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Show TROUPE SCORE RICH. LOCAL Dramatic Farmington Chance to Save A Company Prevent "Uncle Rube" to a Crowded House. I.a-- In In-- ' a 1)' A can. 25c A Colter : better giade than Arhiickle I" JSc lamt Wi li li lanU lieu- - this winter, ami niiifli ab ne the average " bn al pint. The irufffil' ueii: given In Mr. Ciiuilc llarkdall elm leaves lor a litiisiiui next iii"iilli. iillilieilff greeted till' A large a- the i iirla'm rose, ami or One I Star lilealers, l.i rent 'Iliree lbs. loose Ifainiiis. fur h ij Hit play fretjiifiil. heretofore from any was different presented by till' local troupe. Iitnl ami brutish kiiin. Iiomli-sbi'll- s, rilliiins uwe barrwl. ami in llieir real lift.1 ivaa put plai'es a portion an easy task, m tin: iiiiui who is affected with a complication ofj disease that seema very srriuns At last! j reporta hr was some bettei . ENGINEERS WORKING. tae Ku-- ! giucers are staking off the lineal Huunt- - i iful for the electric light poles and iudi-- j cation are that the electric light for; this district are assured. ' ! Iur I. age Malt Itreaklaist food. - 10c H. OVIATT, - - - - 25 C .j. j X j .j. DAVIS COUNTY DELEGATION- nne uiidoMuinl-ilillienl- ' i '.&. . - ' J, - 'w linmlrril M'vrral - W. i'OS k good eye-riiete- i "r-- 1 that way. ii flow i! I ''-.- Ahlailt had the plai in should therefore he given liiiinl. ami I nele j liie red it fur gimil wo k. linin' was interpreted Hilli uVill hv Mr. Ahlmlt. as lieaeon Smailei The rule is dillh'iill. sun, wa lir-- l elans ; ! the Fred Abbfitl as tin- dinle was a ".lor. dandy''. Lillian lless as Ike ilid W. W. l!oeas i err well, indeed. n Hi" house, j dmi i.uit Green hruiight .1. W. Steed. .Ir. also 1 Mil. Hess ami lliotn did good work. The ladies of the east were liomi Samlers asTaggsuas very good ; I.eoii lingers must lie given ereilit for her ideal old maid, t Ami last but Mrs. Maria I'.inm. Iva-- t, tae Milieeul as Maggie sired et. al. who accompanied l the Neplii on Wednesday Miinli 7 tli, ami made Davis emiuiy fanioii hy their ailvucatiug tin ! our ideal I'oiiuty. From left to rigid : Hr. u unlit ful .1. II. Bar l IVtcr Itarbni. .1. K. Gailoy. .loliii . Kaysville; Itni Ion. li. M. 1! line-- . Mix. .loliii Dwelt. I. I. Felt. Henry loliii Dwen, F.rni'.-- t F It. Mr- -. Jen Young, llrriim Stewart. and Mr. Iejl Young. I i Mr. .led - was al-- "I views good. o ' linin'. m-l- e - Sow oil sale at Kaysville Co-o- of KayHiillcitrH, ix the "Innieli M. & M. 'lift Aciiinintcd'' ex iirsiou j . Other Things Too, in-cl- s!abb-iie- ) I d. BROADBENT Co. c $'i'vv ibNi. i & MTe. Coml. Farmineton i For I Big Crop PLANT Mr. Ju.iiimic E. Taylor and Mias Loreua Ron. removed from Kiysviilc and u their home in San Lake lieu Uo-vil- le re i.icucj has been aki-- li Mi. and Mrs I.. I at) ton. who lave leased their farm aud will live in town. GAVE A. PARTY. the Relief gave a party at the home of Mrs. Minn-hetRobins of Kaysville Thursday after-uooin honor of Mrs. Josephine E. Ta i lor whohas for a long lime been a v, i. earnest worker, but hss movei! aw . AWAY", WATCHMAKER I PURITY SEEDS VOGELER'S Clocks, anil Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. Pr'ces Lowest. Watches, i I .si They a: e i'-money can liny. . 