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Show period, and It waa addon isdaad that gqsped It out with the unbelief of on! hla laat quotation waa sot hlghar than who by a seeming miracle sees the tha ooa of aay half as hour bafora. w dead restored to life. She patted my want dartlsg akyward Is tha aeeastrw cheek. Ton may 'so consider us If you a with which a kite swuata is But It a gala, and within a fortnight 1 found wish under that condition. must for the time being remain to addad thousands richar by myaalf strictly our secret" thousands. Tha glittering heights Half doubting that I waa still of fortune Beamingly hung clone orer its this with earth 1 steered onward as In a rainbow and of tha tha . Author groat bag of gold was within mathe- trance. Then, unless my senses were i nutfUloni p Mtfmw Q. Kattnar matical striking distance; and taking tricking me, this moet glorious of greater chancoa than orer. for tha women was to become my cloee comsake of greater galnSi I plunged wild-l- y panion through all tha days to coma; SYNOPSIS. takas ss active Interest . In' tha east as T rwiiakad my winnings on orery tha one whose head should rest upon I 'had hoard hla lour whistle at throw. And my shoulder through the long nights; day by day tbs' MM Afcesr HalUdar. a Hwlf odmoiiaira, tha mantlon of llaekaya name, curi- touch was mine and I won, won, won. whose bosom should pillow my face in to found ganad, bound InanitobU la nil osity had filled my mind aa to what Thao grown money recMeosby niy con- hours of weariness; who should bo Ms roofn, Mn ante rifled and MW al raaaarehas would bo In that di stant eucceas, I permitted myself anoth- - my wife, the mother of my children. taghtoTha thrsad of tha story Is taken up by aaphaw Twe.Ltvlax la tha same I had gone to Mrs. Da aouaa ara othar Ntadvaa: racklaaa Brnoa rsctlon. w place of estrayagsneefortheallufe- - My eyes filled with the moisture of HalUday nad ant tor Clara Wlntoa. Brnoa, with tha mantlon of LaDucs happiness and through the mist the aba ton bond brokar. baa baaa trying to that aha might understand why 1 had chalky roadway blurred before me. A nun. from repeated to him conversations which feeling almost of awe filled my soul. applied to his uitoeriy unele nad to ethers had occurred between harialf Never again will inch a great thankfor tha lone but baa ban refused. Tom Woda ter WllSeui UDm, aa sttitoi myself, that she might not foal that fulness possess me, tnd silently I a detective agney, I had tattletalad our private talks I ,bUo' plead oonneetsd with Tom and .ta rarerte la Ida nobody but blessed God that in his Infinite good-nee- s garage relating the alary acquaintance with a Kra, Dans wealthy without explaining tha reason to her. her that I had purchaasd it he had permitted me to he born. ' widow, whose business ageut is Richard t though I had paved, tha way by , In first a bocdler and political Mim front of an on the Dmc tfaekay, garden Tom la Jealous of Mackey and la deeply I which ha might have had a confident I T v- -j mT nbquented by the bettor clew we h in leva with Mrs. he had chat with erarna him to shun country topped and dismounted. Long lines for a Tom earn lira. Dace and Kaekay togeth-- r. of the opportunis t icqutrsment ward. Tha wther was Ideal, tha of motor cars and carriages extended Ha afterwards meets tha woman at had not coma to my knowledge. a horse mas, and,' happening to mention away on either side, and the music of roads Is splandld condition and that Brnoa had n tip on tha winner, she LeDue might sow have full Informaan European orchestra floated over the of low whir to the sped along Tha on race. UN him ta the fives place and feel at machine with the soft sir fan-sin-g tha walls of the enclosure. We passed Op goes wrong and she loam her money, tion of what I had dona sight ha should Tom Invests In stocks. Ha makm liberty to interview her later entrance and our faces. It had long bass through the palm-line- d soma money, and returns the loot SN to Mrs. Dace. It to at this Juncture that tha desire, I now told him of my talk between us that aha was to took our seats at a table beneath a theft of tha kB.NI from old Abner HalH-- - upon tha subject with her; telling him ' carefully guard all my confidences; tree whose low hanging limbs almost Bay occurs, la Due meets Clare and d Bruce. He learns that the key which that she had denied abaolutely having and I kept few things from .her. ' Bx- brushed It A thousand Clare had to the house la mi g Mao- - I repeated my half confidences to any I ultantly I spoke of my Increasing people were eating and drinking - maneant nmanacta Har around us as had seemed to bo amused at make Tom keys dealings with Mrs. Dace teU-athey Idly chatted or listenmom Jaaloua T tm a more driMttv, Janet vu that anythin, ed to the music. It was