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Show Chamberlain Music Co. JOHN M. CHAMBERLAIN. AHTTE' 51 MAIN STREET. Proprietor. Succesoon to VanSaat Reliable Pianos and Organs at low prices. Every customer is a Friend made by Square DeaUfig. Come and see us. tt Hamlin. A. Mb Strohbor. Ilobart I , - BYBOlUKlERi'fcV'. ; Mmou V tlimllB.' I B. ChiM, Conovsr. M. Cabin. Cablo. HOUSE ROBINSON The only place in Farmington his attention. Youi-soldier n.Viciir I'lui. the where the travelling man step, now Kjnki! nn.iv briskly "you are to FARMINGTON UTAVj come with me. My cokuiel has orlilm. dered that you lie brought to Jean glanced at Murier; then his fJJEVEREUX eyes again sought the open door ns he IYTTH ILLUSTRATIONS BY DOM C- - WILSON said slowly. Pierre aud I are going to PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, ARB Srom l'ere Hunt. We are going to take Qy 003, CCacyrigit, Coyyy) : : 1 j OBSTETRICIAN OUf JPtji PfjtmKf) Ills to house." Margot j is where I am ordered to ever Telephone Exchange that OSm "Aye; which was to light them lo their cham- take CHAPTER VI. you. was the sergeant's quick Telephone Number aa. bers above. bOCNYIWL And Pierre also is to come. reply. wan It wns the night of December 19. They parted as usual for the night, lie was moving loward the doorway, 1793. with a culil storm of wind nnd little thinking that tills was lo be the when the same woman who had guidrain makiug still cosier the living-roo- last of earth's nights Tor one of them. ed him to the house came forward of the cottage, where, not fnr with a cup of coffee, which she offered It was the next morning the mornfrom the flames of tlte wood Are that to Jean, while au expression silently made more ruddy the neatly kept red ing after t lie flainelit, awful night that of commiseration showed In her deep LiAlha, Shingles, Fence Posts, &C, of the brick hearth. Margot sat spinwitnessed the rapture of Toulon by face. haggard n Builders Hardware, Patton 'a Paint, tliu Revoliilioniats. big ning, while Jean, curled up in Hut the boy motioned her away as chair uppusite, watched idly aa many There is uu need to repeal the story Screen Doors, Screen Windowa, I times tu fore her deft Angers smooth which history has told of ita horrors; he exclaimed, turning to ! Murier, Hotbed Sash, ail kinds of shop o l the iMiniliardiueiii arid assault; of will not go without Margot ami twist the flax. " the not. m'sieur, young Surely work done on short notice. Prices Hast thou heard aught of iJinguc-do- c the unspeakable wo.; that was visited soldier assented. "Some of my men sines we left1 lie inquired. u;xin those shut up wiiliiu the doomed low as good work will allow. as shall make a stretcher, and bring the Wondering what hew mood had tak- city. The nlgbl was purl; and now us, dame after :: en hold of the boy, that he ahould bad come Ike grief and sorrow of the good L S, HEYWOOD & SONS lid hud. while speaking, drawn Jean bring up mfttrtr of which she had living. u fill the day with tears for to UTAH tin; floor and out of it, having LAYTON hever ventured to speak, but relieved the dead; now had come the moans who soldiers the with to follow Iicrre Imas well to leel that she might now and cries of the mangled and dying. nd-i-i-- H 1 a lifter, and bear 4H 1 In one of tin. lower romm of B wire to construct part to him informal ion she bad reSt. of convent the to ceived some time before, Margot re- small, pariiaiiy burned house, nff! far Margot's body which was now lere Huot,'; plied, Yea. The chateau has been from the blackened ruins of her own Rulpicc, closed since the montlx after we left, cottage, lay ' Margot, who had been home. with only Tatro there as keeper; for killed while she and the boys were It Is not necessary iu describe what Wo Undersell Them All. Monsieur Etienne has returned to making preparations fur flight to a Jean and Murier saw as they picked Rodger Broa 1847 their way through the streets, some of Paris, where he la In high favor with place of greater aafety. Knives and Forks the Great Committee. them with debris, and all of , The three were in the living-room- , Peste! The word, half sigh and where her whirring wheel bad Ailed them bearing witness to the horrors of half hiss, was full of vindictiveness. the peaceful aileuce it the evening be- the night before. Then the dagger did but slight injury, fore. She had made up the trundle Jean was silent, with white face, after all, for all the rust on its blade, each one was to carry (taking pains and stony eyes that stared vacantly per set. Everything else that would surely have poisoned bet- that Jean ahould conceal uon his per- ahead, while the soldier held his arm ter blood, even If the thrust had not son the money intrusted to her by the in a close grasp, and occasionally utequally aalow. let out life. JOHN DAYNES A SONS, baron), when a large piece of shell tered a few cheering words, to which Jean. Jean, do not apeak eo! cried tore ita way Into the room and entered the boy seemed to ay mi heed. JRWELKSa AND OPTlCIANB Margot, looking aghast. 