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Show ZJMSlLiltr wrn'MMTr't'r.i. 1 Uni'veritr Chroaiei 'll ,U Cif. ITS A TACT HEAL ESTATE Thai uu advertisement hi The almost brings Argil instantly. .sir )uu looi.iii)' f.ir remit.' Then, In wine anti use tilt 4,uoo jtetiple !:or sale. ir rrsiiU-gcltiii- tvtrv week. VOLUME rtuil Tlit Argil Noi so II. MMI.EK lal, th? fl Journal Devoted to the 26 FA1IMIM5TOX, UTAH IS '"i" HONORED. a 'iHAS "ry j object the beautifying of the cemetery, for whirh purpose water? will be purchased ami a distributin': system will be installed. Tinlal stork i placed at sH.'i.imti in 7 .'it share- - of js.'ii It is the hope of Hie promoters that every owner of a cemetery lot will be time a stock- holder iu the eompany, iu whii-l- i event ample funds will he fortheoiu-inA hoard of nine directors was elected on Tuesday to serve during Farmington is again honored in having nr a son, Horaec SceiLt, young mail now attending srlmnl at The the University of the iiillilit!il mi following telegram isof recent a of the front page tie Diseret News: . Fell. j;l, I'jnfi, lirouglit victory to another I' tali hoy, in the person of Horace Secrist of Farmington, lie is taking the course of letters and Science of the University of Wisconsin. anil is in the Innior class. The try winning of first place in the out, "entitle young Secrist to appear for his college in tin Northern Oratorical league, and it is believed that he haa sph udid cliam-- l make hotli a rei oid in tlie linals of wlm-himself and his friends will lie proud. g. : ensuing year. They are: John Thoriilev, VillIain N Naldcr, (lie W. Kmiiy U. Haines, tomberl la-- K. Iavi.e, s otli.-er- Tliornlev vice president, William X. Nahler; scerctary, Emily U. ISarnes; treasurer. Lambert Hlatnirea. ; NEARLY A ; S;n - ,,J' Ihmiji' ha- - a - 1 hn-ine- s- lu-l- ovw ' uA Wm," V There were .tout iu attC,",' will form the nurleua lu-s- e whi. I. it U t xptHtsHl will tuke in the leading citizens of lloiintilul and Woods Cross. A constitution and rodo of Stable; Leroy John Stoker, John llg Ittiriiiiighaui, president.' ileiiry ' -- Midglcy. eeretary h sergeuut-at-ai'lii- ; -. fee is placed at illicit nj. have liven a much mure serious nllair nud asscssiiu-iiimay lie made by the happcnei! at the luviie H a rein Tolmau ollicers as needed. las' Thursday. It seem that the lire ill There will he another meeting he sin vc was not huruiiig as brisk as was anil desired, ui order to start lip the lire Thursday evening, when coiuiuittecB in a hurry one of the gills ourcd coal on tinam-- and ways and means will oil on tlie smouldering ember utid tlicn . appointed. t M'N Mar. ril-TI- , fl, Memiii-rshi- Wliat s c upplied the match with the result that the entire tup of stove w as throw u .u mss the room and and the gul's face and hands badly scorched. Although tint -. ,.i'i ii c.vl fust . i Roiief Society Entertains, i at 19. The .VYSY ILLK, March Hu. f Kaysville Helirf ,L.,n.,.s society were hostesses on Friday at an fhiburate dinner in tlie Music hall, KayaviLe, and had for their guests about SffiO people" during the day. The event was plunnctl to eniumeiiiorate the anniversary of tlie organization of the Relief society, which into existence first March 17, 14 2. when Joseph Smith organized tlie women of A'auvoo, ill. for charity work. The local society gave an npfii invitation to Kayarillc people to lie its guests for tlie day. In the morning a programme was rendered, followed by tlie serving of dinner. Tin: time in tlie afternoon HORACE SECRIST OF FARMIHGTOH. The following week the family of the young mail were delighted recipients of The Daily Cardinal published at Madison, Yis., in which the I tali 'Hoy" is landed in the following cutup. iuiciilarv terms ; also published on the front page. The article is headed 'Horace Secrisi Wins Junior Ex gets unanimous decision ; to Be Made Looking to the Suppression cf the Cigarette Habit Among the Minors. An Effort Sfi i i:ii I 'uitiihiiiiIi'ik;,-- . i mc-i-.