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Show ifiiiiMwiiiiinnnmitHdwwMniiiiiiiii Around Hours are Valuable ITS EASY Lincoln fa this buajr age. This fa especially true la tin o- -la traveling eaat or west, north or south V" jroa plan to get to your desMaattoa la the SHORT POSSIBLE TIKE; you want MODERN COMFO.. ; a you expect and require EVERT POjSSLr.J MEASURE OF PROTECTION. Without these l'es-- . lures travel la what Oeaoral Shaman said war la. - ORDER ig friends and e week, r : Tbe Oregoa Short Line la eoaaectloa with the Uaioa Pacific, Southern Pa--, elflc aad O.-R. A N. Lines, desires to serve you le all eaaterm points, the Pacific Coast and locally.' t7t.000.00a la being expended la thane Haas weat of the Mlsdburi River; the block signal eysteas for protection la being kept at the hlgbaat possible state of effectiveness, aad equipment and service are oontlanally being Improved and brought to the latest standards of duality. . - pay-da- -' ' .Mrs, K. Warr were the J W. Whltehouse Thursday. James Phlelds is arranging to move airi'y to Delta, where they will Oregon SbortLise you are ready make their future home. Mesdames M. and A. Shields gavd a kitchej shower in honor of Miss Mary 1 who will eaten upon the throne In the near future. Manv eful presents were received by the lady. Mrs. H. W. Droubay entertained a' ew frends at luncheon on Tuesday evening. Mrs. M. A. Adamson spent the weekend among friends here, returning to Balt Lake City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Droubay were the guests of D. M. Adamson Sunday. Mrs. G. W.' Smith entertained the Social Club Friday, tlie evening being am as. spent in playing flinch and other H and Shields G. ing games. Mrs. W. ones successful the were J. Drcubsy In the winning oT the first honors, while the consolation prises fell to Mrs. H. J. Droubay and H. C. Kimball. C. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. II. J. H. Droubay Mrs. Kimball, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shields. to travel. mr.trl--v-m'a- Dr. J. C. Woodmansee PHYSICIAN At office Day and Night. GRANTSVILLE UTAH - Under New Management . Rooms. Short Orders at all Hours. Neatly Furnished Board by Day, Week or Month MRS. M. A. DALE TOOELE, UTAH Rates Reasonable. H1IHI41 'ur'ng the week from Delta, have been In the Interest 1 1 1 1 1 kVpv g. Commit representative when or Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Guard - Adamson and Dugal Cameron -- Prises were awarded to the best Banking in all its branches 4 per cent paid on savings COMMERCIAL W.BANK, Kaul. Cashicr.George - - Utah Tooele City doable-trackin- g . Monday. A dance was given last Saturday evening by the Relief Society. A grand character hall was given by the Y. L. M. A. laat Wednesday evening, which waa enjoyed by all. uptn office? ge Tate, of inie Boyd, Carl Isk, of Tooe'e, iring the week.' " returned Wednesday, City ten attending school - WAY Manager T. A. Waddoups left hero for Salt Lake City last Tuesday morning on the Western Paclfiic railroad. One car load of beet steers was shipped to Salt Lake l'ruui here last go to tbe post office, fill out an application blank, and consume a lot of valuable tune in buying a money, order when you can drop Into the bank, state tbs amount you wish to send, and to whom, aad get a mousy order, good anywhere, lor lets than a you would pay at the Did you start that hank account this y with ' thetommercial Bank? We. want to see your name1 on our books. Lake City, was on his usual f- . THE BANK MONEY W. Whitehouse, IOSEPA." IWH.VADOhYOUP The Great April tilllllimwiHWWHIItlllllllUlUIW rvcemeiAt j j Miles Laxative Tablets and And tli-iwe like them very much. Their action is excellent and we are grateful fur having been made acquainted wll'i them. We have had good results in every cose and the Bisters are very much pleased. " The form and flavor of any medicine is very important, no matter who is to take it The taste and oF Spring and Summer Millinery Opening March 18, Will Be First Display Day Of Ladies Hats, Suits, and Dresses Mrs. E. J. Atkin Tooele, Utah, i MILES MEDIC At and Agency Co ,r jjuuirtfjtfifrrrrrrrrr We We List - i Ranches, houses and lots. We Offer Exceptional Advantages j s to the Alert Grocery Buyers. , Consider well the Money Saving Possibili- ties for You in the Following. ( s a Honeysuckle Hams at Bacon at Salt Pork at Lard 10 lb at 5 lb . at TEA SPECIAL Fresh Roasted Coffee, Mokonn Coffee Hewlett One Crown Coffee Wedding Breakfast ' Areola Ground Coffee 40c, now 3.1c, now 35c, now 40c, now 25c, now 35c per 30c 30c 35c 20c ll. i Hewletts and the Celebrated Royal Baking Powder White Laundry Soap . Swifts Pride Soap 0 bars for 25c 7 bare for 25c want to buy, sell, exchange, or rent, call up phone 118, or write us. Plaza Building. Tooele, Utah ASSORTED The New Route to the Golden West 3 large We Share the Profits with the Workingman Pacific Commjercial Co. Phone 63 Eugene Carroll, a popular chef of one of Wendover'a popular hostel vieu. F. M, Johnson, one of Wendovers pulled out for Salt Lake the first pnrt pnlal merchant!, wan, In Salt Lake of the week to. attend conference. ?lty during the week on business. He e ports things moving nicely, with a Tooele Times and Denver Poet $1.50 per year. jroiperous future In night through the Feather River Canyon SPECIALS cans for 25c Matches 0 five cent lxxcsv for 25c Stringless- - Beans 10c per can. Sugar Corn & June Peas 10c per can Sego Milk Going