6 Mmin St., Salt Lake City. And so they went slowly along, unSurely thou her breast, killing her instantly. couldst never really wish to kill thy Scarcely had the boys realised this til. in a narrow street, which was comI always claimed that the brother! when they found the cottage tu be on paratively free from evidences of the act was only because of thy mad- lire over their heads. Hut they had assault, the two paused before the dened brain; and with good cause, as time to half carry, half-dradoor of a glooniy-liKikin- g Margots heavy, any one with heart and feeling must body to the street, and thence to the stone building, whose 00111. house where it now lay, stretched windows were not much wider than He Is no brother of mine! de- uimn a rough bench aud covered by a the loop holes of a fortress. In Um mnd acraiabU tor clared the boy, his face kindling into blanket, in this Imre room, tilled with n living, let h nw nnd Murier lifted the ponderous brass ronMdnr Ihn DEAD. Tn a fury of rage, .Never you say such men, women and children whom fire knocker, to let it fnll with a perempMnaa-nbnvn n a thing again, Margot. My name la bad rendered homeless during the tory clang; and a few moments afterthat la man audnr-lothan lb Mum., try not his, nor is he any kin of Jean night. ward the door was opened cautiously, Outside, before the house, stood a while through its crack a single eye, WHITE BRONZE She HjAd8.no attempt to calm him; file of soldiers in the uniform of the under a shaggy brow, scrutinized him II la fnr nmr ArtUilo, Beautiful nnd ia baa but her face was troubled as she re- Revolutionary troops, at whom the with manifest suspicion. ' ihan t'm Beat sumed her work. homeless ones within stared appro- Open up. Martin. Tis I. with the Vermont Marbia In It uwd of Munuuiaiila young m'sieur for whom our colonel Mark-rHead Annua, said Murier, pushing sent me, tirnva Mmw, nr Statu-nr- j, fur nrlin XmilM. through the doorway, and drawing or rill on alter him. ALMA HARDY, , walled, They were in a Bountiful, . Utah. and ceiled passage, along which Murier led thr Iwy until they reached the enl ran iv to a large npartment; and here, without a word, the soldier left him. As Jean stood upon the threshold of the dimly lit room as he stood leanPRESCRIPTION ing against the 'side of the doorway, his eyes downcast, and the sound aa DRUGGISTS. IOI MAIN ST. of roaring waters in his ears, he heard, even through tills. Pore limit's familiar voice saying, Thank out Holy Mother, my son, that 1 see thee snfc and unharmed, after this awful Then a tremulous hand was night. laid tenderly upon his bowed head. We carry everything known tbai will stop a coush. Medlralod candy. A murmuring of other voices came iMiciigeu, tablets, ayrupx. etc. Our Blue to him; nnd one of them stirred Jean's Ribbon remedy turn no equal. The old hi numbed senses strangely, Idea, hot mustard foot bath, with ltock ltye In liberal doaea. Bound, as lie was from all he had suffergood to many. A chest protector will ed and seen. a.ilat by keeping the keen winda off the lung. Our reme.llea cura both the lifting his eyes, he saw before him Id and young. to seemed have shaped a fare which Cnma In and lie convinced. Both 'Phnneo 4ft. itself from out the drifting haze. It Remember the numbe- rPizarro! "Pizarro! my ha cried, sp ringing forward. was thin and careworn, with tumbled Main "Hark to the wind bow it pipes! hensively. as the sergeant in command kicks falling over the pale forehead; ANSTEE BRICE DRUG CO. eyes were bent upon Sacre! What a storm! exclaimed stood listening to a woman who had and the gray-bluPierre, rousing again from his book, guided liim and his men to their pres- him with a sympathy which aroused all his swooning faculties. ns there came a dash of rain upon the ent halting-place-. lie cried, "Pizarro my Ilzarro! "In there you will