-- its interests and the develop- incut of its industries. Tin meeting was in tlie oilicc of Dr. H. S"w,ly BtJINTI Mar. ly. Owing to the cigarette mid toliacco habit having increased to such an extent among the yiiiithful class of nur conitiiunily the civil and ecclesiastical authorities have concluded that it is time that something should lie done in the matter with the was occupied with music, speeches, hope in view of checking the evil. The recitations and general social inter-cour-tnerchanla are to lie appealed to, urging Ill tlie erenitig a dance was hat they respect the law in this matter wltii h prohibits the sale of tobacco to given ami it was largely attended. loose of minor age. Te city council last Wednesday night ist rue ted the city. The Commercial Olub Alive, marshall to look after these matlcra ' and see Unit minora are not allowed in The Hounti-meBOLNTII-UL- , Mar 19 saloons. This advi'-voices the senti- Llub Commercial contemplate giving of all respectable citizens. If mild nieatts will not bring about the desired i a gvand social in the near luture at which recitations, speeches, and dancing elfect, then use harsh means and enforce will be the order of the occasion. (he law. Iiuiacc Sccrist lepresculing Pliiloma-th- a won first place ill tlic an mini Junior Oratorical Inhibition at Library halt last evening. The subject of the oration was the guarantee of Industrial Liberty. A unauinous decision was rendered by tlie jury. Second placi was awarded to Alhc-nae'- s representative. Allied K r.ushuell, who deliveied an oration Norwegian .Independence. Miss Duriillien A. Moll of Caslala, secured third place with the oration. The Cry ot the Children. With a clear resouanamt voice, expressive gestures, confidence of memory ami a good oration, Horace Seer is t won the uvenmg. His work, entitled "The (Guar- jV.'.V.V.ViVAaAVifffiV.V'..VAV.VzVA'.N'i'AVAVJ antee of Industrial Lilierty," showed deep thought and originality. The indispensable service of organization in modern industry, particularly latKir, formed the topic of his oration. He showed how trade unionism had done much for the individual Ialxrer by raising his wages, shortening his hours of toil, increasing his wants and desires, Will Kill Your Hoes. Wants Your Chickens. ? easing the pains of liis Ilia future. ami brightening struggle, Dont lxvther to kill and dress your Industrial Lilierty with eijual opportuni They will pay you more for your Hogs at home. You can drive or lm Poultry than you can get liy peddling ity is the ideal fur which unions strive." send them down to lie dressed lor the Dressed or Live Poultry. In the closing paragraph lie said: market. Highest Prices Paid. Organizations or employers must tie made along trade lines with local and national bodies, decentralized in naltirc ;i You Can Better Afford We Boy and Sell and must treat with organizations of To let them kiil your Heef and hidd : labor upon a fair and cpial basis. The very thing that is raised in the for cold in use. Slock laill ham-yarmust your their d storage unions or on the farm, all the way I temperate will lie weighed upin its dressed form from a bologna sausage to a fine tieel, demands and Ihw fill in their deeds. . . ami may be taken out as required for Then will tiie interests of lubor and veal, or hog. I family use. industrial lie harmonized, peace capital follow, and political liberty. eipiality, and leuiocracy tie worthy of their names. Then, ami only thru will the masses rise from the depths of poverty, ignorance :j! ami destitution, cast off their yoke of dependence, amt enjoy the gi cutest book of all, Industrial Lila-rtv- . fur List l A Plllt -- f the order of the 1 1 i Which day we , XJtah PacKjng Co. hanil-lo-moii- th i County people are Sj our Special Patrons. 