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Show T ENTIRE FAMILY BY SLAIN YAQUI TREACHERY THEMIS by Bloodthirsty Savages and Men and Women are During Dud Hour of Night Home Are Literally Blown to Piece Over Their Head and Victim Are Buried Beneath the Wreckage. Perry, Oklahoma. Three persona sustained injuries that may prove fatal and thousands of dollar worth of property was destroyed in a cyclone that struck the neighborhood south of Billings, Okla., at 10 o'clock Sunday night. None of the victims have died according to last reports. Mr. and Mrs. James Russell were critically hurt as they lay in bed. The home was literally blown to pieces over their heads and they were burled in the ruins. Mrs. Sam Merri-fiel- d sustained serious injuries in a similar manner. A cloud was seen first south of Billings. It split, part of the funnel going toward Red ltock and the other swooping down north of t'errea. The Russell Home was directly In the path of the tornado. The substantial farm house was twisted and wrenched and fell in un the occupants. The outbuildings were all carried away. TRUNK MYSTERY CLEARING UP. Ruthlessly Slaughtered. Angeles.- -' News lias reached city of the murder of five members i.f ihe family of 1edro Meza, president of l.a Ultra, in Sonora. Mexico, of Frederick and a brother-in-la- this Hartman, president of the William Hoege company of law Anegeies, who were massacred by Indiana within a few ntiies of their homes, and theii bodies left in the roadway between Ortiz and Iji Dura until a sufficient number of Mexican trixips could be sent to overawe the raiding outlawa and bring iu their victims. Three member of the Meza family survive. They are the baby son of Pedro Meza and two young daughtera, Merced and Elivra. These children Dura had been left at home in I when the rest of the family drove in carriages to Quaymas for the purpose pf consulting physicians about BenorL la Elulse. who had been ailing, and at the same time to enable other members of the family to do some shopping and visit friends. Returning from Guaymas, the party topped at Oritz and it is supposed they were joined there by Mrs. Hoff and her son. Here, it. is said, they learned uf Hie presence of a band of Yaquls in the Los Otates mountains and near Otates pass, through which they would have to travel to reach La Dura and the mining campa, where F. A. Hartmann owns large properThe worst of the gorge was ties. the passed and they had entered wider valley when, from every ledge and muund of debris, came the crack of rifics. The men charged desperately up the sloies. calling iiNin their head a rain of lead to divert the fire from those Tims they were hound to protect. they fell with their faces to the unseen foe. The last desperate stand of the survivors was made In the shelter of the overturned rarrlage and they fought hack to the last, knowing that there was no mercy for them. Woman Accused of Murdering Man and Placing Body in a Trunk. Stockton, fill. Tile body of a man which was found in a trunk among the baggage at the Southern Pacific depoi here on Saturday night has been identified ns that of Albert N. McVicar, an employe of the Rawhide OUTRAGE OF CHINESE PIRATE9. mine at Jamestown, Cal. The jKilicc have arrested at Antioch Mrs. Emma Threw a Stinkpot on Board a StandLeltoux, or Mrs. .McVicar as she ard Oil Launch. called herself here, who is declared to Details of the capture Hongkong. have purchased the trunk in which Chinese pirates March and by looting the hotly was placed, and also the rope with which it was bound. Her 22. near Canton of a launch owned by husband is now living in Amador the Standard Oil company, have been county. It is supposed that if she obtained. The launch or tug Comet committed the crime a man must. have aided her, as McVicar was powerfully was proceeding to Knngmun, between built. He had $xno in cash, and it is Wampoa and Canton, towing a lighter believed that robbery was the motive laden with kerosene oil. While passfor the crime. It is believed that he ing what is known as the "second obwas drugged, then crushed into the barrier," or second line of former 6:30 at structions evening, Thursday trunk and suffocated. In her statement to the officers who and when in sight of Wampoa fort, island of Wampoa. one of the arrested her. Mrs. LeDoux said that on the Islands lying between Canton one Joe Miller had placed the dead many and the sea, a number of