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Show ; BEYOND STREMCTH RESTORE Williams Pink Pills Aetuall Make New Diood and Good Health Follows. The aril rflVct that follow uiany particularly I lie grip mill tli waatiug fevers, stub a typhoid ami uialariii, are cauw-- I by the but! condition leave the blood. fa which tbeao As a result, the fleh cuiiliiiuo to fall away, the sufferer grow nervoua and irritable, and even kliglil exert ioucaunei short ne of lircat li. These ure danger, and indicate ttuil the on symptom aykteni in in a stute that invites broil-hil- l or even roiikuiiipliiui. What in nmided in a new supply of rich, re i ti carryof health and strength the body. ti " every put down 1 wav all fmin the rim of the Kriii," a tyv Mrs. Aim-li.- i Hull, of No. 5 Hijih Kirect, Norwich and mnld ii' it 0111 t i t streiigih to walk ; could lint e it a full meal, my eloinitrli wan u weik, and 1 was si nervous that I mold n.ir sl.ii. 1 coiild only stuv 111 bad a few m iiinto at ii time, ritlier night nr day. Tut In in:, litll.t thing would in lircutli-iugatn- l itartio me. I let' I diM-ul- ty ha I frequent fainting h(Un, "My g'Uci'al health was (iiihiiletely wracked and 1 had neuralgic mid rheumatic jviTiia, dyapepuu. const ipal ion, and femalu wciikness. M physician me for the grip and ngain for the condition that it loft me in, hut 1 got no atreiiglh from the tonioi he In fai-t- , nothing lieljNil tne autil I tried Ur. William' Pink Pills and they cnrnl nm. I grew stronger and gnined flesh from the time I began taking them. I am satisfied that tlm pills are all that is claimed for them end I shall ilo all I can to make their giKid iiialiiies known." Dr. Williams link Pills enra nervous disorder of cverv kind, check wasting discuses and Iniild up strength. For hsiklet, address the Dr. Williams Ifediuiue Oo., tkihcnectady, N.Y. Dr. din-mm- dini-Mat-- s jmeu-inniii- ap-- Claims Immortality of Beaats. Prof. Howluon of the University of California at Herkeley, Cal., arguea that, alr.i-- Intelllgenre la eternally existent . and alncc animals have intelligence. ergo the beast or the field la Immortal. e 8 Iona Grass Hay Freak Everybody luviv lute and lots of laSdm br bogs, con, sheep and swine. The rnorroou cron of our Northern Grown Pedigree Knits on uur seed farina the mat year iiuniiel us to issue a spa rial catalog uo cnllnl auks' nakoaix sred issue. This is Itriin full of bargain seed at bait gaia prior. ASD TUI KtlTICR TO IUT. ami receive frle suHiiirut sce.I to grow 5 tone of graft on yi.ur lot or fiirm this autniner and our great llaiyaiii Seed Itouk 'With it womlerlul surprises umi greqt bargnitu in need at lmrpin prices. Uemit 4c and wo add a package of Cua-n- the iiiuki beautiful annual flower. Jobs A. Falser Heed Co., er V., 1st Cnii.se. Yi. A Inks C raw- WON WAGER BY BAITING VICTIM. After Much Provocation Conductor Was Caught Napping. Some time In the seventies a party of friends en route to Huston from Portland on the Honton ft Maine railroad,, with Puymin Tucker as conductor, batched up a plot, and made a wager of a quart bottle of wine that Tueker couldn't be caught napping. Ona of the party said that ho would taka the ' bet. He separated front the others, and, a the conductor came along, asked what station they were then passing, and on receiving the reply he answered, "That's what I thought." This act waa repeated several times, and finally "Conductor Payson" became Do you very indignant, and said: take ire for a J fool? "That's what I thought," replied the other, who now owned a quart of the finest wine. Boston Herald. 1 Dull Osya on the Willamette, lirlak new and chances for scrappy comment are on the bum. TVon't soma fashionable lady or gentleman please scandalize hi na if or himself or some holler ihan lhou crank stick bla nose Into someone else business and help to while dull time away lu Portland? Lighten the gloom, somebody. IkR'sn't anybody feel like running away from hla wife or taking a mint Julep after 3 o'clock in the niortv lng or smoking a cigarette or tome thing moderately debauching? We're getting too good and the huh I shining too serenely on the hanks of tha willowy Willamette. Portland Oregonian. THE EDITOR. How to Keep Up Mental and Phyaical Vigor. A New Jersey editor writes: A long Indulgence In Improper food brought on a condition or nervous three year ago, so dyspepsia, severe that I Imd to quit work, entirely. 