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Show MUNICIPAL. OFFICSRI.' HAD IT TIMED TO A NICETY GUARANTEED TO BE PURE. KirtMUehiri Jefferies. -Recorder M. M. Clark. B. M. Hallidsy. Tnuunr-ll- n. ' COUNCILMEN. i . Oeorge Hamaui-- 4, W. F. Hudson, K M. Rydaleh, A. J. Anderson, Kph. ' Rowberry, t Sum Warden John Hnausoad. GRANTSVILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB President J. C. Woodmansee. VloaPm. C. w berry. -GecreUr-- B. W. BSkkr Treasurer IVsd 1L Cooper. " v DIRECTORS. lenlip, Alex Johnson, W. K Bolenbnrg.. Directors meet eveiy second Tuee dap ef month. Members meet every third Tuesday of month. OME-MAD- Q RANTSVILLE ? BANK, DEtERfJ - JEEING Vlce-Pre- s. THE SIGHTS. DytECTORS. C. Leroy Anderson, Robert T. Brown, Wm. J. Clark, J.' Alfred Charles 8. Burston. Cashier Fred M. Cooper.' BupL Public Schools B, W. Black. ' ed STATE OFFICERS. y .U. 8. Senator George Sutherland and Reed Smoot . T7. 8. Congressman Joseph Howell. Executive. :j Goverov Wm. Spry. Secretary of Stat-C- . 8. Tlnsey. Auditor J. D. Jewkea. Attorney General A. R. Barnes District Attorney E. O. Leather . . wood.- A. Nel CL -Aunt Jernshs Did you go and see .. the aquarium, JostahT Bank Examiner C. A. Glaslep. ' Unde Josh No; the domed critter Coal Mine Inspector J. E. Pettit waa shy and hid In a comer of hla Horticultural Inspector J. E. Tap V lor. . EngIneer-Cal- eb Tanner. 1 bear your husband haa loat his Fish and Game Commissioner F. ' public Job." W. Chambers. Tea." Food and Dairy Commissioner Wll-lar- d . What does he expect to do now?" Hansen, Jr. Wen, he told me this morning Chemist Herman Harms. unless ha could get , reinstated that ' Insurance Commissioner Willard pretty soon he would have to go to Done. work somewhere. Chicago Record-Heral. Veterinarian Dr. A. C. Young.' Librarian H. W. Griffith. ' . . v- - U. S. LAND OFFICE. , ' Federal Building. Register, B. D. R. Thompeon; celver, M. M. Ksighn. . - - d. If Yen Are a Trifle Sensitive : About the siae of your shoes, you eun siso smeller by ahaking Alims Foot. mmm, the antiseptic powder, into them. Just the thins for Dancing Fsrtieeand for BNaking in New Shoes. Sample Free. Address til B. Ol meted, Roy, N. . Re k. 'fc ' I. Is STATE BOARD OF LAND COMMli- -' ' In Chicago. 8IONER8. : Ella What do yon think of him? 51 City and County Building. Btella Hes too mean to pay alb . W. D. Candland, Chairman. mony even n dollar down and a dolW, HL Farnsworth, Secretary. lar a month. W. D. CmndlandW. H. Thaln. M. M. teeth The woman who shown-he- r Steele and A. G. Glauque, Commisand smiles is reasonably euro to atsioners. tain her object much quicker than the one who shows her teeth end growls. - COUNTY OFFICERS. " -- -- The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston, Masa, will send a largo trial box of Paxtlne Antiseptic, a delightful cleansing and germicidal toilet preparation, to any woman, free, upon request. . County Commissioners Alma Swenson, Jfercur, Utah; Joseph C. Orme, Tooele, Utah; Wm. J. Clark, Granta-- . villa County Clerk M. D. Ajax. County Attorney Wm. 8. Marks. County Sheriff M. M. Bush. County Treasurer Samuel Johnson. ' County Recorder Fred Bryan. County Assessor Walter James. County Physician J. A. Phipps. Supt of Schools Lillian Rowberry. Commissioner of Roads Andrew RusselL Horticultural Inspector W. M. Ry-dalch. " Surveyor E. 8. Bowman. A woman thinks n man la extmva--. gnat because he would ns soon pay (1 for anything ho wanta as 98 cents. Garfield Tea, the Batumi remedy for stipation, can always be relied on. Some of the charity that begins at homo Isn't up to the standard. An old toper la satisfied If ha can keep his head above water. IF TOU WANT TO KNOCK, GET A HAMMER. IF YOU"WANT TO HOLLER, GET A HORN. IF TOU WANT TO BE A PROGRESSIVE CITIZEN, WORKING., FOR A BETTER GRANTSVILLE, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REFLEX" AT ONCE. no matter what your disease if yon suffer from Rheumatism, write. If yon suffer from No. 1, going west 5:55 p. m. 11:54 p. m. No. 5, going-wes- t No. 5, going east 2:55 p. m. No. 4, going east, 5:05 p. m. TEACHER Of Grantsvillo i PIANO 8 METALLIC HEELS AND COUNTERS Towr Shoes I Woribaa Asm by getting .boae Bust with stslHr bmle. Thus hash airs lighMr thsa lathe, support tha eaastws, bis shoe money by den bllsgwssr. Bold by she tales ready by yew cobbler. If your dad Elltad to uyakoe witM aa. Yam Uqidiy brims a - w cn doable the war of their ;. Utah d, ultra-marin- of the leading studios. 