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Show THE DAVIS COUNTY ARGUS, K.BARBERJiOj, Dealers in suggested, an executive nun miltee .elected I rum all part of the cuanty Fresh and Cured Meats, under their initiation; hut let com- Sausage of all klnda, Freeh Fish and Bread, mercial and civil bodle have dele CENTERVILLE UTAH. gates ou this romuiitlec. This seems to us to lie the most plan to give tin- f'omity fair a start. Afterwards, or from this committee, a permaueut organization j l)lxr tUt !! l'fnUSHMD KVERY Tl'KSDAY may herealter choose to follow, we feel Farmington, UUh assured that your ability will be fully Publishers recognized by all vi-i- i mliuiu vou may SON ) P. FELT lie associated and that the li t rary world will yet have added to it. uinr. .;em D. P. FELT. EDITOR. from your ever itacly jm. VERNON FELT In your retirement we give to yi.11 uot Managsr. only our full mu tide nee and highest esteem hilt our blessing as your I re hern SUBSCRIPTION 1 'KICKS: and servants of the. Must High. (In Advance.) Very respectully, One Year - - - - - - - fl.J5 ANTIION' II. LI ND, 75 ii Mouths President. I'lireC Mouths - - - - .50 JUSKPlf S. WELLS. Secretary. JOHJS - fea-ab- le be effected, and then hold annual fairs, each time at different towns of the eouuty. This year, at least, let 11a all join j in one great, grand County fair; have the support of every commercial, j LAWYER, MiUwal w MMiHid rlaw umIiw i,-r Iwl or- - j ecclesiastical and civil, social, Residence, Farmington. umce, 533 nmllinkat KarailtiMliHi, Utah, II llw siiu-Atlas Block, Salt Lake. thn foregoing was written nl Pl IVmgrmm ill Marrh I, ICH gaiiization in the county. Ile.mcm-- 1 and In type, the announcement has her there is 110 State fair tills year, Member of the Bar, U. 8. Supreme Couit & Corpora io-- t La RMINGTON. - - March 7, 1906. been made of the appointment of Col. and this is the opportunity of our Mining, Irrigation, I Willard Young. The Aimes has ev lives. u:l us grip it ! HOLLISTER'S confidence in acthe ery gentletiiati PROF. PAULS RETIREMENT. Rocky Mountain Tea f!uggets A Buy Mtdlslu fbv Buy Tup's complishing fully as much as any The Tribune is publishing a aeilus Brings Goldin Bsslth sad BsssvsJ V igor. other pernoii that could lie found outA .reelflo Indlssstioii. I.l. Aud mi Prof. Paul h out an preni-dcof alleged love letters of a .Mornjou Siul KiUu-- y Tnxilil-- . Ilniulos. Kcmiu., linin' side of the retilng president. We 1 III' 1, Had Krsatli, Sluxfitli Hoirel. UhcU of the I.. 1. S. University! ? If Elliott. wife edited ( ;ty Clyde ami fot Uol. Young an arduous Il'iUiaijr Maintain TV In i 1st fmi. SS cents a bi, Mmulne made . In our opinion hU retirement in a we were to judge who the autllor IIoLi.isTM imeo CuSCanv, MaUiioii, Win, task yet much good for the iiistutiou. very serious loaa to the I niversily is, we would say Frank J. Cannoi-ccrtai- uly BOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE anil the entire Church aeliuol ay at cm. some other thau a Mormon THE FAIR AT KAYIVILLC. Hia successor must need a he a hust-le- r elder aud his wife. Of all despicable OSCAR C. DIXON, M. D. of aiiecial qualification an wrll an It is understood that the new means to throw discredit and opproPHYSICIAN, SURGEON', to U: a worthy candidate Kaysvillc commercial club is al- brium on the Mormon people, tills a OBSTETRICIAN. and fur the ioMtiou. is ot Frank ('miaou ready preparing Tor a fair this year. latest effort OPTICIAN. for Paul Prof. watched have We This is indeed gratifying, aud it is the blackest aud most rcnrchciui t James' residence, one Muck , kuoA lUtiicf especially for the pant eight to be hoped that the lair will not be Of course everyone should north of the post office. these alleged l:tters arc written yearn, niitrc hu assumed the oncroua a local proposition. The Aaai has FARMINGTON - UTAH. duties of lifting uji a defunct iiiHtitu-tio- urged the Tribune office ; and no duubc, j repeatedly that a ( ounty fair to the high plane on which the be held, iu whh-all towns with as was said above, by Frank ('annuli I I.. It. S. University Is now placed. their civil. commercial and ccclesias-tic- himself. nisid-iioun- ly labored For eight years lie has organizations uiav take part for the upbuilding of the pro rata with their enthusiasm and Salt take & Ogden Railway. liepniseutstiven of Davis county aud, beside inereaniiig the inlliiein-e- . made overtures to officers of the SIMON BAMBERGER, iirolliiient from Aim to 1Jun ntudciil M. .V If. ssociation Prest & Gen'l Manager. to viait our That the I .'utility fair should I to 27 held pel year, and the graduate at laysille, we lisve no ob- count v in a get aciiiaiutcd" junket. per cent, He has hecu the direct jections. If Hu. eoiuiiicreial club The idea advanced was for the whole Time Table iu Effect Nov. 26, 1905. agent in the eouatructiuii of the inagui-ce- shall take hc initiative aud enlist H0 strong to visit each town from array of educational building, the -- iipport of the whole Bountiful to Layton; march LEAVE SALT I. ARK. comity, the ayuosure of every tourist then the all stations up town, with the baiiA-- i by logical 6,8:30. 