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Show to Know What You Swallow? Do You Want There la a growing sentiment In thla or Known country in favor of hioic-imIt la but natural that ouo should have souia interest In the compo-aitiuof that which he or she is expected to swallow, whether It be food, drink or medicine Uauogulxliig this growing disposition on the part of the public, and satisfied that the fullest publicity cau ouly add to the reputation of ku medicines, lie. it. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., baa taken time by the forelock," as it were, and ia publishing broadcast a list of all the ingredients entering into his leading medicines, the "Gulden Medical Discovery" the popular liver iuvigorator, stomach tonic, liluod puritier and heart regulator; also of bis "Favorite Prescripbroken-dowtion" fur weak, nervous anil invalid women. bold and out This spoken movement on the part of Ur. Pierce, baa, by showing hia what known medicines well exactly are composed of, compictciv disarmed all harping critics who have nirulofore tin- attacked them. A little aniphlet Iustly compiled, from the standard medical authorities or nil the several achooisof practice, allowing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredient which enter into Dr. Picrvca medicines. A copy of iliia little book is mailed frtt to any one desiring to learn more concerning the valuable, native, medicinal plants which enter into the eomiition or Dr. Pierce's medicines. Address Ur. Pierce as above. Dr. llnw'i ileukuiit ivilets are tiny, granules. They regulate and invigorate Stnnmcli. Liver aud Howt-ls- . llo nut iMin-- the pill habit,'' hut cure com-otmo- One or two each day for a ronstiiation. laxative ami regulator, three or four for an Ouec tried always iu favor. cathartic. active GIVEN A WAV, in copies of The leoile'N Common Sonne Medical Adviser, a book that sold to the extent of tihuC copies a few ago, at tl Su per copv. yean Last year gave away uun nnfl pUUuull i Kfti.OKl worth ni tlieseinvan.il-bl- e books. This year we shall give away f'si.OiH worth of them. Will yon share in this benefit? If so, aend ouly SI oue-eestamps to cover cost of mailing only for book iu tiff paper covers, or ill stamps for cloth-boun- d Address Dr. K V. Pierce buffalo. N. Y. British Columbia Rivals Oregon. British Columbia promises to become a dangerous rival of Oregon as g an region. During last season 600,000 trees were planted. apple-growin- Khake lets Year Shoes a powder. It cures pstn ful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. IPs the greatest comfort discovery of the ago. Makes new shoes eaay. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A S. Olmsted, ta lioy, N. Y. Allens Takes Two-third- of Our s Ex- ports and Supplies Half the Imports. n, sugar-coate- Foot-Eas- e, Civil and Religious Marriages. civil contract Today marriage Is a In Catholic as well as Protestant The United States and countries. France, since the revolution, freely recognize this fact. Marriage la legally binding, if performed according to the laws of the land, without any Intervention of the church. Thia result was inevitable because of the personal and property rights Involved which belonged properly to the jurl The church, diction of the state. both Catholic and Protestant, retains however, its ancient privileges of ceremonial over its members, and thla accords with popular prejudice, which likes to regard marriage aa a sacrament, and which aeea the advantage of giving the ceremony the greatest possible publicity and solemn sanction. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Esplanade" and Boulevard." Both esplanade and ''boulevard'' are military terms by origin. The original "boulevard' was a bulwark ot horizontal part of the rampart and an esplanade was originally the gtacii or slope of the counterscarp of a for tiffed place. A writer 200 years ago noted that the word boulevard wai now chiefly taken for the void apace between the glacis or a citadel and the first houses of a town. Hence its eztension to other "void spaces The old suitable for promenading. French esplanade was defined by Cotgrave aa "a planing, leveling, evening of ways." from Latin ezplanare." to smooth or flatten out, whence the English words explain" and explanation. GRAND