1 put myself on a strict regimen of Grape Nut fond. with plenty of outdoor exercise umi in u uiuuth found my stoui.-i-far restored that the process of (ilcesHiui gave me of diMro. pleasure lni-a"It also built up my Mrc'.tK'.h so Hint I was able to my Imsiiie. which Is oni'MiiM. n I not only edit my .paper hut slo tio a great deal of Vnitslde' writing. I find that the Grape-Nu- t diet me to write w'iiii greater vigor than ever before, snd without the feeling of brain tag with whirh f used to be troubled. As to bodily vigor I can and do walk mile every day without fatigue a few squares used to weary me before I began to live on Grape-Nuts!- " Name given by Poslum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason.' Read the little In book, "The Road to WellvIHe," Explains (i-- en-abl- pkgC. KEN OF LITTLE CHILD. Habit-formi- SWINGING Medicines ng Whatever may be th fact as to many Advent of Black Angel Had No Sigof Win patent medicines connificance for Him. taining Injurious iiurrediouts as broadly Mrs. Daah la young, hundsome ami published In sums iumul of bhuu or Influence, this publicity hss eertsiuly worldly. Morning, main and night she msb been of great Interest lu arousing needed , It for fresh and eager appear attention to this subject. It Las, in for no one love life more than eonsidenible measure, resulted In tii most intelligent people avoiding such she does. foods and medicines as may be fairly ouwho nce tod of ooutaluiug tha Injurious lng roShe has a small son 3 years old il louts complained of. Recognising this eeras to rarry round wlih hlin a soul soma time ago, lir. Pierce, of buffalo, at least 3, Onf) years old. lfe Is a ro- fact N. Y., "took time by Ilia forelock," as it alware, aud published broadcast all tha mantic, highly geared little chap, Ingredients of which his popular medthough sturdy and cherubic to the eye. icines are composed. Thus h hss comg mere baby, and bis parent have hud pletely forestalled all harping critics and the good sense to let him unfold from all oiipuKitiou that might otherwise he wlildn under the guidance of an old urged against his medicines, because tlu-are now or aaowg conidmtion. Furworld nursery governess. thermore, from the formula printed uo are The little lad' fancies quaint every buttle wrupiwr, it will bo seen that t these medicine contain no alcohol or snd fantastic slid the duy ure g other drug. Neither do short for Id illumination to get Its they contain any narcotics or injurion his is lie ailli work In. Indeed, agents, their iugmdii-iitbeing purely from extracted the routs of pony, hi small pets, his old nurse nnd vegetable, iDuiiiriual plants found growing lu the Ms outdoor anil Indoor play. depth of our American forests aud of i his lovely mamma was well recognized curative virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even In small stricken wiih a serious Illness. The portions long continued, as in obstinate telephone laugled all day with the in- casus of diseases, becomes highly objecquiries of friends, servants with sol tionable from its tonduucy to produce a fur stimulant, Dr. Pierce einn faces moved about, noiseless craving chemically pure, trained nurses tame nnd went, doeiirs glycerine, which of itself la a valuuhle little and urrivid in swift motors remedy in many caw' of chroulc diseases, a superior demulcent, antiseptic, Chappie" was much Impressed with being anlifennont and supporting nutritive. sick of first his duugerotis knowledge It enbauces the curutivfl action of the ness. Seal root, fctouo root, Black In a fortnight he was summoned to Cherrybaric aud Hloodroot, ooutalned lai, "Golden Medical Discovery." tu all the sickroom to see hla mamma, who throat and lung affei'iloal gttgudud waa beginning to feel the real glow with severe cough. As will be