4 YOGELER SEED CD., i$o V. South Temple Street .! I : Sill Like City. salt i.akk citv rrAii - ' a-- X V C K EDI Y The j f ABLE KavM-iil- ENTERTAINMI-.Ni- . Asocixiion ITiuisry X it,le ,neeti"J h,w,c j Wednesday ami large audience rewarded the efforts ol the ntlicera in giving such a tboiuugli training to the young folks who furnished the excellent programe. The eutertaiii ment concluded with a well given opera ' "The Gvpney Girl, which' was well per- -' ! - Cru u Item From ha-ndtli-e reairt is current that the city marto compel! New Carpets. or med. County. Special Correspondence From Kaysxtille, Hounttful. Centedille. tHoods Cross, Layton. Hooper, Fouth Weber, Clinton, and J M. Anderson of Ogden, who usually Hummer at Luguuti. and whose parent! live here, was in towu IshI week .Hid ordered the Argus srut to him. A anIten-dD- ii best play . from all points of i lew, ever presented here by a loeal eoiupniiy. tin- Wo Have Bargains In h ex . j. 1 ty aeeurding to the by old residents, expressed uas certainly lv r.illou. This ! These include Tea Kellie, Sauce ml everything for use iu Cooking . 11 in to see them mean a lurchass. il MIR SALE-- At Syrac.ise: h use aud other building, fuy. So, or i ro acrea of laud; th:ee hi-. or write W II Syracuse. MOVED -- : Shirs Work Granite and Tinmare. HI c IN ER Vi: WATER.-T- he water claims u. on the various creeks in Hist ami West Bountiful lnve been vuj acii the Iasi week or luo in laying pipe f the conve.. ance of the water (dong n.. various hr niches of tlie cm k. hy Complete Awmilinent reached zero owing to the previous warm spell. A NEW PRESIDENT. At tbe anual meeting of the Reli f Society of this ward Mr- - M. A, Walker was released as presi dent and Mr Caroline Stoker was called to lilt the p uuiuj. it is In limn' when A live degrees above zero Friday the ibth and moat everybody thought it had 1 ti lieu Mens Dress and til till! COLD. The mercury went Farmington. applau-- c j j .Mr 15 c ineii sH:et ami .luii'y Oranges. NEW ARRIVAL OF A SICK Bok aud Mrs. Clarcuce Willey of Bountiful have a vrry sick buy 05c - two fur ' I FORCED TO RKTIKE.-- Mr. C. L-- j Heywooda health ia ao bad that be ia urn aide to attend to bialiuaincual Bountiful any lunger and hia stock of goods will lx-sold out. 1 1 llumiiei high grade I 'oru. four talent. I be lav lar the bct that ha- - held lb 1 " ' fur rare "f "I (lie local few cent Farming-Ini- i ewe iriii'ii r rendition treat in I cloning Tluir-il- a I thcatrc-goc- A fur the building ia being placed on tbe grouml ainl the erection ia to liegiu at once. y JfocK. in "DatJij I.. Oviatt lias a new 25 cent Iwand he sells for 13c a lb, IT. WTPT ; of coffee which loose. V Largest Stork of Altiadivo and New, Carpet in te the I Mountain region, and it contain thl IBETTIKST Colors and Jatterus you over saw and at Prices so low that it will utonish vnu. UTAH MAH IWJUBEP. shall ha received inslmction the have IN SALT LAKE. -- Misa Martha E in hopes that blight aud worms and all duck raisers to keep their Hock from j other destructive Harms was iu Salt Lake Tuesday. agents will have van Myron W. Phillips of Koyavillo in tho further contiminsting the waters of islied with the long winter. Rio Orando Wreck. VISITS PROVI tie towu ditches. R. Karnes of Hlieeiul I 'oneSpomltm-C- . DOYOrWAKT A CARPET? Mr has returned from a visit to The assessment mils of Farmington Kavsville KAYSVILLE, Mar. 3b. Myron Wi Ellen Baird of Syracuse has just purProi-o- . luve