find Ilium." she windows, while a Idast roared over the cottage and sent a brisk puff down the said. In a dull, apathetic way, pointing springing forward; and the cry was to the door; "and with them is the ; lost in a gasping soli, as he fell senseChimney. " Tis indeed a dreadful storm, Mardead body of their molher, or whoever less upon the breast of Bonaparte, whose arms went around the limp wheel as now her she drew she was. got agreed, form as though to shield it from furfarther away from the fireplace. But The sergeant thankpd her; and, harm. ther there is one good thing to it. after bidding bis soldiers to stand After the Theater and After (To be continued.) in such be can there What good wnere they were, he went alone into shopping: who a storm as this? queried Jean, Malted oeou. (he house, the wretched occupants of How to Pasa Hatter. Claret Paneli, was hoping it had not reached far which shrank away from him. The late Senator Vest of Missouri Grape Punch, . enough westward lo affect the comfort The bench upon which lay Margot was fond of lemonade. telling a story rcgnrding of her whose beautiful face was so stood in a far corner of tlic room; and Malted Milk. who was in terrible a friend of Often in his thoughts. near it, on the floor. Jean was dread of thehis Egg (.'ream. In ordeal involved passbloodshed a "It will put stop to the Egg Maltad Milk, rt fetched asleep, with Pierre seated The a man was Halteras. Egg Chocolate. for a time at least.' The best and beside him, his arms across his drawn-u- ing Cape Bouillons, Chocolate, confirmed victim of seasickness, and bravest soldiers would scarce think to Perfection iToffee. kuees, and bis head sunk upon while he made many trips on the fight in such weather as this. replied them. at the new and handaoma Served looked he with fear to always rieesn, Fountain. Margot, showing rare ignorance of He, too, appeared to lie sleeping. that of time when the vessel facta. Put at the sound of the soldier's voice would period be passing the luimilliioiis sea Little would they heed, so that it he raised his head to look at him, in and around Halteras. HALLIDAY DRUG CO., asserted while a sullen did not wet their powder, Returning light of grief showed Jean, assuming an air of superior wis- f'r an instant in his heavy eyes. This, from one of his trips, he announced Batwrnn Halt loika and uith Joy a cure for the dreaded Hat-tern-s dom. Theaters. however, softened into recognil ion, as period. Site looked at him thoughtfully for he heard the kindly tone nnd words. "What. is it? asked a friend. a moment before she said, in a voire Ah. Pierre, I am glad to have found "Why. was the reply, when we pot whose yearning seemed tinged with you! went y miles of Hatterns I orwithin a to If be thmilt good grow up hope, It was MuriiT who said tills; and dered iliri.e quart but lies of clinin-pngnup man. Jean, tlinult some day make a his dark fare was full of ns. after pity sat in my stateroom and and brave aoldicr. glancing at the bench, he added, I One cun be brave without being hnve been sent here to find you, drunk llicin fine after the oilier." Wliiit was the effect of that? nK-e- d good. answered the boy. his natural and" the friend. waywardness asserting itself, although He stoppl'd: for Jean, now awake "The effect,'' replied the other,, in he met her earnest eyes smilingly. TO THE nstonisliiuent. "Why. then' was no Your little rulnnel, whom we all sat up and stared at him. Good morning, young mVicur. And effect. When I ranie to we had passlove he has the bravery I mean. I regret 'tis so truly other than a good ed Halteras."- -- Denver Republican. EAST Surely thou must own tlH well to be mnrnlng. said Murier. noddlne, and she insisted. j such a man, AND as lie looked down Into I Cured by Life in Open Air. "Aye. the boy said with a delimit smiling grimly, circled dark face snd whit1 the eyes. J. ex coiiMundrire I). of SOUTH I will the more Smith, be like Ismi. smile: inil milking no reply, rose to his N-York Yacht rluli and n millionj "Ijaro!" Margot repeated, her pa f. iJean, EAST t. staggering as he did so. aire resident of Hie The metropoj tleuee now giving place to anger. Inm'sieur? lis. Inis n effected Are remarkable of cure hurt, see young yon thee saints kepp us from living to Mdiinn. have nmu .petit liy the Hums "Or what was in lie vM to lie fatal illness. el u. Ini., grow to lie such a villain as I .am! quired the soldier anxiously. J', 1, ie in tli