the soul of mine. arm under slipped mspleloii against Bruce HaUlday as the m lnThla th.w Beethoven throbbing In our ears out fhief. This Clare Win ton Indignantly "Good, good," she eried with formation he received without comof hla grave. I ordered champagne In "I congratument beyond the pared oxlal remark schoolgirl! enthusiasm. honor of our bethrothal. heart. of bottom from the late my CHAPTER XII. (Continued.) you that ho could not remember that he I seemed to be floating U the air. about It to know mo makes It happy had forgotten anything. "What elae "And tha door at the head of tha have you got to tell mef. I urged In I told you that I should exercise my All weight, all consciousness of the your success, j physical left me, and the music was itairs which lamia from hare into the finishing. Ho closed his Ups so oroery-tI have won ethereal vibrations wafted to me from I foci that win When T you was asked I that disturbed kitchen, tightly around his cigar that it reInfinite distance. I could only liken ter-m- a my first sensations faded. Shs sembled a nail driven Into a crack seditions to those of one occaHer tacit confession that she conwas panting from excitement and tha and appeared to be. filling himself to sion long before when feeling badly I as a cloea herself sidered partner baste of her sfovamssts. "And of Course the Car la Youra, I Went on With the Recklessness of a his toes with smoke as he reflected. had mistake taken a slight ! Croesus. "No, the door waa locked and Just Presently ho expelled the smoke from of mine, and that she eras backing ms dose by of s drug, and for soma hours ss I toft It last sight with the key his mouth after the manner of a nur- to the winning of a prise which we the Tou have been should share together In the long thereafter had soared amongst still on 'the inside.. Ha could not sery dragon. She looked up at me with i' for many reasons. de- clouds In an ecstasy which the earthly playmate, with the combined me and believe In me; you to time devoted to come, 'have gone up higher than tha head a am I atari whether know I dont acting exlicious sense of comradeship awaken- born are Incapable of experiencing nf the basement stair. I just hap"Do you really mean to give It to are strong and handsome and have an wisely or not, but under your promise ed of the the wizardry cept through an as became arm a I had left her to remember pressure, that by dearest?" she Inquired with a alert mind. But to make our lifepened me, to divulge nothing you may learn broom down hors yesterday, and when from me without my consent I am --going Intoxicant. In that moment I would chemist Her hand lay Idly upon thea quick intake of her breath. long happiness assured you must lift table close beside mine, and with to have possoul I came down after It I noticed this us above the sordid vexations of the have my ran pawned word The through "Dearest!" beto risk It I know that you her. I threw my arms about quick glance around to make sure me like wine. My clasp tightened world. We are both hopeful and amWho on earth do lieve In your cousin Bruces honesty. . Boor right away. covher and held her to my breast almost that no one was observing us I you suppoae could have done ltf! She warm hand I held and my bitious, and I doubt If we could bo "Impllclty." ered It with my own. "The ring, around tha love how I up our was wringing her hands weakly, the you, God, fiercely. "My ran reason riot I moat certainly content should we have to give "But do you happen to know that shall have tomorrow, you sweetheart, not I do will me Matie. for Tell ldeala that marry you nervousness of commonplaces. to you. popping he has somehow or other managed to perspiration do. I bought it merely please me you must," I cried, ss 1 found her During my day dreams I have someIt at the say that I should not love you In adfrom her forehead. had better keep you come into active control of enough Perhaps dnmkard times amused myself by looking at Arcadia where it will be handy for versity, but I abhor It and I know that Being In total darkness myself, I money .to resume his operations on P m drained them ss shops as in my us on marred If . made no attempt to enlighten her ss 'change on a rather liberal scale?" he drains his cup. Her arm hung upon them in the diamond pleasant evenings. She leaned our lives would be greatly one for you. selected I imagination seemher 1 carefully examined the place. .Outmy shoulder; upturned lips looked at me, her mag- you had to slave for me and I had to and asforward wee I a smile. thin with queried ed to be clinging to mine; I could And only the other day T found the nificent eyes glowing softly. cook for you. I am speaking frankly side of the scanty supply of coal that tonished and told him so. one you shall have. It Is flawless; her bosom of