coea:".s proper filrwctiijna, ot tlomiy "ilawvf BlP- -t of I i uv wj AJvo Votti of 34 and IdO OThwniriOH r F |