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Show VOL 1. GRANTSVILLE, TOOELE COUNTY, UTAH, FulDAY, APRIL 5, 1912. see you," remarked the leader of the Nevada to work only a few weeks ago, and shortly after reaching hia destinadelegation, tion, was stricken with the disease The editor was immediately interfrom which he never recovered. ested. Taking In the cards with one Funeral services were held Sunday eye and the bearers oi them with the at 3 p. m. in - the Grantsville ward other, he mentally considered the chapel. A J. Stookey, A Alvin Ornie of his office and remarked capacity of the stake preaidency, James L. inquiringly: Wrathall and Bishop A K. Anderson Canada. Sherbrooke, 'Quebec, "Gentlemen, we are indeed honored " spoke words of consolation and euloMarch & 1912. Md you bring your wives with you? the beautiful character of the gised I of the Grantsville Reflex.' The three visitors laughed. "Yo young man. Music was furnished by Manager Dear Sir: I am sending you a clip- - have guessed aright )f by your lnqulr COMMISSIONERS DO . NOT CON' the choir, solo parts were rendered by SOLIDATE. J. F. Woolley and Mrs. J. E. Mill ward. ping from the Sherbrooke Daily Rec- you mean, 'Are you Mormons? remark-ord- . ed one of the party, but you are labor-bcontents might its that Thinking Beautiful flowers decorated the casket. of e the Ing under the old delusion if you to readers the interesting The school board of Grantsville dis- flex. I have enjoyed myself and had pect any one of us or of our relligon, Rric accompanied by many repr the best of health since I left home six can' produce half a dozen wives, or in sedative icltlzens spent last Monday this is any case more than one wife. We do in Tooele, where the question of counThe primary - entertainment, which months ago. I also find that of the best schools a young man not preach, nor do we practice polyone common consolidation the of schools was scheduled to take place last Saturty can get Into. No, we did not bring our wires !was taken up and disposed of by the day evening has been postponed until y the Reflex"vamy. with us. me folks are My sending The special Friday night,. April 5, when it will be county com yil ssloners. With mixed feelings of relief and and I enjoy reading its contents. session for the purpose mentioned con- given in the meeting house. I the remain, success, the editor continued paper Wisbtag disappointment, vened at 2 oclock and when the roll Lewis T. Cannon of the firm of Canto lily the vlaitors with questions. as ever, was called It was found that every non, Fetier A Hansen, architects, of. ' ELDER JOSEPH L. BROWN. In substance, the statement elicited district in the county was represented. Salt Lake City, was in Grantsville last n as as follows: Canada. Sherbrooke, Quebec, After much miscellaneous discus- Thursday ih consultation with' the "We have come to Sherbrooke to THE MORMONS HAVE COME.- -sion the question was disposed of, school board over the "plans for the n'iic.h our gospel to the people of when the commissioners announced new school building. in thia city. We hare been here for a Converts Seek Three Missionaries that in face of the feeling manifest, Hn. Ethel Hammond went to Tooele ' tew days and have taken temporary Sherbrooke Didnt Bring Wives the school districts of the county early last week, where Dr. Phippa perIUiirtera on London street. We '"are Declare With Them snd Polyprouip remain segVegated and that formed an operation for an abscess itoing frnm house to house to explain gamy Idea Erroneous. consolidation would not be effected. that had grown in her nose. Elder Joseph L. Brown, Granlsvi.'e, ;u 'ho people our religion and endeavor The announcement was made by the The big Emerson plow, owned by the to remove lalse Impressions with re-commissioners that In some cases it Anderson brothers is being assembled Utah. ird to it. We expect to be here fer E. Rappleye, Cowley Elder William as and will be ready for work next week. would be necessary to - . Wyoming. probably till about June dithe public utilities are not equally It is to be used first on the road beElder Matthew Madsen, Willard, M. We plan to hold meetings at pri- vided. tween Grantsville and Grant station, mvip houres, anil later, perhaps open A J. Stookey of the Clover School where some needed repairs will be Box Elder County, Utah. t e. .. cc.. Three cards bearing- the above! Board led the opposition, ably followed made. ' V ciu'c1.':- Wc are vovhlrs rnder the Ver names were very by James L. Wrathall and Eugene T. Murray Benson, who has been at- the editor'! desk m!r?in:i. in Vermont there are yesterday afteioonu. Woolley of Grantsville, N. G. Jorgen--Se- n tending the L. D. 8. at Salt Lake, spent We have been advised to call am- fourteen eldera of the church and about ot Brande of Vernon, .George the week with his parents . here in Stockton, and W. M. Chastlan of Deep Grantsville. Creek. The arguments presented by A G. Benson has been makiog sonic these men were not refuted In a sin- improvements around his home on Clark street, having torn the old houxe gle Instance. . Tooele, represented by Chas. R. Mc- down, and only recently has finished new fence around tbe place, all of Bride, declared herself opposedbut