'Miss the W. N. muanRO., boston, U, Salt Lake City, NO. hah. 14-19-12 DESPONDENT Representative Henry of Texas, continuing his campaign against International marriages, said at a dinner In Washington: Old Gobsa Golde's daughter, Lotts Golde, the heiress, waa courted very strenuously last month at Monte Carlo by a Spanish grandee. Wherever she went walking on the terrace, lunching at Ctro'a, playing M tbe Casino the grandee. Immaculate In hla Poole clothes, waa at her wore Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Compound Their Own Statements So Testify. elbow. The man laid to her one evening, between the acta of Dejanlre, in the beautiful Salle Gamier: Mees Golde Lotta wlsout you 1 -- cannot exist but one fortnight more!' " Mrs. Praise Your husband la n 'You can only exist another fort- wonderful man In many wayu. Nothnight; Don Gusman? But tell me,' ing seems to escape him. cried the beautiful girl tell me how Mrs. Diggs Thats so, my dear. He you can specify a definite time like seems to observe everything but Lent that? " 'Hilaa, Mees Golde,' said the SpanLove Matches. Miss Marie Corelli, like all female iard, it Is not I, It la my creditors, who do ze specifying. " novelists, la a firm believer In marrying for love." Tbe speaker, an editor of a womECZEMA ITCHED SO BADLY ans magazine, was taking tea at the I COULD NT STAND IT. Colony club in New York. Sbe continued, n nut sandwich poised near I. suffered with eczema on my neck her I mouth: argued and wrangled about love for about six months, beginning by litwith Min Corelli one whole tle pimples breaking out. I kept matches In her Stratford day till blood came. the It kept scratching but she better tbe rather home, got getting worse, I couldnt sleep nights of me, at tbe end with an epigram: any more. It kept Itching for about n She who marries for love,' Miss Month, then I went to a doctor and Corelli said, enters heaven with her got some liquid to take. It seemed shut eyes as If I was going to get better. The love enters Sbe who marries without hell with them open. " ltehlrg stopped for about three days, but when it started again, waa even When Your Eyes Need Care worse than before. ?!he eczema Itched ao badly I couldn't stand It any more. Try Murine Kjo Remedy. No Smarting Feel Fine Acta Tnr It for Bod, Weak, I went to a doctor and be gave me Watery KyeaQnickly. and Granulated KjaUda. Book la each Paekaea. Murine la ome medicine, but didnt do any good, by oar Ocnllau note Patent Ned-o- dIdH-b- n In anoaenfnl Phyrielana PraeWo have been having Cutlcura Rem- compounded tlee for dodlraiod to the Pub- edies in tbe house, so I decided to'try orBolU them. I had been using Cutlcura Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Soap, ao I got me a box of Cutlcura Ointment, and washed off the affected Knew Hie Weakness. part with Cutlcura Soap three times a Benham I like to Unger over a Ointand Cutlcura then day,' put the bath. ment on. The lint day I put It on, it Mrs. Benham Yes, an Internal one. relieved me of itching ao I could sleep nil that night. It took about a week, Malice la more easily disarmed by then I could see the scab come off. I indifference than by conflict or retaliakept the treatment up for three weeks, tion. Mrs. Sigourney. and my eczema waa cured. My brother got his face burned e to iVlU&yoINT. inmoney with will m.M and he used Cutlcura Toerdnui(it ccziD MOTT fell, to ean ur an of hrtliig, BUnS, and nil Ointment The Soap people BleeduwarPnilradiBcniMlnSloUdnrm U. thought he would have scars, but you cant see that he ever had his tesr, Discontents arise from our desires r. burned. It was simply awful to look oftener than from our wants. at before the. Cutlcura- Remedies (Soap and Ointment) eared it. Soothing Byrnp for Children la Window's (Signed) Miss Elizabeth Gebrkl, Fornoftena the gnu, rednem InBamnw rest City, Ark., Oct 18, 1910. Although