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Show A .rr - 25c: J. 5t :25c & P. Csati -- . ihirtiogt, Sptol Cottoa, six far 25 cts. 25c Priab 5c ) 25c GRANTSVILLE, UTAH $. Fr 5c 5c -- jr Monday 9 ASTER SUNDAY tis year is on; April 7th. From now until then the minds of most of the women will be upon thoughts of dress for that occasion. This Annual Opening is to, place before you in convenient array for your inspection all the correct creations for Spring and Summer, 1912. A complete representation of all thats dependable and desirable in new creations of merchandise for this season will be exhibited. We hope to make it worth yoir while to come to our Opening, even if be must delayed until later. Both visitors and purchasers wilT be cordially welcomed. In your purchasing addition to iTsfyle display of correct fashions for Spring, this will be a tiflo week's Special Sale of nevi merchandise. Each department in the store will offer at least one special. value in new merchandise every day. for .theoccastonV " "v'vJXhti?rewill be- nicely decorated """ The "oncfrxrfpresence will be appreciated. - CSV ), J-- V Women's New Shoe Styles The Grocery. The correct shoqs for Spring the correct lasts, style and leathers are all here. And this good shoe store makes a specialty of fitting feet correctly. The exclusive agency for Z. C. M. I. Shoes. The Home Brand in low cuts, button and latest spring styles ranging from 52.00 up to $3.50. We are going to have a big Easter dinner at our house. Maybe you are, too. This grocery department can furnish you all you can think of In reliable, fit foods. Our price list during our Spring Opening Is' as follows: Corn, three cans for 25c; Tomatoes, 10c per can; June Peas, 10c per can; Navy Beans, four pounds for 25c; Rice, four pounds for 25c; Sugar, 14 pounds for $1; Coffee In ' the Schillings, Hewlett and Amber ' brands, 80c per pound; Tree Tea, .two packages for 45c; Pure Leaf Lard, three pound tins,' 45c; .five--. d pound tins, (5c; tins, $1.25; Dry' Salt Bacon, 13c per pound; Breakfast. Bacon, 18c per pound; Hams, 16c per pound, and', all other lines of fancy, high-grad- e groceries In proportion. - Remember Just to remind you that we still carry a full and complete line of lumber, laths, plaster, cement, hair, nails and builders hardware, and that you can do no better no matter where you go, if you are going to build or add to your present building, figure with us first In connection we have undertakers supplies and are agents for the Utah Casket Company. New Spring Waists - In silks and washable goods. White waists will be far the most popular this season. Tet for certain occasions, colors will be worn. Our waist stock Is replete with all the new styles. .... Coal That Suits New Spring Neckwear - Printers Ink cannot give you a fair idea of the Spring underwear display. In the absence of pictures to show you, we will ask you to come and inspect the many new. neckwear designs created for this season. New Wool Goods . i J L D, S, Garments The styles In wool, goods for this We have a complete line of L. D. B. season are distinctive. , If you wish to garments In medium and light weight know what Is correct In dress goods In both cotton and wool, from $1.00 to for 1912, attend our Spring Opening $2.50. ' Exhibition. Voiles in many shades at prices to suit the most skeptical buyer. Spring Cotton Goods Spring Silks All the new patterns for 1912 will be on 'display and sale. - Come and see the new silks whether you wiBh to purchase or not We will take pleasure In showing you the newest out - Corded, Novelty and Princess costume silks, changeable In color, from 25c per yard bp. .The many new pretty patterns of wash goods must be seen to be appreciated. During our Spring Opening, we shall name some special prices in cotton goods, which will make It great ly to your advantage to buy now. Bataste, Dimity, Appleton, Fabric, Aprita Stripe, Voile In black, lavender, pink and .tan, at 20c per yard. Dress linen 25 and 85c per yard. ten-poun- New Creations in Millinery. The Sailor and Gabby Hats are the hit pf the season. They will be found in our Millinery Opening at prices that will astonish you. Remember there will be a lady to show . you this beautiful Easter display, whether you purchase or not. . We still lead as coal dealers, handling the best grades the market affords.' Rock Springs (at car) per ton $5.25 Castlegate (at car) per ton. . . : 5.00 . We Sell for Cash Only , New Spring Hosiery Silk, lisle and cotton, 'fancy and plain, black, white and colors. All the new hosiery styles are here, and priced at their real worth. Ladles' ..black cotton hose, seamless, guaranteed to be stainless, linen heels and toes, at 15c per pair. 'Ladies black cotton hose, three pairs for 25 c. The Burson Fashion hose, rip top, the only hcee to fit without a . seam, at 25c per pair. Wc carry the Z. G M. t Ladies and Misses Wash Dresses, 70c and up - . . L Shoes Ladies and Misses white, tan and blue, wash skirts from $1.00 to $2.00. . J ust Arrived, a large line of ready made wool skirts, values up to $7.50, during this sale will go at $3.85. - -- J |