seen fhml the writings of the eminent Dr. Grover of convalescence. Coe, of New York; Burtholow, of Jctlor- There was Ills mother sure enough son (ledical College, Phila. ; Scuddcr, of of lying palely lieamlng under a canopy Cincinnati; EUlIngwood, Chicago: of snowy laces against the embrold Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand in their several schools of ered pillows around which swept the as loadersthe foregoing agents are ttu practice, very silken coverlid. bet ingredients that Dr. Pierce wry Good morning, nty baby hoy, with oouul have chosen to make up hia famous "Discovery" for the cure of not IVhat hns my blessed been a hug. ouly bronchial, throat and lung affix doing while his mother was sick? thins, but also of catarrh in all What has ho dune with all the beau its various forms wherever located. tlful flowers that came?" Parses Christening Ceremony. Lifting his head proudly and dimpA grandchild of Sir Dunahan Petit, ling with pleasure, said he: Tve been keeping the flqwera fresh who lives In Bombay, India, recently waa invested with the Sudrah Kustl, to put on your grave, dear mother." which la the Parsee form of christenChicago Chronicle. ing. This ceremony Is one of the moat Interesting rltea of the Orient, Fault of Our Civilisation. and constate of placing upon the child Ws.cn a man sees a woman stum Iding along with a hug that Is twine the aiidrah, a shirt believed to protoo heavy for her, wearily shifting It tect the Imdy from harm, and tha tyfrom right to left and trying In vain to ing on of the kimtl, a thread girdle, which la supposed to keep the soul hold up her aklrta with her ellmwa, hi from evil. 111 muscles at natural desire Is to pul her.servlee. It will be play for him to BABYS TORTURING HUMOR. swing that bag upon a car. while to her It Is u real dlfllciilty. if They Would Drop Yet he knows hla offer would be po- Ears Looked as Off Face Mass of Sorea Cured litely refused. Her fare may express by Cuticura in Two Weeks sentences varying from I am sorry, for 75c. Imt It wouldn't he proper" to Mind I feel It my duty to parents of jour own buslnc," hut No. thank other poor suffering babies to tell you, would be the Inevitable reply. And all the time she would like you what Cuticura has done for my She broke out all little nothing heller than to accept hla help. over duughter. with a her body humor, and we Hut she has heard warning laic all used but recommended, everything her Ilfs hmg. almut the annoyances, 1 ealled in three docthe confusion and the terror strange without results. Till claimed they could help men can Inflict on lmprudeut won;cu, tors, they she continued to grow worse. but her, nd sho la afraid to trust appearances waa a mass of sores, and nr accent -- or any of Ihe evidences of Her body her little face was being eaten away; hla caste and quality. her ears looked as If they would drop And probably she la wise. The devil off. Neighbors advised me to get is clever at masquerade, and it Is easCuticura Soap and Ointment, and ier to keep out of trouble tliiin to get before 1 had used half of the cake out of lt. Yet what a long way we of Soap and box of Ointment the have gone from the original creation sores had all healed, and niy little If One human being cannot put his one's face and body were as clear hands out to help another without an as a new-lior- n babe's. I would not Maude be without It introduction or a chaperon. If it cost five again Muller" In Chicago Journal. cents instead of seventy-fiv- e , 701 Colburn Mrs. George J. Romance and Reality. SU Akron, Ohio." The young man had pulled the young woman up the hill on the toKnew All About It. boggan. and was amazed to find her "Whnt do you understand by a catmoodily silent when they reached the aract?" the new teacher of Number top. Two asked Willy Straw. The answer "What la wrong?" he asked. came promptly; fa the fire InJIne If you had nny romance about you, down at Ualeville he said In you would have inken advantage of breathless haste toCorners," the ocrasloii and the opportunity to edge. But it leaks Impart hla ItknowlIsn't some, and aay