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Show ERDA MENTION ' Work Of Utah The people of Erda had a pleasant surprise party on Bishop Edward C. Eckman and wife last Tuesday evening, a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present. John Warr and family have moved to Erda to make their future home, the people of Erda extend welcome to em. Mrs. Maggie Bryan and her sister Mrs. Phillips have been visiting relatives in Erda, Mrs, Maggie Isgreen spent a. fe days with her friend Thresa Liddell. Mrs. Marie Rlngle, of Salt Lake City, is visiting friends in and around Erda. The Relief Society held their annual anniversary meeting last Friday, a beautiful program being arranged for the children which was very nicely carried out, the dance In the afternoon for the children was well attended and the little tots had a royal good time, relreshments were jserved and a grand ball held in the evening. " luring has dawned and the fanners are mostly busy preparing for their farming''eeaso&, the outlook for dry farms show ,wery indication of being a banner year o r a large yield. The Tooele TiJies and Denver Post for $1.50 per year- now is Is the time to subscribe tor theVoly Republican paper In the county, a$k well as the - paper that gets the nevn i fir nurvV.iOiiFm It "i, o i . a Dr. Mil?- - tali-Fiil- n Pill. f Cask vs Mil If you are wise you will keep Busy Workers Business System CONFERENCE , 0 REPORT OF WORK DONE BY COMMERCIAL CLUB PUBLICITY BUREAU AND UTAH DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE, MARCH, 1912. Direct Inquiries Answered: On Lands 104 444 A. L. Nelson, L. E. Kramer and Mr. Business Opportunities. -- 19 11 Manufacturing 24 City Real Estate Miscellaneous 236 . 444 Requests to Furnish Information: Inquiries Referred To Land Companies '. : . Real Estate Firms ... 478 Commercial Clubs ..... 2474 103 Miscellaneous 6014 Personal and Telephone Calls for formation: Sources of inquiries where known Folders Letters Replies to preys letters 83 350 Dictated 6 Form letters to answer Miscella. Cor'spondence 2595 taka Follow-u- p Cards for Filing Literature Distributed: To 1175 Inquirers in- . 6b How To Economize Iii the progress made in the business world in the past few years', possibly the most important step has been the movement to aixdish the credit system. Although some people have not taken kindly to this plan when first adopted, in the end it proves to. be moat economical. The competition in business has been so keen and t he rivalry so great, that the margin of profit Tor the merchant has been reduced to the minimum ; making it necessary for the merchant to economise and to cut out all unnecessary expense wherever possible, if he wants to avoid failure and continue in bus. iness. Some of the disadvantages of doing business on the credit system 159 ONE FARE RATES TO YOUR SALT LAKE CITY Tickets on rale April ,3d to '7th Final Return lamit, April. 12th PAPER. ON THIS Store h THE MAZDA . DEN T 1ST Ask For Tickets via For delivery wagon in good condition. Wagon is covered International Realty and Agency Co, or call up PhoneNo 118. WANTED. - RENT is the millstone which drags the workman to poverty. We will sell you or build you a home for the rent you now pay. International Realty A CO. AD. Flronl vlio are easily Irritated find n rellrf In Dr. Miles' Pills, Antl-Pnl- Whites T0NS0RIAL PARLOR 4 LOCATED IN THE LAKEVIEW CLUB BUILDING. DROP IN AND GET ACQUAINTED. An Easter Program will be given by M. E. Sunday School on Sunday Evening at eight oclock. You are invited. J.H.Hasscll erger and wife of Cal., who speut the week in Tooele, the guests of A. B. Hunt left Thursday for Montana. Win-thro- p, Bewfc1 H. C WHITE, Prop., Broadway St., Tooele, Utah. - ' I ativr iv. --mu ,N, r;-- . it. MIW Lxx. " . 4 .. r A. Society April 3d and 4?h. . Salt Lake City . . - . without any question the .Our cold storage system best in the county. Cold storage tenures sanitation that's why our goods are always in demand Aljets and McIntosh , Agency Co. Tooele Phone 116 THEODORE Expert piano tuner, recently from Hamburg, Germany, will visit Grants-vill- e regularly. Prices on all work reasonable. - City, Utah. CALL THE GA Board and room, with washing included for one dollar a day at Mrs. msm A. G. Shields. for Spaulding and Reach sporting goods and have a full line of balls, bats, chest protectors, gloves and mitts. Orders taken, for uniforms. We FOR RENT. A 10-- 1 oom dwelling with store front, orclslied orfunfurnlshed. Apply, or tvrfio Jos. Rlzii, two doors, north of m cxlk block, Tooele! Utah, Box 116. are-agen- ts THEY ARE HERE Agents Wanted Ladies ready to wear wash dresses in ginghams, prints and percales, these values are going-fro60c to $2. 