swell feel ebb the and remained from last winters supply me to better to you aa my prospective husband. "You are very good "Well, he has," ha pursued assert- so closely was she drawn to me, and as perfect In ltq beauty as a gem as the basement contained little save an in a For our mutual Happiness you must murmured she than I deserve, Is unhe carrying In that "Furthermore, until n ss you are as a woman. In the I held her win. 1 shall position zccumulatlon of odda and ends and ively. music. of lull the on his operations under some name swerve of the machine countable centuries of the past when momentary an old chest of mine that contained which does The realization of all this bad ridhow much I appreciate not tell you sound gt all- like his light warningrestored stone not molded this was being me like an. old man of the sea my sanity. I the world den articles that I had stored away years own. You look surprised. That's the temporarily show shall you I generosity; your shall removed my right arm and was created for you, and yours it almost the beginning of my acfrom of quickly before. However, I still retained the the hut presence Instead." Nothing way 1 felt when' I first found this clutched tha wheel, hut still kept be. , But you must loan me one of with her-- and it was beme repeatfrom quaintance restrained key to It. and I now opened it and out" , crowd the k around her waist ss ' I yours for a few days that I may the other realization that I had Its cause of Bade a careful inspection of Its Inof the demonstration 1 ruminated. "But certainly he ing my physical her in the name of my great, have It fitted to you. as I could discover by terior. So so desperately. And now conbegged played before. hour to fool he not " minute far would openly passion to make me the happiest man enough She laughed In her low, delicious aerutlhy thd articles wlthm and "And I will always be good to you, fronted so vividly by the consciousnotoriously and under our very on earth by her answer. Impasaion-edl- y my as I slipped a diamond from her It had remained untouched since 1 had with me, wont ness that she also realized it I fell noees begin the use of money dishonOf course, I shall be proud and you will he happy I recalled to her my long nights finger. last placed them there, and 'satisfied of full anxiety. Her from the clouds like a plummet to I breathed, almost after the obtained you? day and days of torture when I was half to wear It proud and happy. But Bn that point I shut and locked It estly fell until swept her solid earth again.. Once more I they lashes which the commission of a crime too extravagant, Tom. long blue before her a normal human being, again without having aa yet received he knows he has not absolved himself sick with despair of ever possessing- i please don't be the screened royal and her. For the first time since our so- Remember I do not want you to go cheeks the faintest ray of light to assist conscious that I had weight and much yea from mine. of? I cried. LeDue looked at, me condiof It, and that instead of floating Idealmy search. I must have spent at least certain so think "I given " half an hour In my examination of the queerlv. istically I must tread the earth like tions. "That la what almost any one any other man. The dream faded and place and my questions of the housethose? "And But would think under first Impulse. me grim actuality took lta place. Inkeeper,, but at the end of that' time when at smiling looked She again, you are dealing with criminals of soaring to the glittering srss compelled to give up with abao-- ' stead Tom, be we should married, now. .Tf t you must remember that they flight 1 all your mountain peak In eagle-llklately nothing learned that I had not reason demand should I nearly dear, men. do as honest act and Just Yet must Another climb there. to with. start abandoning known by thing time aa my own. I should want you and Mat perplexed me somewhat waa as When a sane man takes his life where I could reach the winding and beaten roads I could always nearly commits and hand his In to whether or not I should inform my liberty out my hand and touch you. That short cut It over the cliffs and the Is of necessity would not he long. I would sncls of this new crime. I did not desperate crime, he privilege you could not grant me If Journey more or less regardless of conse' " Me that offset the added danger of the bee-lin- e In some anything would be gained by were occupation engaged you and skill. I would leave phyle-ica- l . tailing him, while' It would most cer- quences, as well as being driven by courage of by much your which demanded pressure. And in nearly all In order to make the plodders to the longer, safer road tainly agitato him and lead to further strong attention. Also, cases It la because of this recklessoutbursts; therefore 