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Show BILLIKIN CLUB ENTERTAINS. The Grantsville Reflex payable strictly la Subscription $203 100 Months PUBLISHED le BY Co. Tcocle Coaaty PnMif!iin B. W. BLACK. War-burto- Hungmg VdiMr Quarterly conference The members of the Bllikin Club and s were entertained at the Hotel Tooele laat Wednesday by the genial proprietor, Mr. A. J.- - Page, and hi iwlfe. Whist was played for a couple' of hours in which Mrs. Richard and A. B. Hunt were the successful contestants. The consolation prises went to Mrs. A. A. Austin and Hugh Crea. After a delightful luncheon was served, dancing became the leature oi the evening. Among those present were' Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hoffmeier, Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. Kaul, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Gold, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kaulnian, r. and Mrs. S. Wlederherg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Crea, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davit, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mra. Christianson, Mr. and Mra. Jos. Balluff, Mr. and Mra. A. A. Austin, Mrs. Clausing, Mrs. R. Warburton, Mi?. J. W. Sloane, Miss Clara Kauffman, Miss Josephine WUear, A. B. Hunt, W. P. dome. Chela Johnston, Miss Minnie Cornelius', Melvin, E tough, Thomaa Helms, Wm. Keough, J. W. Carkeek, W. J. Carkeek, and Mrs. W. G. Shields; Mias Pearl Whltehouse and John Murray, of LintLelr-friend- vance. Yesr Oi o ad- con- - VENE8 HERE. Quarterly conference of the Tooele take convened In the Grantiville ward chapel laat Saturday and Sunday, March with a full attendance of the otflcera of the stake. President C. Alvin Or me and counsellors in charge. Apostle Hyrum M. Smith and George F. Richards of the quorum of the Twelve, were In attendance. Several changes were made in the High Council and a new bishop was put in over the St John ward. ' Jonathan H. Hale, who has beeta acting as superintendent of the 8nuday Schools of the stake, was released and put in the high council Benjamin W. Black was sustained 'as superintendent in his place, with J. Austin Hunter and William K. Soelherg as assistant superintendents. The conference was well attended acd was considered one of the best coln. in the stake. The choir under the direction of A. V. Miliward furnished the e music. Solos were given by Miss Anderson and Mrs. H. C. Peterson. 30-8- KUn' Lnxalt-'- a nausea dtaalMHS Tnlileta will help Tooele CoucVntrates Geo. W. Bryan, postmaster at Mer-cuwas In Tooele Monday to attend r, ihe County Commissfon-'trelative to the consolidation of the the meeting ol' n common schools of the county into one Muriel. &. J. Slokey, of Clover, was seen in Tootle Monday. Kvan Arthur, of St. John, came over to the county peat Monday to light tor consolidation of the common schools. Wii. Bracken, of St. John, was In Tooele Monday to be present at the mtcilug of the County Commissioners. Ne.s Jorgenson, of Vernon, was a Tooele visitor Monday. Frank Bates, of Erda, had business In Tooele Monday , Frank Drury, deputy road commissioner at Lake Poipj, was in Tooele to conler with the County Monday Co .tii.sioners. 1 :id. Pehrson name over to Tooele to be present at the m'hetinii of ihu County Commissioners. G. Clark, health officer at Lake Point, was in Tooele Monday on ol-- . flci.i. business. Ieil Warr, of Krda, was a Tooele . Mt-o.-a- visiot JJ-- . Monday. Steel of Clover, was seen on To ele streets Monday. was ( iji'les Anderson, of Clover, pre ,n t at the meeting of tho County Co: . 'lissioners. C ... . ij Commissioner Alma 8 wen ' sor. Mercur, was In Tooe e Monday 'to tna the meeting of the board. ' ( ge Smith, while working on the oor in the baghouse at the- In tul ter, icn.al ame:ter, was overcome wiih gai ud tell to the second lloor Inst Su: .ay, sustaining a number of bru and contusions which lncapacl-ta' him for several days. - V. M. Chastain, postmaster at Iba pah a as in Tooele Monday to attend the eeting of the County Commis-aio- i la, relative" to the conso ldatlor, of t e common schools. He left for Saf i like Cjty Tuesday to attend the me- g of the SUtc Board of Health, aeolth officer . for the Deep bei, Crc district. While in Tooele he vls-itMiss Clare S'nlve i alster-ln-la. - - et ly. E Clt:-- Thi the J. Toe loo!.