that you would be happy to pull half so good looking as the Torrent, me up the hill of life forever nnd either. You just wait till parade day ever," she sighed. and you'll see. teacher! Youths -"Hut. I Imt. -" "Hut last Mummer when wo were Companion. hnuliug you said yon eoulil think of Important to Mothers. i brighter future than to drift toXzzmliM carrfiillj crriy bottle of CASTOltIA, gether aihiwn the sires in of life." a zofs and sars remedy far infanta and children, I know, dour: hut when a mini and are that It pull l.Mi onnd of a girl up a half-milhill he hasn't enough breath left to say wliat he thinks. Drifting In a boat gives him more breath, und la Dm For fiver 30 Tram. Tha kind Yoa Uava Always Bought, more time u think, and leas laborious work for hi arm." Chicago TriLondon Gas Companies. bune. The population within the London postal district Is supplied with gas Singer of Ono Song. was and illad- - no mote but by eleven rompanlo. and among them lie ang.-onthat: they aupply 43.897.ti99.000 cubic feet timilc si hr anil cnrelewdy compete. Of gas 945.177 consumers. siti.l thresh liltr rliunes. lie would not grown wheat. Nor bring hla wild fruit to the common Ever Hear of "Scotty and His Ride? vat. To store thn nelil rinsings, thin nnd flat. la this: WalThe atory, told, briefly from the press or trodden under ter Scott, tbe Death Valley gold miner, feet. A few slew liesds, I'lond red and honey made the trip from Lew Angeles to sweet. Chicago last summer on a special whb-Oozed from the ru-hinsl nnd train over the "Santa Fe" in leas than spilled Its fut. 45 hours. That whirlwind train coat Hut Time, who soonest dioi the lio.it lest him more than fti.noo. It waa the tiling fastest long distance run over mounThat weight his pack, will rnrrjr diamond tains and plain ever made on any long. go through the poets" orchestra, whirh American railway. It demonstrated w i uvea beyond dispute that the Santa Fe Giio miwio from a tliousnnd stop, and track, equipment ami employees are of ationg. the dependable Sand. Probably you Tlerecs the not of that hnnmrt-i- l song: wouldn't care to rifle mi fast You preHigh uer all the lonely bugle grtevez." fer the luxury of our three trains from Ileniy Augustin Herr 1'tah and 'Colorado to Everywhere Mast and Southwest. Parisian Politeness. Ask me for ticket rates and liters There I a thin riuiiing of lee on Ihe tuia. Iinrst's slip and stumble, pavement. C. F. WARREN. aud om of them fall, liul Is not hurl. S K 0. A T It Is so slipper) that her efforts to 411 Dooly Block, Salt laike City, Rj Utah. lf ure in vain. raise lierst The coachman lakes off his triple-capt-Vegetarian Ban on Leather. coat with a chivalrous air nml London hns vegetarians who go to the extreme of refusing tu wear shoes with a gesture a la Ilah'lgh he spread It before the feet of the poor beast, that have the "animal taint" of leathThen be takes off his leathern rap. er. They wear shoes made of rubber, show 4 hla Jolly red fare, upd with a canvas and "bright American cloth." low bow, addresses the animal: "Mad HOJTT miMlCT am. will you do me the honor?" A lair Suz. pti'ki'.v llnl i'nw Hill Ilia, only And "Madame" rises with dlfileulty, I cvnu. Tim liuw fomi-auy- . Kwia lad and the two, supporting earh other, go Mexican Cotton Pest. off amid Hip cheer and applause of Conchuella Is the name of a Mexithe dellchted crowd. Paris Letter to can cotton pent which. It Is feared, the London Puflor' may spread to Texas. gay-ety- hahit-furinin- a Rct-onil- triplu-refluo- d brou-chia- ,lol-lar- Sti-ese- e Record-Breakin- d g ROCK FIRMLY FIXED, South American Natural Wonder Defied Dictator of Argentine. One of the strangest of natural wonders of South America, la the swinging rock of Tandll (Im pledra bovediza), says tha Philadelphia Rec ord. The atone Ilea about half an hour's walk from the city of Tandll, province of Buenoi Ayres, Argentine Republic, upon the blghent summit of a little rocky ridge. When seen from the ravine It has the form of a giant pyramid, while from another view It an enormous cone. It Is twenty-onfeet lung and twenty-eigh- t feet high, and