W. 8. neutral. to remain which prelerred greatly improves the looks. Mrs. Robert D. Halladay. who has Marks, county attorney. In a neat little speech, was very fair, declaring him- been confined to her home with; an atself opposed to the proposition and tack ot lagrippe, is now able to be out recommending that the commissioners again. J. William Smith, who was confined allow the district to remain as at pres--an- t Miss Lillian Rowberry, county in the hospital in Kansas City until superintendent of schools. In an exce- recently is still under the doctor's care llent speech, summed up the situation and is yet unable to lake up his work exactly, and caused a few who had as a missionary. The schools here are closed Friday not seen the question in jts true light, ' ao that the teachers can use the day to open their eyes. Most of the Our worthy friend who made .such or visiting .a wonderful1 argument in the last is- teachers are spending the day in Salt sue of the Transcript, on the particular ..aite county. . point involved in that argument, vis, Among those who attended the meetwho would assume the Indebtedness of ing of th ecommissioners at Tooele last the districts hi case of consolidation Monday were W. J. Clark, Monto Bar-ruC. LeRoy Anderson, James L. remained - perfectly quiet. We do not wish to rehash the ques- Wrathall, Lillian Rowberry, B. W. tion, but In all fairness to ourselves, Black, R. T. Brown, E M. Clark and iwe may say that it did require con- Leon Imlay. siderable keenness and loresight to Leo Bird, representing the Utah Com find in the musty, volum that particu- 3ervatory of Music, was doing business lar' extract from the school law and in Grantsville during the early part of ' quite It with such dignity. The ques- the week. tion is not the wording of 'the law, ing stake conference In Grantsville last but the manner in which the law Saturday and Sunday, accompanying works put. We have the precedent es-- - the Grantsville delegation to Tooele tablished by every consolidated dis- on Monday. trict In the state, that in every case Albert L. Hammond and family left 'where the funds of. the district are Grantsville the early part of the week turned to the district board, all debts for Blackfoot, Idaho, where they will and obligations were assumed by the make their home in the future. W. H. Chastlan of Deep Creek spent board. We cannot imagine any other way for we have learned that wheithe the latter part of the week in Grants .'assets are taken the liabilities must ille, going to Tooele on Monday. also be assumed and a INTERNATIONAL DRUG OPENS board of county commissioners could FOR BUSINESS. sot adjust It under the law expept in the manner indicated. The International Drug Store opent As to the question of a "school teacher in Grantavllle being advised for business Friday, April 5th, when a to quit the profession and take to sell- grand opening will be conducted by ing books, we accept the situation the company. The fixtures were in gracefully and explain that we do not stalled and some business has beer assume credentials that we do not handled during the past week. Lae! possess, 'md are willing, to compare Monday aa aoon aa it was announced -the work accomplished under our di- people commenced to flock to the store rection with that done in any other and trading. was brisk during the entire day.' A full line of all article? gchool similarly . situated. drug But, if the Transcript will kindly usually seen "In an 'Same the author of his valued com- 3tore will be carried at all times. Mr. munication, we will make application J. A. Mathias will be in charge here to him for a position peddling books, He la a competent prahmaciat and ha? :as he seems to know the best agencies, had a great deal of experience atom-thlline. and we will .recommend that the school board here consider his appli- -' The Interior of the store is beauti-flcation for a position in the Grants-vill- e having a line of fixtures second tc schools. nothing in the county and there are In conclusion,, we will say that the few drug stores In the state that will REFLEX overwhelmingly expressed present such an appearance. the popular wishes in the county on the question of consolidation, for in The Courtenay Morgan Company will the final' count, Tooele remaining neu-:tr- appear at the Grantavllle Opera house as she declared, we find that the for one week, commencing , Monday, 'districts in favor of consolidation num-Tier- April 15th. They come to our city well 895 school children as against recommended, having played all the "496 children opposed to the proposi- larger towns to capacity business and Miss tion. the papers throughout the state apeak N DIES. CECIL CASK very highly of Mias Morgan and the Co. Cecil Cask, sixteen years old, died entire company. They will give our Of typhoid fever last Thursday at Me- citlaena an elegant line of plays. Watch tropolis, Nev., and was brought home the billboards, and remember the date, y .his father on Saturday. He went to Monday, April 15th, and week, ' LETTER FROM LOCAL BOARDS ELDER BROWN TO CONTROL SCHOOLS e ex-R- Personals. V - - No. 14 30 followers. "In the New England division there is a very considerable number of Mormons. So far as we know