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Show Chamberlain Music Co. JOHN M. CHAMBERLAIN, 51 MAIN Proprietor, 'SueMaaora to VaaSa at lAFirra L1D1SIIANA. STREET. uJ CLaakcrlaiaW Reliable Pianot and Organ at low pricea. Every cuitomor tt a Friend made by Square Dealing. Come and eee m. PIANOS: ORQAN8 : tf tlamll. MiMaETfliBlIn, A. B. Chau, Conovar. Strebber. Ilobart bl. Cable. Cabla. BY ARY gEVEREUX ILLUSTRATIONS BY DOM C. WILSON Dtt.&roMiiricfapyy) pfyrtg?, &CH OW JPtyto fiummff WTH Jean, angry and reckless, exclaimed: "111 be no hypocrite, nor pretend Three week later, and a sullen to what I cannot feel. 1 bate hated peace had fallen over Toulon. Jean Etienne all my life, and with gooi was still weak and emaciated from Ill- cause: and I will never say otherwise!' ness. From Grelolre the boy had now that he Is dead. 1 would spurn heard and with outspoken Indignaany title or position (hat had been his tion of General Bonaparte's depardespise myself if ever again 1 lived ture. shortly after hi own arrival at beneath the roof who had sheltered the convent, which had been turned ore .who spoke such dastardly words into a hospital. of ny mother! I want to go over seas, "He went away and left me! Jean ivife from France, away to the new exclaimed angrily, the color suffusing worn, and carve out a name for fame and riches. I should hi cheeks. "Left me, when I was not dle.Jlke a wild bird in a cage, tu live able to BH-ato him! ucljf a life as men pass here. The He left a letter with Fere Huot, and a farewell message, which the good verr'thought of it is hateful to me." "St! exclaimed the priest . This father will doubtlesa give you when conies from lotro's teachings." he Bees ill." "So, father indeed no!" cried Jean, "Then why should not Pere Huot all tie tire gone from his eyes. "1 have have told me so before?" demanded to live such a life Jean, half rising from hia seat beside always longed always!" the bed. "ffoways all of thy very long life. "Easy, mon ami; sit still," said Gre-loirmy son?" said Pere Huot. a "Do not Jet), get excited, calmly. his thin lips. else 1 shall regret telling you anyface became crimson, and The to boys the havo We affair. about thing remember that you have been very hi said nothing. ill." Tenderness showed In his tone, '(We have talked long enough for and he gently touched the thin hand the present, my son." the priest added;' "and now 1 will leave thee. Read resting on the coverlet. Late in the afternoon of this same General Ronaparte's letter; and may day, Pere Huot, sitting with Jean in ltfadng thy mind to holding more worthe latter's room, had been Informing thy ideas of the future than those 1 him of what had transpired since the have Just heard from thee. And Jean, morning Murler brought him to the my aon" coming close to him, and shelter and safety of his present laying a caressing hand on the wilful head "I beseech thee, try and harlsir abode. He watched the boy's face care- kindlier feelings and more Christian-lik- e forglveneas for thy brother. fully as he told him of Margots burHe left the room, closing the door ial, and of Bonapartes many visits to bis bedside, where he lay tossing in softly, and Jean sat staring out of the delirium; and the good priest rey aw, though the suns rays now down to tourh bis brow. But. loiced within himself to see the loc(''' of dogged grief soften into one of siib musing a few seconds, he roused with a quick, nervous move(ued gratification. ment. and looked again at the letter. My son, where is the box of papers Monsieur le Baron, thy father, A moment later he broke its seal; and the thin paper seemed to pulse intrusted to Margot for safe keeping? The box of papers, Pere Huot, the with his own heartbeats as he read its words: boy reicaiud. as if trying to recall and CHAPTER VII. Maaaa Chicago Gettage, e, 1 H-M-l 1 1 H MIH l- l M H l 'M-H-- I-l l H H WHY PAY MORE? i! I 1 1 Ml H-H- You Monoy Utah Dental Co., 234In Main the reliable The t dentlati city, moit Teeth extracted without pain by our work. method!. Free with OUrf SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Bat of Teeth (Beit Red Rubber) P OO B N to fS.OO ) Gold Crowne. M to p.uO Bridge Work (Beit) 11.00 and up. Gold Killings BOe to Tie. Other Killings 12 YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEED. - Open till ( p. m.. Bundayi, 10 to L 'Phonea. Ind. 2KH: Bell. lTW-examination free. 234 MAIN ST.. A. ZIMMERMAN, Manager. 