--- lor Carl Badger, of Salt Lake ...ns in. Tooele Wednesday and i.iy, being associate counsel tor ..:y in the liquor cases. Hurd, of Salt Lake efty In . Wednesday and Thursday i. -- ; after the interest of the de- n the liquor cases. J. ' I Haskell, of Salt Lake City, was in 1 - ele Wednesday. The South Willow Irrigation Co. is havii.g its pipe line from South Willow Canyon to Grantsville increased from 14 Inches .to 60 Inches and are spending i 0,000.00 on the Improvement T. W. R: own, the local cement contractor, has secured the job and the manner in which the work has progressed shows that he is competent to handle a cement job on any scale. He started work on February 19, with 17 teams and 40 men and at the present thq excavation la completed and the cement work started. The work will be completed before the time, stipulated unless something un 'ire seen happens. John T. Dick, the handy man about the court house, getting tired of ein-gl- e blessedness, took unto himself a wife last Saturday, Miss Mary Falla, of Hardford, Conn., being the bride. A reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wednesday night to their many friends In honor of the wedding. fen; it Tail Insists TiiatGsnnnIBs iSSSS HIS PROGRESSIVE P3UCY . His PersMisI Efforts to Rsduee Cost f Efficient Service Bring Essults Business Methods Applied Economy and Efficiency Commission Fought by Democrats. e - eqn-nres- (art-me- n - - 1 '. Social Fad NICKNAMES ROOSEVELT FOR s received tho lowest estimates It led seen la years. This was followed by a reduction in appropriations to correspond, always allowing for the natural growth of tlia government's activities, which rej (resented a net saving to tlie taxiwyers of the country. President Taft was not however. Biilisfied that all had been done that could l(e done. He realised that the detmrtmenta of the government, like individuals, are naturally prune to Iw proud of their own achievements and by reason of their familiarity with their own endeavors often .Insisted that their work was more Important than the work of the' other dej ts. relatively speaking. Ia order to correct that evil he asked congress to give him 6100jODO for a commission of disinterested experts to Investigate and report on the business of the government with a view to further eeon Thus came Into omy and efficiency. official being the commission of that ' r namei This commission, among other duties, was directed to prepare the receipts and expenditures of the government on a budget I (a sis. which is the sys tern followed by pract' .!ly all the except the leading nations of the wUnited States, rmler 1: system it Is possible for the humble, t citizen to analyse the finances of the government at any time and to lay his finger'upon tho responsible political party In the event of extravagance or of stinginess Tho system under which appropriations for the government of the United States have been made has even defied the experts in their endeavors to unravel the tangled skeins of expenditures. eo that it la a fair statement to eay that no citizen of this country np to the present time has ever thorough ly understood when hie taxes were ex- - 1'rexldeut Taft more than any of bis predecessors In the White House bus given strict attentions placing the government upon a huaineu basis ns regards Its receipts and exiiendltun Economy and efficiency became one of the cardinal ollcIes of bis admlnlsira tlon aa soon aa he entered upon the presidency, and It was well fer ibe country that this waa no, for his administration inherited a deficit id the treasury of 38,000.000. which has now been transformed Into a surplus of 930.000.000. The average cilbsen and taxpayer-wi- ll be Interested in this fact, because the problem which confronted the president at the outset, although upon a. gigantic scale, wa similar to that of the ordinary shop keeper or buxlucss man. farmer or wage earner or even housewife who is called upon to make both cuds in business or In the Evidently prohibition Is becoming a meet cttlier -social fad In Tooele, Men are clamor-n- g home. law Ihe secretary of the treasury to identity themselves with the la By. cnjled i:ioh every year to submit tn leutliB, local attorneys are tearing congress iu December tbe estimates The President's Position. out their hair and wracking their of governmental expenditures for the At the present time the Democratic brains, trying to make legitimate law next fiscal year, beginning the followout of a jumbled liquor ordinance ing July 1. As congress bus to pro- house of representatives is endeavor econ- which' bears the earmarks of the state vide the money to ran the government. lug to end the usefulness of the statute. The city marshal la a nervous wreck from sobering up drunks and drilling policemen into a uniform rank of officers, while the king of the hour, Boose pares the way for excitement. The City Justice who entered the race the first part ot the year bright and cheerlul now has a worried look, which would be becoming to a married man with a wile at Reno. Citizens of the outer towns are coming to Tooele to get acquainted with (his touch of .lie which seems to be so Inspiring. The Mayor" of Lincoln has been the guest of the city marshal the past lew days and will likely remain ,f or a week to learn the new lad,, which he slates he will soon inaugurate at Lincoln. ' The acilbea oi! the press have swamped the merchants