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Show TOO LATE HOSPITALS CROWDED NUItlTT Mii Pinkhsmli Advice Ssvan Many From this Sad ud Costly Experience. It la a sail but certain fart that veryanyear in bring ercaae numlx-ro- in f tins opers-liim- H vo:ih'U in upo:j our lmr;itaU. Moretlinu tliree-fonrt- of tlm lying patient on t!ose bin nr white lwils are women anil girl who are awaiting or recovering from operations made necessary by neglect. c patients lcul Every one of llu-ft i.nt ir-- ring down in of warning plenty feeling, paia at the 1 It or right of tlie abdomen, nervoua exhaustion, pain in the Binall of the back, pclvie catarrh, or dizziness, flatulency, dl- placcnu-uirregularities. AH of tlu-:,- symptoms are Indication of an unhealthy eon dition of tlie female organa, and if not heeded the trouble limy malic headway until the penalty lia to 1m paid by a dangerous and a lifetime of at beat, while In oja-ratio- Brokan Down, Like Many Another Woman, with Exhausting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. A. Taylor, of Wharton, N. . says: "I had kidney trouble in ita moat painful and severe form, and the torture I went through now seems to have been almost unbearable. I had backaches, pains In the aide and loins, dizzy spells and hot, feverish headaches. There were bearing down pains, and the kidney secret Iona passed too frequently and with a burning sensation. They showed sediment. I became discouraged, weak, languid and depressed, sol sick and weak that 1 could not kei n up. As doctors did not rure me 1 leefded to try Doan's Kidney l'ills. and with such success tliat my trou idea were all gone after using eight oxes, and my strength, ambition an I general healih Is flne." Rob' by all dealers. 30 ci nls a box. Foster Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, K. Y. J-- Hlf-c- - IDIOMS COULD NOT KEEP UP. LAST DAY. Horrible Thought That Occurred to Procrastinating Individual. Senator Frye waa worn to tell thin one on Howard of Lewiston. Me., explaining that In the early days of bla business career bis fondness for sleep was almost the cause of bis undoing. It was How arda invariable rule to take "another wink" after being called in the morning, and almost as invariably riiil he arrive at business from thirty ndniites to one hour late Ou sundry oceusion he was known to stay inn with Hie boys," and on one partieu'ur occasion waa Induced to partake of the grape Julie to such an oxt:nt th.it his companion decided to play a levy .raetlcul Juke on hlin, hy placing him in uu undertaker's in a shop to In ilr- - early dawn Mr. Howard cwu!:e. s' itched and sat up. In horror he helt id the empty caskets about him, and in a flietirg scemid hi past career pami-i- l hi mental vision, till, raisirg Ills bunds aloft, he pxrhilmt'd. while heads ef perspiration stood on his ghastly brow: For the last time too lute too late for the resurrection." F1HHTS WOKEI OF ON THE c ! Most Exp.n.ive Thermpmeter. impaired ARTIST NOT FOND OF LABOR! The most expensive thermometer many caaea tlie result arc fatal. Mix Ludln Adams, of Seattle, lVaah., . Is In use at the Johns Hopkins uniwritea: Turner Pasted cn a Picture the Print! versity In the United Slates. It is valued st 1 10,000, and Is sn absoluteSoar Un. Flnkham of a Vase He Wanted. "About two year ago I waa a great The gradatOu one of Mr. Kdw.-irMoran's vis- ly perfect instrument. fmm a wen female trouble, ulns and a careful study ions on the gluss are 'bo Jn'd that it iMulaehM. ThadneturprewTitiHil fur iim anil its lo I.oi'dun he miide Is uecessary to use s microscope to finally told nw tliat 1 bad a tumor and must of Turner. t s t suf-fi- undergo on operation If 1 wanted to get well. 1 felt that tills waa niv diath warrant, but I pent hundreds of chillers for medical help, but the tumor kept grow ing. li irtunately f rorrespondedwlth an aunt iuthr KuwKiikIuii'1 States, and aha advised inn to taka Lydut E. Hnkham's Vegetalde (utnpuunil, as it waa aald to cure tumors. Idideoaml immediately began to improve in haalUi.and 1 was entirely cured, the tumor disajij waring entirely, without an opemtion. X wish every enlTering woman would try tills great preparation. Just as surely as Miss Adam waa cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, Juat no surely will Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Coinpoiind cure other women who Buffer from female troubles, inflammation, kidney troubles, nervoua excitability or ner' vous prostration. Mrs. Pinkhatn invites all young women who are ill to write her for free of advice.' She 1 duiigliter-in-lnw Lydia E. Pinkbuin and for tweuty-fivyears has been advising Kick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Maas. u When you lIseLess bty WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want JF Lemop la double Cbllde They stopped in front of Harold's Pilgrimage," and Mr. Moran, afier examining the ciinvns closely, made the startling assertion that tha vase to the right was not a part of the picture, but was ptisled on It. Mr. Warnhnm laughed the Idea to Mr. acorn and said