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Show Iha ' 1 IT AH THE CRANTSVILUE OBSERVER. GRANTS Y11LE. Something to Think About AVAJY GBNHAM EVONsEIi A- - words of cheer BUTTERFLIES' WINTER la lh hiitierllu- wlnicr." an all - Huild. auild roi-liiK- (nr tlipy Haa tUa omuiiior and Ilia g , Ilia sunshlu, li. Unworn and th wont liar. warn few A liultcr-flln- i tlut aiu-n- d inier la their Cl ahaiiea and la many tug of their hulleiily Ufa, fur aa yua w w-- r tha know utter-pilla- and tha BMih chunaa lata a butterfly. "It la dineiwut with aa Were bora aa peuidr bad wa remit I a peupla aa lung aa wa live Wa grow up, It la true, but wa dont change from cue aort uf a craatura Into another. The hntlerrtie da The grayling are bulterlliee fur Maniple, a ho mine fmui the llitle rgga which have Item laid on plunta in Ilia full. Then they work tlwlr way nut of their aliella and look aluuit them for eunie qultt, restful place for thr winter, where they will be away from tha mid nnd the nuw and la the aprlnglluie they be- a reawt you. Their bleary eyes brighten nnd their tough ulil lieurte aoftva wliea your wume la stmken, lu spite of tlnrti gee erul belief lliul they are Invulnvrabit ta the touches of kiudaeas The givaleal work era for the U lifting of huiniiiilty art the little words of cheer, wliich, when llliy niNiken, often ch inge beusta to Bum, spur them to loftier euileuvor and turn their lorrlhle night lulu a glorious ik r. l(, nil. bflaaaillit Van bkg, goed musict You Imre SJtepu.alii-for liking u don't like aub good music; otilutisk You g'd nmre aadfoiiih'r oni of an eve iviuccrt than niag at liph-iiiHit of jHi," 1 oil know I hut a donee tune out f IWidluivea i' awrt tfrt ',r 1. 1.. uirt only lUMSes you UVIV 'f )"U are tired but giv&e jiiu "iir money's worth fur a inoml " iiy should . eur.-Voe It they lutighf You have likes giNH! h:x." muy lHt. tliut la wrjllrn urilsiry and mcloily j si on tlie whole you like whut railed giaid music." it. Y ou irtste of the llcjoli-aiulf (Let ignis aiv uiude of aud yoe nMMNi lut klcM of nnwials la r.ire tishiy. fur 1 Lis is your corner. Moke use o I k for iuformalioa ou quest ioas which ate puuiing you. It will ha a pleasure and privilege to answer carefully and promptly all (jue.it tuns submitted to me, except (hose arching medical aJvice. .Namea aud add ewes of busine- films csiot he printed here, hut wall he sent if a eelf tiddi eased, auuipcd envclojie acetinpaniee the For a persons! reply send slumiK-- enveloiie. Oueslions must ke limited to Iwo, and muue and addrese must aocompeny each Idler. All com-- 1 municaiiona are held stiictly cunhdontial. Adds ess letters very plainly, with pen and ink, to Helen Brooks, Boa A. 1S45, . alt Uitjr, la requeuing poems and songs, tlie rot red title, (he first line, or the author ie necessary in order to find them. - d s gud-li'i- CO away Is beret friswes, "Whut mueie r ene why, and Why loputar tunas iinuteaf" Not m-- f nln-nv- l ! . . i- f CO I Hiiuld ' I ' , Id-t- li dc-id- By DOUCLAS MALL0CI1 In a cpilKIlK the east Thai shines little clearer than the rcsi, Each nighi dlmiaialiad pot, bor yul A chiiiiKdcm Jewel ao (he aiura breast Of aveiiiida. E.ick twilight it returns And with ccleMisl tauderueaa it buma. hage