TO LIVE. Than a Billion the Exporta From the United States, While All Other Porta of the World Europe Takes More Dollars' Worth of Take Less Than Half a Billion. Washington. Europe takes of the exports of the United 3tates and supplies practically one-hal- f of the liiiK)ris. This statement summarizes in a single sentence the degeneral facts which have been veloped by a series of discussions of the trade of the United States with the countries of Europe recently preof comsented by the department bureau Its merce and labor through of statistics. These discussions have presented an analysis of the trade with each country of Europe by principal articles, and when summarized show that Europe takes more than a billion dollars' worth of the exports from the United States, while all other parts of the world take a little less than a half billion dollars' worth. In no year since 1899 has the value of exports lo Europe fallen below one billion dollars, while that to all other countries has never touched the five hundred million dollar mark. Prior to 1900 the exports to Europe had never been as much aa one billion dollars In value; in that yeai they crossed the billion dollar Jine, be that ing $1,040,000,000. and have since time averaged about $1, 050.000. 00 per annum. In 1900 the pxporta to all sections of the world other than Europe were $354,000,000 in value, but have grown year by year until In 1905 they were $498,000.0(0), the growth since in 1900 In exports to the countries having been grealer than that to Europe. two-thir- home-makin- g HEART PAINS LODGING A HOUSE FIRE COMPLAINT AGAINST y KURDS. for the missionaries meriean orphanage have been held y the Turkish government for more ran four months. Make us a call, it will interest you to : ( know what all this means . South Main St 116 fAITIAKn MOST. POmiRPUY mam mu TMiTffl fmice.n njght lyem' 7J twutcc j fmmm COMMENCING NEXT WICK FOR 4 NIGHTS A Nrand Now Malo-DraThe Play 'ZSB j The Alikanhoff anner in the is crushed the revolution raxing ivernment in Kutais by iwns. executing ring leaders of the ovement and driving sympathizers ith It to the mountains'haa produced resentment that acts of terror the throwing of lmmbs at the ops are frequent. Gimeral Alikan-T has proclaimed and is enforcing rtial law with terrible vigor and or other persons nliit binaries tight with arms are immediately a In which General that Cli- Stirring Hag Electrified maxes, Thrilling Situations Plenty of Pathos Good Comedy Stupendous Screes The World, a Story of a Wrong A Play With a New Plot and a Good Ona S NICHTS COMMENCING THURSDAY, MARCH MATINEE SATURDAY. A Startling Molo-DraComplete Scenic Product:on r ( 566 i ( . Revolu- and Wad. Souvenir Mat heart-rendin- j SHOWS NO MERCY. Trans-Caucasi- These goods soil easily and if allowed to become shopworn the loss is greater at the end of the season than inducing early buying by price making incurs. i Sukhum, I MM ED I A TE Selling Prices alow-burnin- g Hs HE TTfJSsr General Cruahing tion With Iron Hand. - St.- Iv-- Plundered and Schools Burned by Fanatics. Boston. A complaint from the officials of the American achool at Van, eastern Turkey, against the treatment by the Turkish officials and the by the Kurds, has been received American board of commissioners for foreign missions. The school officials state that notwithstanding the ostensible friendof man a a governor general, hip of niisual strength, the school has been hindered and burned by the Kurils ussian Main We have decided to offer Saturday those Fine Model and next week Hats of delicate texture and tintings, shown at our openings at , American y American 116 ; n proixir-tionatel- ILLINERY. ' 22. SOUVENIR Moonshiner's Daughter in 4 Acts A Mory of the Kenucky Hills THE STILL IN OPERATION the raid on the revenue still moonshiners and men battle i : 1 And the Last Laugh Is Always tne Best. "Six months ago I would have laughed at the idea that there could be anything better for a table beverage than coffee, writes an Ohio woman now I laugh to know there is. "Since childhood I drank coffee as freely as any other member of the family. The result was a puny, sickly girl, and as I grew Into womanhood I did not gain in health, but was afflicted with heart trouble, a weak and disordered stomach, wrecked nerves and a general