it was absurd. Moran persist ed that he was right and wagered a dinner and a bottle of wine that he could prove It if he were given the opportunity. The wager was accepted. The picture was taken down, the glass was removed, and. lo the astonishment of the keeper, Mr. Moritn rain'd the edge of the paiier, over which, surely enough, the vne had been painted. Evidently, to save himself the trouble of drawing the object. Turner had rut the vase out of some print, skillfully hiding the point of Juucture. New York Herald. complete protection and long service. theatrenqth of other brand. These and many Kill Pralrtf 1 khn an1 flopfr Warnmloi. I.rf1. Ii Mn.l AkSc F. Da Chemical Co.f Fort l&alli'Mti TnIp uni.riat rooklir 'pensions lillu Writ Sighted, UfSL, or frt, la Dod, Wssklagts n. a LEGAL ADVICE Mint Wl.laur 11 W. N. U.. Balt u . l'-- u. i.ui:. C'lilanso Lake No. 12. 1906 NO REST NIGHT OR DAY. Race Dlecrlmlnation. Mistake Made by Pedagogue!. To malntjilu OILED CLOTHING by many You cftort afford exercise to biy any other "mental" effort, ao that a boy who haa been exhausted by study can be restored to his pristine 'mental" vigor CO POMMvU 014 j TOWhfi tnsTiAi CO htt by a paper rhaxo or by compulsory running, or by any other form of seirsmti'tiNi with and sustained bodily" exertion, Thompson's Eye Water vere seems to the tonilon hospital to be the very extremity of physiological When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Ignorance and of practical unwisdom. It Is like lighting a candle at Ita lower end to make amends for its consumption at the top." I Hewletts 3 Crowiv Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder If you don't like it. Many Children are Sickly. Mother Gray'sSwcot Powders fbrChlldren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Feverishness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders. Break up Colds and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists ,35c. Sample mailed FREE AddresS Alton 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Our Improved Emerson. Hitch your wagon to a star; but If you expect the star to do all tha pulling you may get stuck In the mud. Spring! Time to cleanse tne system and purify GdritoM Tea, Nuture's ths blood. Take porfoot axativo - it is the boat oiood purifier iiown It cures sick headache, regulates tbs 1 Ter, iLcy. tomuch and bowels. 3end for sample. Garfield Tea Go., Brook-- I Y. n, N. ' For Your Family and Your Horse The Best Antiseptic Known. TRY IT FOR Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Swellings and Enlargements. Price, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. 4 Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. .msvumMSmc CV 11 HALLS to cure guaranteed C5LD. BEMKK US REUBXLGM. MW' IrTLtSSaBIltS.feBSSSnsWS' M'. h Virmrr, Jt. O., ManufMUircr.MprdNaffrld, J(w CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY TM0T. .I!FVFRFA!K. lOWIkSmi FOH TMI MOUTH. Niidafl-Jiidso- n FOH SMS SSL. .V ALL BNUOOISTO NSNSL ITII.h,m S:!t Laki City, Utah. Drug Co., Ganaral Agents. Boston's Fondness for Beano. More money Is spent each year In Boston In buying baked beans than wouid buy the largest battleship In the I'nited States navy. If yon go to Conference be sure and use the Salt Lake Route. An Alarming Blunder. A young iady living in Pari, recent- ly visited her sister's family and left them In perfect health. The next day a letter arrived from the Bichat Hospital announcing her death at that Institution, and caused deep grief among ter relatives, who thought she had net with a fatal accident. That even-ng-, however, the supposed deceased ippeared at. the house safe and sound, t appears that she had been under reatment at the hospital soma time name, through an error, igo, and r rss given to another patient who tibsequentlv died. Everybody get Conference. ready for Spring Birds Benefit the World. If the world were blrdlese. s naturalist declares man could not Inhabit It after nine rears' time. In spite of all the sprays and poisons that coulo be manufactured for the destruction of Insect. The Insects and slugs would simply eat all the orchards and crops In that time. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES .: MsMer an tsttrstor Hus am MW i SOSBrsiMiriitWitnp.iss spsrt UHit. Mr Irx miM-- m Mm mn sorts fin to cMnrt an fiWs. TW to is new than an Mu Cton. MOMmOK aaliaSHs jn, smm French-Italla- n coasting on Its way. n7snWffftffYii j? BY DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE Nothing Gen. Gordon Went Unarmed Through War In China. In sooie reminiscences of Sir Frederick St. John, s diplomatist who served hie country (England) well, we have the facta which prompted Gen. Gordon to carry no weapon but a cane when leading the Imperial troops during the Tal-pinstruggle. When acting in conjunction with the Chinese general, against either Nankin or Foochow, Gordon received a message from the rebel leaders offering submission If their lives were guaranteed. Having obtained the consent of the Chinese commander, he agreed. The town surrendered. and the three rebel chiefs He, appeared before seeing that they had not shaved their heads in sign of submission, hud them decapitated on the spot. Whereupon, exasperated beyond control by such treachery, Gordun armed himself with a revolver, and was hastening to the general's tent with the Intention of chastising him in the most summary manner for hie breach of faith, when suddenly he paused, and coming, on reflection, to the conclusion that his contemplated art was simple murder, he threw away his weapon and registered a vow that, so long as he remained in China, he would never again carry any weapon more formidable than a cane." true! 