lta weight la Judged to be about 12,500 hundredweight, or about 1127 tons. From the distance the stone presents a peculiar aspect. It la so highly pulsed on the rocky slope that it seem as if we were watching a atone roll down the hill and resting for n Kotxind upon a very small base. Hut when we approach this swinging rock we are astonished by a new wonder. We can set the atone in motion h merely pushing It with the hand. Very often the traveler la even the trouble of pushing iqinn-the atone, as the wind will cause it to awing. Karly in the nineteenth century the Argentine Republic waa ruled by the dictator Rosa with unparalleled cruel To years. tjr for about twenty-fivshow hla supreme power tbe tyrant ordered that tbe stone he encircled with ropes and msny horses to be harnessed to these ropes but the stone could not be moved one Inch from its resting place. rem-mhle- a e e In Old New York. It is the custom of the New York pa tiers to sneer at the unsophisticated doing of the people in other parts of the country. Apparently, however. Judging from the revelations made in the evidence of Col. Mann In the libel case now on trial, many of the most prominent and wealthy men of the metropolis were the easiest kinds of easy marks for parties who merely proKied to write them np favorably or unfavorably, according an they paid out their cash, generously or not. It la marvelous to read how easy It was to get large auma of money ostensibly as loans or in return for certificates of stock whose value bore no proper proport km to tbe money paid out. That the traders of New York xoclr-tshould huve been held up In this way argues ill for their common sense, and at the same time shows the total lack of real value to the utterances of the society journal. Pittsburg Post. , y Quoted to a Purpose. The private secretary of the eminent statesman dropped a polite note to the railway magnate, suggesting that the eminent statesman would he pleased to be favored with an annual pans. Hut the railway magnate, having formulated a new policy and also having some wit, returned the application with a printed slip containing the texts: "Suffer not a man to pass." and So he paid the fare and went." "1 guess that will hold him, chuckled the railway magnate. But the private secretary of the eminent statesman approached a railway magnate who operated a parallel line, and soon was able to drop a brief note to the first magnate. The brief note eonslsted of the simple text: And he panned by on the other aide. Too Cheap. An Omaha man who claim he can live on nine cents a duy haa received hundreds of letters from women who want to marry him. This seems to prove the statement that there are a great many women in this country who would he glad to marry If they could afford to support a husband. Many of these women presumably earn almost enough to warrant them in securing one of these luxuries, upd a man who can he fed for t!3 rents a week, or something like $2.50 a month, strongly appeal In them. a duy man At the Htiine time a seems to lie too much of a bargain to be really attractive to the careful purchaser. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sacrifice Imperative. It was her first proposal, and, al- though aomewhat rattled, she remembered the proprieties. You' would give up everything for me?" ahe asked. He answered her that he would. "Even smoking?" "I couldn't do ihnt.'' "Sir! No; for I never smoked." Then he had to promise to learn to smoke so as to have Mimerhlug to sacrifice. And In the heart of each tha joy bells rang Philadelphia ledger. Everything Worn. "And you still delay the wedding," sighed the beautiful girl. "My heart la worn out." "Is that all?" demanded the suitor who was un advocate of procrastination. No, the carpet la worn out. the parlor sofa Is worn out, ma'a hopes are worn out and pa's patience Is worn om. The suiter whistled. Well, by gum!" he retaliated. My ahoes are worn out coming here every two or three nights." Haakon and the Hawkinses. You pronotiuee the double "aa" In Haakon like "aw" In "awful" and the The two "lat" In Olaf as "luugh." name fall on the onr aa "Hawkln" The numerous Hawand kinses are descended from marauding crows of Northmen who flew on their flat bottomed boats not the raven but tha hawk flag. Ixindon Truth. j HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. SHOULD A HORSE CUPPED? BE CLIPPING IN THE EARLY SPRING RECOMMENDED BY LEADING VETERINARIANS. All Thinking Men Readily Recognize Its Advantages. A horse Is a valuable asset, and lble. should receive tbe best care He should be well fed, comfortably stabled, carefully groomed and clipped In the early spring. If he receives these attention he will work well and improve in value. A horse lives under artificial conditions. In hla wild Ktate be required none of these attentions, for he was able to look out for himself. The domesticated animal, being worked under conditions thar are In theno'i-lvartificial, must be kept in condition for such work. The clipping of a horse In the early spring la now conceded by all the leading veterinarians to lie aa essential to a horse's well being as shoeing him or giving him a comfortable bed to lie on. Farmers la England and France bnve beep flipping their horses for many years, gad American farmers are pot alow to realize Its A clipped horse dries advantage. out rapjdly after a har4 day's work, find Will rest comfortably and bfl refreshed for the work the following day. Ad unclipped horse is liable to catch the heaves, pneumonia and all aorta of colds, rheumatism, etc. More especially Is this 0 In the parly spring, when his hair Is long and ha Is soft" If worked hard he will perspire freely nnd the moisture will be held by bis long hair, and the food that should go to nourish him will be used to replenish tbe heat that la being constantly taken from hla body cold wet hair. If by tbe maaa clipped, the perspiration will evaporate almost as soon as secreted, and when put in the stable be rests comfortably and his food does him good. Some years ago a Buffalo street car company tested tbe value of clipping in the following manner: They owned 500 horses, aud 250 of these were clipped early In the spring and 250 were not clipped. A careful record was kept of results, and It was found that of the 250 undipped horses 153 wpre afflicted with coughs and pneumonia, while of the 250 clipped not one case of sickness was reported. A man would not expect to enjoy very good health If he did hard manual work clothed with heavy underwear, a heavy suit and a fur overcoat, and after perspiring freely, as he naturally would, go to Bleep without removing same. It is just as rldtcu-lou- a to expert a horse to be in perfect hedlth if worked under tbe same conditions. If you would get tbe best returns from your Investment In your horse, treat him right, nnd be aura and dip him In the early spring A first-clas- s g machine can be bought at almost any hardware store for less than $7.00. Horse Review, Dec. Cth, 1905. e J Thousands of Soldiora Contracted Chronic Kidney Trouble While In the Service. The experience of Cspt. John I Ely, of Co. E, 17th Ohio, now living at 500 East Second street. Newton, Kansas, will Interest the thousands of veteran who came back from the Civil War suffering tortures with kidney comCapt. Ely plaint. I contracted gays: kidney trouble during tbe civil war, snd the occasional attack finally developed Into a chronic case. At one time I had to use a crutch and cane to get about. My back wus lame and weak, and besides the aching, there was a distrerslng retention of the kidney secretion. I was In a 1:i1 way wl:i'ii 1 hepau using Doan's Kidney Fills lu 19ul, blit the remedy cured me and 1 have been well ever since." Bold by all dealers. 