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Show f THE DAVIS other party will tie permitted to um the line. This system has a mar.itest ad vantage over the general system and should Income popular wlieu its advantage is realized. ARGUS. COUNTY rl'HLISIlKD EVERY Tl'KSDAY Farmington, I'tah 3 1 KAYSVILLE HOTEL Everything First Class. Sample Room for Commercial Men. Terms Reasonable Publisher P. FELT A SON JOHJS Commercial & Saiiags Utah . Bank. CAPITAL, The Am. s is delighted to publish EZRA W. LAYTON. Proprietor. . EDITOR. D. P. FELT. in lids issue scut ot Horace vERNON FELT Manager. s young man of St years a ou nf our fellow townsman J. M. SerrUl. SUBSCRIPTION l'RICHS: That Havis comity is lip tnt'lab'.. Instructor in Music. 4 (In Advance.; high standard gnes w itliout -- ayiiig. - - - - - - - I1.25 Her sons' ircoril everywhere prorlaini One Year 75 4 Wmt First North St. Six Month this fuel, to sav nothing of lliu great .30 Tunc Montlia - - fsAICKCITV. UTAH. iiiitmal ami undeveloped resources Hint are torevrr Mhuiiting the praises 4. a rwMflit i'liMH autlar Ulan. iHlIou l larmnitfbHt. II lh (' ol "Utah's favorite hmuu locality" E. W. MOCK A I n( I'lmurMi nf March it, 11(A I (avis count v. Sd-rUt- V. Merrill 1MANO ANDOI (IAN 'BA'RTOJS UTAH. KAYSVILLE $400,000. rmstfuug, president. Byron Groo, Cashier. BANKING IN ALL COMMERCIAL ITS BRANCHES. Four Per Cent Interest on Savings DepoMt. Accounts Solicited Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. Win. 1 I'raijlc I ESTABLISHED 1889. ! Fuurral DirecLi-- : tor and I Coihiii ami Caskets ot all kinds eased tn-ludme- 'unlinked. DKiii.UR j IN Picture Frames, 'Walt Taper, Wmdotai Class, and Furniture . SAIr i.M.-rr.- ! LAWYER. ki:irfsi;ntativks K I,. Name. Henry Gilwoti. VKVii.LK--Gill'r- I.vvroix , i Ckmtkmvillh lcrry knckwuud. Ioohkr G.G. Parker. uurwTi Fti. Alina Ilartly. whaci'SK Mr. Thoniaa R. Williams. Woods Ckoss Daniel Lee, Jr. South Wkhjss C. A. Petcraou. FARMINGTON', MakCH ij, IN DEFENSE OF THE TEACHER. This week we prencut our readers with s inobtjtimely article from priu-djiSoule on tlie subject of home endorsement of school discipline. We would that it might be reatl by every parent and ritiun of I (avis county. Kvcry locality lias its iuota of discipline destroyers, any one or which cau tear down the work of ten al faithful teachers and li0 patriotic parents. There is no doubt hut what some parents get into the hauit of critiing teachers thoughtlessly.. It comes oil insidiously to a great extent. As Mr. Soule says many parents, mothers particularly, think their children arc the most and unly perfect to he found, and by thus magnifying the virtues of their dear ones, forget to see the weekuessea or faults. 1'iidcr modern credentials a teacher must uot only have knowledge of the three "lta but he or ahe must also know the pupil even better than the parent; moreover, no favoritism is permitted today, except where a 224-22- Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A h ppy home is the most valuable pu session that is in the reach of mankind, bir. you cannot enjoy ua c.iuil rta if yo.i arc aulfering from iheumati-un- . You ' brow aaide busmens cares when you enter your home end you can lie relieved from those rheumatic pains also Chamberlain's by Pain applying Balm. One application will give you relief, and its continued use for a short time will bring aliout a permanent cure. , For sale by Farmiugtou If. J. Sheiliebl, Kaysville, Centerville Co-0-i. childCaught Colt While Hunting e Burglar. Mr. Wm. Thus. Lanorgan, provincial Constable at Ontario, says: "1 canghl a severe cold while hunting a burglar in a forest swamp last fall. Hearing of ChauilieriHin's Cough Remedy, I tried it, and alter utiug two small bottles, 1 was couipleb Iv cured." This remedy is intended eawciali lor coughs and colds. It will louNen mnl relieve a severe cohl in less time than ehihlreu than to "roast the teacher." by any other treatment and is