improvi-mcu- t I... Iwii adoptaiiilnl:li'imHn Dost know, Jilin, these days it seems eli her of you Injured In any way?" Knrly last spring Mr. Kmitli. who is run. ed 10 tu pm nuit:u,i Here pni'nrt I who also 7;i years old. wus taken ill with a lo me tliou'rt like a 'soul between And he turned lo ilcni. Tnc Inn 1. piuiwn.'l for it. text Mil miwrioriiy of ita train, ni.il Heaven and Hell. The man wo all had rteen. and stood nearest him. complifH'inn of gout and llright'n dls-enlemr mi-- i'.jmi . Hurt?" reMalril th peasant lad. is thy love is th.v good angel By ihe iiiniiih of Juno he had kc-- t h".h uniil lie was a mere skeleTHE had one; and lietwixt the two art 1 lion Aye, most sorely in our hearts. ton. Then he Insisted on being taken I feel tis fnr thee lo say With ths he drew the cover fruit j this night. UNION on board Ills yacht, on the deck of which of them shall lead thee to thy what lay unou the bench. RUNS ' a bis muttered hud hummock which he Poor dame! Murier, future. special Tis rs ftnlly to the Fxrt, it fliiea Threngli Never mind laro he re- pcs resting ucm the calm white face, rigged. In tiiit lie lay nil summer, train, u ritiiui iii.my hour ahsaii Alimil was middle of last unchained the himself and all devil of The day night. plied, stroking her rheck lovingly. He is now far-ofover the seas, and niclit; and he spared neither the August he began tn Improve and has Fnll lnforrantii.il Ir'crf.iPr fnroUUed an may never again see France nor I stums nor the weak. Poor dame the mutinin d to mend ever since, lie Is appuiMtieu u, now henrty once more nnd attributes saints rest her kind soul! act him." D. E. BURLEY I woii'n iie happier if I were certain Jean, appearing to disregard what his recovery entirely tn life in the G. P. a: T. A O. S. L. R. R. of tl'.ii," she said, taking up the candle was happening about him, had been open air. Salt Lak City. BY ORQAN8: I f CiSIANA. gARY uj CkinlirlutW PIANOS: staring dully through the open door; and Murier, noticed 'hat he shivered, touched liiiii upon tuc arm to attract Cbleafee CoHafto. LUMBER mm m half-fille- $3.25 IllllillH H I MU IH-H-H-I- -H III IHI 1 H-H-- I WHY PAY MORE? Utah Dental Co., 234In Main tha city. The reliable dentiata molt Tuelli extracted without pain I)? our K- entitle method.. Free with work. OIM SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Bat of Teeth (Beat Red Rubber) ....SO 18.00 10 to 60 to 8.U 11.00 and up. H U Gold Crowna. (2S-Bridge Work (Beat) Gold Filling. Other Filling kt 12 YEARS PROTECTIVE CUARANTEED. m.. Sunday.. 10 to 'Phonaa. Ind. M; Ball. 17S-free. 234 MAIN ST.. A. ZIMMERMAN, I 118 1 I ! Ibesidint. R. L. IOI.K, ; 111 l-I tq . 1 , , , , Manager. II HI 1 ; ' 1 W. P. COOPER, Skcty & Hex. Y stone-paved- Circulars Addressed and Mailed. AND COLORADO PITTS. GODBE BRANCHES AT PUEBLO BOISE, a, Ji-a- CITY DIRECTORIES, STATE GAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIRECTORIES DOOLY BUILDING SALT LAKE ?ITY Long Distance Bell Telephone 39 OGDEN, L9st We Forget La-fltte- DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. 0 iron-studde- d ivy-hun- , f. lx. POLK & CO. 617-62- g g t Open till p. Examination 1 B ; SPRINGS. Trade and Professional List! Furniahed, STOP KOFF SALE! DR. W. H. GROVES LITTER DAT SAINTS' HOSPITAL. s TRUSTEES: Preston, r. t. Burton, O. P. Miller, F. :S. Richards, Joseph S. : : Richards. B. ALL MODERN 44 IMPROVEMENTS:: FIRE PROOF BUILDING. Medical Director Joseph S. Richards, John Wells, Secretary and Treasurer. Eighth and C Streets I Write for Terms. Suggestions , ! 4 4 A STORE FRONT HOME BARN OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW 4 CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINE? 1 A Few Hot salt Lake City, Utah. Intend to Build? Do You Salt Lake Building & Manufacfur- - m 4 Offloe N. 2nd Weat 8t. fr l-H-- f Company. and Varda, 20 to 40 St. e A e Dr. West WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ALLCLASSES OF DENTAL WORK FOR THIRTY DAYS. ON Through Train Service I I CALL. GET PRICES ANT SEE SAMPLES Iii-rre- orpine 261 Main !tf K. or P. Hall. Tel. 157'J.k. Hours - lo 5. Sundays IU to 12. kulwMThma limS IWIlrtVqwl HKD HAYCOCK LAWYERS Daaerct News Building tw-j-- j OeorM Prunes la ail Mato Mwnl ouavef t aratl (la. at a.e lark Salts ' Mn'laatai ROBINSON. J. E. Abatracter of Title and Conveyancer. Ucsnsed Abstractor o( Dtril Con Sty, NOTARY PUBLIC . OSes np stain, Farmington VAZM1NOTOH, CL VTA AU BK . -. l PACIFIC ri.ii;-rlitor- f |