to California? Western Pacific 10 ounce cans 50c, now 40c We Have Been Made the Exclusive Agents for ROGERS, BLAKE & CO. Tailors to Fashionable Dressers. WENDOVER NOTES. Plate-Glas- s. Tooele. Utah v i m 9 99 i Ind. Elkhart, NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm heretofore existing under the name and atyle of ALJETS A VOWLKS, doing business In Tooele City, Utah, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent, Mr. Alvin McIntosh having purchased the entire interest-of-Sidne- y B. Vowles in the The business hereafter will he rrmJuclod by Philip Aljeta and A'vin Mclnlosii, s the SUCCESS MEAT MARKET. The new firm of AUETS & McIN- )?M have assumed ail outstanding 1t'btcune.s and are to receive' payment of all claims due the Jorntcr partnership. Hated ai Tooele, Utah, litis St it nr Be sure your ticket reads via BAKING POWDER SPECIALS . lire and CO., d;-.- y Life, Ilealtli, Accident 99 Hewletts Tea 25c, now 20c. SOAP SPECIALS successful. SPECIALS IN COFFEE SPECIALS IN SMOKED MEATS & LARD 18c per lb. 20c per lbv 14c per lb. $1.30. 70c That's why we are Insurance 14 lbs Beet Sugar for $1.00 Sugar Special Advertise MMSSSMt Our omucti 1 with newsp ipere foreign enables us to bring the buyer and seller together. $2.40 per hundred $2.20 Richvllle High Patent Flour at Straight Grade Flour at Business cn erprides of all descriptions. g FLOUR SPECIALS appearance are especially important when children are concerned. All parents know how hard it is to give the average child medicine, even though the taste is partially disguised. In using Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets, however, this diffThe shape of iculty is overcome. the tablets, their appearance and candy-lik- e taste at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken without objection. The rich chocolate flavor and absence of other taste, make Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets ihc ideal remedy for children. If the first box fails to benefit, Ask your the price is returned. druggist A box of 23 closes costs only 25 cents. Never sold in hulk. - Jealty m Many children at an early age become constipated, and frequently serious consequences result Not being able to realize his own condition, a child's bowels should be constantly watched, and a gentle laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles Laxative Tablets are well adapted to women especially and ' children. The Sisters of Christian Charity, 531 Charles St., Luzerne, Pa., who attend many cases of sickness say of them: "Boms time ago wo began using Dr. The New Route combines all the luxuries, comforts, conveniences, and safety of the best modern railroads perfect roadbed, latest steel dining, buffet, and observation cars, standard service, etc., sleepers, unexcelled dining-ca- r with many exclusive feature, such as easy grades of not over per cent, gentle curvep, low elevation (2,000 feet lower than any other line), miles of natural srenery, in the heart of the Sierras. For reservations and information, call on or write your Local Agent, or, I. A. Benton, G. A. P. D. Salt Lake City, Utah. Judge Bldg., TsnLTaNrwttfKsr There will be a grand ball in the Lake Point Hall on April 13. EveryMARRIAGE LICENSE. body Invited. Good music and a good, time assured to all. license was granted by . A marriage Health Officer W. G. Clark has comthe county clerk to John T. Dick, of pleted the fumigation of all the smallTooele, and Mary Faulds, of Hartford, pox cases and the epidemic la about ' V. stamped out Conn. The masquerade ball given by the take Point Amusement company had a fine attendance, every one having a good time. There was a love feast held at the take Point Hall by the stockholders on March 39; every one present had good time. Take Dr. Miles Laxative TahMi Ml aaaatipatJon. They will half pea March,-1912- . PHILIP AUETS, S1DXLY It. VOWLKS, Flret publication, March 1 Last publication, April .".Hi. rli. TOOELE 8TAKE OFFICERS. Stake President Charles A. Orme, of Tooele. hirst Counsellor of Tooe'e. Second Counsellor of Clover. diaries Alonjo It. J. Stook-ey- e, . Supt. Stake Sunday Schools J. II. Hale, of Grantavllle. President Y. M. M. I. A. John A. Lfndberg, of Tooele. President Y. L. M. I. A. Ellen II. Park, of Tooele. BISHOP8. Tooele Edward M. Atkin. Grantaville A. K. Anderson. E. T. James M. Yates. Batesville Edward C. Ekman. Lake View John G. Shields. St. Johns John T. Russell. Clover M. M. Stookey. Vernon Isnrel Bennlon. Iosepa Bishop Waddups. Mercur Alexander Moss. President Relief Enr'ely Alice R. Woolley, of GrantsviPe. President Primary Hilda Erickson, of Grantsville, SupL Religion Classes BenJ. L. Bowen, of Tooele. Stake Clerk John W. Tate, of Tooele. Honey Bread. In Europe, where the food value of honey eeems to be much better understood than in the United States, enormous quantities arc used. Of lata years we seem to be waking to realization of tbe value of honey as a wholesome and delicious article of food, and also as to Its preservative Cakes and sweetbreads qualities. made with sugar corn become dig and crumbly, and to get the good of them must be eaten when fresh; hql when they are made up with honeyy they seem to retain their moist freak ness indefinitely. In France hone bread a year or eighteen months oh Is preferred to that Just made. The It Is say: It hae ripened. preservative, or rsthsr the unoha lug, quality of honey that makes it 'Ir wth the hast confectlc The l . . u Ufflld. .:-- |