breaking down, till last winter, at the age of 38 I seemed to he on the verge of consumption. My friends greeted me with 'How bad you look! What a terrible color!' and this was not very comforting. The doctors and patent medicines did me absolutely no good. I was thoroughly discouraged. Then 1 gave up coffee and commenced Pnstutn Food Coffee. At first 1 didn't like It. but after a few trials and following the directions exactly. It was grand. It was refreshing and satisfying. In a couple of weeks I noticed a great change. I became stronger, my brain grew clearer, I was not troubled wilh forgetfulness as In coffee times, my power of endurance waa more than doubled. The heart trouble and Indigestion disappeared and my nerves became steady and strong. "I began to take an interest in things about me. Housework and became a pleasure. My frlenda have marveled at the change and when they Inquire what brought It about. 1 answer 'Postum Food Cof-" fee, and nothing else In the world.' Name given by Postum Co.. Hattie Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book. The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. HAD IN e well-earne- d s DEATH Critical Case of Rheumatism Cured By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. While Mr. W. 8. Geiwl, of No. 125 East Uuates street, Moberly, Mo., whm steadily working at his trade iu a founthe victim Were in a Veritable Trap. Without dry at that place, lie of an attai-- of rheumatism, ami his exStairways, and Cut Olf From Esperience is that of ilioiiNinds who are cape by an Iren Door. compelled to work in eiiuilur ourmund-ings- . He ilecrilc hia Munition as ful-- . : lows Kanxax City, .Mo. Miss Agnes Inut woik fur a long time "I bad man. a corset maker, ifho came here iu a foundry where I was exposed to three months ago from Si. taula. waa dampness. Firt my feet Is giiu to hurt burned to death and five other wo- and to swell, then my knees and my men were overcome by smoke in a shoulder joints bcgHii to be uffcctod in fire in the annex of the Altman build- the sumo wuy. Fniully I could not walk withuut great difficulty aud suffering ing at Eighteenth and Walnut streets and hutl to stop work altogether. M in ihis city. Most of the tenants of appetite was feeble amt I grew very puli to huvo puius about the building are professional women and weak. 1 my heart aud it fluttered a great deal and many of them sleep in their ofI became greatly alarmed ulsrnt invcon-- , fices. Miss Inman was sleeping on ditiou. My mother knew iilmit ilie ihe fourth floor and she was dead tues of Dr. Williams Pink pill, a they when the firemen found her. The had given her Imck her health when sh' was nearly wasting to death, mid when other live women were taken down she found that they were good for rlicu on ladders by the firemen from the mutism too, she begmi to give them t. me about a mouth after I was fifth floor. They were all revived. attacked The part of the building In which That was iu the early part of March 1903, amt ly June tlu-- had driven awu Ihe fire occurred is without stair ways and was shut off from the main the pains and swelling ami iisd restore, my appetite and color. Tlim I felt structure by an iron door. strong enough to take up a line of outHEART-RENDINdoor work and now, iu Oetols-r- , 1 re 8CENE8 gard myself ns entirely well and I am' about to go into a foundry uguin at St. Surviveos Tell of Hcrrible Sights FolLouis." lowing Wrecking of Train. Dr. William' Pink Pills also enrt estiother discuses springing from imPueblo. Colo. -- - Conservative blood or disordered nerves, sue): mates on the loss of life aa the result pure as sciatica, locomotor stuxia, iwrliu' of the collision of the two passenger paralysis and all forms of weakness ii trains on the Denver & Rio Grande male or female. They mny lsi hud at miles west of here, all druggists or directly from tliu Dr railway twenty-fiv- e Williams Medicine CVuiiiiauv, Schriiec of dead at thirty-six- . number place the N. Y. tudy, Severn een charred, mangled and Ancient French Custom. utterly unrecognizable bodies lie in the Pueblo morgue, two others are in Dumas, in his "Isabel of Bavaria,'' the morgue at Florence, several other refers to an ancient privilege which authorized the deputies of the six mer jieraons an? known to be dead, and