50 cent a box. Foster-Milluir- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. n EVOLUTION. MERE MATTER OF tepg From Kitchen Tsblo ' to Hall Mirror. Mrs. Cfmpton looked at her patient but bewildered husband with an fuper)prlty. . prexalon of "Dear me, Ge&rge, she paid, cneefful-ly- , I dont see tbe use of my trying to explain 0 you, but I'm perfectly willing to do it, of course. "I did intend, as you gaL to buy a kltdboa table, abd I came uome with a ball mirror. But Jt wa an absolutely natural change. , "First I looked at kitchen Jablei. Then the clerk called my attenffpn to the kitchen cabinets, with draaters and everything. Then I said how mucr they looked like bureaus, except that they had no glass. Then be showed, me one with s glass, and then he aald he had such a pretty bureau, If 1 cared to look at It. "So I looked at that, and it was pretty, but the glass was rather small. So then he showed me a dressing esse wlih a nice glass mirror, snd I said what nice glass It was. And then he said, 'If you want to see s fise piece of glass, let me show you one of our new hall mirrors.' And of course, George, you can understand that when I saw that beautiful mirror I had to have it; and you know yon don't like me to run up bills in new places, and 1 hadnt enough to buy a kitchen table, too, so now Isn't It clear?" Youth's Companion. Successive tv good-uatpre- d . . horse-clippin- Buttons Long Worn. While buttons were known as far back as the time of Edward I. of England. It was not until the reign of Elizabeth that they came Into general use In the civilized world. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION, sa thrv cannot reach 11m wot of thadUeiuia. I'xlurib luabluud orenartt-tutlmidlM'OH. and In ordrr lorara It ynu mast taka Internal mnedlra. Hali'a Catarrh Cure la taken Inaria dlm-tlin Ilia bluodand nunour ternally, and aurfocea. Hali'a Caurrb Cure la nd n quark lnedt etne. Itwatpreacrlhrdlijrouaaflbebaatphralrlani In (hla cuunirjr fur yean nnd la n regular prescription. It la romixeed u( Iba beat tnnlra known, rumblned with the beat blood purl ter, acting directly on tbe mncuua mrferee. Tbe perfect eumblnallun of the two tnxradlrnu to what pmducaa anrh wonderful i ulu la curing catarrh, send f"r teailinonlnla. free. it.i. CIIKKKT A CO., Pnipa., Toledo, SoM by Drugglato. prfre The. Taka Hali'a Family Pllla fur eonitipetloa. If you will write mm aboat yoar aeed ia tbs Jewelry or Silverware Use, wo will be glad to give yoa tbe latest iaformatioa a to style sad qaote lowest prices for reliable good. To a Police Court Note. Here is another gem from that prolific mine, the police court: I rlsoner used such strong language," said s constable, "that I was obliged to get the assistance of another officer to take him Into custody." London Telegraph. raw Tnte Salt Lake City. Vtoh. fahof Red ('rose Ball Blue. Large parkin cent. The Kuo Company. South Bend, Ind. Capital and Labor, Employers of labor are apt to over look the farl that no favor whatsoever is conferred upon a man by employing him: that. If anything, tbe boot Is on the other leg, and the roan who barters brain or muscle in return for a proiwrtinn only of what It brings o bis employer Is the party in the a confers favor. really Surveyor and Municipal and County Engineer. CURES soc. and SI .OO.I Swine Disease iHog Cholera j Dr. flood for Circular with Diraethma. EJUIL L SLDAR, CISAIVasy tt.AntM.Hiu. I trana-actlon.wh- HOLD UP! and consider Write for a Sample Package of Garfield TVs, the mild laxative which cure constipation, sick headache aud derangements of liver, kidneys, stomach snd bowels. Garfield Tern Is made wholly of herbs. Address Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Scud name of yuur ruggist. Japanese Painting Exhibit San Francisco Is tu have the first exhibit of Japanese paintings ever held out aide of Japan, it believes. Then will be no prims, been use the Japanese say prints are not art, but artisanshlp. Hut There will be 150 sitccimens of painting in water color or siimt ia black medium 1. on paper, some of them dating back 1,200 years. V Mr. XV lualowa Soothing Syrup. Fnrrhl'itm trrlhlca. MfirMIhegum, nuticm to SaouuaOuu.Oilqiapaiu.cunMwludculUi. jacalwui. lindon motor bus drlxers who avoid accidents for a week receive n bonus. They are fined for iicciilenta. nr woniM, Good Solicitor Wanted- ,irvrry H laws HKU"I siNfi'R. m Ibt Cnlld Mr. 4tm (bums, Mtinct, Iowa POMMEL fish ndSLICKEH un ALL WATERFROOf I CLOTHING. IfiMdf of fhe best low 1 SOifttFR o L wtjxfctrtl JTICRTOTHE rr-- N inJ |