1 1 H H I HI I (22-k- iiHPHNaaiHPMiMMMMaNsaaMiHiMaPHaaaHaHMRMaHM R. L. POLK. W. P. COOPER, President. Secty & Mgr. ? uf the Aisle," and erstwhile patron of Le Chela lleureux. j De 1.1 Chaise not answering, the j Tbs wily place in Farmiagtaa other continued, with a malicious light now shining in the dark eyes fixed where the travelliag aua iteya upon the Englishman's impassive face, FARMINGTON UTAH; Saw you the Count de Cazeneau this I afternoon, may ask, Captain Stanley? BYBOA The latter encountered, and appear ed to understand, the look of hie quesPHYSICIAN, BURGEON, AMO tioner. and a steel like glinting showed , OBSTETRICIAN : : 1 1 t In hia eyes as he replied. That la an Mae ever Telephone Bxchaegw odd inquiry to make, Don Morales, inTelcphoee Number 12. asmuch as 1 have to recall that I met fcommmL wtajs you entering his house as 1 was leaving it. 1 1 M 1 "Very true; so you did," admitted Ml 1 1 I won-it lairo (for he was), "and was during if you left the count In the same devilish humor as that in which I found him." Lethe, Shingles, Fence Posts, Ac. t this an angry red showed in the Bail Jen Hardware, Pattons Feint, oflicer'a cheeks, and a gleam of wrath Screen Doors, Screes Window J, in hia eyes. Hut. without looking Hotbed Saab, all kinds of shop again at l.aro, lie picked up hia carda aud glanced at them; then, with an work done on short notice. Prices oath, he threw them upon the table, as low as good work will allow. ge.ihcred hia earnings and strode from the mom. :: L. S. HEYWOOD & sons it was generally suspected that CapUTAH tain Edward Stanley was one of the LAYTON numerous wnrshiers of Count de Cazeneaus lovely daughter; and gosHM 11 1 Ml 1 11 sip had been unusually busy with their names during the present week, at the ehiRe of which tho English officer, havWe Undersell Them All. ing concluded the mission upon which lie had beeu sent tu New Orleans, was Rodger Bros. 1847 to return to Mobile, where the garriKnivea and Forks son was composed equally of British was and Spanish troops. It also understood that Count de Cazeneau had no liking for the stalwart, calm faced Englishman. per set. Everything elae Why did you try to prick him, Don equally as low. Morales ? asked one of the players, a JOHN DAYNCS A (ONI, man. with and tall, spare gray hair JXWKLXaa AND OPTICIANS heavy, overhanging eyebrows. 26 Main St., Salt Lake City. Don Morales laughed scornfully. "Because It is worth something to kiiulle a little fire in the cold blood of an English dog." "But what is it all about? Inquired another of the party. "Don Morales but asked a simple question. What was there in it to justify any man, In Me read Mrambla tor n llTlnn, let iw MUH wi English or otherwise, calling for satmnildir the HEAD. T isfaction?" nl hm ethatIxatlliwi non endur"Yes.'' addl'd a young American ofing thnn Honi.. try Itaa or ficer, looking to he twenty-twWHITE BRONZE thereabouts, sitting beside Colonel It li hr nutri Artletla, Zachary; what was there for him to MauDfiil and U Ima get angry alsuit, for angry he was at ihnn Vm Best Vermont Marble something? It couldnt have been his id MonuumnU nard In i II cauls, for I looked at what he threw Mnrk-r- t, UeadubinM, HOUSE ROBINSON LIESLEBW 1 Ill'll 1 1- LUMBER J ill S3.25 Lest We Forget Mnan-Bw- 1 down. Urara "See here, Don," inquired the quickwitted ensign, who, all hough a recent widower, with a young hoy, was in secret -- one of Roselle's adorers, la it that you know or think he went to sec Count de Cazeneau this afternoon, CITY DIRECTORIES. STATE GAZETTEERS, and that his asking fur the daughter's hand aroused the old man's temper?" BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIRECA curious and not pleasant expresTORIES sion came to Don Morales' eyes, and 0 SALT LAKE OTTY DOOLY BUILDING the colonel said, now speaking somewhat sternly as he touched the young Long Diatance Bell Telephone 39 mans arm. "You arc forgetting your BRANCHES AT usual code, Tommy, to say nothing of AND COLORADO SPEINGS. PUEBLO OGDEN, BOISE, good sense. This is neither the your Trade and Professional Liata Fnrniahed. Circulars Addressed and Mailed. time nor place to he discussing such a sacred mutter as a lady's affairs." Is It true, what I have heard. Don Morales, " now Inquired IV la Chaise, that you sail for Franco iu the mornIf so, I am of half a mind yes, ing? . s to ask you to let mq lake passage.' "I carry no passengers," was