76. Lady Canvassers for the fastest piling bonk on popular subjects. Three in six dollars a ihn' is our .gents average profit A book for fvery home, rending room, and library. Address, 15. V. pililm, 334 Harvard Ave, Salt. Lake City, Utah -- YYelead, others .Subscribe for the TIMES and DENVER POST $1 .50, per year. ' One ' IM8EN. follow. . The imitator, like the parrot, follows suit upon seeing the success of n modem bungalow, lighted, steam heated and all appliances. .Will sell' on as paying rent... Interna-- : same .erma nal Really and Agency Co.' ' ioui-rooi- His FDR RENT Unfurnished rooms on lain street, one block north of post lfilce: Inquire M. B. Nelson. A .first class trimmer or Address Mrs. M. Leroux, 'jox 233, Tooele, Utah. WANTED preparer., Indies' visiting cards at $1 at the TIMES office. miv per hun-lieGet em d . d READ PEOPLE'S TRADING 7th ? . Distributers of high class meats and perishable goods, to both the wholesale and retail trade. LOST At the opera house or school and a the PKOlLKs about March 1st,- a rug fur. once, TRADING CO, to mrchase will Tender please return to Miss Ethel show' in many instances the advan.Yoolley, Grantsvllle, Utah. tage of lie rash system. The morel Hint who always has ;)R SALE Settings of 15 Rhode ready cash with which to buy, can .land Red Eggs for TSc. Grants Ho always get the latest things as fast cl,--. Grants, Utah. as Ihcv apjienr, and because he alRemains of George Whltefleld. ways gets them .at ihe lowest price Rev. Silvester Horne, who desires to hence the bargain to purchasers. have the remains of George White-fiel- S3 A ,66666661919611 4444444444444444444444444 1 Phone No Route For Sale- - Second hand typewriter jieen used short time. This machine is on L. C. Smith Bros, .best typewriter on tiie market, will sell on ' Address easy payments. - TOOELE, UTAH. - S'. . For information and tickets see any. Salt Lake Iloute Agent or write to J. H Manderfieid, A.'G. P, . vi.-It'- to Rigs and Saddle Horses Conference " Relief ' and light running, a snap for cash. Address International Realty and Agency Co, Tooele, Utah. Phone No US. m 1 lie Salt Lake w j g LIVERY, FEED ami SALE ST ARLES Express, Praying, Him '.mg, Heavy anil Light Work Done. I'pgi'.iur Stage to meet night rain at Salt Lake Route Depot. - . Sale-Go- od lth - . , 5-6- and opera-riof- ora t l including ' In the first place when You to know that the Times now are ins its large cylinder press In l business is done on credit the merand we invite the public to call chant must have a large amount of and see it grind out the sentiments of capita with which to do business. the public. 19617 In large quantities Local Man Urged For 1500 . To mail lisl, Miscellaneous ..... 6900 29192 A hundred accounts that run 29 behind at $23.00 ' each makes two Auditor Auto. Maps Distributed. . . , thousand five hundred dollars. This Mimeogrf. Multgrf. 58468 means that the merchant off run pages must Ivor Ajax has been urged by his w hiinself.bor-rothe either have of Salt Tooele and both friends many capital Lake counties to enter the political it from the bunk and pay interarena for state auditor. est or not pay his own bills prompt9n L 4. McMdo ' Mr. Ajax served the county of Tooele ly. If he has capital himself, he DENTIST for three terms as county clerk and adds enough to the price of the holds a record in that office as one of ii iw iuiiim ever men most goods to pay himself interest. has who the competent Tooele Utah' been in this office. If he borrow the money from the Mr. Ajax is now one of Tooeles most bank he docs the sume thing. If he prominent business men and holds the slow is paying his bills lie usually respect of everyone in the county. In a addition to this, it might well be added pays higher price for his merchan. In has Lake Salt he friends dise and never gets any discounts.' that many Tooele' News county, which la sure to guarantee him Another thing is that the mera solid delegation from that county. chant must add a percentage to the He has been identified with the Repub-Lea- n goods he Bells to pay for