been completed bv the county a who ia reported injured in Colo- Phillips, chased a new loom anil is preireil to do rado railroad disaster, is a sou of Mr. and VISITING RELATIVES. .Mrs. Surali S'iMir.aml it has ireu Ion ml that the carpet weaving. Mrs. Thomas II. Phillips of Kaysville,. It is Stoker of Lamas, Summit, is visiting roierty valution is (6.s.oou. understood that the city will proceed to with relatives in Kaysville. REV. W1S1IARD IN KAYSVILLE. says the Herald. He hss been doing raise money for a complete waterworks was of Wiahanl Salt S. Rev. missionary work in Denver and other' E. take AT HUM li AGAIN. 11. K. l.aw:s the Colorado towns, since October 1903, aud system, plans for which are alreadv in the iu at tlie PresbyKaysville speaker photographer, will open his Kaysville h uni, terian clinrch Sunday at 2:30 and 7:30. it ia presumed though it is not certainly : studio fora few day. known, that lie was on liis way home i VISITING OLD HOME. Mr. and Farmington is making a movement in A GRAND BALI,.-- On evenwhen the accident occurred. The first Thursday llic diicction ol orgauiiug a commercial he woodman ol the V till and the Mrs. Charles Cottrell, jr of Salt Lake, news of the wreck to reach Kaysville wa ing chili. A committee ia at work preparing in Kaysville, Wo.i.cu of Woodcraft of Kai aville enjoy- are visiting with relatives in a telegram from the young man to his a constitution and by laws and will report few a old for their (lays. home, ed a hull at William's Hall. tatlicr which sava: a huMiicsa mens meeting wliicli wua " hi wrecked train. Not injured at all. OUARTERLY STAKE. Conference held Monday evening. VISITS 1IPR MOTHER.-Mr- s. T. J. 'was held at the East Bountiful Taber- Writing to day. Layton ol Salt take spent a part ol this nacle last Saturday amt Sunday aud waa Te press dispatch which says his ankle week iu Kaysville with her mother, Mrs, Winn a Gold Medal. well allendnd, especially during Sunday. is injured is probably inaccurate, or, at Waiter Rest, our (1. S. L. section Mary Jarman taylou. least the injury is but slight. The silver HOME AGAIN. Mia Lillie Call ol . OPEN AIR CONCERT. lureiiiau, is the happy owner ol one of the three gold medals awanled by liia Syracuse has returned home from a two liand of Bountiful gave an open air One peck of parlor matches for 25c the close of tlie A real bargiin. immediatly s L. II. Oviatt coniwnv a few mouth ago. Rood weeks visit in Cache Valley with her conference set vices Sunday atteruoou Master John Mclutee of Salt take re- brothers. "Bread, did yon say? Oh yes! Gel ceived a gold medal lor the licst road A NEW BAKERY. Mr. DeVoraks some for dinner at Oviatts. GRASS GETTIN SI lORT.- -It ws a masters district on the V S. L. system; and Don't get your feet wet and catch cold Ar Bountiful is sonic hay was left from last bakery Mr. Read, one, for the liest section on good thing Mr. Buy a pair of rubbers and save a doctor's tlie occupied by formerly building otherwise have hecu it might winter, the system; and 'Mr. Shaw of Nampa-Idahfbr the sales bill. L. If. Oviatt. Hey wood is to lw fitted scarce in Syracuse now. tvst for station. Eleven tbe one, room. silver medals were alao ilistributed to ANOTHER LAND DEAL. Another IN A NEW HOME. The Clipper men responsible for the good condition deal Wiis coniuuiated last week here; 10 is