1- decided to me contented, you would have to he as I mounted steadily up the preciness that we catch him. He may 'leave him in ignorance of It and able to take me where I wanted to go pices while they wandered through skill a itself .with Mrs. Tebbeta to do the same, commit the crime and at such times as I cared to be the canyons In their gradual ascent more than f also decided to see LeDue and get and caution that is almost I set my teeth aa I swore to myself I dont care for Italy In the there. to go his opinion on the matter, and repair- human, yet the next day Is apt I despise SL Petersburg that I should not fall I do not beand summer so foolish that out do something ing tbs outraged doors ss best I could it and In winter. Furthermore, we both love lieve that any man waa more coldly instantly attracts attention to him. arlth hammer, boards and nails, and the beautiful things of this world, Its determined to win, no matter the danFor. Instance, having had no money soothing the housekeeper by my flowers, Its music and Its luxuries, and ger or difficulty, than I was that moIt to now spend begins that the Incident was a triv- before, he we enjoy them together I be- ment I emptied the remainder of could Inor becoming under the I would be a happy woman. the contents of my wine glass upon ially to which she' need pay no further lavishly; lieve that or let things attention, I went upstairs and sat fluence of liquor boast If It were and saw faint believe that we would the gravel at my-fedon't I But not Sawn tp my breakfast with Uncle Ab- drop that sound queer. down to wonder come creeping Into her face tied we were content ever be ner as usual. But an hour later when for these peculiarities, of the criminal a flat in a narrow street Therefore, 1 aa she watched. I stiffened my shoulup, and the fact that he general; i had reached my office I telephoned mvmakes' want you to understand me, dear. If ders and sat erect in my chair. a confident of some woman the deteotlve with the request that he ly I am glad that you spoke to me as you wish our lives to be rich and who betrays him, the road of the . meoi me at the noon hour-- He readily filled with the joys of living you must you did. You have awakened me to ' - assented s ad safe be would criminal comparatively 'I then went about my and succeed. And In this age success a fuller realization that I have no that of the detective an unhappy dully work. means money. Having made your for- right to ask you to entrust yourself at luncheon and I ex- one. He met-mtune the world will cheerfully admit to my keeping until I have proven "But I cannot believe that there Is plained the matter to him without that you have brains, and a man who that with my arms around you, you Deabout Bruce, prelude. ITe looked serious minded anything crooked at your age has achieved wealth and will be protected from the vulgarities as I finished. "What do you think of ceit Is foreign to his whole nature, the consequent respect of the world and petty troubles of life as a woman UT" I asked. In his abstraction he My friend . thrust , one hand In his has few other difficulties Tq. over- of your kind should be protected. pocket. come. These are the reasons why I Therefore until I have proven thla Sslsyed his reply for perhaps 80 "Does he ever smoke., cigarettes?" so earnestly beseech you to make the my wine glaza shall remain turned "It seems peculiar. But 1 am more he smiled. moat of your opportunities now that down. She clapped her hands softFrequently." Inclined to consider It at a separate are well on the road which leads to ly and picked up her own glass by lta you Any particular brand? and distinct offence rather than as all that both of us crave. Whip your reed-llk- e stem. I paused to reflect. "I think so. As an aftermath of the original happenand courage to the uttermdst; talents I give you my moral sup"Brava seen I have that those ing. Further than that I dont be- I remember, ride them mercilessly, but wisely and port by following your good example." lieve J Lavs sny theory to advance as were Invariably a Turkish abominawith patience. She pushed It, half filled, to one aide a yet. However, It may all come out In tion with a serrated gilt band for I followed her quickly and anxious- aa I expostulated. reason for Is What your 1 the final so'ution,' provided there Is mouthpiece. ly. "But suppose, dearest, that But it la not necessary that you He withdrawable one, anl In the meantime I would dis- asking me that? suppose should be should unfortunate; and deny yourself simply becauae the table beneath from hand were If I mind miss It from my yon. financial cataclysm I some through la not the struggle, it'll Yours da of the a specimen If you find that difficult, you may tossed which man la aa unable to foraee aa hut the