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Show advocaicd and even strongly insisted upon by the best educational he the should Wliut thought. PARENTS SHOULD SUPPORT TEACHERS. From 5 te 12 Per Cent. Earnings on Deposits. Co. Porter-Walto- n Wholeeule and Retail teacher's guide The highest edu-- j caiioual thought, or the whims and H. W. XOritee Pointed Article notions of a few parents Such parents are doing great in- -; a,Trold rom AeKjpt Farmington. Justice nut only to the teachers, hut Office and Warehouses to the school aud to tho community. Jo. 3 rd West St. I)r( (j. Stanley II til, in tin course material, flip colon of which f schools hava a hard SEED DEPARTMENT Farmingtons his lectures here during tinyou. Again, the parent liinl name in this regard. Let's make it 39 . 3rd South Street. day s, made the statement that mhiic lint ten: off as if it were a will and it school Both Ilioiies S05 fledgling, hcttcr. Help the Salt l.xkeCitv. of our liodt literature had it.-origin itirpocly to have yon run after it, help you. H. W. SOl'I.i:. in clang expressions. Under eer- - in the hope of catching it ; hut. after tain eircii ustaueet, he rather justified it ha iiiceeeded in C. 2. L. lino Grip Quickly Knocked Out misdirecting von, tftUr, Mgr. the e of slang because of its in. 'it "Some weeks ago during the severe briskly and happily flies away, hureut peculiar fitness. I conclude leaving you io philosophize upon winter weather both uiv wife and myself which speedily from this that as language is lint the e contracted severe colds a god-tilAnd what deception. kind of la worst into the developed clouk of our thoughts that some send all this is! Otherwise many with ;ill its miserable syniptons. gripie Pure Ice Creum. Sherbets, Water of tlie greatest truths are clothed iniim-eubird- - would lie killed, which savs Mi . S. n- nl Maple Land'iig Fr. Ices. Puuches .'.hugs in lioiiii'l) and slang expressions. li upon worms and insects Hint iOWil. " K tiers all juinlaucllillg, muscle PmHCY BRICKS For instance, it is common to frciUcntly injure, if not destroy our sore, head Mopped up, eyes and nose run' jelory and Office hear the remark, especially when fruits and vegetables. The vow ning, with uheriiiile spells of chills and Richards St. lever. We began using Chamlarrlaiii'a 26 mothers are relating the numerous when fearing danger secretes her S01H PHONCS 3L?3 Cough Reined v, aiding tb name with ae- aud babes various good iualitics of their or alf away; double dose of Cl'.iuiberlain's Stomach ULTIMO CITY, - UTAH their little li(umieT or .Jimmie's qualic animals lead you to believe ami Liver Tablets, and by tbi- - liberal use little sister, Sarah : 0 yes, every that bv merely thrusting your hand soon cumplelly knocked out tbe grip. coon thinks his is the blackest.' in the water, you could catch them, Farmington Co op, Cculerville II. J, ShellieUl. Now this, in the first place, ia nat- hut, upon trying it. their whereural, and, ut the same time, is ab- abouts is obscured by a eloud of AND IJon 't get your feet wet aud catcb cold solutely necessary. What a world ntuddv water left behind them. And Buy a pair of rubliers and save a doctor's this would be if mothers left their so it is with animal kind, (iod has bill. L. It. Oviatt. children to the protection and char- made it so in order that each might C a LES iCreOLDT.Prop. Established 1881. ity of others. Those who are so preserve its life and perpetuate its I J.VES: Independent IS unfortunate, I believe, rcccivu more specie. Bell 1981 scusations of cold than of warmth, I do not even exclude the human 19 BAST THIRD SOUTH STREET even though we lire in an age WATCHMAKER family from this natural law of deprofessed Christianity. The public ception. We have deceuded from a Watchea, Clocks, and Jewelry SALT LAKE CITY UTAH baud of charity never has aud never race who even obtained their food, Repaired and Warranted. can take the place of a mother's love Prices Lowest. shelter, and clothing ly stealth and and guidance the was and craft; pillage plunder 150 V. South Temple Street But this virtue like all others can common modp of life. The cravings I'TAH he diverted from its true channel. of mail's nature wen1 satisfied by SALT I.AKX CITY There is much da.gcr of overdoing hr lie physical force, deception anil a good thing. For example, a wrong. looking at (Ids que-tinecessarv amount of food is abso- - from a common sense Fair Dealing and point of view lutcly indispcnsible for the growth then, as well a mi a true modern Goods aud maintenance of the body, hut .j,1ltilil. ail,i philosophical sense too much is not only dangerous 1til Wl. not a,.c,.pl tll1 OIlly logicnl o Tell tbe reason for our Holiday It takes so but proves ruinous. f iradv. We arc too busy to say the raw toilav - tb that . ' much in this issue. We have the fik'l to propel a Hiup aero and MUiiiiiation of t!iliuost and line of Kolak an:! inerss in llie city. Only ex- the ocean in a certain length of time; I'pi,;,, being so. do w- - n..t Hu n Photo supply business in , you double the amount of fuel, and iprit Uie varioo, -- rj .be City. you may get twice the amount of BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Salt Lake City Wholesale and Retaal 21 K Third So., speed ; but, if you trebblc it, you J limy choke out the lire entirely aud come to a standstill. Thus it is One peck of sir lor matches for 25c with all things! There is such A real hargdn. L. II. Oviatt. thing as a wise stopping place; Bread," did you sav? Ohyes! Gel even virtue is subject do judicious some for dinner at Oviatt. y or (injudicious application ; it is a common falacy that the administration of good always results in good ; up to a certain point, it is all right, but if you pass beyond it. often the utter auuihilatioii is of the good already result, not omy accomplished, hut the possibility of the future also. Everything, I repeat, may be put cither to a fair or a foul use a firearm in tie hainls of a man may prove a curse or a enblessing to him. It depends tirely upon the use lie makes of it. Now I contend, regardless of how strange aud awful it may appear to you, that a brothers love aud A positive and permanent cure implicit confidence in a child very for Drunkenness slid the Opium. often works an injury. These are There is no publicity, no sickvirtues tis true, but, at the same ness. Ladies treated as privately the as at their own homes. All cortime, they are mere tools in hands of the mother; and, if used respondence strictly condliential. Address, Lock Box 480, or THE and well but, all good, judiciously, KEELY INSTITUTE. 334 W. if not, the result is most hazardous. South Temple, Salt Lake City.U I have acquainted myself with rarW a Mu Tm MM b Ml several iustauc cs of this character, this school term. Tho cases to which 1 refer hsve proved beyond doubt the position 1 am taking. Some mothers honestly blinded by their love and confidence in their deluded been have children, child knows The their deception. by or weak strong points the mothers just as you please to put it and appeals to them in order to gratifv his wants and desires, llis little soul cries out in obedience to various want impulses, and, if lie cannot enjoy his hearts cravings A Perfect Skin Food For means, he often resorts to foul ' ones. Dainty Ladies see I cannot just why wc Now There are something like 1000 Face should deem it such a deplorable Cream sold in Davis county. A LA ROE someNUMBER ARE WORTHLESS. A FEW thing to own that our children I DANGEROUS. SOME GOOD, SOME times are guilty of deception. BETTER, AND ONLY ONE BEST THAT IS MOSS ROSE" TOILET certainly do nut view it in this light CREAM. IT ISGUARANTKI) to auit is better nature animal deception, cunimiiiiity. why, til you, OR BACK COMILS YOUR MONEY. or Some of arsoriiile uiv teachers have TRYTojU'YANY OTHER ON TIMS Have von not in your boyhood FLAN AND HEAR THE EXCUSES birds liccu woefully misrepresented by limiting gone days giilhood MADE. and returned without any? 011s pupils, and parents havorryi-YoIt will N iT make ,fus" cm the face it is not gummy, nor yet watery conn have looked at many too and tinned H upon the fallacy of no mineral or acid, and WILL Cod iug only one side ol the story, and tains none. Why? Because KEEP THE SKIN SOFT AND WHITE. It is prepared by THE FLOWERS in his wisdom Implanted within the before the children, at that. They TOILET CITY, UTAH, have talked about uud opposed both A HOMECO. SALT LAKE life of birds deceptive instincts; mid, PRODUCT, and mid at 23c a bottle use of subjects taught aud method of by by the careful yet natural J. I). WOOD, nest of teaching, I10II1 of which today arn builds its bird the these, FARMINGTON, UTAH. ACCORDING TO THE TIME THE MONEY IS INVESTED. : principal Soule a Aid F Parent, of . ; i - SEEDT WITH THU PEOPLES MONEY, we build homes for the people , to be paid in easy monthly installments, the same as paying reel. The plan is Write or call on Safe, Equitable, and Profitable for Inveator, ami Borrower. ua for further information. It will pay you to do so. 9--- IJ de-o- B. 1 1. Roberts, Presideut; 1). J. Williams, Vice President and Manager; N. V. Jones, General Attorney; Joseph Nelson, Treasurer; Glenn R. Waterman, Traveling Agent. hull-jcei- i 1 j & INVESTMENT COMPANY. UNION SAVIN6S j 201 6 Conatitutlon Building A Salt Lakn City, Utah. u-- Keeley Ice J Cream j Co. t . if COMPLETE STOCK OF i Hgli-Ktoi- MILLINERY I f COINC AT HALF Co-o- PRICE! WOMENS Vienna Bakery CO-O- P 29 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET HALT LAKE CITY.l . CARE Tty This d. BROADBEfiT ffcute East ; , . (In your next trip Kant ticket read via the . - lx-s- j t i excess fare. Tickets of Fm min-Io,.-- O. St, Paul Two trains daily) to Clileagc Ogden to Another Chicago or Denver to. Chicago, good route to tho Hast is via Kansas (,ity and tin famous Soutowest Limited. No j j & pailuiay f : to hive your Ghieago, Milwaukee mi Up-to-D- ak all agents, or ol C. S. WILLIAMS, COMMERCIAL 0. BANKS &Co. AGENT, 106 Waat Second South Street, Salt Lake City. 1 3tn 3C The Verdict of the PEOPLE decides esiery issue . The PEOPLE hat)e placed the stamp on the Drunkenceu8rld. of ss P'REFETLEiCE A J! Roeky CDountain Bell Telephone L50 a Month Witt Keep you in ToucMWith r THE CUORLiD vari-nest- s, u bear-see- j GEf T if you As 'BELLI -- j j I I 0 |