a favurite "Order is the first law of heaveu," wherever its superior excellence his some people contend ; but we believe liccome known. For sale by Faiiuiugton Co-o1 1. J. Shefliield, Kayiville, Cenobedience to certain laws on disciterville Co-opline is the lirst esgeutial, or indeed that it is the very uswuce of "order Dr. Hadley's Painted Beauties. aud unless if is oberved the greater n rweni ln.rr.ii held in h room, At does chaos reign, whether it lie in Uic the walls of wlilt-- wer adorned with home, iu business or . professional many beautiful puimlng. President Hadley of Yale was called upon to lines. to a tonal. In I he course of his remarks, wishing to pay a compliment CONSISTENCY INDEED A JEWEL. to the ladies present, designming the paintings with one of his ilmucue-isil- c gestures, he said: "What need The IndepcndiMit Telephone comla there of these painted beauties, pany which has becu making fruitless when we have so many with ns at this attempts to get a foothold in I (avis table!" county, have by their agents and advertisements made all kinds of fun Chamber hint 5am. Hell of the This salve is intended especially fur company for their "party line service." It would seem this levity sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped must have been prompted on a false hands, itching piles, chronic sore ryes, s, old chrouic sores and basis for now they are introducing granulated for diseases of the akin, such as tetter, tiie same kind of a system themselves salt rheum, ting worm, scald head, bet j e in Ogden, as the following Adve- battlers' itch, sculiies or itch auil cm-euu-. rtisement was fouud iu the Standard It has met with uttparalelled success in the treatment of these disrate. 45c a of Feb. 2 7 th of this year: box. Farmington Co-oCenterville CoParty linn of four, for u nominal and II, J. Sheffield, op Kaysville, is the latest scheme of monthly rental, the Independent Telephone company. Solicitors were sent out one day last week Keep the little ones healthy amlliappy. securing parlies. By the eml of the Their tender, sensitive bodies rajuiie week it will be known whether the Hollisters gentle, healing remedies. scheme will find favor with the people of the city. Judging from tiie results of Rocky Mountain Ten will keep them strong and well. 35c, Tea or Tablets. Saturday it will be a success. L. II. Oviatt. The new system for residence comes in answer to a popular request that it lie In the spring time you renovate your adopted. Four families will be the possessors of a line worked Independent, house. Why uot your body? Hollister's ljr from any other line in the city, or Rocky Mountain Ten drives out impuriwhen required it may be put into com- ties, cleanses aud enriches the blood and munication with any line on the system. purifies the entire system. 35c, L. II. lutsideof tin- - four exclusive users no Oviatt. p, ' eye-lid- AT TIE ! WESTERN LOAN & SAVINGS Co. SANITARIUM 1' AU ; inieti--TT- B i: VTHS PLUNGES. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. TURKISH BATHS DUE SPE- 40 East First South Street Uta Ssysrsts Tsrkim Mbs Iw iissstsg sad Miami sf ariam. W. MftD SO. ST. dip, Utah 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Send In Jfour Order 223 South MAI ft St. Anfone sanding a iksteb and dsserlsMao mat auleblr ssmrtaiu oar nptatoii fHowsMhsr sn infruiVm Is imslrysMutnMftwMles. Uuas ai net Ir eonldaat iak.HMDMNoa stmts sal free. Hiatal srssrr futsasarisgystssts. Ins ils fsleats rrlslsstlffcwtlbostmwmtbn tokos Ihroxgb Seuiing Machine. CJClhite FIVE HALL YEARS BEARING IMlil SdtMilK JlneriCM. A handsomely fllMtinwd weakly. I MUNN TJlraiin uflewd iMStijs SOLD ON EASY PAY- EASY RUNNING Tea Nugget A Baiy MtJUiat fiur Bury Ptvpis BrisgS Goldas Bisltk ssJ Ksssasd Vigur. A anvclfln fiirOeailiMtimi. iDiliyuiua. tmi and Klilnry Trauhleo. rimib-s- . urs-lBlood, Bad Brasth, Hluygisli Mow-- h. snd Bscksctio. It'slb:ky llimataiu hM in liir mails L M form, Kl mis a box. HoLubtss lsct (.Xisrsxv, Ns li-- n. Wi. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE We Invite You to Call OPTICIAN. WE TBEBT HKD CUBE SURGEON, CATARRH sad all sursbls CitiumiIIMMMM of Iks k.H, Bara. .Nomr. Thiiai huioi.. Suioiuh. Xitfsaro. I,ivr, lllwluer aa Buaala. llaarl iliKilM'. ciwira, KlMuaist asi. lll Kaplurs. Low, Ujii. : Office one north of the post office. at James' residence, - FARMINGTON block t UTAH. OS. A, if yes On the .amount of money you are losing by not getting interest on that idle decidmoney you have ed what to do with? Why not deposit it with us aud take out a certificate of my hrnrt, unit the doctors said it was for Incurable. I don't Iwllrvr it now. flrr taking six Pottle of IU-- . Xlllr' thrXcninr Jlrnrt run, three but Ur and threo boxr of thr Nerve and I .Ivor 1'llls t am entirely cured, and fret better than I haw for five. years, I and It Is oil duo to these remi-tliewant you to know that your medicines cured me. It relieved me from ths first dose, and I kept rinht on till tho pnln In iny chest was cone, and I kept on frrlitiK brtlr even nfl, r JOliN it. HIICHIIA.V taking It. lidding, Mich. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold by who will guarantee that your druggist, the first oottle will benefit. If It falls Ol lRiul U)khi our H.iti. ibnuAiadi of WEileeis " v,w WK WANT TUCLMB VoVr Oiwiuii uuilt'rBiiediMr tksfc w will HIM OciiiRiir r KK until ES MrTfOL Tins uilik in i.-- i 3laniMKi. Seeleel Wstk. assresi'fssisrSSS MtllATK UlUMtEH Barauas It wuuld liray eon II liesee. lienee, wa bate to uur tkill In Ibis rlau of uua- - OF blaalu aw.lber oav. Tb!ilour.lna: . T HI K K Hl an.i tob; Nuuiiu DRS, SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists. : ;i, in j mi m 'lUys. Us. ail if 249 Saulh Rain Street. jalUjkaCitr. Utab. Hi! REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS. -- Utah Implement Investigate. SAV 4 PFR CENT INTEREST INGS DEPOSITS. Utah Savings ON CONIPOUND-E- D Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind F. McCornick, J B$&S$9S$$&9tS&SeSSSS&iX&eS9S&WM&&SS99&9ii SUSTAIN HOME INDUSTRY. XOhitaKpr iSZ "Dallas 4 MaKUKACTIRKR up HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS BLUE POINT PERFECTOS,s?Konite. cents, two for 5 cents. We make all Grades anil Prces, Third South St. : & Trnst Co. Prest. J.J. Dsly, Vice rres. Ileber M. Wells, Secy & Mgr SALT LAH CITV 160 MAIN ST. W. he will refund your money. W ot Pay When Cured deposit? When you waut the money you can withdraw it and ''the interest it has earned. nml pain around Write U. W. Weak ofMen Iks we cant rt iii.isii oru naei IN nt Dr. Miles Heart Cure makes a heart strong and vigorous by strengthening these nerves and RUUHSfl. Trwlsiut Ctm. for frea symptom llsl If you rau-nrail. I'aasultailos t ree. snVsr frost suj wsskneoaes or rsuMNt by Isiwnni-r- . rxren or AUK TUB VKUY 1BKTOX WB WAXT TU TALK TU. W bars .rutauuurimia rurlugCUKOXIC iaaskra by imbll.hlH rnauy voluutaiy tosilwoaials from buna ample, giving names, pletarea and ad.lrrwr. aiMsm FIGURED? ment. J. . hildreB. Hums Have You - kwd. srlmcsla, Uuaorrlmi S nliil i l'i... iBlic Troubles, awl all Cbniuir. ml lVltsla IUwms ot Meu. Wuuieu au.i V The action of the heart depends uKn the heart nerves and muscles. When from any cause they become weak or exhausted, aud fail to furnish sufficient power, the heart flutters, palpitates, skips beats; and in its effort to keep up its work, causes pain and distress, such as smothering spells, short breath, fainting, pain around heart, arm and shoulders. The cireulation is impeded, and the entire system suffers from lack of nourish- tah. City, OBSTETRICIAN. AKD N MENTS. White Sebutng Machine Company . 