waiting. Her hand slid over look upon It la this light. - If I re: species which I had- been describing become I should he la to prevent mine in a fleeting caress. me. I looked at before on table the shower last we had a ruined and left dependent upon what ' member, thunder sharp (TO BE CONTINUED.) awoke me. It Is him Inquiringly. I could earn by work. Would you night the Some Name Hla Under on of Operation In le He the hallway I found that Carrying "Furthermore, not unreasonable to assume that some She me leas? then love any. the near- the closet where Which Does Not Sound at All Like His Own. An Eskimos Dwelling. beck-yard- s prowler caught in the your smoothed the rose upon her bosom, Perconfined. been had unele storm may have forced hla way In your We not look for "any great amount do In ' my her eyes falling. she waa visibly to extremes, she cautioned. I of inventive genius among the Esqul merely to eveare a dry nest In which haps you noticed at the time thatnot qualntance began that meant to Intimate waa not I mind then have state of but money agitated by my pleadings. to sleep." While I did not take much picked up something which I did me love maus, but for years they have emTon aay that you love me with all glittering dross, worthless except In life in a cottage would make I stock In that explanation and so In- how you.' would expect ployed a rather complete respirator, Neither I leas. Its Had me that power to bring her pleasure. you the Silently 1 sat trying to read hla this great lovq and tell formed him. I added that being In a me If I said that It used in the preparation and taking of to would believe I I have million a Tom, possessed you answer what must your question, a vapor bath, aa a means of protection receptiro mood I would file It In my Mint eyes. But as for divining Very poured It over her as prodigally aa would have a tendency to make me mind for future reference, hnd then lay behind them I might as well have dear, she said very softly. 1 uo not from the dense smoke. Thla Esquimore. the Bruce roses. Anyway, love you deluged Clare with the well, I will answer you. I will marry mau respirator Is a little basket woven began Interrogating him aa to hla own gazed at windows back of which 1 feel that such on existence is essen car course "And la of the yours, condition. one you upon of twisted strands of fine grass. It la movement iicce we had last fore-- shades were drawn. which say you on a to went of with tlol happiness, recklessness my the feeling "And that? I cried wildly, gathered. But when It came to that Croesus. . "1 will so Instruct them at Is of the utmost solicitude to you. placed with lta shallow aide against CHAPTER XIII. myself grow weak in tne suspense. me the hi had little to aay and at first the mouth, and a wooden peg, which garage, and when you wish It yon Therefore, I mention these things not nor will importune That you seemed disinclined to part with even to govern our future arises from the center of the basket, condition It os wiR have a leave have to and but must telephone You now to fix the date. however, Directly after this seance with tfat Later on aa.we ate, communicWhen brought to you. It was a present relations, hut aa incentive for you to la held between the teeth. For this hi became n trifle more over a the stock which I had margined that entirely to. my discretion. come i made under the Impulse of the mo- strain yourself to your heat efforts aa purpose water la evaporated ative-. Under the warming Influence began that series of kangaroo leaps I. think the right time baa for your big fire In a very low hut, which Is were fighting ment without and you you let to though thought absolutely cl tobacco and coffee he began to upward which will never be forgotten will manage In some way dosed to keep In the beat, la Until then you of the future; bestowed aa a child life;' to overlock nothing which yon tightly this to . atmosphere the employthink; stiffing tfake more satisfactory replies to my by those, who by reason of their In- know that I am ready. to your advantage; me like the dear in a spontaneous outburst of generoal-- may turn qlsslngr, but If hs had learned any- terest, watched the marvel. 1 probably must be patient with to succeed succeed. I am ment of a respirator Is absolutely hla most to thrusts affection and act; ty thing c I importance he did not betray called my broker np not less than half boy that you have always v priceless toys Into the hands of a fonder of you than of any other man we are really engaged l .Since the day upon which he had a dosen timet a day during this cf "Ofe LASH y dg-aag- Greene Harry Ihvino dfTosoode of tha Wilderness mw.g i"g harf Jaas . . iJf - ZW u pr . wall-dresae- - . 1 rj - i , . 1 . st -- ! - - do-no- e -- - see-and- . . half-smok- - 1 Le-Du- e been-"The- . n y. |