Junks manbody of McVicar in the trunk, and dosed around the sbe claims that she is innocent of the ned by pirates tow. A stinkpot Comet and her crime. (earthen jar containing gunpowder, resin and hand grenades) was thrown WASHOUT CAUSED WRECK. into her engine room, the pirates boarded the launch and her crew was Nine Persons Killed and Thirteen In- overpowered. then The pirates beached the Comet and the lighter, jured in Wyoming. and removed all the valuablea from Wyo. Sunday Casper, night at the two vessels, including a number 10:110 o'clock the accommodation train of Winchester riflea and 1,000 rounda on the Chicago & Northwestern's new of ammunition. The cargo of kerobranch west of here ran into a wash- sene was not touched. out on the prairie twenty-si- x miles Girls Poisoned for Refusing to Go on west of here, killing nine people and Strike. injuring thirteen others. About the Warsaw. The paymaster of the Vissame time the middle span of the big railroad bridge across the Platte tula railroad was shot by robbers, who river, near thin city, went out, and It seized $3,500 from him. is impoasible to send trains to the Thirty-fou- r working girls in Kind-ler- s scene of the accident. mills at Pablanice, ten miles Moat of the killed were in a caboose which was at the rear of the train, south of Lodz, on refusing to join a trike, were poisoned by powder that with a ponderous steel water tank hack of the caboose. The caboose waa strewn upon the floor of the mill. sank down deep into the mud and the One of the girls died from the effects and the remainder ara water car plunged Into the caboose of the poison ten of them not being and crushed it like an eggshell, seriously 11, to recover. expected a in the catching people trap. Little Carpet Tack Caused Terrible Fooled by Fake Proclamation. Disaster. Boise, Ida. Governor Gooding on A carpet tack, Louis. East SL Monday received from New York a caused a between cogwheels, telegram hearing the signature of caught In the resulted up that blowing John C. Chase, former mayor of Hav- spark Phoenix Powder of the works of the coma erhill, Mass., and stating that east of here. Satmittee representing a number of labor company, eight miles and killing John afternoon, urday once York at New unions would leave to hear the confessions of Harry Or- Nash, aged 58 years, and Edward Higchard and Steve Adams as related to ginbotham, aged 24 years. The buildihe detectives and prosecuting of- ing waa completely destroyed, parts ficers. The New York labor leaders being scattered all over the surroundare supposed to be acting on the bogus ing country In the vicinity. prclamatlon" sent out from here Iasi week. Asphyxiated in Colorado Tunnel. Le&dville. Colo.1 W. G. Fleming, Tortured Young Girl. 25. a bridge carpenter of the M. Tcslinko. counsel for aged Moscow. Midland railroad, and NichColorado Mile. Spirodnnovo. the girl and olas Dlemoz, nlghtwatchman who sliot M. I.uzhennffsky, chief of Sunwere track asphyxiated walker, the secret jiollce at Tamhoff. has rein the Busk lvanhoe tunturned here from Tnmboff. where his day morning miles west of Leadville. fourteen nel, client was found guilty of the charges one of a gang of six carwas Fleming that hmught against her. He declares in making repairs in the tortures of the . Spanish inquisi- penters engaged tion were tame when compared with the tunnel, and the entire party with the cruelty Mile. Spiradonovo has the exception of one waa overcome by been subjected to. lie gives a thrill- gas and smoke from trains which tunnel while they ing account or her aiieerh to the passed through the were at work. judges who condemned her. Railroad Traffic Demoralized. lais Angeles. Cal. Heavy and almost continuous rainfall throughout southern California during the past demoralized week has temporarily railroad t raffle and caused much damage from washouts. On the main line of Hie Southern I'acific east, washouts are reported near Savannah and El Moute. just outside Los Angeles; on the const line at several places this city and Santa Batliara. and on the lines nortli through the Van Joaquin valley. Bravely 8ved Boys Life. Trenton. By diving from the sec osnd story of the Trenton Fire Clay and Porcelain works into the Delaware and Raritan canal, James A. Newell saved the life of his little nephew. The boy was taking Mr. Newell's dinner to the works, and, to make a short rut. walked across a trestle bridge over the ranal. When in the middle lie lost his ha Is nee and fell into the water. Newell was in the second story of the works and saw tht boy approaching. Oil THE TRAIL OF INSURANCE INDIANS Party Ambushed Three Persons Badly Injured and Great Damage Done to Property. JUSTICE OF Fight With the Constabulary in Samar the Result of a Native Plot. Expressed a With That Their Party Be Photographed and Then Treacherously Attacked the American Soldiers. Chief Manila. According t advices re-M- s. gaou, Samar, between tie constabulary and Pulajanea ws.