'Tin tin- - dpep of the conith blue; But .lake my heurt's desire With the liquid llutue of emerald fire! And the shimmer of young leave. In si'rlng: With light and lore awaking Wakes the glitter of the emerald ring! i And the diamond'll sparkling light Give to fame and bright! Hut stake my mind's desire With tlie rippling flume of emerald Are! Tin the green of the storm sign glonmlng Through the gold in lowering skies, 'Tis the couch where April lies In the iris of the Jonquil eyes. And tlie lilnod-re- d niliy wine Give to dame of undent line! Hut to quench til thought And to slake sweet mou's athirst. Give the glimmer of tlie March's stars . glancing. And the shimmer of the dragon flies wing! With life mill love advancing, Flash! Fountains of eternal spring! )nll Mull (iHselte, net-uni- jj g St. Jacobs The Master Cure for Pains and Aches Price. 25c. and 50c. Discrimination Nececaary. The man who always takes a woman at her word Is bound some day to make an awful blunder. Somerville Journal. grette. DON'T FORGET package Red Cross Ilsll lllue.ontv Hum Company, South Bend, lad. A large Oil Known tha world over as Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrop. Far children tsetblnx, suftoos the sure., redecea M SimawUoa,UsreHiu,esreewlBduUu. MeebuUis. I cents. The Domestic Service in Olden Days. Menial" was originally applied only to domestic servants to show that they were "lntra moenla, or between walls, ae distinguished from the apprentice, ao called from the French apprendre, to learn. Until the eighteenth century all single men between 12 years old and CO, and all married ones under 30, and all single women between 12 and 40, not having any visible livelihood, were compellable by two justices to go into service. But at a still earlier date the domestic servant seems generally to have been some relation to the family, showing that service had no contemptible meaning In those days, and explaining. perhaps, why fo often In old books and plays the ladys maid or the valet or ie referred to as their master's mistress' "lady" or "gentleman." Record-Breakin- Tricks of Autograph Hunters. Some autograph hunters' tricks are revealed In the Connoisseur. George Eliot was taken lu by a lady who enlisted her sympathy In fictitious social work. Another wrote to Ruskln a touching letter of supplication which elicited no reply. She wrote again in a tone of almost piteous entreaty, but still silence. Then she adopted another name and address, became the bogus secretary of an Imaginary art club for young students in a provincial town, and Invited Mr. Ruskln to come down and deliver an address. author wrote back The simple-mindea long, delightful letter, asking to be excused from giving an address until the club had made some progress, but impurtlng much admirable counsel and useful rule of guidance. d A Real Temperance Worker. Grin" Jones, who dispensed liquor In addition to running his hotel at Rumney. N. 11.. was compelled by the town officials to stop selling liquor and close up, but not without his informing temperance workers that he was doing more for the cause than others, as the people then drinking at hie house were drinking half water, and that if he ran another year they would be paying fur liquor and drinking all water. World Hae Excess of Men. is an excess of men la the In America this 1 greatest, There world. while in en than Europe there sre more wommen, and in the commercial centers of Western Europe the proportion of women is increasing, caused for work by the greater facilities which women find In cities. It's Silver Time This Is the time ef the year to fix ap your tableware. Oar li.es are complete and prides more re.so.able thaa ever. Established r m MAIN Salt L.k Cltv, Utah, ft W. L. Douglas 3&3-5?SHOES- . W. L. Douglas S4.00 Cllt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. g a "I saved that girl's life once, and he doesn't appear a bit gratefifl." "How did you save her life?" "She said she'd die If she had to marry me and I refrained Trom urging her. and Nothing reaches ths trouble as quickly as Compliment from the Heart. If there Is one place more than another where the term lady" carries IT you go to Conference be sure and mighty little weight it is over on the East Side of Manhattan. 