are fimda which the Isluirar or The atnurrie tul barn bard tba whole niitihsir worker may rat freely, ns iIh, (hriH.gb; sui-food Is necessary. All ljy the sky bad glittered with I 'ul as iniu-Imerrst Iota the tha sun; of s and the serving of them And thru chiuc night, nnd then mum I At iis he belief as Is put Into a game of hrldve nr ib r bl ie, V kether wi-k er pew. a movie" picture and wa will her lbs Istsir we ii, is a worn worth while The winds r still, songs hushed, If our hearts aro elan a and aur spirits made a start toward tha millennium. the day vas dona smile. Ana out of n. ruck nnd root sad stain And tlien the star, my perfect Star, Ms make omno growth and wo mark rams aut snots dam. And ended ihvappoliifmeftt Author I'nSnowa eodml tluuld. FEEDINfl THE FAMILY I wen bard the whole Tha struggle THE ROMANCE OF WORDS gay Iona, daily tusk of twenty TITfn Is tl.e The rivalry af bnmpeMttnn, all li'iiienlves In Amt-rl'Tl.e ceuseieea battle af tl right and CRVflTAL tn provhle a good men! for the fsinllr. wmi-gAS OO per rent of nnr hntiven Ices must I saw had mew arise and good men erronc-m-use eciiMi!i), It In vital Hint they knowend strange Till", full ienil the money provided how tw rtirront mining the And marvelled Mjrh (hat (hinge are natural phthamplierw of antiquity them, for the best food. ftir groaa liter re and of modern times down l cers tell wa it tr nut tha wealthy h And then cjii-in eniiiistrn'ively recent date r.gbi, nnd liien again ns a rule, whn htty fond, f'u't, ttia at ir and luvnrfea out of season, concerning the origin of vgeslles but thnaa who ewn least afford It psnly trnrealde to the I do nut know r name, that lovely confusion aerasloned If la often a la-- b o' knowledge af the oblight. ford vslnea, and esrolessness and ject Itse'f. Aatromuner ,.llf her whal they la regard fa esproillttirra According to these tesr-heof III. n former dsy. crystal was Ire It should ha flie aim. and Is, To me the worM'a a sky, and life Is which had undergone a large oinjnrl'v of hotigefceeyiers, rl'b night ; process of Induration no ns to or poor, to feed the family wed. srtrh Hu flie'.-g'tr, one star hide Its as totally sa ll'fle vrstoe power of helnr pmwlhle and lug u melted fs Is rt. Illnv. aiinnurr as small rimney nuMny. Food the f r s l. foe age, for eager Tint whinIng one error with smeher, hg 'tem !n the weei lv bndyet of the yoiirli. I orates that found onli-'grnwlp.e fttmiiy nnd there Is no one fhir ssr no.' n si nnd I have nKmd eonnrrie whl-- h are errreine whn run do more than surtreM ns to her 1 nu i i !y mid. I'p to some two i tha wls spending of the Ip. IMS. bv V i - Wssises per Svsrtlcsr I ee-- h deed veer ngo fill, Ido, shotir family has hs own problem the of the wMidt must he worked out In the menst-efor seme ttirnner thef a o'll r T'io..i-- i firow ne It ter rh"iirei no two need the some w,le to piece (t ftrst and foreoiosr fro'n'nr nr dwlp'lpe, VuVr-the men einone at s't've Frnro" fi'oolrg licvs and wMi-he ooTicht o d'ro irfp flll'n meets letmr need the mistake The htiyv neel as tpwrh ns grown men. more emos'ne then dangem. ft is fhe'r hod'e a for hey are eeev to se how It arose, for the well ns hurolrg up food In tliefr iroek word rfirvatnilos. nr Ire we ero a offlreg. or occupied kirn erT transferred to that oner! which close r retterehl here the hrtin Is arrive In posi'lor.s Iro In n I'tfie time It and fl.