- the result of the hue treachery on t e part of the natives. As a result of ie fight thirty Pulajanes were killed ; id sixteen of the constabulary killed rod wounded. rom Captain A dispatch received Jones of the constabula y at Magtaon says that on March 23 Governor Curry, Judge Loblnger and Superintendent of Schools l&over arrived there and camped over night near the Pula-Janes. The presencr4he.cfflclals was made known to the rebellious natives, and their leaderiannounced that he would surrender h! force the next day. As a result of this promise the Americans returned to the town of by Colonel Magtaon. accompanied Aguiliar, another PulajStie chief. Tlie next day, Saturday morning, four chiefs of tlie Pulajanes, with over 100 men and fourteen guns, appeared at Magtaon and lined up in barracks. front of the constabulary Between the barracks and the Pula-Jane- s stood the group of American officials. One of the chiefs expressed a wish that his party he photographed in tlie set of surrendering, and Superintendent Hoover, in compliance with the request. was adjusting his camera when the Pulajanes leader blew a whistle and gave an order to advance. The entire party of natives thereuiMin rushed upon the American officials, who escaped to the Magiaon river and swam to the opposite bank. When the treachery of the natives was apparent the constabulary immediately opened fire and a fierce fight ensued, in which the constabulary gained a decisive victory. The Pulajanes were chased to the mountains, but. the pursuers lost more guns than they cate tured. British Steamer Beached in 8t. Johns Harbor. SL Johns, N. F. After being in peril from fire at sea and managing by desperate efforts to reach this port in the midst of a gale and a the British snowstorm, blinding freight steamer Titania struck a submerged rock in entering the harbor late Sunday night, had a hole torn in her hull and lies on the beach, where he was put to prevent sinking. ON VERGE OF STARVATION. Crime of Larceny Was Committed When Contribution Were Made to the Campaign Fund. While the Individuals Arc to Go Free, the Indictments Found Against the Corporations Will Stand. New York. "If the grand Jury is investigating Mime of the conditions developed liy the recent legislative invest igai ion reaches the eoneliisioiiK that eoiitriliuliuiis of Insurance company funds to political campaign romniitiees were made with iutent to deprive or defraud the true owners of this property, it must find that larceny was commuted." Tills opinion was expressed Saturday liy .In slice O'Sullivan in the court uf general sessions in answer to a presentment on the subject to him by Hie graud jury. Judge O'Sullivan added that it is not within the province of the court lo say whether or mu I here was inieiii. That is a question which the jurors must determine for themselves from all the fads and in circumstances tlie ease. Hu a thorough the make lo charged jury investigation into all tlie fads aud to such place Hie responsibility for crimes, if they find that crimes were committed. This opinion is in effect directly os posite to otic upon the same subject which was given by District Attorney Jen. me several days ago. Mr. Jerome in his brief, whiili was submitted lo JiiKtii-O'Sullivan, held that there was of any iniio ground for surance official in connection with the campaign emit rihiu ions, taking the ground that no intention to had hern shown. whii-- pro-ecuti- d AWFUL RECORD Accident at Small Mining Town in West Virginia. Terrible OF LOSS. Lives Lost and Ships Wrecked ON New England Coast in Five Months. Huston. Eighty-fiv- e lives were lost and fifty-fouships were wrecked along the const of New England anil the matiiime provinces during tho past winter. While the season up to the present month was comparatively inild on shore, at sea it was one in of extrdiie severity, particularly waters off the provinces. Of