chant bodies to accompany the klngt burned were poslbly a score of bodies and queens of France upon their entry to ashes. into Paris from the gate of St. Denlt There was not a single entire body to the palace, followed on thla occawith recovered from the wreckage, sion by the representatives of the dlf the exception of the engine man, who, ferent manufacturing bodies clothed although horribly mangled, had not to represent the seven capital sins, been reached by the swift flames and, by way of contrast, the "seven Christian virtues. which swept through the wrecked cars. Hows This? Only seven of the dead can be idenWa offer One Hundred Delian Reward for any tified and only one these corpses re- aaae of l.turrb tbsi caaoui lie cured by lUu'r tains sufficient of the outline of the Italavvh CliVtta T.J.CnXXEY SCO.. Toledo. O features to he readily recognizable. . J. Clieur; We. tbe undanlsncd. bate knows believe him perfertly Two telegraph operator are held tor the last It yean, endimumciImh end SbmkUI.) In nil bunneu in the public mind to be re- orabla able to curry out any u611k.U"U made by ble Brui. alWaldimu. Kisses A Hasris, sponsible fur the awful disaster, Whuleule UruSKleta. Toledo, O. though no formal indictment has gone Hull's Catarrh Cara la takan internally, aud mucoua surfaces of ilio out agalnsl them, lloth have been or- dlrartly upon (ha blond arm free. Price 7t centa pal yatem. Trrtlmoalala dered discharged from the service of buttle. Sold by all UrtiueUU. a been has rills eooatlpatloa. coroner's Taka Ilaii'i A Family Jury the road. empanelled and will investigate the rause of the accident. The Original Match. It develops that R. G. Whitney, who Originally a mat eh was any subwas being escorted to the penitentiary stance which burned readily and alow-ly- . by Deputy Sheriff Ed. E. Baird, had The bit of hempen been chained to hia seat and when the rope, steeped In a solution of salthad he fire broke out in the wreckage peter, which the ancient gunner carBy no chance whatever to escape. ried In order to discharge hia arquethe hand of fate his guard perished It burned at the bus, was a match. him. with rate of about three feet In an hour. The laws of Colorado have a provis ion making it a rrlme to fasten prisEverybody get ready for Spring oners in transportation to car seats. g A story of mother love Conference. , lg by Heroines, Old and New. i Most modern heroines are married women, whereas the nice ones in onp nl0lh." hP Md. wilh , Shakespeare and In novels before hpr arm. she knew 1890 were almost always unwedded an lmpORl,i,1iiity almost waa that it j maids. You like Beatrice and For to he saved herself, hut her only f ia and, a'uove all things, Rosalind. hand Ouo thought was of ncr child. You do not lose your heart to Lady was pinioned down under the debris, hut her head and the other arm was Macbeth (though a fine figure of a j woman ) and you do not desire to com-- j free. "She was trying to keep her beau pete with Othello In the affections from the flames Btid. with her free of Dcsdemona. This may be a loo nice morality, hut to Victorian tastes hand, was holding Hie infaui as high in the air as she could. Just as wf even widows, in novels ar least, conic were alma! to reach lur she gave o under the linn of the elder Mr. Welgasp and fell hack into the flnmef ler. Nobody lint .Col. Esmond ever with the babe." rared for Lady Castlpwood and Dobbin is alone In his passion for Amelia. Ka At a meeting or the priests at tandon Post. recommend zi in. Russia, application to Important to Mothora. tbe sale of church lands to tin. pt as Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A, ants was seriously considered. 1 hi e nre and sure remedy for infant! and children, author of the resolution argued that and ' nee tbit It it waa not Christ ianltkp for the church to retain Immense stretches of unciilBf (lie rivaled soil while the Kawinls were Signature of land. of want for starving A x. over-worke- MEET WOMEN LYRIC THEATRE Night Prices, 2Bo, BOo, 78c, Matlnaos Mon.. Wed.