-- body has llfle ere ise. need r fsct'le assumed that the two rvr1 less of the ene'rvi-roduc'n- r snhstniicea were the ssmr a fend Ther food ah odd he of such v nee er.sr,y eomh'na'lors d'.jev'ed t 'e'lef which persisted for many ft ghould he tinarfi. J though of eon tf thm Mifl RniAitrff fur tog ne well, fork end heenn, ham r fried eggs, com beef and rob-- A llilLu p aad Wlrrer. rateri' (art ; mine-wiv- seek shelter steep guile all tl.e winter away' "W lien I aeg flie nnd ra'erpplsra this hufterflieg eoneng Bummer." Bald Nsi7, "I win have ta ask Ta Keep Warm.' fhta bow they and how they fv Yen. stud Ibidily. "you'll hiv ta fin !hnL And fhotigh they insy not answer yog la wnrua I nm sure from gy eofun and their hnppy ways yon wdl knew that If they pnuid nn pwer yon In yonr awn 1st gunge they'd any: y.'ieely, thni k yim. X tB'y. nlewly, thrr-yon. Ihinf we look a though wa we had a nice re? nd i v feit all f"dh and rutly for the good hot STiBtmeT? We thir.k we look thal wsy, and we bo; we da fur U:st la fha w ay we feH r ply and Bay trdS. s l atm I' ")yt 1 how our toast hands over Aro, It la remarkable ta think of bww the butterflies and ww ar . aunt had frm her a as fisf she rouldnt fel w tie' hey It w a g'rf ar a N-Hna foe a kordrg at tf In pene''!r r "V'evar few mlaweg s id then aitbfl, lifts boy; be a IJftle Jnila rd sr-i- rL w-- 1 rn r pe-ulu- r -- mo! f-- m-- fiirn-arlo- mo-h- s '. P-- mu Th-'iif- ar-(!'- !. J y ad fiev Ko. Hay. A Ruy Hasl Frisml Is His Mother, Tha Fatal ( Had fc PhotnetmAsd en Tear birthday. btedaw. tv.l ho. Mata bait 1 .. Gear Mlsa Hrooksi m Moetvw A aw. I he vs hire vgi-- lulei esiod lu your corner for soma time nnd would like yon to answer a few nuasilona ill t hlch Is considered the mosi lieaullful. a Lion do or deik parens til) is lemoa good le bleach Ilia hairT Will Ik jiino do way harm to your hair, and will mlrors. 1 am aura. C!) lrmm jiih-- la not aa esiiri lally goad blvui-haeilhsr doss It do gnv harm. Blfliouah I would not ailviau using the puro Juu-- cuhIib. uoiirl-- , . As for lha other blssi-yea mention I would ant advise Ha net. for , k L whTr'.r urItwm ta Me ,n,,h fr .. ni,,,h' oivl ill i nn in. or aiinupli land not i fnnioa. Mo. my door, ho happy and amt Chsiarii-rls- i h s are than wiiat cm-plK- t: too mini) of ths Briber, home loving satisfied wlih your hair aa It la, fur I n he has. balance lo lialitien ths pleasure lnvlng1 ars aura It is Binrs bernmins to vow rtispiisliloa of ths other. In nidvr te ; than any dyed or bloarlird hair could ba HlUa" Tooele, 1'lah It's are linnt from ruck-- ! in matrimonial karp lo an lilnlio roonsr, Hill, for how have yoaT If aol, 11 ink ailier of your Buns, and as aovsrml!