tlie veswere sailsels wrecked, thirl ing craft. Nine steamships and eight bargea complete tlie list. Ships flying the British flag lead those of other nationa with a loss of twenty-seve- n craft, against fifteen of American register. There is also a sprinkling of Norwegian, German and Swedish vessels. The worst disaster was the foundering of the steamer British King, off Sable island, on March 11, when It is estimated that at least eighteen and possibly twenty-si- x lost their lives. The correct figures probably will never be known as several men enrolled as members of the crew are said to have deserted before the ship sailed. Ten Bodies Have Been Recovered, and It is Believed That Between Have Fifty and Seventy-fiv- e Lost Their Lives aa Result of tho Accident. . e e e o ial Conference Love Tragedy in Ohio Town. Mansflpltl, O. Miss Grace Zellner, aged 28, was shot and killed early Fri- e .In-onl- y d il Anglo-Egyptfa- n I -- Regarding Adverse Decision of Court Washington, President Roosevelt Bakersfield, Cal. A special to the from KernvIUe, Californian sixty held an extended conference with Atmiles from this city in the Sierras, torney General Moody, Secretary Taft relates that nine Japanese, employes and Jamea E. Garfield, commissioner of the Edison Electric company, were of corporations, concerning the adrun out of the town by a mob of tran- verse decision rendered In Chicago sient laborers under threat of heing hy Judge Humphreys in the beef parsers' case. No details of the condynamited. ference were obtainable at the White A part of the camp utensils wern House, but it is certain that Attorney destroyed, the tent waa carried a war General Moody proposes to look careaftd the Japanese were ordered to fully into the law hearing upon the leave at once. They started for the matter, with a view of ascertaining railroad, forty miles distant, and art, whether an appeal from the decision now awaiting instructions front the of Judge Humphrey liy the governcompany. ment will lie. Sultan Hunting Trouble. London. Turkey having declined to withdraw her troops from Tabali. on the frontier of tlie Sene! peninsula, which is claimed to be Egyptian territory on the ground that It ia part uf tlie Turkish empire. Great Britain haa replied that site is unable to accept ihat view, and has expressed the Iioh that the sitliuii will be Influonred to modify Ills con tentlon. Nothing is known here of the report that Great Britain proposes to make a naval demonstration. Chicago. All of the iiackero who were indicted hy the federal grand jury lust summer uimjii charges of being Iu conspiracy in restraint of trade and commerce were on Wednesday granted immunity front criminal prosecution under the indictment. While Ihe individuals are to go free, the found Hguinst the corpora-lions- , of which some of the indicted Individuals are members and others are employes, are to stand. The decision to the ultove effect waa handed down Wednesday by Judge J. Otia Humphrey in the United State district court. During the rendition of the decision the court wsr crowded by the defendants and numerous spectators. E ward Morris and Edward Swift were in court, and both smiled happily when the decision was announced. J. Ogden Armour was not present, butaome of the men prominent in the employ of Armour Go., who were among the indicted, were there, and their joy was Fairmont, W. Vs. Ten men are known to be dead, twenty-fivinjured and from twenty-fivto seventy-fivmissing and believed to be dead aa the result of an explosion of gaa In the shaft of the Century Coal company at Century, a small mining town. The explosion took place at 4:30 in the afternoon, hut owing to the telephone wires being put out of commission by the high winds, details are lacking and the names of the victims, six uf wnom are known to be foreigners, have not been secured. great. The Century mine, which Is owned PEOPLE GAIN BUT LITTLE. by Shaw Brothers of Baltimore, is one of the largest independent operations Manifesto Providing for Russian N In northern West Virginia. Over 250 tional Assembly Proves Dismen are employe! dHily in the shaft, appointing, and hud the explosion been an hour St. Petersburg.' The Imperial man!