booki-epinparty ever since he entered bus! collecting looses and bud nccinintij. toss life and Is recognised as one of its foremost workers. His entering These things mean that If you buy the political field is the outcome of a credit store you pay your share at requests by many prominent men of of the interest, your share of the Salt Lake county and he Is sure to be endorsed solidly by Tooele county. bookkeeping ami collecling cost of bud and your share of the Tooele can well Btate that if Mr. Ajax f.ila the State Auditor's chair this tan uccounls. they have placed there a competent docs business When a mirt-han- i man, whose honesty and integrity arc cash basis on be buys astricily unquestionable. With such men as Mr. ca.-liv.ivl the rr ofvi prices, i.i Ajax in the rank and file of state will Tooele discounts and be hcoored the best ficers, comity very gels and the aiate much benefited. able to ma ke special purchases The Times uigej the nomination o. "It's the' Sun's only Rival," tin at exceptionally !ov prices. :fr. Ajax, both tor his character tin AZDA. ihe only light to seiv by. Ym lle iloes away with il.p expense Ability and the fact that he held 131 t now have a MAZO A 1ghtcd lions: cut o! 171 in the Salt Lake delegation no more than you ore now paying of keeping amounts ami does not feur years ago Is evidence that he is Inferior llluminan's. We. carry II need to add anything to help pay popular and a sure winner. ... .k such standard makes :.s iSu fir bud MW lints because . lie has if AZDA, TANTALUM and EDISON none. carbon lamps. Iu lamp shades wi -CEO. R. DAVIS,-- -The PEOPLES TRADING CO. had have some of the laical designs sad IlxTir.vs r.t s! Electrical patterns. these tilings in mind when deciding kinds. Williams Electrical Supply Co to do business on a cash basis. The Specialist in Gold Crows and Bridie Work WANTED You to know hat Mrs. results ihus tar lu.ve proven that Xortfe Mala Si. ToaaU. Utah. M. Leronx is taking orders Tor tsiloi for the new- pi.iii is far liettrr made suits, coat.', dresses. A fine lin merchant ihe and customer than of simples on display at her millineiy i. P., L. A. AND 8. L. ! in Ihe old cicdit system. Mrs. M. on Vine Ik: ret-1-. Railroad Time Table. ! vltes ail to her parlors to slc ihe ex Customers oi the store have found ' Trains depart trum Tooele: display of tailoring sample No. 1, Overland, west.. 1:21 r. in. tpiisile I his oiit loo They am able to get by Chic.age of high c'rrs No. 2. Overland, cr.st.. 5:13a.m. better values than everbefi re much No. 51, Tintic Icl, wee; 9: i0 a. m. WILLIAM S. MARKS, and save more than enough money No. 53, Tiuiic L'c'l earl 4:50 p.m. Tooele Valley Ry. count els with trains Attorney at Law. i compensate for paying when they Nos. 51 and 52, for Tooele and Sine' ter. Tooele City, Utah, buy. County Attorney. SIDNEY D. COOK, Agent. ft The fact that errors cannot occur in accounts is also a big musidcr-ali'-- n D. 8. L. . these:-- . Jtatu . wants LOCAL brought from America and burled Court in the Chapel in Tottenham road which bears his name, may not know that a portion of those remains has already done a double Journey across the Atlantic. Whltefleld died of asthma September 80, 1770, while on a preaching tour In America, and was buried, by his own desire. In a vault beneath the Presbyterian church Fourteen years aftat Newburyport er his death the coffin waa opened, when the body was found perfecL In 1901 It was opened again, when "the flesh was gone, but the gown, cassock Shortly afterand bands remained." ward a bone of the right arm was stolen by an admirer and sent to EngProtest was made, and the land. Done wu restored to Newburyport in 1837. London Chronicle. competitor. We want you to know that we still have the exclusive agency of the AMERICAN SPECIALTY Tailoring Co of New York, and STRAUS BROTHERS of Chicago, and will continue to fit classy dressers. BRING YOUR BEST GIRL We are the Exclusive Agents for the Red Band Candles,. ' s. Chocolates, and Our Initial Shipment pf 1,000 lbs Is now on display.' ... Bon-Bon- Assorted Candies Assorted Chocolates Cream Almonds - - . ' . 20c 40c 40c S. J. Gold Commercial Company s Phone 12 to Tooele Commercial Company. Tooele City, Utah N CALDWELL HOTEL Family Style Transient Rates Retsonable . Steady Board and Room by the month, $26 SAMPLE ROOM FOR USE OF COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS |