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Show Chance to Save A Is the Cry from Isolated, A llaiioviT high gi olr Com, four A (' f ; 1 liitli r giaile than 25c can, Arbm-klc- 15c 05c s - lamy Mir lib atcr, two for The Argil- - man uu in Kay ami tu I Inin I i'it Miim ill linml i jiiir a to tin- of llir lui-i-u- r- ( sin- - I -- tn ie- t'.H tor fi-- Hut Enterprising K.ays-- 1 dille - Lagoon "Road Wanted in a Hurry. - left for Seattle lost Wednesday evening. A SHORT VISIT. Mrs. J. S. fUrlow of Murray, who has been visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lee of Woods Cross retnrned home the latter part ol last week. SOMEWHAT IMPROVING. Mrs. Sarah A. Sessions of Bouutilul is still in a jioor condition although not as had as sloe has lrn. Her many friends are hoping for her s(ieedy recovery. FUNERAL SERVICES IIEbD.-T- he six mouths old sun of Mr. ami Mr. Aliua M. Jones, died' at Metcur on the 13 inst. of brunchilia. Interment took place at the Bountiful Cemetery on the 15 inst. PLAYING HAVOC. Dog arc phiy. iug havoc with young stock in die norm-.-r- ii iart of Kaysville, and valu .Me aid-nibelonging to James F. ud Alonso King were killetl Tneolay night. COME GOOD WEATHER. A scon as the weather lieconies favorable the Ilomitiful Silver Baud contemplate giving open air concerts ou SuuJuy uliernoon occasional). Gaud1 lets have them. WANTED: A DEMUCRiT. At a uintiiig of the Bountiful City Council Itkl Wednesday night the Uiayr appoiu . ed Alim t. nik council uisu to ml the av mey . i.'l lij, the death of the late .... toe members id the Ri,.i, . ic a Ui.il ill 1'm.iiei! votiug duwu the mayot' Jpianunucut upon the ground that ei i) city otTicer was electdl purely democratic, and that the mayor in a s;a ech delivered prior to his election said that if elected as mayor of Bountiful City hr would appoiut uouc but deuucrat to ollice. The council desires to help him keep Ins promise. farm, "GIVE US SERVICE, lo tilii-witl- i regard lo the utilint n of with Bamberger's Irai-it i the iuane. Among uuanimoii- - tor 'rniii' "I any kind"; Inn among nine ot ihr l,ui-liethat tin' iniMi. four i ioim -- w.-et 15c ami .luicy Oranges, 10c 25c I'ackage Malt Itmaklast food. i Three lb- -, loose 1,'aisiu. - for - - r-virr. it -- li H. OVIATT, s- Farmington. r - COUNTY fiEWS Ifi tlif donor'. idea and feat Some very -to were cxprr-se- d nine mnild that -. i ridieulouOne gentleman thought that tin proximity of (hr new Hflioul hiiililiug uould enliaiirc the danger of aeeldcnls aiming the -We that children. ngge-leil killed or injured where one child oil a track hy being run over, a thoiiNaml adulla get caught. Children are proverbially caretul nl lr;tin-whigrown-u- p people are brave" get drunk, are deur, etc., m iloit even were hourly ioeain -- enir.- given 'thN should he no rea.'ou lor children. danger among The genlleiuaii urged tin danger of frightening leaiiH iliat m.it or be tied at the opera Imu-- c. are when building, u has a man If that 'cam held. iug i likely to become frightened at a pa ing train, lie would heller leave il home until it 'hall learn to get . otherwise over 'iicli fooli-lm- e someone may get hurt, whether the train pa c- - the school or opera r pc-iilia- BJIEp. Crisp Items from Every fiocK. n TtoVis County. Special Correspondence from KaysVille, "Bountiful. Centerville. Woods Cross. Layton. Hooper. ouA Weber , Clinton, and Syracuse. m'i-ii- i- VISITOR. Mrs. Susan Cross Will build a rustic cottage on llie COUNTY ol Wiiods Cross was in Kaysville iiorlh half of the Marshall estate. Wheii finished, Mr. Marshall will leave for his visiting this week. raucli in Canada, leaving his wife and VISITING RELATIVES. Mrs. Irvtil. ml le ing Si rung ol Salt Itke is visiting with relatives ill Kaysville. Miss Annie Knowl-tn- n ol Kaysville has returned from a few il.iys1 visit 111 Sait bake. Ilii.MK AC, AIN. $ppiri Goods Mens Dress and Work Shirs A Complete Assortment family here to spend the summer. A DAUGHTER,- - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. bee of Woods Crosson 13 iust. CROSS, purumuni;i. PROF. MILLER LECTURES.-Pr- of. IMNGEROUSI.Y II. I. Mis. Mary Miller ol the I,. D. S. F. lectured before a. in is .viug ii.vigernii'ly ill the V. M. aii.l V. b. M. I. A. of Worsls Cross last Tuesday evening. a1 bn hniiii! in Kaysville. VISITING FRIENDS. Mia Ann Parrv ol Farmington was visiting with Slmng n1 Kiiysvillc Mr. ami Airs. J. N. Fackrell of Woods yeii'' mi "ion in Virginia. Crons last .Sunday and Monday. CU'li MEETS. "bus DANCE AND SOCIAL. The Relief club of Kajsvillc met Thursday alter-iiisiof the West Ward gave a dance society Mrs. with R. W. llarncs. and social in the amusement hall of RETURNS IIOM F. Mrs. Paul Tlinlii-asse- Woods Cross lust Saturday eveuiug. of Kaysville lias returned home CONFERENCE. The (QUARTERLY (rum a six weeks' stay in bos Angeles. quarterly conference of the Davis stake VISITING HER SISTER.-M- r. Juue will convene at the F.ast Bountiful taberCheck cits is ilown from Ogden visiting nacle nest Saturday and Sunday. with her sister, Mrs Charles Odd. NOW IMPROVING. Mrs. W. H. A BUSINESS TRIP who lias been almost bedfast for Daniel Muir, Bishop Muir of Woods Cross has gone to Oxlonl, tile (Nutt year, was not expected to live last Friday night, but is now improving. Idaho, on a husiuess trip. Tea Kettle. am e everything for use in t.'ooking These Bargains In a - Pun-lia- . I.m-aI t- - Other Things Too. & Com!. Farmington Mis. Co. Gross, Salt Lake Knitting Works j J Uuh iq.-- Cnts. L- - II- Dviatt has a new 25 cent brand of eoll'ee which he sells fur 150 a lli, loose. j ilavi- - oil hand tile From IERY HO tim-'-t 10 i 11 - f cents up ii 1 For a Big Crop Knit Undermear Garments ii g 90 Cents and PLANT Ask your bocal Dealer for our GOODS and VOGELERS PURITY SEEDS V06ELER SEED CO., uo if he Ii i:i'i i to us Uem 8ALT LAKE KNITTING WORKS. They are the best that money can bny. . : Salt Laki City. Argus Ads Bring Results. s THE PIERPONT SCHOOL Ogden. OF Another somewhat strange claim ii made bv some people, that the company have a bad habit of doing as they please w itli street, mads, or grade; ignoring not only the city Ollierrs, but the inalienable right of citizen by burying sidewalk grades, ami even lawn within fenced This is hard to believe, for two reasons; first, it would seen- lie Mr. liambergti franchise given would afford ample protection on these points ; and sceoud. even if it doe not. the Law gives every n the right to sue for damages whether by private or corporation injuries. Both these points arc to Mr. ltamhrrger, and to those representing the company in the construction of the mad and the operating of trains through the country. - Oratory & Physical Culture 20 Discount at Cutlers. TEMPLETON BL(J., SALT IVKK CITY, L'TAIL Thu leading whool of Expression in the Middle West. OKATOUY, ELOtH'TION, PHYSICAL ClL-Tl'HDKAMAT1C ENGLISH, ART, SHAKESPEAUE, and kindred branches. Professional tud General Culture eoiires for Ladles, Gentleman and Children. Pupil may enroll at ANY time. GET THE BEST, AND SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Cl2-01:;-(- Discount on Ladies Skirts. 20 I eiti-ac- i Prices from $1.25 up to $6.00. Bachelor Order 2i E, i FOR DAVIS COUNTY PATRONS UNTIL APR'L 3rd. THE METCALF RECITALS well-kno- l iui-liul- We Have bight Railway company are figuring on distributing lights around Woods house, or not. It will he many years before Ivay--vil- le or any part of I" tali outside of Salt Lake ami Ogden where the noise ami disturhanee of depot switching will become a menace to public peace ; while it is true the old li'dh ward meeting house was put out of commission by its proximity to the depot at Salt l.nke such COTTAGE.-Wall- ace A RUSTIC FOR LEAVES SEATTLE. Mr. a condition can never obtain in Kay Marshall, Who, with his fainilv have Willaui Ellii of Woods Cross who has ville, nor indeed in any town of the been the winter in been digging 11 tunnel on llie Bonneville State, outsidf of Salt l.ake mid Sii.