(rliw ' I who has then I sslsss uualliiv step In. rsailsra hsv roniiinutsd other verorai'for sui-- a I IIT116 I kind la Hip anly dispnsiiina to '1.HII0 Miown Sum'' I will add fi AdkaAkV fur will homo a harmonious make WILD ilOVt.lt I ., dtyn-ribrnoU - . I do you wh'rllhrr , , Fra iSbiSWi wild rovsA for ssny j Ipkr7n.ur ia npipm uf pumlisr Iwo. ? T omoio osd oo mow mort Srvtammtmm I 1 on ta ad a but number annllnr paw aOelsmsiH type, i Aad all my money for whiskey , (X).CI, ,hr uM BO( bi lirve, er ln - thw paper. In n promiscuous display of her VMAMsVKSWWtrVMtavSWWtStaWtSkASWVSWWtat . , ,ia,',Tr ,U rVl, ,Bi Ur afie- - llim er enreese ANkAMU KIBf TRoNH: METNIIIM Them eh holds inmirdlNf urrrd for family until A MPtmAfii, W-wa Aufh Hmt put ppMiphti Ik. ia. M, Ah JA JkP li hom. thvrvby priMrvinR herkvlf pur, jI or mortem and uivltlUd ftr lh ratept Char up IODIM of homa-maku- r! of ail HiUliinfi(iifit no Roier, nav mor I think my volt til b and mother. I lever ill tiay lha ltd rovpr a mora. for numhar bur ba v ry aura of Itm Vw Hm Imforc you dt( irtp imififitm H inidiliif Hisr went to ha grog shop, my pl.ro of vrtirplf A rl i fwifrgfliio. lf y.,u wllth 1' i wiii,VIm al. I Al 1 LMf PHUf Mim (LO. uea- to a lih dipcupp flad yoa ap i nimrip And lold lha landlady my Pnoaey aa linn f tMa aort ri Kn tr h abort. PI Rl kill LNf Aad aaked t Iruat m, hut har aa-v- ar Daar Mian brooki. aa nav, I t HUva nrnr hava I hav plrnly f . Ilka yur hefure aeverthelrs I h.v. bven inl.r- - L vry day esird ta 'Just Hriwaoa You and Ma'jnSwa w Ms fearnunn Wm m Put my hand In my poukat and from ft for ovar a year 1, ton sin seams for rotakw F AsKThSa Bi4t a.me of your advh-You have heli-rTamdffl I drew Cd, Fimn A handful of a th count! I uiliero.1 and I am positive yeu ran help IBS tbost dawtb lavwpto IsS Lake CH. mnyf me. a nm bny lu years old. have boon threw. Aad then I got llquora aad wlaoa bf fh I and m a,tl1 cniuying the eomiuiny of FI Ml, TIVVKR A BMPfelMBB but. Mies Brooke, aomo- friend, beet, girl ja aa And th landlady told ma ah waa anly "or aha la ir4m pleasant ns ran be. andj rt ta . . Hr buy In fwaty really ana lib aha thinks luta of ma FURS mm fWr Uai fur Mm P k. Ikiwy. and then otnrr times ana la )ual the. rn fo hom to my Mmnta nnd rtrnt obBoilrr I aloaia try lo bo Jolly aa hm l v dun. yoa think thsre tiy to respect brr. And nk thm im nrdon (hlr yrodlgal k twh mini iry In to hr toe fnod MrhrRaHMrCrtln ONaliftr p IeiIm I 1 un en rwtil nny firt on my j tipM ww-fcj t n Rirl lu fcrpiit film tell lake uli. And If thy ill d ft ns thtyv fl'knrl In hlch I hav yivn to mistrust mt 1 hall pprm'tsi j don hrf(r, PLAAT1NU A BUTTUNI 1 If in return yu vlll give m ill am f th lid vnor th msMcr Hoping l! Acrerdi Ihdr. B Flmtias. yur fivtr film am Rut to murh (rouble and thanking fuitonr. kvnrwkolF. LITTLE PROWM JVO kid Lind farw. In advane! a L Bmfimi, kad Lak Cky Whn 1 no I wlinp to my farm yu I ukr Islrri brown Jug- unitor my nrm. AN INFORMATION Pf EIh ER. Uiah. 1 am vpry BUMNUI rOLLhitfl plar It nnrter n i1y glad t hear from another Llitl ftn.iw jug 'iia yau nd m ' hoy and haiy ty advts you In COLLktek noT tVll I cm, Id f rour MI er. Tf nil th In Adam' rnr f yoa ! you how nut'll dht gir' think RTpV"1 tup. Wr fht-rtoprn(hpr In uni plat I d think a hoy can he Hi goad t I d prepara to had Th a girl, nm In lb a .m that h caa bfor J'd yurt frm you my to gwlf manly or respecttreat 1 1 hrd n m liiHff; thnr pava urh milk fully, bul lomttlmft a boy ta o klnd rMHumm fnv Mweeucis aH Iak Cm r U Cat f Id ciur h tier I th (him aad conaidcrai girl that an Im- - f w ik, I'd fcrt her on th rhiili fn nol It an hi nat'i might mps good hy, Aad mlSk