in their stock ot scratch pads and pencils taking the evidence of the Sherlockos Taite and Lee, who are in accordance to their evidence the best paid detectives in Lhe United States today. If their evidence. is correct they faavo made in the neighborhood oi 39000 in the past two months, which is not slow in a small Tooeles new Mag-dalin- flMiHttpatloii n MESH'S begun work at once to Inrmil-its own expenditures and to da-- . ways and meant of curtailing es- aragunreo. The result was that . town. REcmn FACT Urn Ttaet Morsnl Cutilau b Pride Speeches. ON THE OCEAN Tradltlm Thom Among ; ttovema Amtrlean and English Ballora .. and Thay Never Alter. In the American and English navlaa, as well as in tho marchaat marines, are found nicknames that have bean la use since before men dreamed tost there was land on too other side of tho western oeeaa. Tradition, most Inflexible of all rules, governs thorn, and they never alter, whether tho ship clears from tho Golden Gate or from TAF1 London Docks. Some of the nickDUE OEJU. SQUARE names are of obvious origin; others seem to gain force, by their apparent lack of reason: " - . No Choice os Between Candidates Fer Fortins tance, why 'should all men Presidency on This Issue Reoievcl--Alenamed Wright be called- - Shiner 7" Declared Payne Tariff Law Da; Clark la' Invariably Nobby; Green is Yet Passed by Congress. . "Jimmy; and a. White la a "Knocker." Spud. Murphy explains Itself, Itoosereit ia on reco.i' as Thslore does Dusty Miller Lofty and three times iu public speeches aa . f Shorty do not need to present cards dorsing tlie Canadian reciprocity pu. to their mates whan they sign on, icy of President Taft. - This and It la not worth white for tho now dead through the failure cT t ':i: brunette sailor to resent its when ada to ratify (lie trade ugrectucu: friendly chap halls him as Nigger"-h- r the ground that the United Kta: cant whip the entire crew, one " would derive tlie greatest bcucilt (r f Iter tho other. Its provisions. Tlie fact Ir toe Tie rigid forms of quarterdeck ever, that tlie farmers of the coir::' do not hold during tho watch below, are not generally aware that ? and too captain ia too Skipper, and rtooeevelj so thoroughly approved tho first lieutenant is familiarly Canadiati reciprocity wlien it yns Jimmy the One. On fighting ahlpa live issue. Canadian reciprocity the gunnery lieutenant ia Gunnery voted for by Republicans aud De. Jack, or more briefly Guns; tho crata alike when it whs before t' torpedo lieutenant, Torpedo Jack or gross, and as between Mr. Uounev;. Sparks," and the navigating officer. and Mr. IMft In the irocnt cnmi:itr "Tho Navy. for the Republican' nomination 1 Even a landlubber would know that i on no choice ilite there is president Tommy Pines" waa the boatswain. sue. Ohlpa tic e reenter, "Jimmy Bungs" ,In connection with his public r the cooper, uu Balls" the sail makterances on tlie tari$F Mr. Rooaeve er. The Sunday Magazine. has also joined President Taft In rv Ing that tbe Payne tariff law. wl-- i These Gentlemanly Arabs. neverilielc by no means perfect.-iThe Arab vices and virtues for they , the best tariff law yet passed ly con gross!' under the old system of ni.iklnv have both) are drawn from the desert. such laws. Of course resident Tnf They are the handsomest men in tho and Mr. Roosevelt are both now emir world, these Arabs; but they are not mitted to the tariff commission plan c the cleanest Iu reverent demeanor and tactful courtesy they surpass' tho revising the tariff.- and Mr. noonevp has given President .'Rift credit for ad most cultured gentlemen of Europe; voenting this commission dun from It: but they are notorious thieves. Their hospitality is proverbial For beginning. three days the Arab host will protect "Uphold the Hands of Taft." one-whhas eaten bread' and salt In Mr. Roosevelfa indorsements of In defense of reciprocity were as follows: . hie tent even to dying Iu n speech-a- t Grand Rapids. Mici. his guest. When the time limit of the salt brotherhood has expired the host Feb. 1L 1911. be said: Here, frienda In Michigan, right c" will feel quite free to rob the for(he uortliern frontier. I have the peev mer guest on his own account Ordiiar right to any a word of congrat uii narily the Arab lives on Bread and milk", or bread and cheese. If a guest tlon to you and to all of ua umn f arrives he will insist upon slaughterlikelihood that we abnil soon ti:i closer' reciprocal tariff and trade re!" ing the choicest animal In hie flock. If there is no food at all, aa frelions with tlie groat nation to ti quently happens, the Arab starves for 1 fee north of ua. And Applause. awhile. From The Real Palestine of 1 t;o iilenaod prlninilly beenuae wish the' two peoples, tbe Cnnadian ill-- , Today, by Lewis Gaston Leary. the Americnu peoples, drawn togetlie' uy the closest tics on a footing of tiu ylete equality of Interest and niytur I