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Show f DAVIS COUNTY ARGUS Dk W. PELT FARMINGTON I X SON, PeSItokere - - - - , -- . --f- ? . gv i UTAH j o o VTAH STATE NEWS o ordinance hat The been passed by I lie lrovo City rounell There are now three famlliea umiei quarantine lor small ikjx at SpriufC vllle. The Silver King mine at Iark City baa paid $10,225,000 in divldeiida up to date. A movement haa been inaugurated In Provo looking to the auppreaaion of the alot machinea. It ia eati mated that the winUatorm In Suit Lake laat week cauaed $5,000 damage to property. After working two yearn on the matter, Sandy la to have electric light in her streets and houses. Work haa begun on the fair buildings at Provo, and great preparations are to be piade for the t'tah County fair this year. The home of the Commercial club at American Pork is being fitted up In elegant style xnd will be ready for occupancy in a few daya. During the atorm at Knterprlse last week, four or five families were forced to flee from their homes, and the residence of John Alger was completely wrecked. C. F. Jarvis, section foreman far the Southern Pacific at Moline, while walking along the track near that place was struck by a locomotive and aerioualy injured. While attempting to control n fra tloua horse, Salvatore Naraola, an Italian, aged 18 yeara, was thrown sud 'denly under the wheels of a at reel ear in Salt Lake City and killed. Lehl farmers and gardners will this spring plant 100 acres of cucumbers for the Mount Pickle company of Suit Lake. A aiiltlng station will be built on the Salt l.ake Houle at Iehl. W. E. Clark's barn at Pleasant Grove was destroyed by fire last week, the work of an Incendiary, tint the firebug turned loose the horses that were tied In the barn, thus minimising the loss A. B. Owen, aged 30, who had been employed in an Ogden hotel far the past eight months, suicided In the brush near the city, shooting himself In the mouth. Ill health led to th deed. The directors of the Beck Salt Coni pany have let the contract for a $25,-00salt refinery to be erected neat Kessler's, on the San Pedro, where a private sidetrack haa recently been built. The American Fork creamery fa running again, after having been shut down for ten days, during which time the plant received a complete overhauling and was put In dltiou. The city ofilirials of American Fork have taken n determined stand with reference to the aelling of tobacco to minors. Hereafter any merchant or party selling tobacco to minora will be prosecuted. The burning of the celluloid films of n moving picture machine ut the opera home tn American Fork caused a stampede of the audience, but some nt the cooler heads prevailed and nc ' one waa injured. While attempting to cross the iiuul near the Enterprise reservoir iliirins the storm laat week, C. 8. V'ackcrali hud a nurrow escape from drowning, having sunk twice beneuth the water before he was rescued. It is announced that $50,000 worth of machinery for the new amelter to hr built at Ogden has been purchased, und that the contract of furnishing the power has been awarded to the Brig ham City Power Co. While at work on the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company's line al American Fork, Earl McCune of Sail Lake City received a very bad injury to hia eyes. It is thought that he will lose the sight of hia left eye. The Ogden city council haa passed an ordinance regulating the speed ol automobiles to eight miles per horn through the streets and four miles pet hour over crosswalks. It is expcctec the muyor will veto the ordinance. A representative of an eastern furnl ture manufacturing company is in Salt Lake for the purpose of locating a branch plant In Utah. He states that from 200 to 500 persons will be employed In the plant to he established in Utah. With hia year-ol- d daughter clutched In bis arms, Samuel G. Klrkman, aged 28, of Salt Iatke, drank from a bottle of carbolic add with sucldal Intent Mrs. Klrkman was suing for divorce, and Klrkman decided he was tired of life. , A young man by the name of Warn-Hickof Monroe, committed suicide nt the Sevier mine Thursday of last week by taking stryrhnlne. He had just put In a couple of shift. He was fl e youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Slicks of Monroe. e o o And as Early as It Seems To Be the Dinwoodey Store Is Busy in This Department o O o o o o o o OW, while the stock is complete is the beat choosing time, and you have the additional advantage of securing the beat workmen ; something you are compelled to wait a long time for later in the season. We employ a corps of expert wall paperjhangers, on whose artistic taste you can depend. Whose suggestions you will find helpful and who do their work conscientiously. These are used in Dining Rooms, producing a colonial effect A Mouldings in natural woods and pretty designs. Paneling on the side walls to conform to the shape of the room produces an artistic effect if done by an expert We have a big variety of panel papers and some happy suggestions awaiting you. Burlaps in all colors to suit any Hall or Dining Room. The demand In cheaper papers we show the best line in the west design. up-to-d- Stripes form a feature of this years stock. for burlaps is increasing because of their serviceability. Bronzy and Silver papers for background in relief. Used in larger rooms and fine parlors. Effective where large pictures are hung. 4 These Papers come as Low as 10c a Roll. 0 o to match for drapery are shown. Rich Parlor effects in Louis xiv, xv and xvi. designs and a fine showing of two tone effects forany kind of room. and colors in many effective Good substantial colorings, and in every o Figured papers and raw silks are the prevailing ideas this year, variety is as great as the new designs are pleasing and artistic. Imported French Chintz and Cretonne effects with Chintz and Cretonnes carry a line of Plate Rails to match papers. We t Not least in point of interest are the new Spanish Leather effects for Dining-Roo- and Libraries. m of describing Wall Paper designs emphasizes the necessity of your personal call at this store. No need to go further than this Store either. We show you every new idea of the year. H. Dinwoodey FURNITURE COMPANY The difficulty o v Ancient Injunction to Apprentices. The Male Gossip, The male gossip Is certainly not No uew thing is the servant problem. Here ia an Injunction to ap- nnknown to women. Among themprentices Issued by the English Court selves men We to chatter, and If of Common Counrll In 1527: "You scandal Is bred in boudoirs it Is cershall constantly and devoutly on your tainly nurtured In clubs. Lady's knees, every day, nerve God. morning and evening, and endeavor the right practlee thereof In your life and conYou shall avoid all evil versation. company; and make speedy return when you shall he sent on your masters business. You shall be of fair, gentle and lowly speech and behavior toward all men. And according to your carriage expect your reward, for God and your giHKl or ill, from friends." Utah Tomatoes Pee can Where Junius Failed. Utah Corn, per I am a strenuous advocate for lib8 oana for IIMIMMI Utah Peaa per erty and property, but when these 8 cans for rights are Invaded by a pretty woman, 1 am neither able to defend Bren, per 100 my money pounds nor my freedom. Junius. Saved Time in Saying Prayers. Elmer had had company all day, and a sleepier boy was never put to bed. Just as his mother finished undressing him he said: Mamma, I said my prayers on the way upstairs, so as to save time. GUT PRICES FOR SATURDAY AT PEOPLES CASH STORE. 10c 25c 25c $1.00 DRY COODS DEPT. w Stralffht Grade Flour C AA per auck 10 bars Klokis Plate Soap for Sugar cheaper than anybody. Our fresh Ranch Eggs, 8 dos far Hamilton's - "We BARNES 40c. 50c BANKING cocqpaNY ' I Custom 25c Suits PROFITS, Jom X. Baknis, President La wit S. Hills, it Joan Men's Working Pants, Basks, Cashier R. Gailbv, Ass't Cashier. Beys' caps, choice. Boys' Sohool Suits, $Z.00 value Ladlea' Shoes, pat. tip, value wide heel U-0- s, ) DIRECTORS John G. M. Bancs, Peter Bartoa, Jobs W. Gailey, Ias, H. Larkins, William Blood KAYSVILLI, Waistlni224-- ""I1' 19c 5c $20.00 UTAH 1,000 Huok Towels, fringed Saturday only Best Lining Cambric Saturday only Standard apron check Gingham, Saturday only .... SATURDAY SPECIALS Mens' medium Shoes, I2.M 11.(0 valu A largs assortment of msn'a 40,000. R. W. SOc fif) and 2(lr C Mfl wSeW Cl Mf 5c ,3c 5c weight TO $100.00. Model Hats tHe F eature of Hamiltons Shop. THE DRESSY SUIT HATS and TOPPY UTILITY HATS are all WE DO NOT COPY OR MAKE HATS. New MODexclusive styles. ELS being received and are the late productions of the CITIES Calf 9B qlo5 TC Mans' Underwear, greys med. weight, par garment Men's Drone Shirts, The new MODELS WAISTS. in CHURCH LACES, NETS, Lingerie. Mulls and Washable Taffetas are largely In demand at i Do Men's Black Sateen Shirts, value Men's Sample Hats, $100 value $1.00 PEOPLES CASH STORE isW Si Corner of Richard and 1st South Streets. I Specialty! SHOWN. slue worth a Tailor-Mad- e Ws make great efforts to please our customers In a smart SUIT or gown, and they will see only tha latest productions and smart styles far Spring. Prices WE CUT THE PRICE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE CAPITAL 825,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDKD ; and Saturday only ttc. SOc. S5c Waist Inga Saturday only I lent Standard Print Saturday only Give No Openings! OUR GOODS ARB VERY EXCLUSIVE STYLES, and ws cordially Invite the Ladles to come and Inspect our Une of IMPORTED GOWNS. WAISTS, WRAPS, and HATS. The most EXCLUSIVE MODISTES of Paris represented. SATURDAY. MABCX ITth i; SMART SHOP 16 SOUTH flAIN 51 |