'Da'Vis 15e' Coffee, in bulk, pine Grade, per lb 20e Tea, half lb Pkt 20e Shamroek HT. 25 e pkt tcuo 45e Golden gate & Tree Tea, 25e pkt 2 for 45e Diamonnd C Soap, 8 bars 25e Eleetrie Soap, 8 bars 25e iee, 18 lbs $100 Raisins, per lb Currants, 3 lbs ' T.X v DUN' 25e CnODS, we have a Complete st the LOWEST Pltlt'KS: for instance, Line per yanl. (H'TINtJS, j rent and up. DUCK CLOVK8, MEN'S IfAI.F HOSE six pair for ifi ifiit. A Izot of HOYS' t'ALK'fl, i,t,nls. 7'c 5 Made of Provo cloth, at about one half of their value; -- bi'-k. :tv- Tlie pairs for 24 , KNEE PANTS also Hoys COI.IH'KY Pants and Youths' Clothing practically at your OWN PRICKS. A line of MENS' and HOYS, lials iu the EatestSlyhi--, at CI'T Pl.ICKS. A full line or SHOES, Including tlie M. I., for Men and Hoys, which fr I'KF.EHIiATED Durability are not excelled. - CIVE US A CALL and BE CONVINCED ! That this is the Right Place to Spend Youn Woney, Co-o- po Call In and flote the Lobver Prices Quoted Since CASH for Goods and flo Credit started . Be Prepared any rim rgeney! This is the wisest plan. A Life Insiiianei- Policy will give your family a means of support after your death, or an - Endowment yOV Policy Utah Packing Company Stock Yards! ilMMSMIMtIM 1 KJVOU WHAU CHAU MEAfM'. Will give the sauu- - piolerliun ill easc of your death or will give you the lull Item-li- t "f your'sivings it von live. H. d. Beneficial Life Insurance Co. Sheffield, Kaysville. Homo Office, Doseret News. Bldg SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. California t ! Bountiful Lumber Building Ass'n . Iticorporated.) Salt hake Route 1 -- 3 all sizes. Mens And ita must entrancing resorts ami in-- ; leresling cities Itest reachel by the two daily alatiai trains ol the Kaysville Citizens Organize Improvement Company and Will Solicit Stock Subscriptions. for THIRTY DAYS: $1.00 . Tlit '. lmir(iveiuent Cemetery Kaysville company lias prepared arti b's nl incorporation ami will proceed to get to Submit to our Patrons the following Sugar 16 lbs flrbuekle Coffee J March In-- nt e KAYSYIIJ.K. 2) we liUARANTKE will Prevail for the NEAT e. TO BEAUTIFY CEMETERY. A YEAH Co-o- p Kay-S'Oitt- e ArM',U m-Hitl- treasuier; Serious Fire. ' I I.A AT THE l.el.l by the It B:iow nii'ii of Iionntifiil. i :il dull to look alter "f were adopted and the following ollicers of the. club were eleetcd. President. Dr. H. Van t'ott; vice I .0. 1iuf, LOW PIKIOEI. by-la- careand Almost i Mai- '"1 SERIOUS FIRE, The Usual Coal Oil and Stove Combination Cause a Blowup, I l! I George Y. MAI.V1I CUUB. 1,v ,,r- - .tv (on, F.lias Adams. Stevenson, William 11. Kliabcth W. Smith. Tho a. e : President. John w. oh UTAH, TUESDAY. MPPCTfl !:on Ulan, ires, of Davis County. Up-buildi- ng com- - - Wisi-oii.-in- f'c look i'apitalil Tlit Artll I" furnish th.tu with liargniu in Kent Kctate in Ihivia county. If you wish to sell s farm, advert in The Argil, the paper that will find you a buyer without delay. Utah's Most Popular Koad. Keachm al I Mining t'atnpa iu Utah and Nevada. Per information write to L. MOOKF,, D. P. A., Salt lotke, 1't.ih L Jo Tlie liest supply ami most complete stuck of Hitihling to lie found in the county. Our prices always Thone 12-- 4 t Suit-plie- X X s right. Bountiful . Vtah . x |