11 a. in.; 2. 4:30,6.3011. in. they that visits Salt Lake, having any In. should have It in as an enthuser, and end up with A I layvillc. buys, ' terekt In education. Where the villi- - is nut LEAVE LAGOON. removed from evening of speeches, interspersed school property was hut l(i,nnO it the center of the rouuty to he an with songs, etc, furnished by the 7, 9:.v a. 111.; 12 in., 3. 5:30, 7:30 p. in is now estimated at 25U,oiu all due ESTABLISHED 18A9. objection; and perhaps before the variou- - towns visited. Thu idea largely to his indefatigable labor in time of holding a County fair, the took witli everyone spoken to, and Utah Commercial & Savings piariug before wealthy I fitter Hay eity fathers will have aroused from will no doubt crystalize into an "taint the uei'cesHity of Imildiug up their uighlmare of horrors, that are actual event, early in the opening i the Chun-- school at Salt Lake City. to attend the utilization of steam 011 the lagoon. It is said the reason for his resigna- tin; CAPITAL, 200,000. IjUgooii road. The town will tion is because of internal strife Wui. F ruistrong, president. have then become iu toueh with This year should lie an ideal time Byron Groo, Cashier. among the teachers under him ; men two-thirof the county. fully to inaugurate water work. There COMMERCIAL BANKING IN ALL who should support Prof. Paul in his It will never do for one commer- will be much more water than usual ITS BRANCIIItS. arduous labors arc standing hack, cial club either at Kaysvillc or and, therefore, will be Four Per Cent Interest on Savings mudd pretty fearing down his laudable efforts 1 ton 11 tif ul , D'tyosit. Accounts Solicited Satisfactory nortlie dormant much of the time. A well cipiipp The board of dim-torkuow full well Service (Guaranteed. at Farmington, to attempt water works, with settling reser the value of eurh a man as Prof. a County fair alone; it must be a voii-s- , are thu very bo pipes, etc, ft. Paul. Moreover they know the united effort or all with a strong means to furnish us with clear pur-extreme ditlieulty of finding die man central power that has jurisdiction water. having that pecular fitness for the over 'lie whole rouuty. In our The three distinct eleposition. opinion this should he taken up by Kaysville, you should he ashamed ments necessary are: Scholarship, the Ulinn-- Authorities; by them to stand iu the way of the On the .amount of money iucoming special aggressiveness, religious standlaunched; or, as we have before of Bambergers Lagoou road ! you are losing by uot geting aud fervor. Any one, or even ting interest on that idle two of these conditions may he easidccid money you have ly secured, hut the proper combinaed wiiat to do with? tion of the three is no easy thing to Why not deposit it with us find couibiued in one person, hence and take out a certificate or we see no very bright outlook fur the deposit V . L. ll. S. University. There are vet of When you want the uioiiey two new buildings to he ereeted to you can withdraw it anil complete the ereeseut of ncrcsssiy tho interest it has earned. educational that aud SAS TOJS UTAH. KAYSVILLE iineral Dine 1.: and tor s Cortius aim ot all k imls Las-ket- rtised vu lia'.iner. Tiriii.hed. could DEai.EK Victure Frames I.n , XU alt XVt Vapor, ndotu Class , and Furniture. J ili-- e furCuu-Kuathi- ut SAY! 1 i t Why Not Make Additional 2 per cent? 6 Per cent Paid on Savings Deposits n. J We Grant the Longest Time aud Require Sinallost Payments at Reasonable Intorsst. Under the Supervision of tho State Bank Examiner. Get Your LOANS From Us. 4 4 t WESTERN LOAN PAID I 40 4 4 & SAVINGS Co. i 1st. 1005, 5480,000 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH $ IN JANUMRY CAPITAL East First South Street V'--fe- !. ! ye-irs- il I u Thelagoon Road al 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 1 V nt 4 4 ,rrT 33-3- S EAST FIRST SOUTH ST. Phone SAL ihyu-- v !..KK CITY, ! 