-fesiearlier the loss of life would have been appalling. As it was. there were ami the ukases of March 8, which but a few remaining in tlie shaft, the in the fundamental law of Incorporate main laidy of the miners having quit work for the day. Tlie giant fan the empire the provisions for a nawliii-l- i furnishes air for tho shaft was tional assembly In Russia, promised partially wrecked hy the foree of the In the manifesto last fall, arc disapexplosion, lmt was roaircd imme- pointing in many respects. They condiately ami within an hour after tho accident Superintendent James Ward stitute neither a constitution nor a "hill of rights" for tlie Russian peohad a relief gang in the mine Tho first trip out brought ten mon ple. Tln-- do create a lsipulnr assemfive dead ami tiro badly burned. bly, lmt the promises granted to it are so hedged about with restrictions and They wero found in tlie main heading near the ImiMoiii of the shaft. The conditions Hint it will beIn rather a prein llama than fact Neverliving could give no details of the ex- sentment terms of tlie tlie manifesto, theless, by on wore their plosion. saying limy way to the surface when tlie explosion the emperor himself is powerless to revoke what he has now given. Tills took place behind tliem. constitutes lhi great victory which the people have won. They at last MEAN TO ENTER POLITICS. have tin authoritative medium through which can make their voice heard Labor Leaders Favor Use of Ballot to ami it they is in this assembly probably Secure Their Rights. that the great historical struggle The executive coun- against prerogative and privilege will WaMiingtun. be fought out. cil of the American Federation of liSr lsir spent some Him: discussing the INSURANCE NOT COMMERCE. replies of lresident Roosevelt and Speaker Cannon In the hill of griev- Committee Concludes There ia No Auances presented to them and to Presthority for Control by Government. ident Pro Tem. Frye of the aenats Washington.1 Thai there la no regarding legislation affecting labor authority for federal coninterests. Mr. Gompera said that, the trol of Insurance or other atate corp concluding paragraph in tlie memor- rations other than railroads is to 1 ial meant exartly what it said. That the conclusion reported to the ho la. if congress fails to remedy the I by the Judiciary committee. the will grievance, organization The report has been drafted direct to the pea people. Chairman Jenkins of the commit! In other words, bo said, the Federaof mrmH and Is now in tlie tion of lilior will enter the field In of the coinmiitee forhands their peruaa politics and urge organized labor to unofficial toll of the members tS. elect men of their own chixialng and cates that i with no excepthus have a personal voice la the tions they concurpractically in the correctness government. of this conclusion. able-bodie- Killed in Hia Pulpit. Carson, la. While preaching to hia B. congregation Sunday, Rev. J. Saints' Lentz, pastor of a Latter-dachurch at this place, waa struck hy lightning, which caused hia death within half an hour. The bolt descended during a hard thunder storm and waa communicated to the preacher by a chandelier hanging directly above his head. The shuck threw him to the floor in an unconscious state, while many persons in the congress-Uo- a were partially stunned. ESCAPE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Life Work is Ended. York. New Professor R. Dorrmu. Still Badly Needed by Starvtlie noied died at hla home chemist, ing Japanese. who then com- hen Thursday, aged 82 years. He Tokio. The misery and "ffering In day by Roy Shanks, mitted suicide. Miss Zclner was well was a well known expert on the the famine district baa been slightly known in society here, and was a of poison. Professor Dorcniiis relieved by the prompt and liberal aid Slit- - and had been connected with the In church work. leader New abatesources from foreign and the It is York colli-ghad been sweethearts. and the college of the ment of the rigors of winter. The Shanks the girl had decided to heed city of New York as instructor In local authorities are trying to pro- thought her parents protest and not marry chemistry for nearly sixty years, and vide work for the but the Shanks, and that she went to his for more than forty-fivyears he had extent of the work la inadequate and room, where Hie tragedy occurred, to the chair of chemistry in occupied so. him thousands are still on ihe verge ol tell the Bellevue hospital niediral college. starvation. Wife the Only Witness. Attorney Protected Joints. Many parents are parting with their Cal. A1 Charles MacDonOakland, Kansas City. Jnlm F. Steele, foi