29 West First South St. u Salt Lake M. D. C. DIXON, PHYSICIAN. Weakness WEARING Yon HOLLISTER'S in GUARANTEED. LONG r S-t- Wssblssiou. U.T. Rocky Mountain USMR Pallas, IJ SALT LAKE CIT& VWWWWWWWWWWWtAVWWMMMPMMf Heart SSL tcKfitss, oj a Little on Hand Horde Salt Lake & Ogdeu Railway. SIMON BAMBERGER, Prea't & Gen'l Manager. Whitaker Home "the And where no doctor can be had quick. Our friend, J. Bergman, makes it his business to deal in Whiskies aud Wines that are nicdici- ually pure, and we would advise you Salt Lakn lagoon Road 15 in Good Thing In Case Is COMRMMTtfte. muscles. "I had palpitation ? SALT' LAKE CITY, UTAH tOhidiKey Tram Mams Dnww I he S480.000 IN JANUNRY 1st, 1903, CAPITAL X We Dont Detieaie in DrinkjnA Whiskey. Put We Do Delieale That a Little Good CIALTY. 52-5- 4 ?I0 X Swimming Pools and PRIVATE TAyK Drag Co. 230 S. Main St. Utah Salt Lake Clt h i Why Not Make Additional 2 per cent? I 6 Per cent Paid on Savings Deposits Get in the Swim I Van Time Table in Effect Nov. 26, 1905. Uai'y until April 7th. the COLORADO MIDLAND will sell tickets Salt LEAVE SALT LAKE. Lake to City of .Mexico, and points north thereof for 44.60. Sleeping cars to 6, 8:30, 11 a. in.; 2. 4:30, 6.30 p. in. Denver without e lunge. Now is the time to visit Mexico. Beautiful illusLEAVE LAGOUN. trated 1 woks on Mexico and its people 7, 9:311 a. in.; 12 m., 3. 5:30, 7:30 p. tree. Write L. II. Harding, General coand vis. home training Agent, Salt Lake, fur further informaparents tion. The MIDLAND ROUTE assures operation iu discipline and study. liest service mid scenery. (lie you parents should never criticise a ren. Always rcservo a discussion of these matters to a private conference, and if iiossihle witli the offending teacher "on the carpet." Listen to the teachers version of the mnlter aud in lOo cases, 9U will he fouud to he right and in the one case left where the tcsclier is at fault it were better to endorse this error before the - LK X of the year, you should purchase your High Grade American and Imported Perfumes, from Van Dyke, who also X carry a fuU line of Drugs, Notions, etc. close observance, of school discipline is the agency to create it. A child's deMii'tiucut is the lira! item mentioned on, the report r&rda and where tliia runs high a pupil is laiund to 'gaiu favor with his teacher. This eau only he had except by two meaus teacher iu the presence of their hJM DON j 6 Co-op- CHEAP RATES TO MEXICO. SAY? MEW MOTEL , I St. -- The Tribuiu must think the I tali Residence, Farmington. Oliice, 533 Allas Block, Salt like. IV Ling company is tinctured with S. Supreme Court Hierarch," to judge by its vicious Member of the Bar. attavk of Inst Tuesday. It has long Mining, Irrigation, & Corporation Law been known the temporary iuarlers, now being iu uc, were ditlieient iu drainage facilities; aud everyone We Guarantee our Stoves 1 knows this season has enjoyed more water than fur many years past thereCook Stoves from $4.00 up. fore it is little wouder of such low Heaters, from 2.00 np. Ranges, from 8.00 up. places as those occupied hy the Packing Fohflng Beds,' from 4.00 np. at are with prescut deluged New E Grade Linoleum. 6 feet coiupaity wide, 95c yard. surface water. Iu all the years of New Kitchen Chairs, 50c each. business dealings with the public CO OP SECOND HAND STORE Messrs. Knight, West, and Papworth aud the oilier gentlemen comprising x Ssml Eugilmsn, Mgr. Phone S. Stale St., Salt Lake City Tiie (.'tali Packing company, uever ha one word ever been heard of their pawning off sick or diseased meats, nor indued poor meat of auv sort; therefore it ill becomes the Tribune to Be Aristocrafic, ' make this wicked assault on one of l.'tahs big industries. And in keeping with the time J RA1.T LACK CITY'S ; y 11 Company. Lake Litv. Sole Agents for I'tah aud Idaho, CAN be used tiKbt or leff hand plowing around the laud, or reversible, throwing lurrowa til oneway. Our sales of this plow are increasing each year, and wi have yet to hear of the first man who has seen it ryn, condemn it--or ay anything except that it is the liest thing he ever saw in a field. Prices jnoted on applies- - UTAH IMPLEMENT Salt Lake City, - - GU. Utaht "alt Lakj Crty 3 frOOC-- j |