-cia- to see them iiirau- -- I'.ttES TO SI'tiKANK. li. F. Vaunt of Kaysville Ini' gone to Sjiokaue Tor a Electric Lights for Wood IRVIN WICK I'.lt Ibb. - It vin Wicker brief visit, esjiectiiig to return in aliotit tq'ti.il C01 iviiumlc!ice. I lloimi it ill i' .ilihcteil mill .1 li.nl case a week. WOUDS Mar. The ol : in Granite and Tinuiare. si i- a vipi-niir-in- g City would In- - like to In- warmed up ami turn and Idle NEW ARRIVAL OF Dramatic and Literary. Occasions. CUTLER BROS. CO. 38 MAIN BTNKKT., WHOLKBaLK AND For all When making a Cash Purchase, ask for coupon-- . When you get $2.'. iu C uipou. you tie entitled to a Talking Marliim- - free of charge. FKEDRIC A. METCALF, O.M.. Principal of Oratory BALT LARK CITY RKTAIL. J. D. WOOD, FARMINGTON. MISS lU l.KKLLA PIKKCE, Principal of Phviral Culture. Phono Installed. i Cel le.'jMli'lflKi. It F. W.IODS CROSS. Mar. l.ohne, the iopulnr bachelor of Woods Cross, has decided to get "ucquaimcd'' quick lor he is intending to haie a phone insulted in his residence this week. Mr. ! shall' FOR S.bli.--Tw- o stork. North Cottonwood Irrigation & Water ld bv school district liunils-- r (. Rids will le received until is o'elcck, J. M. Robinson. Saturday, Mur. 24 Co.-he- When 'the buds appear , Ind the birds begin to sing , It's time to get from Winter Clothes Into the garb of Spring. ' t One Thousand $$ TO THE PURCHASERS OF 70 ORGANS, LIVING IN . 8ALT LAKE CITY AND DAVIS COUNTY. at 1 u iat!.iswiw-wCZ-- I.. O. S. I,. Agent, lid. Land's brother, William, was killed in a t.iilway accident last Frid ty morning and died the same diy. The accident occurred 011 the I., and N. railroad near Hurniinghuiii. Ahi. He was conductor on the mail. No further particulars have been received, Mr. Land left 011 Saturday for Kentucky tu attend the last sad rite. Attend the plav, Farmington opera house Mar. 22. "L'licle Ruhe." One of the most sensibleof plav, given by the home tronjie. "l'ucle Rulie" nl the opera house the 22nd iust. Have you seen "Uncle Rulief" Never mind see it again. Open house oil the 22. Bargains? Certainly; look at Oviatt' ad this week. Its natural for your bread to fail once in awhile. Dviatt will supply the loss. To the economical house wife; Look over the price list iu Ovialt's ail this week It will do your heart good, and vour pocket cents of good. I'.S ' sill, it' time imwjjfor you to blosMim in your Spring Tog. Vour Suit ami Top Ivote arc here waiting for you. Think you'd heller rail early and try them on for Jwe want to heaure that everything i I list rigid. You'll liml it an eay tak to iiiake your seleetioii line now. We have o many new thing to show you that we arc hound to pleae on somewhere along the line. -- IN A WAY that trill long lie remembered, and to more llmroughlv demon-irat- e the high and MUSIC COMPANY, of Salt take City. liberal method of the WE HAVE .JUST SEVENTY OIlGANS that have been selected from a lock of uearlv 200 at 23-E. FIRST, SOUTH STKEET, SALT LAKE CITY, ivbi. b we offer for Ale on the following remarkable term : Id addition to our usual low price we give the seventy puivliaers of an Organ. Ioiimi.iu iiig ju. I90ti, a ecrtiticate entitling them to one of the following pri.c : DAYNEH-ltOMNE- Ranng LIST OP' PRIZES: t Orgn of any style, valued at not more than 4 Credit Certificate ot f 25 each ao each 8 .. 22 ,. 15 each .. 35 .. 111113 CO. TOOK CI.OTIIKS KIT. u, i.,0 - w 3'vi fi,op. ls n ,.P V ,.1, '' I'rl I lirV i.F : huat'iil Iih ,, ,i , i Main St., Salt Lake City. "W1IKKK Orn ' -- old m -- Ki I. i IV I HI':-- , will lh n I. i:i ENTV bnus aria u.ii i. - ' umu' rh- - ilivm . Ii,-- Inn M:- frma Tn o Twenlf Uallur. aad r'i m puivhiiwr r will bvntunicil In llu1 nn- - wurinj li. Oman. Th- - .iw mimic Ml.,. Ir.,h fera Mid. b II Biirwor HST. W'lum-Ti. .,!.l, or ul- - mi Ai.ni 2 1. i n of tbo--a vlVan WnlieJt, and will taka plan, wh-- n Tnnman- illrwl ir UK TIIE PUIK4 WE um:u. id Oraius and If wa ramu 2 jtou moary, KIXIAailLE will n it k y,u t.i l:, ASOSl.X iru rauiiln & -- rari-full- From $7 lo $35. POULTON, MADSEN, OWEN Y 2: " Suits WE WANT TO GIVE ? 'Day nes -- 'Romney Music Company SALT LAKE CITX. TAIL III un.l.-- r K |