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Show . , Eurykriy's Dceriingier Perfect Team Work OT All PnODOCTS of Perfect Units HOUSE Game THE NEW MODEL FIVE When Utah products are as good as HEWLETT'S PRODUCTS are theres a lot of satisfaction In ' "V boosting them. ! L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter is a race and unusual combination of "w,tlinifl1 features of superior excellence, each of which fa designed. First! To do its individual work better. than it ' could be done in any other wayi and Secondi To work so smoothly and accuratdr, in conjunction with all the others, that die completed result is just as perfect as the work of any indi at ; s , a. vidual part VQiat is what makes a goodworiring typewriter, it is what "justifies the overwhelming Terdict of 15000 users in jrfrival oftheLC Smith and Btosl Typewriter! it is why this typewriter does all kinds of work superlatively well "without attachments and gives no disappointing results. Send far free descriptive matter today Nv( - LC. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. Ank THE Young Business Man r T. POTATOES nwnj ot the folio . THIS handled:-' WmII.it, Pm.; Lm Jahniwi, ViN-fri- F. M. hi Cnpir. Cashier. The Granisville Deseret Bank GRANTSVILLE. UTAH New Train - Service esaaea. RUPTURE i Sedeyi Exeleelve Agents for Roolsy'a Rpormatlo MileM Trees to the Char of Bnaehi and now uaad and approTad by tba United fitatM fortra-aan-t. Our truM fitter at one Ha. 1 atom, Baeond South and Wait Temple, who waa Aa fitted Nmr Fivo (5) Cned Stans Santa Fe Route Burlington Route Rock Island Route i THREE FAST Missouri Pacific Union Pacific TRAINS EAST Two Nights to Chicago Two Nights to St. Loula Throe Night, to New York CHOICE OP ROUTES For further information iea any TKKCSGH SLEEPECS ' TO i CHICACO f KANSAS CITY . D,tRO. I. ' IWe b a. phUbft,, ae tdeaa tamm. aMAaIMbUm . ke TA tty L TWUELET IM, fah lah. CSh SEEDS Our Bead Book telb of tba beat aeeda'aad rarfa-H- m that yon can paw In thie wcatem country. Dor book la free; a poetal card win briny you a Better land that poetal today. Vogeler Seed Ce., Salt Lake City WfiflTrn LMMIUI MEN AVD WOMiy to Leant Barber Trade. Only f week, reqnirad. -- Tuition, includln. act of too la, ISO. ruction ruaran-taa- d. lnt Barbara In demand. Write dolor Barber Calleya. IS Commend aJ Street. Balt Lake City. Si KODAK FINISHING Mail ordera liven prompt attention. Complete etoek of Photo Bnppliai. alt Laho Photo Supply Ce. Write for catahtynaa. IM Main It, Politic.' The Mlitreoa Tet, that acemi and now a moat Important question with us aa to politic. Have you any strong jonvictiona? The Prospective Butler Madam, I . will not deceive you they are my life's blood. The Mlatrese Well, what are theyT The Prospective Butler God save Old England, maam! The Sketch. A New Brand. Uncle Hiram stroked hie throat whiskers and watched the big touring car aa it whizzed past him and up the boulevard, emitting a trail of bluish smoke from its en- "Huh! he sniffed. "Them may be iwell city fellers, but they certainly waa gome dum orful Bee gars!" Judges Library. Agent or addreea A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., F. A. WADLE1GH, G. P. A Denver,. Colorado. I' Sak Lake gine. Salt Lake City. ST. LOUS . Draft Inmkeaaets aid Opiin Hla In connection with Uhn a A POSITIVE anSFU-RAMEN- T CUKE TOE Via Denver & Rio Grande Leap Year. A local youth is having trouble with hie girL 'Why wont you marry me? he de manded the other day. "Ill marry you, but not until next' year. "Why the delayT -- Im not going to have it said that I did the propoelng. For Barings and Investments, Sea School Days. 4. "Oh,' Ella, your exercise Is simply , Salt- - Lake Security '& Trust Company J 1 . 4 per cent to 6 per cent paid jc Main Street, S.LC , Capital, $300,000; Surplus, $100,000 full of mistakes."