children, sending them to the already ald, a horse trainer at Pleasanton. this two years agent in Kansas City. crowded Okayama orphanage. Kan., or a brewing company, testified In the The government has remitted the county, shot and killed Joseph Gibson ouster hearing in that city lowest tax In the famine district, lmt one of the best known mid must httsincss men of the town. this will not afford Immediate relief. that for many inotiilis lie paid Jn men witness to the crime hodden the S. Gilisoti, , Tha liberal contributions from Amerthree dol. county atioi-neyeffecperpetrator was the witc of MacDon- lars a mouth for each "joint" or Illicit ican sympathizers are already tive, and the relief in the form of food ald. MacDonald says lie had suspert-e- saloon owned liy the brewery in Kanand clothing la commanding the Improper relations were existing sas City aa a guaranty of immunity heartiest appreciation. Mello. and from Another appeal for aid is presented between his wife and prosecution. Steele also teatl-fieby the sufferers from the recent earth- claims to have secured evidence, when that Gitison demanded $r, quake In South Formosa, thousands of he Mini Melo for liRvlng destroyed his month, hut on a compromise reduced whom are homeless. tlie amount to $.'!. happiness. Relief Is PACKERS OFFICIALS Quack Doctors Are Excluded. Washington. Orders Fife been issued by the postmasiv general inat New structing the pontmaTers York and Brooklyn tq.fuse to admit to the mails the adwltisements ot lofifty-tw- o Illegal "metf1 offices cated In those cities, and also to refuse to deliver mail matter received addressed to the fictitious and assumed names under which parties conhide their ducting these concerns identity. This action at New York and Brooklyn la in line with the efWHITE MEN MOB JAP8. forts previously made by Postmaster General Oortelyou In Boston and Philadelphia to enforce the law against Little Brown Men Driven From Their this class of criminal concerns. Work in California. STRUCK SUBMERGED ROCK. BEEF MS EXPUSH Tired and Wanted Rest. So Took Poison, Dayton. (). "To the coroner: I ant tired and want to real. There is no one to notify. After writing this note O. A. Robinson, aged 50. took a quantity of morphine and was round dead iu hia room Rt the Enterprise hole) on Thursday. Robinson was brought here front tin- - Iacific coast hy a local distilling cnniuiiy a year ago. but recently lost his position, lie leaves a family in tin1 west ST. JOHN HELD. Charged With Killing Man During Labor Riots. Colo. Vincent St. John, Telluridc, union at miners of the president Burke, Ida., who was brought to Colorado from Boise on requisition to answer to the charge of being implicated In a conspiracy lo murder Ben Bur-nawas on Wednesday bound over without tiall to the district court. Burnam was killed in the labor riots mine on July 3, at the Sniuggler-l'niol'ltil. At that time St. John was president of the local miners union, which is affiliated with Hie Western Federation of Miners. n RUMOR WAS UNFOUNDED. the Russian Sailors at Sebastopol. No Mutiny Among sensational Petersburg. The that the to effect current the reports Lieutenant former execution of Schmidt, the leader of the naval mutiny at Kcbnstoiiol in November last, has been followed by an extensive mutiny of sailors at Sebastopol, turns out to lie unfounded. The correspondent of the Associated Press at Sebastopol telegraphs that all is quiet there. St. Gile on North Atlantic. Rt. Johns, X. F. An eqtiinoxlal gale raged Tuesday night and Wednesday over Hu whole roast, rn using wideShipping reports damage. spread from various renters show that several vessels have been wrecked and wharves and other water front properly destroyed. Two vessels, the Scintilla ami tlie Rover, are missing. anl it is feared that both have foundered with i licit' crews. All fishing croft on ihe south coast are compelled lo remain in tlie harbor. Charges Made by Hearst. New York. The federal grand jury has resiunrd its investigation of thn illcgcd rebating between ihe Amerl-"a- n d the Sugar Refining coiniuiuy wcsilmuni! I riink lines running out of New York City, as complained of by Williani R. Hearst. Among the witnesses who wete examined were R. M. Parker atiil T. P. Ripley, who are said lo lie connected with (lie traffic department or the sugar company, and T. A. Metiurh and W. J. Whittaker. As usual the exniiiinxtiona were made lecretly. |