444444444444 44444Stf44 UTAH 444444 44t44 Hiillii-icntl- . C'ivb-aocicl- s j SUSTAIN HOME INDUSTRY. "h alias TSL OhitaKgr Makifactikkks Ul HA VAN A AND DOMESTIC IGARS BLUM POINT PERFECT C 15 cents, two for tBtfhitaK.tr F8L 23 Tfalttu, cents. J4 Yc iinki all i ('.mile-- . ,S ; i I Sult W Third South St. FAVORITE. $ I'rrts. LaKjr City- ttimsssmssssess Ara v- - Have You FIGURED? ut -- To Our - Toben Out-- . are, buildiugs ever will bo such a credit to the Church aud its friends of education. We would like to have seen Prof. Paul remain at his post until the Lib. ray and College buildings had lieeu erreted, and thus euniplctu the Prcsldcut .I0I111 It. Winder has licen a staunch background (or Prof. Paul in his laudable effort iu Imlialf of Church education, aud no one know better than he of the serious loss to Salt take City and the Church school cause, which is attested in thefollowing letter from the board: cres-cen- t. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 9, 1906. Prof. J. If. Paul, President I,. I). S. I. : Dear Brother Your letter of March 1, 1906, tendering your resignation as president of the L. D. S. University, to take effect at the close of the present school year, was read at a meeting of the board of trustees held this dale at the Historian' office Salt Lake City. After duly weighing all reasons assigned by you for taking this step, accompanied with many regrets which were freely expressed by each member of the board present, your resignation was finally accepted by unanimous vote, though appreciating as we do your very efficient service as (resident of the university, covering a period of eight years, during which the institution lias developed a growth almost phenomenal in consideration of the many disadvantages under which you hare labored. As a scholar we recognise your right to occupy one of the highest places: your executive ability has called forth many econiums from members of the board; your unvarying courtesy and ready in the suggestions made by the board from time to time, although in some instance varying from your mom- - w. Visitors: 4 PFR CRNT INTEREST ON invitation I extended you to make this store your hoad- quarters if you contemplate a it to Halt Lake Gitv during confereiicc week. vi-- Flic most beautiful store in all tho west, it is particularly attrac live at this season of the year. An atmosphere of style per. meates It. SEMI-ANNUALL- Savings & Trust Co. W. S. McCornick, Prest. J.J.Daly, Vice Pres. Heber M. Wells, Secy & Mgr 160 MAIN ST. Prion from $1.25 up to $6.00. 3rd. NAV INGS DEPOSITS. COMPOUNDED Utah Discount on Ladies Skirts. 20 FOR DAVIS COUNTY PATRONS UNTIL APRIL Investigate. Xkmllal Discount at Cutlers. 16 CUTLER BROS. CO. SS MAIN STREET., LAKS CITY SALT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SALT LACK CITY v Not iiien-handis- withstanding the rich simplicity which is apparent throughout the institution and enumerable exquisite displays of new prices arc not iu keeping with appearances. REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS. Utah Implement n the " contrary no departaient house iu the city sells goods so quite uuifonnally reasonable as does Kcitli OBrien Com-- pany. i "Pis deservruly said of Krilh-- O' llii- - store tompany. : Hjiimd hiyh pritr tluiru," S ilt The phrae is full of thought. T ,i $ desir- that if you will go through the different depart- ments, careful shopping will result in a considerable of your expenses to the eity. lee-eni- ng But even if you have uo purchases to make, eoiue iu anyway aud look around. It will prove a pleasurable as well as an Iu- structive visit. Kjeith-Of'Bri- en Litv. ;Sole Agents for Idaho. lia!i For conference week every department will offer visitor able merchandise much below usual selling prices. We believe Lik Co, Be Prepared CAN be ti'.-i-l light or lefl hai p'luwiiig around ;hc land, or revei bsirows all onews iMc, thiuw-inOur sales of tiiit plow are incrcaaii each year, and v.e have yet to he of the first u has seen it rn condciun i- t- or .iv anything exec that it is the v l thing he ever si in a field. Vr.ia . 'piotcd on applit For auy emergency! This is the wisest plan. A Life Insurance Policy will give your family a means of support after your death, or an Emtowment Policy Will give the same protection iu case of your death or will give you the full benefit of your savings if you live. UTAH Beneficial Lite Insurance Go. IMPLEMENT Suit L.iko City, GO. Utah. Homo Office, Deaoret NewalBldg SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. O-- M WWW-- v . |