the DAY brusque reply, made while the speaker was drawing lu some winnings; and TRUSTEES: Colonel Zachary, looking distinctly Wm. b. Preston, R. T. Burton, O. P. "I want to go over ieaa, away from France and carve out a name for annoyed, remarked. I was not aware, Miller, F. S. Richards, Josephs. Richards. Don Morales, that you kept the comnot informed an to your sailing I "Mon mon ami Do cannot Soto munity do ami "I rher say; something. hours and dest illation." I am grieved to the heart that I must know. "I Jo not," replied l.aro, with a Know not where it is! exclaimed leave thee, nut go 1 must, relieved FIRE PROOF BUILDING. a marked change of by the assurance that I leave thee in j quick, meaning glance, which the colowith the priest, Medical Director Joseph S. Richards, bearing and tone. How is this? loving hands, which must soon nurse nel met will) a slight sinile. Iiut John WELLS, Secretary and Treasurer. thee back to that hcalih I pray will there seem to he those who know my AVhat was done with it? alpriest-sjsikbe thine. Icre Iluol will tell business heller than I know It my-s- i The always urgently, good Salt Lake City, Utah. Eighth and C Streets if." and thee forward of ear plans fur thy future. If I most leaning Impatiently, Write for Terms. "When shall you be Iniel. here? looking fixedly into the boys per- hive tftj. love, do as the good father shall tell thee, and pray that we may asked De la Chaise. plexed face. When my vessel reaches New Or"Burned, with the cottage," replied soon meet In happy days. Jxt Grelolre bring good news of thee, to rejoice tho leans. Jean. (To lx1 continued.) Pizarro.'' Know you not, my son. what this heart of thy over As Pere Jean's the Huot, contained?" lingered eyes box Inquired Story of Ganymede's Birth. looking the hoy In the face and speak- final word, he seemed to sec the smile, A professor in a Western college, was hull that lender, entirely rallying ing sternly. Yes some Jewels and papers, the Invariable accoir.paulment of their while giving an examination in mythA STORE FRONT HOME BARN a lie ology in a country xrhool, railed upon of them? play tv I naming of one another what OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW a bright looking girl and asked tho It firm toueh the and Ren to were seemed the proof "Those'" lips, papers 4 CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE of thy birthright. de- which, with the pale, grave face, im- following question: "Who was Gany-ned- r Tindic&tloii ?" clared the priest solemnly. Thy mot- agination now brought vividly before BUILDING LINE? Promptly came the answer: "Gany-iiitd- e hers marrirfge certificate was amongst him.' was the son of Olympus aqd aq All this faded away, and, with a them; and the loss of this may roakq a like of the for thee." cry 'aij'.e." trouble gulping sob, sounding 4 Tho class teacher blushed for her now turned from the ievely heart, the boy flung his head The inlf1 pupil and exclaimed, "Why, Elizabeth! window tu meet those of Pere Huot upon his arms, and W Nilent. a 4 Where did you learn that?" "Did Margot tell thee, father, of all jt. we last before at the "Indeed, it says so In the book, reand New befell the X Orleans, night night passed $ that New Year's day of 1795, saw the win- plied the girl. Languedoc? The professor lion asked the girl to Offloe and Varda, 30 to 40 N. 2nd Waal St. "Yes. my son; and I have waited for dows of the governor's house ablaze a fitbvtf thn to siKk to thee of the with light, and a constant stream o! find the place and tend the paragraph coming and going through (he iih.iid, whereupon the class was both matter. (7?nr&l Bonaparte and my- people wide-flunportals. Selected musicians jstnnished and ih iigliieil to learn that self talked of It a5 well; and I must fort the from played for the dancers Ganymede was borne to Olympus by needwere and thou cruelly say that ball room and entertained the un iBglc. Llppincotl'a Magazine. lessly angered and wounded. But 1 in the was grieved that thou shouldst have large gathering of spectators outside, Less Hunting in England. been led to the act that so nearly who looked through Die open windows From every quaitcr one lienrs of the made thee a murderer. As to thy upon the flash of color and sparkle of brother, we must forgive the dead, gems, as the elite of the city and decreased Interest in huiitlng this seaWILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES even more freely than the living; and province celebrated the annual ball son. The general waul of nmney Is Etienne Is now gone where he should given by Don Franrlsco I .nuis Hector. only a partial explanation, for hunting ON ALLCLASSES OF DENTAL Baron de Carondelet. Governor and run be done very Inexpensively. To have thy forgiveness in full." WORK FOR THIRTY DAYS. lie disgust of enthusiast !e masters of He paused, and Jean turned In his Iivterdant of Louisiana and West Florida hounds, motoring, golf and other chair to look at him questioningly. In an apartment opening from the sports have arisen in the last few Yes, thy brother is dead, he conI re- ball room, several men, whose years vears, and set up n dangerous compestill more Impressively. tinued CALL, GET PRICES AND SEE CAMPLES gret to tell thee that he was found or tastes made cards more attractive tition, for football has for some time guilty of a crime theJIreat Committee than dancing, were gathered about a descended In the social scale, and alnever forgives that of treachery. table upon which gold and silver were most ceased to exist. Until lately there Office 26 1 Main St., K. of P. Hall. . I lours -- 9 lo 5. Sundays 10 fe 12. While seeming to serve their cause, stacked In miniature towers before has been hardly any oilier winter lt Didnt Hurt a Bit." Tel. 1570-kthe players, one of whom was saying, 'port for the country gentleman exhe sold its secrets to the English. Jean's Ups curled with scorn, but with an unconcealed sneer, directed at cept shooting and hunting. lndon VhmpRHwaM. a tall, handsome man, who. clad in the Globe. ha made no spoken comment Etienne now dend, thou, my son, British uniform, sat opposite, "M'gieur Abstracter of Title AND MAYCOCK Unwritten Language, art heir to the title and estates, which, Stanley's hoard of gold promises to be aad Coavcyaaeer. declared confiscated, may mere than he can well carry away. Intcrrstcd Father' Did you tell her although IfcwaA Abstractor of Da via CoaMyb yet be rescued and saved to thee, . Wby not pay more attention to 'low sorry you were to leave her? Son No, hut 1 brought considerthrough the Influence of thy friend, your cards, De la Chaise, and prevent NOTARY PUBUG. Belle mi-j-- J Pliant News Building General Bonaparte, who bade me tell the pile Increasing?" Inquired a man able pressure to bear on the subject PraitMataaUaM OSes ay attire, Farmlngtoa C. tJL 84 thee this at the proper time, and also at the little Frenchman's side a man 1 think she undersiwi Detroit Free iwra.fi tf ImS to give thee this letter. who greatly resembled Lara, captain Press. XwA ad Bw IwtV FARWNOTOKfTOU!, KUmim, ary, writ ft or Statumm. M real ur eilloa ALMA HARDY, R. L. POliK&CO. Bountiful, Utah. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. : PRESCRIPTION IOI MAIN ST. 617-62- DR. W. II. GROVES LATTER SAINTS three-quarter- HOSPITAL, :::::: ALL MODERN DRUGGISTS. STOP 44 Main St. A Few Hot Suggestions After the Theater and after chopping: Melted rocna, Claret Pdnch, Grape Punch, Lemonade, Malted Milk, Egg ('ream, Egg Malted Milk, Egg Chocolate. Bouillona. Chocolate, Perfection Coffee. Served at ttie new and handsome Fountain, i t. :j DRUG CO.,:: - I Salt Lake Building & Manufactur- t ts ing Company. I HALLIDAY !L t i Between Balt Lake pheum Th 1 ! 1 1 i l l M 6r- - and H-H- 1 - g Dr. West IMS I ANSTEE BRICE DRUG CO. IMPROVEMENTS. Intend to Build? KOFF SALE Wa carry everything known that will atop a cough. Medicated candy. tahlrtn. ayrupr. etc. Our Blue !Bii(aa, Ribbon remedy line ip kqtlnl. The old Idea, hot mustard root Path, with Rock Bye in JJbe'al doers, eounda good to many. A cheat protector will aaatet by keeping the kern wlnfla off the lungs, Out- remeJIea cure both the old and young. Coma In and h convinced. Both 'Phonea 457. Remamher the numbe- r- - Do You PITTS; GODBE. J. E. ROBINSON. ItWtERS ( Through Train Service TO THE EAST AND SOUTH EAST Million! have beeu .pent liy the Uwow in the impnivnanit of ita line, andall tinman ingenuity Ima been a'lopt-e- d t. to nrntert it. patron, naninat for ita faat Tim line ia of ita traina aud the general auperiurity eervice and eqnii mint. Pxi-in- aoei-dru- THE UNION PACIFIC RUN fkiaa Through Train! Dally to the East, it traina arriving many lioura ahead of tall eompetitorn Fall Information cheerfully furalahed applicatiMt 0 D. E. BURLEY a. P. et T. A., O. S. L. R. R. alt Lake Olty. m |