-- did it .on purpose so thatm master will stay longer with me. Fliegende Blaetter. , Net Sufficient makes the mare go. "Money "Huh! "Dont 'you think so?" "It never made her go fast tmnngh to do me any good. Brevity. Warman, the poet and humor-le- t, tplla the story of an aftertlnner speaker, who waa called on to speak on The Antiquity of the Microbe. He arose and said, "Adam had em, and then sat down. Boston Kecord. Cy WHEN IN 8ALT LAKE STOP AT THB " J By for wQiilet, Respectable Trad Centrally "Leoated.- - Cloe to all Amusements. Ipurf 14 CITY, UTAH caa not atand as much phyfiioal exertion aa men.' Bay, 4M you over try going AMcnrs ping with year wife? Sheep Men ' ,lk.E dug Ml r.MkatMiriavth i AT ALL - x akUna, Wash, When you market your dip, deposit some' of your money by mail, and let i draw 4 per' cent compound Interest in a savings so--; count at the' 2hsgJpnaas Even This Year, What la as rare ' ae a day In JuneT murmured the poet ' "Days in February are somewhat xe, answered the practical person. Only 29 of 'em, even in leap year, Louisville Courier-Journal. state Business la Affirmed. Washington. A victory was woo Monday by the Interstate commerce commission when the supreme court of the United States decided the com " mission had the power to compel water lines to report to it regarding intrastate aa well aa Interstate business. It was the first case from the commerce court to be considered by the supreme court and the commerce court waa reversed. While the suits before the court com corned immediately water lines, the government declared in arguing the case that the defeat of the commission in this case would mean that railroads also need not report regarding Intro state business, and the commission'! whole system of gathering reports relative to commerce would be worthless. - inny long D1AURE 50C. a Box DOANS potato, The Bank is distinctly a Business and Stockmans It has made a specialty of the banking ' needs of business and stockmen, and therefore knows their requirements. It is in a position to render tnem every service, and to safeguard their interests under all conditions. 'The young business man who has redemonstrated ability to conduct a small business-wil- l ceive special consideration. The stockman has but to inake his wants known in order to haye them carefully hsrbuhn vsg sd win. variety: BUM lartr Triumph, Early Woa. lail. OMa. Idaho COMMERCE COURT REVERSED. iKnrala, Gama. Rnaaeta, and White Macbbiowi price I eenta par pound. Order aariy and .row Power of Commission to Require Show-dawa Me crop of potatoes h rear. San LahaOMy, veosLsn of Intrastate as Well as Inter- , hewn. WaahingtonfThe Democratic wool MU passed the bouse, on Monday, 181 lo li, with twenty insurgent Republicans voting for it' Representative Rucker of Colorado, who opposed It In lebate and answered Present" on the roll call, and 'Representative Flraacle at Ohio, who voted against it were the enly Democrats who did not tine op nlth the majority. Representative Payne moved to recommit the Mil with Instructions to the committee to report the Republican substitute, hut this waa lost, 161 hve.. with Dr. Seeley while In ttda city, V. Qjnlity Reliability The things reu bay of ns must bo right weYnake them right, (uaewntee them right, and leu them right 1912 designs in silverware for the table nowlwlng than-50,-000,- quipped to handle the Moat obatt E(ni Synonyms Paiks Insurgent Two Foola. to 108. was tool enough Supporters of the' MU declared - it to- - marry would not cut the governments revemoney. Second Divorce And I waa fool nue, but would save more A year to consumers because anonch to marry for of the readjustment of rates.' All at tempts of the Republicans to. amend the MU to increase th fates were lost la The tariff board came in for criticism ar. . profltmbl srop, and food from bift aMtud. W. Ibootht to. nn af MnHw and Idaho daring the speechmsking. Schramm-Jobnao- n -- IttCBMXE A SOUL OF DSTKESS' lint UnraH tor 38 West 3rd South St., Salt Lake Gty, Utah .s DILL . the Typewriter -5 WOOL Republicans Join the Majority In Voting for Measure, Two Democrats Opposing. - Twenty That is Wbat Wins i- PISSES Tower of Strength1 " Talk to yourself if yon want an preciative audience.' ap- Tor Constipation, BUibemem, Liver and Kidney Trooblas, Uka Gsifisld Tea. . When a man la completely wrapped np In himself the package la apt to be smalL. 