hr forty iimr dpy t mil h a hd idim t up Iter ' whmi muni halt Las Rat t lh k fo g to rtcl'tia'iY', or Pm Mim ad ny ten u VIyI l'iWr pftti! and n vuniriM I a'WHY rcfl tfiir camicp and enfoy qiitfv L11- Mm and Bad an Mi sum" nnft ; wtmahv v i'i yim" pifiniifli ! d am h 'Joi-nnan much your nc wit hunt 'lari fou mn do aneacf ti.,- few q-- i i Yf f.,r me! AflV CIIKKI . (II f . ft Clean, c d aod you wH toon know bring lirpfiiit M aiD'oii'kia i.f a'irduniia junf tawad. hanky Mu Wkwm, rhiHM how it Fan your keenly ky h H-.n ft c? Weaver k A gardra tA o'd do y a htcfc thlhk I am Ijf if! wpfrlrtg HM K LTKn nuuufif M IMu Fea you Vtmvhie Craw gry ( apa Could you frit tell m who wre af cid ersama gcwlng hair an -In th fa liifHiFRt which could rh poem ailed Th t nwrrtrn Lw r(a If And d? th growih nf hlr ia Hm Ala when ft waa ropvrlg prnmnf frnfr, fat lal rraam fndav. buf NBLOBI T't drat I ha BfiAltf Rptrcd? rpyrirht dvla that yon uh car lo coMng i versa of th.M nm gr-eVrmli r g like ! M'Mi Bear Farkm-He- ar ondi ad ywr cream and toiiai arMctos. a yo Mi Mad j Wvint r'-noffid car nlv ham ptpa"M'rn poty'W Huil4.-.wUtaA rmn I I'm Lake t Ct'L know kM 1 40 m. dyfng, tlrft (hi your kn ft) I ahtrnM lnecrR Th ng f mv h' hn f Iiahv ai.g itfon idyog fovn ynnrj POBtllLB BULIMIA r r mg T'm don and T u v-- ir and1 U. r,,hg nbiy. '.til To wind a hull torn 1 nao I mg grac t wrll clp Tneiik yeu. bM riUfdr firtw bowrt Bid C Turc Frniv, Out Hfii.dinm. V. V. W , IsOiran I'lah. BrtNCUJ Ifiea Rl Ht and no nd I hv f.ncm ii ij ft ( trii wrn!d bT rf'lr. n of wmrv n my render hav ft Tin ftd gsiiMf ftiy Vc ,ka hc No. 1 fp rhi r ( t U. k ftmt Mrr. .d i"?a a'piad ywY,- m ait Lae i -- a o ! T tm v :o w' r nd ei'! mid J In m, rii will n c ! hT i ii f r ( Ddrcn and h favor nd k ndfi ni gf .v r :rvr a fi hom is h m hr. nic EwT'FniSrffi'TutyTiir miff IsFtyMti raartrr and mvarlf. aU h'l:1! a , (. I llV I VliT Uliw hr am-ha- i hr 'hunt! nvr hr afar that bangn upon p- 1 te fn, ,rtafr THE STAR plan-nlti- all: aural tea hv un-el- "ho many have "What happen 1 the raterjdllars anil the hutterflira after wa aeu theta ao 1TgcrT And these arc flic waya uf away of the hurt fliea and cnterpiiiars 1 hen ne think of how we hove to buMt! lip our II res to kei-warm ami how se have to bi.n-l- i up wl'h rlofr-i-during the 6-- profession jou will follow anil tnle the ailvlor of others as fa Hie bent iM wav to train for It. Hnl any yminz engineer who ran Hut do that trnining In prltnte, nnd rniMti.Hwt a rhea-- r and hot ,how don't liras about It afterward lia...methlnf .,.,IMpNh The uwn yon will have to work fur r,,t Jldl. will nut aak yon how many houro yu'i la own training your affair, a Latin nnd flirek, matlienint Tim affair of vnnr pnoierthe lea or psychology, lit will ask you a ttie nii!.mcnt for the Job that whut you can da l:na your tralnuig gtvrn you. Show him wind yon enn da and If a prlre light do The "tHcot yon mi do It well, you have n chalice. not rare wlnt aort of apimratn a rnn't do It weil, all your trainIf you contender la nvng. They place their ing, all your diplomas, all your letter beta on formed from the way of reemnioemlatliin, will he worth he la hitting In practice nothing In yon. You must for ynnraetf what (Vspyrlam hy inks KleSe - p Bw. . entpluy-fhwtig- Floor. ber-roo- m ,nl , i b rai iBis mari-- or J WH.ur, Tr M trtura on tha kt kllivr bll. linvt f'uuregs. My n j riN-k- Amea. mows mi Vtlfi - a . ,nrm I Alirahaggin , , toay. Ike. kspresa Tewself. Up now my Bdvlro to you ' fartnrily without BtroBklng ths "hair, mn mn Bnr Pfroshle the hair yaw hnhsr er aot you have havo b condaual and wsrlssllng effort ' h,,, t,, yss. ,f " Mly oh.r tr.aimrot caw maker. b1111 d"io7whh ms. eilin-aier- inn-a- i raili'erlhirik1 in ie " '( Wuvor ipak A TkiiratJay iluiiih-lH-lla- r?T - i'ii-iii- Sense r,,n nffsi-tionai- a Jei-kla- Uncommon . around their little h. Ibem wife to the shrtc-- r they have elms.T for their winter lioine. When one Ihli.ka of how rte!h-at- r U butterfly aeeuia to le It la wonderful to think of tlioae who atuy In the hoi low platen In Ireea, in the erevt.-eof and other place and who live the cold hard wlntera we have The Uonnrch butterfly goes amith foe the winter like the hlrda do and eotuea north again la the aprtng. ftometlniea ths rhryaulla and the growa-umeudiera of tha aw me family way together all winter, and Ihla mostly hapiieaa In hiueo anofliera dlmates, R many btiya and girls" daildy continued, Iimic aaked Bie to tell tl em bow the ruterplllar and butterflies aiieiid the winter that I aim doing ae rti.-- r little partly grown caleqill lara who alrcp fur the winter cliouse bcurila nr alunee Iiiider alilcli they epend the cold iiuinilie. borne make a JOHN BLAKE loin for tin- - winter. The Viceroy, aa nue kind of Imttrr-flla known like to be alone ull winRESULTS COOT ter, and he rlmoaea lila winter bnme all hy liunaelf and for Minuelf ahma, AN ATIH.HIE desiring to prove In and the root of Ida family do the aunie. l.plrtetua (lint he whn growing 'Tiul the llidiliuore biiilerdy la d.f . ferent. He liken society even when lie Wrong almwed him Ida "I don't want to Mm the diimli liella. b rearing and aleepmg. And nil (he bullerflit-- nr caleqdlliiri of this fam- aald the phlioaopher. "1 want tu nee luuarh-s.ily get tngoi her la the full and weave your It la reaidta, not methods. Hint count a hcainlful warm lent for tliemmdve and there they all stay, toy other, with a nmn. klany weiilthv men have llhranes throughout fha winter, stocked wllh the wnrld'a heat lllera Only a very few buttnrfllee at ay la 'n IMItcrnle. tiiriiucluiut tIL win !iur' hhil'al Mile and fee a tl i tliul a mpv ot and waa an that way. heenuae l man. at souths like a alee quirt, auf- way The world wnnta to know shut yon for a rrclifnre In alay who doe,t fT .imt (W ,1M iu wuiit to I up and about. Th PwulUiwlall. do thin, but Wirt man, other, fif ; ' I ke MiCIsra KvsisiMasr BrsiUnsts. and happier. In reality, there la nu change racrt la yourself. You have now a hupplueas and are reaping happlncas. You have flung broadcast the aunctl-flebleaNlnga anil they are roturnina Is you fnuii evi-r- point of the com- T'li-v- X f around bliss Broukn: girl Very wsat. very kind to Am w riling to yoe ones wiera: hows V nM ptupia Nut Inns ago I hoard oa old. am But tcu much boihor. Ton aro euchi Indy swv. "VVhsl a nwoal girl." but aho, a good adviser, I loss forwaid to yourr la not popular with In yny not o koto, wunuorful suraor Serb wosk. (I) If al dnnroa Mbs