teething, tten. nllnyo pain, eor wind eoUa, lie n butUa Cutlcura fgap and Ointment are sold and dealers by druggist everywhere, The commanding Intellect should n sample of each, with book, have tbe command and be king. will bo mailed free on application to Schiller. Cutlcura," Dept L, Boston. . ' -- Ulua-trate- i 1ST r, I deep spells. and vaj ner-i- a better. I will recommend your medicinea to all Buffering women. -- Mrs. Mary Halstead, Platea, Pa., 3ox 98. Here la the report of another genuine case, which still further ahowa that Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound may bo relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota. "I had inflammation which caused pain in my aide, and my back ached all the time. I wan so blue that I felt like crying if any (me even spoke to me. I took Lydia EL Pinkhama Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued its use and now I am a wen woman. Mrs. Aweija Dahl, Walcott, N. Dakota. If you want npedal advice write to Lydia E. Mnkhaai Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be epened, read and answered by n and held la strict confidence. u I STONES Oil uALL Stftm? openUw! Pala Bwaswastensa; Trout Plica le. Indigestion, Sick Headache, Hit. JaandlML Blaee, OraetipaUun. arrkXSuatcd Tumea. Bed Breath, guirncm. Felt- or Qppimelon ecer Stoawk or Liver, Wind el rain an Stomach or Bowok.Wsak or Irregalmr Bait by 6all-tonall theseor eympteu an aoawjely caused Uantroablaa Write for our aupjrlcbtad Medical Book on Gallstone! and all diseases of iho STOMACH and LI VKR. FKKK. etUglWUtSKSllH Motaaeh loeawneXSaUa. ' euartsi. np, at tie eu m-r-f. cnirisn TAKE nun Tuffs Fills ns first does often laitldty Krum-mache- of mind, buoyancy sf body. GOOD DIGESTION, bowel and sand fkch. Price, 2Sct THCNEW FRENCH REMEDY. o.I.Ko.a.KeLS. THERAPIONt 85-pa- QKXAT nCCCRMfti CUKKl K1DKRY. KLADUKB DIRSASR& FlliM.OHMOKiOULOSU.ftKM ElUFTlUYCw-KITBm4 ililw pm vHerr hr PEEK fcwfcVt it D1 LB lifflir KID. GO.. IAYUITOCK MIL. HAMPSTSADi LORDOX. IK There Is nothing heavenly about war,. Tbe world is outgrowing the IOHN ! THOMPSON SONS CO Troy, N. V. Dyspepsia. Sunshine Surround the children with every lint, and Garfield Tea will conquer Dyspepela. DEFIANCE STARCH tha package possible cheer, . . . "Smiles and even Many a bride Is !y 12 price sod . . coat . the Let I laughter nothing. DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. when away. given children have music, let them have pictures, let them have laughter, let them have n good time; not an Idle It the blood is poor and filled with the time, but one full of cheerful occupapoisons from digeaaed kidneys or inaction. Surround them with all the tive liver, the heart is not only starved beautiful things you can. Plants but poisoned aswelL There are many should be given sun and sir and the conditions due to impure blood such aS dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debilblue sky; give them to your boys and ity or the many scrofulous conditions, girls. I do not mean for n day or a ulcere, fever sores, white swellings, month, but for all tbe years. We canetc. All can be overcome and cured by not treat n plant tenderly one day and harshly the next day; they cannot stand It. Luther Burbank, In Tbe Training of the Human Plant" This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation and imparting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart tonic When to Call the Doctor. and a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and When to summon the doctor Is a kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby point which haa probably puzzled most feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irri- people at one time or another, but In tability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Ho not permit tbe case of throat and Intestinal a dishonest dealer to Insult your intelligence with the just as good troubles there should be no uncertainkind. The Discovery has 40 years of cures behind it and contains doca The medical ty, says authority. no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper. tor should be summoned at once, for Dr. Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of the sore throat may be diphtheria, and stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing onfy. Send 31 one --cent tbe Intestinal symptoms may mean book. Address: Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. stamps for the French cloth-boun- d peritonitis, appendicitis or any one of a dosen complaints of serious character. Valuable time and tbe golden opportunity may be waited by waiting for symptoms that are severe enough to "Justify calling the doctor. Ik. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery ' W. L. DOUGLAS 125 2.50 3.00 3.50 400 &5.Q0 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and nee that it Beam the wire. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W. L. Douglas shoes a triaL W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guarantees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. Take 110 substitute: It yoor dmlcr luinot nrprlT W.LDonglM Mtaa Is Signature of wearing n fetching headdress com- In Use For Over SOYeare posed of the tall feathers of tha chick-i- n Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria that waa mysteriously loat by one if tha palefaces last week. . The Reason. You mark all your compositions The modistes are getting In their forte," aaid the friend. iprlng stocks of paint Economical tbe composer. They "Yea, women are buying it by the gallon, wouldn't replied have any vogue among peocosbut thoee who wish variety of ple who Uve in flata if I bad them tume are taking several pint cans of played softly." liferent colors. Moonllght-on-the-Mountal- When I wrote to yon with female weakness and backache; and waa so nervous that I would cry at tha least noise, It would startle me aa I began to take Iff dia E. Pinkhama remedies, and I dont have any more cry Plates, Pa. lint I waa troubled SHOES bewitch- n -- write W.UIoagtanilnMktoiL HcicMivnilaleg: Shoe amt twywbao AcUvwyUcuau gnyola AM Color JCvcMc hOM. ONLY ONW BROMO QUININE.' I. LAXATIVB BBOMO UDlNIN B. Look fn Among our young men Much Inter-l- That the rignntare of B. W. UKOVB. Unt tbe Wand in manifested in the new dancing vtr lo Cwiv k Cold In Om Imj. Me. Boat, consisting of n priming color of What ought not to be done, do not yellow ocher, over which Is applied even think of doing. Epictetus. two coats of oxide of Iron, with trimThe beat dressing you can find for wounds, bites mings of Nile green. To nstoro n normal lotion to Liver, Kid,of Insects, abrasions, etc. Stomach and Bowels, take Uarfleld The new phosphorescent paint tor ney, The Carbolic Acid belps to prevent Infection: tbe Tea, tha mild herb laxative. All druggists. Ihoatrdnnoe costumes is popular. Vaseline cleanses and soothes. A pretty girl never approves of men Especially valuable where there ate children. For gale everywhere lu hudy flats bottle. Be lure yon got who flirt with other girls. Glorious Easter Atmosphere. x "Vaseline. Eternal life no longer algnlOes n Oar T.rlonl Ticellne" pimnnitlonc met up n medldne In la cheat th. I . boeld bo In rwry boom, Wri w for free enuplpte Fink tbe boukiet telling all Epidemic Bye Spring. nere continuance of being, but a Try Knrlnn about them. AOdrci Dept. H. Bye Bemedy for Bailable Belief. poble expansion of human nature to Chesebrough Manufacturing Company And most of our troubles are magnifit condition! which surround and 17 State Stroet Now Yak (CoMofidated) the boundaries of our little earth- fied at short range. la one The Easter atmosphere ly life. If faith, hope and charity, with of n spring luch as never yet soli. Tho bloomed upon earthly other dye. One 10c peck Colomiore goodg brighter end falter colorb then g colon all libera Theydye in cold wstarbettertbm enr other dye. You Christies Register. dye any garment without ripping sport. Write for free booklet IIow to Dye. Bleach and Mi Color., MONROg drug COMPAWV, Quincy, Ilk et Wnen, Quarrymea Faimcn, and Oubkk Miss Frances Donovan Bucket-of-Wate- ing daughter of Hog Bristle Pete, appeared in a new riding habit Tuesday. Philadelphia, Fa. It is made of a blanket from n Pullman car, tied at the waist with barb- laws . r, Madam wife of Big Chief Bt&ndon-Hls-Heabee Imported Irom Paris her spring