'Walker Brothers Bankers Send for Booklet Mathers ia ene of those Hicks Measure. Uncle Esra Then you . think the battle Knee waa a greater event than the reformation T Uncle Eben Certainly. Ive seen STREETS UNDER WATER. them both and 111 bet the . battle Kentucky Town Flooded Owing To took at least a thousand more feat of film. Puck. Break of River Laves. With suddenness Hickman,. Ky. Women to Wear Mantillas In Church. that Jeopardised Uves of lowland dwelt Women of Bt. Francis De Bales era, despite elaborate preparations- - .to Cathedral will Introduce into this warn them, the Mississippi river levee country the custom of wearing in broke here Monday night, and a cur- church the graceful lace headdress of rent went racing through the streets the Spanish women in place of hats. of Hickman that reached a depth of The innovation waa suggested by Rev. two to eight feet within an hour. Dr. O'Connor to the members of the To add to the danger, when the in- Altar society and at the general comhabitants heard the Are. alarm, agreed munion of the society th scarfs will upon as a signal, they rushed toward be won. the levee to see the spectacle, un- , The hate of today have become a aware that the break waa of so great monstrosity, says Rev. Dr. OConan extent. No lives wen lost, but nor, addressing the society. Toledo homeless persons are wandwing about correspondence Cleveland Leader. In the rain, seeking shelter. Water v waa six inches deep in the stores. Bathetic. General Marlon Mans has a keen gUSPENBION OF COAL.MININCL and delicate taste in literature, and at a recent dinner at Vancouver BarStrike In Eastern Flelde Will Cause racks, discussing a popular novel of Dally Loes in Wages to 400,000 Men little worth. General Maua said: of About a Million Dollars. The pathos of the book la really Indianapolis. With one or two ex- bathos. It reminds me of a privates ceptions, the suspension in the coal widow. The good woman waa about mining Industry ef the east, which to sell her household furniture,' her went Into effect at midnight Sunday rugs, plated ware and what not Aa he was going over these articles her night when the wage contracts between the members of the United Mine eyes filled with tears, a boat ot memWorkers of America and the bitumi- ories rose to her mind, and, laying aide a knives, she said: nous and anthracite coal operators exI dear! cant let these go! Oh, was pired, general Monday. Approxibeen in poor Georges mouth mately 400,000 miners are out of work; Theyve too often!" the country will miss more than a miltons and lion of coal a day, the miners HE QUIT COFFEE are out about 81,000,000 in wages dally. And Much Good Came- From It Rasult of Everglades Investigation. It la hard to believe that coffee will Washington. Indictments growing out of the Florida everglades Investiga- put a person in such a condition as it tion in the department of agriculture did a woman of Apple Creek, O. She were returned by the federal grand tells her own story: I did not believe coffee caused my jtory Monday against C. G. Elliott, A D. Morehouse, Gray P. Teele and Fraud trouble, snd frequently said I liked The defendants are ft so well I would not quit drinking it, E. Singleton,. even-I- f it took my life, but I was a charged. individually with having apmiserable sufferer from heart trouble or false vouchers proved presented and nervous prostration for four yeara. against the government I was scarcely able to go around at Joke Results Disastrously. alL Had no energy, and did not care Smith,- - a for anything. Was emaciated and had Greeley, . Cola Morris rancher living near here, is Buffering a constant pain around my heart until from a broken collar bone, a badly cut I thought I could not endure it I hand and a sprained ankle aa the re- felt aa though I waa liable to die anj s sult of an April fool Joke. He wae sit time. nervous had chills and I Ma Frequently on a home at porch railing ting when a friend presented him with a the least excitement would drive sleep cigar. It was loaded and when