la not a wall Muwor. but a girl la walkian along tbs Mioot writs lienees with the eulet beys ue vlll ! a yeung men and bnpeeas te meal two! am lei yea hold her tight whea and alnpa te 'hat. hew: and I believe si.ert kill a fclluw If he. al bar gill rt Who to innut will talk. kua bar. atuiuld eht ti.lrurtu.e Ibem te the youne mwhs only ona Intro-- : laugh and ho marry la a ciuwd, but el- men. niiauiw Ul Will you please prim a wwa snrillnn. vory pleueant tmund 1 think tha huma I anna fur me In your I think eh liars anything knino Is "l4iiiiiy of Mlno" Thanking briior thsa la (usa with rhiidron Iwo 1 s Ihnurens timoa snd wishing yea know that I raa sol tills ona but II yon li a yaur corner. I remain. miclil try. good liuk JAt'MK. I ten No 1 Is Mly and giggling To Glad to bo of service to you, Jsikie deiu-wlih hrc me ess yeu think yen to are In heaven Very your youn sits fili-ai(I) don'tthe kil ls la lbs following mennar: bus obioci In n hug and a kies. Never saw gniun lal me Iniruiluie Mi. Brnern. and her makruvii chlliii-ehut Isa bufigrrty buss Jemea bit. Mrown. IUI norrv fur drese l.ikes te ko and In g:Mid com- bul your oong is to bo had la tlis psnv Tin- i illy bovs swsrm around har muaie nnrea no it i sh not appear here nd aiir nrn-- i ailseas a dum-Ukrs lire lllsf to have ll sent le yeu. though. If sasy with of tlrns to hi up. he' n yeu wish 1rlus Is M seals. alios g.ilng I I Iswra to rouk and kcry house one of those data Itatliar gaud Dear Mia Urooka: Hava han raadtna your carnar and ud It vary Mitaraatini Wauid lika ta hav you mnwr aoma qunuium for aia U 1 havo a aUtar thal ill ho yoara af aaa in SMat of kmrrh. l'laana toil kia Hit dav of tha week ana aa burnt; I bate annhar timt III ha SI ilia kih af Juna IMonaa mil ina hai dav of! tha week aha aa bora? And I aa IT loh I.f lurs gins that It In aut aaia of aaa the Slth of innuaiy W hat Ilswrip. and mui.il mil yeu dM af tha rok aa I burn? x) I am SI, nrrrt as II is aasursnes--Bmuranr- s that Wauid It ba all the oar vo.i think would liaht rmi'irali.nod maka ths bssi nit tp mm a liffht com rijbitt mill would 1 am sol at ail alt, myai-lrt'Di'iln, pittXlonnd lMt sure shout this One tiling 1 W ON 't.KJNiJ Ut. Waoatch, i(UIn m klrt i ' 'Dar-Aidi'- Following In a list af poeais aad songs I havo baoa unablo to gsl. I will bo daoply graiihsd aad auprsciata ll aiora I lias 1 tell you. U any w bo has out or moro of tbooo will aond tbsni to ms so that may as so team oa. Bury Its Bonsaih the k'lllvvx Fifty Yoars Ago. la tha Marsel Long Ago. vtbsn My cmdaa Hair Has Turnod te at r , Is ss dsm-lug- aecma draw a eliaier to heaven, and everything ai I everybody about you apiwara brighter ta !! r" toar rbuitvvw. anuggai The world aoiuchnw liaik alHiut them. "Then It la that they go on with their growing which la liiipmiant la the 1114 of hutlerfliM. gin ll la mu who are neanr heaves part iriiM, in in iia delights wiihoui knowing ll. growing mure luvubls a the yeur uts-ehy, dim your eyo uud whiten your hair. OIJ Mcnda lura tu you lu their korrow hw ivMiifort. The Ihivs and gtria go nut of their way to nuct and greet yos r.vea the huvo in aonis nwuner licurd your prulMto auiig and en 1fir canuol give (iNiraylug Word of rluvr to your borne ni.uee and In tliuae