costume, concoffee sack and sisting of n band-mad- e e a tube of blue from one MUNYONS DOCTORS . To keep parasites. Ignorance, supertew stition, malice, greed, trickery and crime out of the human family, spray HOT A PERRY TO FAY wen with education.". Love, cEiuity, Offer b Good for the Nest Thirty Days and benevolence Is the cornerstone of all good; upon this stone erect the grant throne of all good,' "the School House. He who Indebts hfmself for the training of the child commends the respect of everyone, while the yellow' pages of history behold him ns king of the good of all mankind. NEW TIME TABLE ON THE WESTERN PACIFIC. RESER- VATION. No matter what Kidney Trouble, write. yon sailer from, writs to - WANTED You to know that we have an L C. Smith Typewriter that .we will sell on easy terms. Machine hen beat need but n abort, time, with two payments being' made on same. Call at the REFLEX office and see it 15 down and $10 per month takes It ' EASTER tTYLES ON THE TWO WEEKS TREATHEHT AND EDICME FREE -- ' Con- . . prepared. . Look over ouch css carefully to ass that It la not cracked or all work In wasted, then wash off with warm Voter to remove SOIL Put aside such eggs as are to be boiled hard and colored and in a separate mound put those with most perfect surface for painting or other decorations. Make very aure there is no mixing as a broken raw egg la not pleasing. ' Colored eggs can be made any. tint with special dyes, or If theae are cheap ribbon can be boiled In n lltflo water and the boiled egg submerged In It until the right tone la acquired. The calico egg will bo pleasing to this generation of young-atom- . Tie each egg In a piece of cheep figured ehlnta of high color and It will leave its design on the egg when put la boiling water. If you have nothing also for coloring boll the egg after tying up in Gw rod akins of onions. Quaint designs can be boiled Into the egg by tricing figures on the aboil of the raw egg with a. hard tallow earn die to make a whits surface, then color the rest of the egg In dyed water. . When eggs are to he - painted for place cards or caricatures, they need more careful treatment. Wipe the washed egg In powdered pumice to remove gloaa of shall and make painting taka better. The blowing must bo carefully done ar the shell will crack. Prick both ends with a coarse noodle. The hols should ho Just largo enough to permit the contents being expelled. Too large aa openingjn disfiguring, besides making a crack mow probable. Pot the egg to the mouth and blow lastly at first, then hard and steadily until nothing morn come. Rinse with warm water and blow out several dmea again. Dry carefully eo all water will run out TO paint the egg trace the outlines with a hard pencil, then color with good water colon, as they dry moat quickly. If the egg la to be filled with candy one hole may be made Mg enough, to hold tiny candled drops. When the shall la filled paste the hole with thin paper: Any one ean paint soma 'sort of1 face on an egg ehell, and If further decorations in the way of hat, hair, or stock are added groat delight will bo given. A girl with artistic ability make fascinating plica ca.'da from egg shells In the forms of rabbits, owls, pigs, eupld heads, old ladles, or gay belles. These are pasted to flat earda on which a name or Easter greeting la written in gilt letters. When tha egg represents an entire figure the feet are painted on the card; when only the head, It can be set on a abort tube to represent a neck, and this can be draped with stock or collar. Use a good glue In pasting the eggs to the card, si paste or mucilage will not hold welL ' Great fun for an Easter party la to supply the blank cards, blown egg hells, scissors, palate, and colored papers and set the guests to evolving their own egg ornaments. Prises can be offered for the most successful - President Eugene T. Woolley. r Leo Johnson. 'v : ' Supt Public Instruction up fre- they arq not properly ' OFFICERS Easter E quently fhO In affect R.-Ro- NERVOUS But Limit to Existence of Impecunious Grandee Was Not Set by God ef Levs. Preparing the Eggs for Easter Si HIS LIMITATION. Vaseline - - . aur-pas- s PUTNAM FADELESS DYES -- |