conBountiful liiansgement of of road-bebuililings and tiridges, acres of alfalfa at So was transferred lie lo a new lumie templating from Joseph Walker to I). II. Walker. Pour of these were given to "Imsse of south erected immediatly on the l.'tali division as follows: J. Roth-wel- l, ARE THE PESTS DEADT-- We are all the telephone exchange. The material Ogden; T, tanducci. Wells district; James McNally, Carlin; aud A Peraso, Wadsworth district. I MINISTERS at $1.25 ! ohn yd. and up at $1.10 and up TAPESTRIES 75 cents and up INGRAINS at 45 cents and up VELVETS : Wo Cut, Sew and PaPer free HEW DDATTIfiG CLEAN, PRETTY an d SERVICAKBLK. 25 CEtfTS and up NEWPICTURE LINOLEUM and WEARS LIKE SLONE PRETTY $1.00 a yd, 6 ft wide WALL t- AS A PAP. of lKI.TTIK.ST have car.otids Uljf W cort A tho 7(.'olor, Designs and Combinations lOe a and Up. Roll Ogden Furniture & Garpet be'ng-erecte- Company. Ogden, Utah. Hyrum lingree, Mgr. o, WE WANT TO GIVE d, One Tthousand $$ TO THE PURCHASERS OF 70 ORGANS, LIVING IN SALT LAKE CITY AND DAVIS COUNTY. Bountiful Bank Assured- - r BOFNTII'TL, Nearly all the ueccessury stock has been subscribed fur the establishment of tbe bauk at Bountiful, and a meeting of the stock holders is called for Tuesdny Mar. 27 to Irausartsuch business necessary to the consumption and establishment of tlie suite. Mar. 26. Grip Quietly IN A WAY that will long be remembered, and to inure thoroughly demonstrate the high character aud liberal methods of the I A Y NFS -- 1 IOM N EY MF8IC Cd.MIANY. of Salt take City. WF HAVE J C ST SEVENTY OltGANS that have been carcfuilv selected from a stock of nearly 00 at K. FIIIST SOUTH STI1KET, SALT LARK CITY, which we offer for salo on the re tuucted Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather I tot It my wife and uiyaclf contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable ayuiptona. says Mr. J. S. Eglcslou of Maple Landing Iowa. "Knees and jointssebing, muscle sore, head stopped tip. eyes and noae running, with alternate spells of chills ami lever. Wc began using Cltamlterlain's Cough Remedy, aiding th same with, double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by this liberal use sumi completly knocked out tbe grip. Farmington Coop, Centerville Co-oII. J. Sheffield. p following markable terms : Iu addition to our usual low prices we give the seventy purchaser 190(1, a certitieale entitling them to one of the following prize: of an Organ, euiumeneiug Felt. LIST OF PRIZES: Organ of any style, valued al not untie than. 4 Credit Certificates of (25 each 8 20 each aa .. ch .. S w each 35 n 1 70 ABSOLUTELY FREE! AOXlXHnKXTVOrKii-wiib,il.liMilli.- .. J. D. WOOD, FARMINGTON. liiwl aJ 8 !oo 100 35) Triea ir(e raindna tnsa Tin lo TwmiIjf COST. When making a Ca-- li Iurrhase, ak for coupon. When von get $.; jn C Mipons, you aie entitled lo a Talking Machine free of charge. jioo Wbabww hm bma U. ' lollar-i- . stv.roii Daynef-'Romne- y lrui-- , r n h sila. will be putvha-t-- f. Hui-- Mir.n.- rrturul 1,040. I' it : n. li - te-- i, ow-iia ihn .u -sh.1 will Uk. H.wwh-- n T.mnri.. HSHicy, HUt.lKHI.i;ss OFTIIK TKIKS SKOKKCU. It mar ur of Mh mn iViiiassle. SrlhHi f Oripuw, nU If w. csnn.it shI k.i.I.ii ii,,i in t't ., bn irT, vT'L'k VnAlwiu Th- - nw.tr.linj, i" u,.c uTtV ' ...I will B it -- o i,,huj th . . O.-- Music Company SALT LAKE CITy, VTAii. SO |