feel that res;mct Applause. should lie. one of the cardinal policie.of this republic to establish yie very closest relations of good Will and frlendslilp with tlie Dominion of Os:' ndn." Applause. in a stweeb before the Republican 'Inii of New York city, delivered v its Lincoln day dinner at .the Waldo:can get hotel ow Feb. 13, 191 L he said: I wnut to say bow glad I am at by adin which the memhera of the elii'i this in vertising here tonight responded to the two up reaches paper. py.ils made to them to uphold the' the best class of kinds of President Taft, both In effort to secure reciprocity with dun people in this iidn.and i:t his effort to secure the for . community. tiflention of the Panama cunnl. And in addition to wbnt has been said about reciprocity Nwlth Canada I would like to make thla point: If should always be a cardinal point In our foreign policy to establish the closest and most friendly relations of .equal respect and advantage with our grout neighbor on tbe north. And I hail (lie reciprocity arrangement because Itrep resents an effort to bring about a clo Use this paper if er, a more intimate, a more friendly relationship of mutual advantage on you want some equal terms between Canada and the of their business. United States." ' Gives President Credit. At Sioux City. Ia., on 8ept 8. 1910, Mr. Roosevelt said: I was particularly pleased with what the 'president (Taft) said In hi letter on the subject of the tariff commission.. A number of senators and THAT LADY ougresstnen have for some yearn ad rocatcd this as the proper method ot Sweet Picture That Soma of Us Are dealing with the tariff, and 1 am glud Privileged to Carry In Our that the country now seems awakened Memories. to the idea that a tariff commission or ter the only solntiou of the problem Everybody loved that which ia both rational end Insures the And I find almost everyone past ; aliseuce of johtiery.- - The president lady. forty Tnfti ftmn the lieglnning advocated vivid haa, at the back of his mind, Impressions regarding her and bis commission. There is uniuher feature of the tar tbe social life of which she was tha atmoiff law. and it is'i'its our course In tie center. One remembers the sphere of that day aa otto remembers ... right direction th.- yuivlmnm and nml hero again I trls:, the blush roses and spicy pinks of old pmri--ito point ont lint the value of the di- gardens. Even yet there are gardens where blush roses grow, and I know.. vision has depen-lclargely njstn some women not yet old, and a few work done by the ndininl t ration In tbe with th young girls, whose mere presence 'Dominion of t.iiada, which were to serves today to reproduce that atr . mosphere. She waa dauntless and most difficult of all. aud yet In at weet, that Lady; witty . t because I e eyes the most but tender; ae notable a housewife teem it Of citfti cnuspnence that e aa a .hostess; full of gentle concern should always on relations of for friendship and good sill w( ure others, with a mind ever at leisfor their affairs, - and a heart mr .rear and growing qeiglilsir In th whose sympathy waa instantaneous Ir uorlh." their service. She stimulated and aha' . At 8loiix Fnlls. 8. Dm on the ton soothed. Fine, compllcated and Interday Mr. Roosevelt said: 1 esting as the old lace and finely think that - the present tari wrought gold she delighted to wear, (Payne lawri Is better than th he was a very precious piece of porlawi and considerably betteV than toe one before the laat (McKInie-law)- , celain. The brilliant, soft daguerreobut It has certainly failed to give type that has preserved her early likeness for us did not Idealise her beb general satisfaction. From these quotation, im Mr yond her just due. Perhaps the Intimate secret of her Influence wee the Roosevelt's speeches It la therefore aha gave of one whose 'hit them ran be no choir a Impression heart is fixed, one whom the world can ProJ--Taft and Mr. Bss--no longer harm. Tbe Atlantic. ixsiiK. tiv cn ' s . AcretstMtl e - 1 S . -- -- . r - ' o -- - If You Want - ( tfc-w- ny YOU . It I1.!- Hearses are being guarded with suspicion as to the nature of goods they have on board. Still the parade of the brewery wagons continues dally. The town is dry, so very dry" that Salt Lake attorneys come out on the morning trains and return in the evening with magnificent fees for their services of telling the City Fathers that there is no prohibition law in Tooele and that their city ordinances are a conglomerated moss of Boozelite, which, by proper treatment, would yield a Increase in taxation. . The Lord Mayor has become so disgusted with prohibition that he got mailed, The Tooele Times, the Dry Oigan, has gene into the theatrical business in connection with E. H. BlrreU In the role, Get Rich Quick Wallingford" stunt, the first engagement being put on at Grantsville. Ag soon as the Tooele Opera House Is placed in the