it ex- away, and any little noise would up set me terribly.' I was gradually get ploded Smith fell backward. ting worse until finally one day, it Anthracite Miners Peactful. came over me, and I asked myself Philadelphia. Pegce and order wbat la the use of being sick all the reigned Monday in the anthracite coal time and buying medicine so that I regions, where the command to sue can Indulge myself in coffee? pend work until the execution of a new ,4So I thought I would 'see It I could agreement between the workers and quit drinking coffee, and got some the operators waa obeyed by about Foatum to help mo quit I made It 176,000 miners. strictly according to directions, and I want to tell yon that change waa the Goethals Balls for Colon. greatest atep in my life. It Was easy New York. Colonel George W. Goe- to .quit coffee because I bad the thals, the army engineer who la build- Postum which I like better than I ing the Panama canal, sailed for Colon liked the old' coffee. One by one the on Monday on board the steamer old troubles left, until now I am in splendid health, nerves steady, heart all right, and. the pain an gone. Never Wets Make Gains. have any more nervous chills, dont Detroit, Mich. Michigans city and take any medicine, ean do all my county election! Monday rere featured housework, and have done a great counby a bitter contest in twenty-liv- e deal besides. ties where Jocal option .was voted on. who visited me "My sister-in-laThe "wets" made substantial gains, ac- this summer had been an invalid for some time, much aa I wax' I got her cording to latest reports. to quit coffee and drink Postum. - She Story Writer Pastes Away. ' gained five pounds In three weeks, Dresden, Germany. Karl May, the spd I never saw such a change In anywell known writer, of Indian tales and one's heslth," " romances for boys, died here Monday Theres a reason." 'n his seventieth year. He translated Krer nU the mbmvm letter t a new ttnee to ttane. They appear hundreds of stories from the Arabian, ene are Pennine; tfaq end fall.nl kmii Turkish snd Persian. fen latent. - sim- plified spelling erauka, isnt he? ' Wioka I should say so! - He apdla wife yf. Boston Transcript. It might be well to remember that every man you deal with la looking for the beat of it to Know. Wife Look, I bought this for coat, today. They tell me we are going to have very cold weather soon. Husband Who told you eoT Wife The furrier. Salt lake City ODD BIG 1912 CATALOG Trees and Powltrp Supplies Of Seed ' Just briminmg hill of information that means dollars to every user of anything in the lines mentioned You are entitled to a Free Copy Mention this paper and write . for it today PORTER-WALT. CO. On SALT tAKE CITY, JITAH : INCUBATORS V ' AftsrsxpsiimenUnt with many makes of taco-.- 1 baton, we find that the Cyphers, Jubilee, and Backers an the best possible machines In this htisnaouatatn country . Prloac from It to S& tonltry Ontnloma Ins. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake City . " - half-dose- n - . . Prosperity for One - Benefits Others The size of the Fruit Crop in this section ma- terially affects every in- dustry doing business in. this territory. For this reason we are paying particular attention to our Frost Warning Serif ice. United States Weather Bulletins will be furnished our subscribers accurately and promptly and dangers to the crop from frost blight reduced to a minimum. Ngl extra charge for this" service. Are you prepared to receive these, warnings at ypur place? If not, sign a contract nort, and avoid vain regrets later.' -- Foe nm new and write call local i tin . -- ' lm The Intermountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. Ita Good Qualities. Aspiring VbcalMt Profeaaor.'-doyothink I will ever be able to do any- -' thing with my voice? Perspiring Teacher Wall, it might come in handy in can of fire or shipwreck. Cornell Widow. Woman1! College Bill. The woman! college bill has bees passed to its third i reading in the senate of Virginia. Tho greatest, opposition to the bill seems to be La th state university itself. - J |