there is none In Sherbrooke and. Indeed, none in Canada nearer than Montreal. Aa you know, the Mormons are strong In cer-ai- n sections of Western Canada." The newspaper man ventured to re--, mark that Sherbrooke appeared to be pretty well supplied with churches and that he feared they had undertaken a difficult task in their effort to secure converts to Mormonlain in thia city. Do you not anticipate the possibility of vigorous opposition ? they were asked. "Pretty strong prejudices exist in the minds of moat people relative to Mormonlsm. It is these prejudices that we wish to remove, remarked one of the elders. We shall talk to the people.' It la the duty of the eldera of our church to devote two years, and at their own expense, to the spread of the doctrine of Mormonlsm. We shall carry on our work In Sherbrooke and perhaps visit other towns in thia section' We will send you some of our tracts," remarked the leader of the missionaries, as they took their departure and left the newspaper man to ponder over the Articles of Faith of the late Joseph Smith, of Utah. - received We note from new me of tbe from Kansas City th us seem in that worst and heaviest. have occurred section for many w days, while we In during the almost spring weath-t- o Utah are 1 live in Utah! er. It'i PUBLIC SERVANT HUS flHc RECOUP One of the busiest public oervants of tbe Third Judicial District la the present District Attorney, E. O. Leather-woowho, for two years, was assistant District Attorney under present Judge Loofbourow, upon whose elevation to the bench Mr. Leather-woo- d was made District Attorney. Mr. Leatherwood has maintained the high standard in safeguarding the right and property of the people which was established by Mr. Loofbourow. Since Mr. Leatherwood has assumed the office of District Attorney, some very important cases have come undi hia charge, cases in which conslderab' d, : tT f him not to pursue hia dp'-'Buch Jnf,u heat of his abilities ieaJ ence only .purred?"1 'ould Ju,tice that the people -that Justice hould be Pr01)erly meted e offeaden Kinat the law. out to public prosecutor la nearly always subject tow violent attacks on his reputation, honesty, or integrity, but in spite of all this, Mr. Leatherwood ha. consistently adhered to what he considered his sworn duty. He is considered one of the most efficient publiS servants who has held the office of District Attorney, and the people should bear In mind that the heat public servants are alwaya subject to atr tacks on the performance of their duty and should rally to the support of a man who stands ao high In the esteem of tbe best citizens of .the community. - . s, Opportunity at West Point. Deeply fixed In the thought of the is the belief that more anything like equality of opportunity or condition would be incompatible with their own enjoyment and with efficiency of work In the lower classes. leaderThe dignity of ship' on the one bund, and the spur of necessity on the other, seems to them the only forces which can keep the But thia belief has world moving. really no higher authority than that cusof tradition and tom. West Point, and In only a leas degree the aeivite ouLsidt& demonstrates the impotence of wealth or privilege aa a necessary spur to endeavor. Equality of opportunity, privileges, and pecuniary rewards are found to be in uo sense incompatible with individual Initiative, with efficiency in work and with the general happiness. No loss results rather, the reverse from the absence of all extraneous advantages, and from compelling every one to stand on hia own merit, performing the work for which he la fitted, without any reference to the pecuniary compensation which he receives. The Atlantic. - . fair-minde- d : -- te , al ed Courtenay Morgan, Leading Lady will appear at the Grantsville Opera The Courtenay Morgan Honse. One week starting Monday, April IS well-to-da- y, MI88 COURTNEY MOGAN IS COMING. I take pleasure in announcing that Mias Courtney Morgan and her splendid company will soon appear at the Grantavllle opera house. They come here highly recommended by the press and public and all theatrical managers in the cities vhere they have previously appeared. The plays which Mias Morgan presents are of the highest quality and such attractions should be encouraged In order that ye may have more of ths same kind. In order that all educated, cultured and intelligent people may at tend with the assurance that they will not be disappointed, I hereby guarantee that this attraction will be aa represented in every particular, or money: will be refunded. Respectfully, HAMMOND BROTHERS, Managers, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET County Commissioners met at the general meeting of the County Commissioners April 1st The following business was transacted: The resignation of H. R. Croft as Justice of the peace waa accepted. David Strausburg was appointed deputy road commissioner at Vernon. John T. McIntosh was appointed deputy road commissioner for St Johns district D. A Kahler, city engineer fo Tooele, was Instructed to draw s map for Tooele county, the remuneration for his services to be (50. The consolidation of the common schools was abandoned on accoult fit protests from outside districts. i |