with whoiu uu tuiiii la corn net during your work-bihnur-ait would be bctler lu bridle your tongue and aeal your A rough word roughly apoken, noilni.g but evil and drive li ninny a aena live aoul to deauilr. arouaea aulmnaity and hot. suite the appiarite uf a kindly wurd which awak-eu- a slumbering ewiutluna aud kmillea a benettceiit Uuiua of love. It may at times, especially when you are not la a pleuauat humor, coat a grout afloat to launch the rheerful wurd, hut If you will lirueh aalilv your oww (urtmleut fceUngx, and evnd forth the cheer enJ eutudnne uf which yoe wee raimble ot you, too, tu yuur aouxeuiem, will parficiiuie lu their duiickuia awewa and enjoy the thrill of aa uaanth'iiMited plenaure. I'roai the brat moment whea you flie eoiliering of cheering words, the whole utuuo-phcr- , i I a S filling yuur auul wlih TIT th and sin-lun- V - Si-- Because UALKER fly F. A. I war stias Waves. Tarn Is ike time I have written te yea wart I hope weiooue. 1 bavw Buinad much from your work aart wish yen all kinds sf luck. I wauid list te aart tas words to a sung or tea. Too Srsi la, Kao a wart was t tha aoriis aro. 1.0 was ths rod chiors auiy ebltrt aart aosnut by uway a bravo" Tko otkor Is. the flrat ars. linos 'VouiraSss, ceairadow evwr sinos wa wers boys, Sharing each otnar aorrowa eharlag oach uthrrs juya'' Thankii.g you bstoio lims and asStae yau Is ihuh my writing 1 remala I'AVtK. amlllinsld. Link, lads.-you sis wolooaio. 1 will got snuns If geaslbla lwwn, aad will your . uTimw Vtu.uk a ' is"1 re Has Anyone Laughed At You - cumrp nvr ya ti.TrTr mne I le r kr arnd; rvr Bvr I yir ktndn. H'lfi tr. fr trdr. hr hr ohr rh f( a. roiri (d rah nl fa IU, Vtv lnid taslSSrJli Iih rn tm hi ya rr ann'i tinrv Lr X g liffriok- i J corn pu irg hnn ybi wn.M iicNi,n tnfrart( in Ilk M) I In nhh;K or I. g'ft a hv Imm bl ir-- ing It I a and vn'- - j'M ror yihn rvtn I kr v!-- . ta !am t f If "Crnertouim ut mitr ft arw w'll b aniPiin'fi and an arual r Dear Mia I har h. Brook ramdg yanr cornardo yry fo how fruh you wt andbn as red to ftould you And pi pwrivi ba mw rhe words to a org I her try fr'0 rfi i.an'4ir-io al' ynur Hf. Ju( d- I Far npfd lony rt'1rrart ;n rh narv a Mm W'iM fry r f la younacif o th ic wn a nohl fora. and I mi oi fo h :ncd I hut wfmw m mrc t at and ak advan- word of another a.ng. "Bury M Not a vr-- y cant rip tt I a good nd-I- rg I am frgrnrrI who o rfr t I nrourag vn hi tage f.f vary appnr? unity to makeg on th aLon fyiHi ramrd nyof, o yeu caw you whan trv hav tr t rtnwr rim For (ward naaklc.g. conva-itm I t ft mack m yo o racy habeas r kitg am part, howavre mall, aod Oould yog Tfankcg ll tr what to do and to in vary pub!b' r prtvaf afTalr which for your kftidn twy. pi Q F. W Pooh. I'nh. aM nfn you far you ifiti I ir. or If you to I In do :i brer cog I your uo. r (N hro! gh It nr you wil hai yvr trnuhie, I remain htft 1 do not f M pry A ,jrRAIPT-- C AT- g-- rt K you hy hatl Hav you oiig, Ur? rn:f Hnw or frer Vg will funt TarK girl. I knew Jrnit haw d;f- - ned r ere ug Mf tr y or family and H a kmw wii wiil I hrttw ft tk'i mfn t rercom frmcdN' if oof. ry tt ir may yea cn r f them. I am but th tcaub g far' you auci n!y i tvt rt mar lni, rd fr;ghnd hht tg Tm rry pr rirdy yr hp I'l iod rra pel |