proper condition the play will he staged at Tooele. Beer can be purchasM at 20 cents rer bottle, while rain water Is eear out of tho question and Tooele City water, like Clark electric, ia almost out of sight If you are dry, come to Tooele, the beat town on earth for all kinds of people, where you can get anything dished out that you like. ll ' Xn Iconoclast. "All over Europe my wife kas made enemies by boldly doubting cherished traditions, said the traveler, but her skepticism respecting Alfred the Greet embroiled her In the moet serious difficulty. An eld gentleman who sat with thin, blue fingers spread above the feeble blase from which my wife, and shivering, endeavored to extract a little warmth, expatiated on the episode. Bald my Don't tell me that wife abruptly: old yarn again, please. I dont believe a word of It.' ha demanded. "Why notr 'Because, ' she said. There never was a fire In England hot enough to. burn cakee.' Her retort did for the eld gentleman what the first had failed to de. It made him hot, hut even eo, he never forgave her." red-nose- d cake-burnin- g TKE RECALL OF A ' DECISION. ccctiintauoii by cut- - the money bos to be appropriated j specific iu n re.-en- t ..piCMpriiitiDi.h. purposes before It can be (o lotigrixs M- - funds to con pended, and If thla were not done omy ur.d ting off 1: s for. bo ti'JJc the great it 'him begun, fore the beginning of the fiscal year which u!l thinking i..cn and women ' the machinery of government would will approve. I resident Tuft pointed stop unless emergency provision coul out that the (topic of. the country us be made. a - whole i.ro littered ed culefly in the Haw Ec- mates Ara Made, following govern iueiit;il objects: The estlmatci" are prepared by the lutloiuil defense, (be protection of per-of which each Kecuttve sons and jiroiwrly. the promotion, of mambeT department! head. The la of the n- mid the protection of cabiuet o(Bccn friendly .estimates in . American Interests abroad, the reguia-respective departments from their tiou or commerce mul industry, the bllreQua and then combine ,.hlcf, of promotion agriculture, fisheries, for tbcm Estimates" for the depart-entrthe and mining, the promotion of mcnt estimates'' from all commerce and bank- ara then sent to the secro-lug- . the promotion of transportation p,,rtIlieilts e t0 be submitted ta nml communication, the postal service. ro then become the tad they Including postal savings banks and mates for tbe cost of running tbe care the and utilisation of parcels post; mtln rermnent during the next e public domain, the promotion of c these figures congress education, art and science and roerra- tb; part ltB the tlon; promotion of pubUc health Uoug amounting to more than $1,000.- wi-rk of-th- fis-th- .ppi,- dluns and other wards of the nation. r,0tbCr P?.10 of conrae. are the vital comprehensive ones, and the budgfit" proposed for tiio purpose of giving M to th0 t5B matters The president, in ordo: that Ui policy of eemtomy and efficiency n1 bfCO achtevementa of his ad-that of placing the gov- ernment on a business basi wants congress to appropriate $250,000 more for tho support of tho commission now doing that work. The economy and efficiency commie- slon has already saved to the taxpay- ere of the countr' more than 93.000JXX) annually by Its suggestions and by the time it baa completed its work it la be- ten times this sum can be aafved annually to the taxpayers. In the mat- ter of railroad fare for government offi data alone it has found that $12,000,000 was expended in a single year at the highest prevailing railroad rates. At least a fourth or this can bo saved b; ibe application of business methods such as PreaMent Taft baa applied and has insisted aball he applied to all the himrtnicnte of tbe government. WXWOO unuiUy.' Until 1008 a more or leas lax method of making estimate, for tbe .annual 1 nnronrintlonx obtained throughout the rHrument The figures sent to con-I- s gTeKa each year. Instead of showing Indications of a careful pruning" all RinnK the line, showed there was a departments to d,,wston among the vie with each other In getting aa large NIIpr0)ratlons as itosidble without whether or not tbe money de- cmtid be advantageously ex during the coming yenr. There D0 xtnndnrdlxatlnn of supplies, and the various depnrtinenrs were paying prieesfor the same article, . Wnat President Ta nu Aa soon ns President Tnft took office this system ceased. At the outset ideal Taft impressed upon his cabinet ifflcinla the absolute neeemlty of econmy mid efficiency In their depart-eiitHe admonished them that pot dollar beyond what was necessary to nn tlie government efficiently In their meats, including a fair margin ur progress, which is a mrt of efflclen-- y In the iirograui of President Taft iliintM lie naked of congress The effect was immediate Every depurt- Prea-lleve- d s. ;iri Use This Paper - n S ; i mr-mn- |