( and Sa., 26o. ANOTHER BIG NEW YORK SUCCESS! Kerman and Rlfa Praoant I - ! I WOMAN YOUNG IB Um For Over 30 Year. The Kind You lim Always Sought. KIDNAPED. Workmen All Voted. St. Petersburg. The workmen in e St. Petersburg factories and mills Sunday elected delegates to thes sembly which will choose repreaen-tlveto the municipal congress, ill congress will be composed or presentatives of all classes and will act members (o the national The election passed off iletly, even those at Pntiloff, where e men are regarded as among the ost radical, and practically all the jrkmen participated. Desperadoes Drop the Young Lady When Pursued by a Posse. Tucson. Arts. A special to the Citizen from Morenci states that Saturday night at s hall, given by the a prominent social organization, three masked men entered the ball room and kidnaped a young lady, "shooting up the dance hall. When pursued by a posse the desperadoes dropped the young lady and escaped into the hills. Tragedy at Dinner. Kansas City. Mo. Mrs. Ida Donlcl-n- . while entertaining a party ol lends at dinner, became enraged at remark of E. C. Harrish. a painter, i' te of the guesta. and shot and killed a remark m. Harris had made tout Mrs. Donlelson to which C. R Iggins. the womans nephew, tistk ireption. The men quarreled. Rig ns and hia wife finally went for a j illceman and while they were gone; rs. Donlelson killed Harris. No one finessed the shooting. Foreman Carried Down to Death by Avalanche of Snow. At Silverton a slide Denver. demolished the Green Mountain mill, recently Installed at s cost of $200.(KIO. the assay office, engine room and a D. 1. portion of ihe tramway. Hickey, mill foreman, was carried his and slide the hy away to All efforts found. not been has body reopen the road to Silverton have been abandoned and It may ! a month before the road is cleared. I Grover Cleveland is 69. Princeton. N. .1. Former Prchident rover Cleveland spent bis birthday cay from home Sunday for the first me since he moved to Princeton. Ills was his sixty-nintbirthday. Mr. Icvcland is now in Florida with Pressor Howard MeCIenahan. where He ip two have been for ten daya. a month III likely remain south nger on account of poor health, rs. Cleveland said that his outing Florida was Improving her bus-inand that she expected him to 'turn mn.-- h better. h d I Azu-rlte- s, . Susan B. Anthony's Will. Rochester, N. Y. The will of Mis Susan U. Anthony wa offered for probate Saturday. The estate amounts to $10.(100. all of which Is left to the woman suffrage cause. Rev. Dr. Anns Shaw of Philadelphia and Lury E. Anthony of Philadelphia, and Mary S. Anthony of this city nre named as ihe iruxlcu. The Anthony homestead By the in Mary Anthony's name. lerms of the will. Mary Anthony will not recniva anything from her sisutr s . 1 estate. How Pineapples Grow. "Most people," said the fruiterer, "think pineapples grow on lofty paint trees. They really grow, like pumpkins, on the ground. A pineapple crop looks rather like a thick field of cactus. The fruit lies on the earth and above it rises a tuft of short, stiff leaves. Also from Its base great swordlike leaves shoot forth In every direction. Some of these leaves are The pineapple, after six feet long. the date, is said to be the most profitable fruit to raise." Use the Salt take Route to Conference thla year. Best from Sanpete. Juab, Ulah counties, and the far south. Male and Female Teachers. The highest proportion iff male teachers In the United Stales Is in West Virginia, where they form SO per cent of the whole. The highest proportion of female teachers Is In Vermont. 90 per cent of the whole. A comparative examination of the standards of West Virginia and Vermont might furnish interesting results. Sail take Route, taw rates fot Utah's most isipnlai Conference. road. Sunday in Heligoland. Sunday in Heligoland begins on Saturday at C p. rn., when the church bell la tolled, and rrnlinues rill the same hour on Snnda. Formerly nc vessel could leave port between these hours. -- And tha IN TWO LAUCHABLE FARCES- - Biggest Vaudeville Aggregation Ever Seen at the Lyrie Including FIELDS AND FIELDS MARIE JANSEN And 1 6 GILMAN AND FRANCIS HART AND WESTON HUGHES AND HAZELTON the Bensateon of the Season THE SIX FLYING BANVARDS Late Prlnolpal Feature With Rlngllng Brea. Clrous. Positively Highest Salaried Act Ever Soon In Salt Laka. 6 the TABERNACLE NDAV1 Friday, March 23. ADVERTiaElta SHOULD USE THE SEMI-WEEKL- Y NEWS If they desire te reach Ihe people of Ihe Western State and Tsrrllerla In tlielr homo. Circulation Books Open To Advertisers. |