'The qualities use the Salt Lake Route. that are naturally associated with this Great Desire of Humankind. designation In less congested sections of the city are recognized readily "There Is In man's nature a secret bnottgh. but the term Itself Is held in Inclination and motion toward love the ojiln of others, which, if it be udt spent contempt. This, at least, ion of a settlwLt nt worker who has upon some one or a few. does natur-spen- t several years years on the J!ast ally spread Itself toward many," said The must sincere compliment JSlde. tord Bacon three centuries ago. ThS I ever received." she spy, "was at a remark might be applied with good meeting of working girls where, when reason to the unmarried woman, who one of the audience referred to me gs within the last half century has bea lady, the chairman Indignantly re- come a moving power in the world. plied : is no lady. She Isa von 'Mrs. L Experiments are being made at Muntreaux. France, with a new elecof us.' 'New York Times. tric searchlight of 30,(100, iiou candle-powe- r that will project rays fifty His Friends Were Few. miles. "Mose" Porter was the name of ft Uncls Allen, witness appearing In the Wood con"No." said Uncle Allen Sparks, "1 tested election case front St. touts, according to the story told by Col. don't take any stock In these flying machines. Too many men have made Bill" Zevclly of the Indian territoryangels of themselves at least, that's What is your nationality?'' asked the charitable supposition by trying to learn to fly." Chairman Olmsted. Half black and half while," anEver Hear of "Scott and His swered Porter. Ride? "What do you do for a living?" The story, brielly told, ie this: Wal"J jes Jog around St. touls." Were any of your friend present ter Scott, the Death Valley gold miner, when you made this affidavit? asked made the trip from toe Angeles to Chicago last summer on a special Mr. Olmsted. train over the Santa Fe In less than 'Deed, Mr. Committee, I ain't gut 45 hours. That whirlwind train cost a single frien' in St. Louis, and I's him more than $6,000. It was the dead suab I ain't got none here." fastest long distance run over mountains and plains ever mnde on any American railway. It demonstrated Force of HabiL "That new prison warden they ap- beyond dispute that the Snnta Fe track, equipment and employees are of pointed was not a success, was he?" kind. Probably you "A dead failure. You see, hie pre- the dependableto ride so fast You precare wouldn't vious business was sgainst him. of our three trains from the fer luxury How was that?" Utah and Colorado to Everywhere He ran s laundry, you know, and East and Southwest when he tried to run the prison he did Ask me for ticket rates and literature. It on his old familiar lines." F. WARREN. "In what way?" G. A.. A. T. & S. F. Ry. "He began by mangling his accounts 411 Dooly Block. Saif toke City, Utah. and then ironed all the cunvk-ts.A Hero. knocks out disables like Lumbago and Sciatica of various nationalities American. English. Everybody get ready for Spring French, Italian and one large German. Conference. Most of the male pnssengers were Removing Ink Stains from Book. gathered in the smoking room, when To remove ink stains from a book the steward appeared at the door and with a bow announced: Dinner, it Is dissolve a small quantity of oxalic acid In warm water. Wet the stain serve!" with this mixture. The English and American continarose the and toward started gent If you go to Conference be sure and dining saloon. The steward, seeing use the Salt Lake Route. that his announcement had not been Mesunderstood by all. continued: Collector of Dwarfs. sieurs, e'est serri! and as a portion King Philip IV of Spain collected of the passengers still remained seatdwarfs, and many diminutive specied: 11 pranxo e servito! mens of humanity were sent him on The French and Italians followed his birthdays. the English and Americans, leaving PS TI1B FAMOFI the large German in solitary state. Red Cross Ilsll Blue. Large parkape 5 Gott in himmel! he muttered hun- cents. The liuss Company, South Head, lad. Is It dot no Germanmans gets grily. French Jinricksha. 8omedings to eat on dis boat, neln?" In the French city of Beauvais a Harper's Weekly. mall vehicle, built with two wheels and drawn by a man or boy, la in Green Flame. It is called a vinaiGive the turquoise to betrothed one. common use. BRAND At our expense? small steamer waa proceeding The passengers were TOWER'S FISH a can 1 inirniDHlF IS J5 A With Irritating Skin Humor Hair Began to Fall Out Wonderful Remit from Cuticura Remedies. "About the latter part of July my whole body begun to itch. I did not take much notice of It at first, but jt began to get worse all the time, and then I began to get uneasy and tried all kinds of baths and other remedies that were recommended for skin humors; hut 1 became worse aJU..rhe time. My hair bpgun to fall out and my scalp Itched nil the time. Especially ai night, just as soon as I would get In bed and get warm, my whole body would begin to itch and my Unger nails would keep It irritated, and It was not long before I could not rest night or dny. A friend asked me to try the Cuticura Remedies, and I did. and the first application helped For about four me wonderfully. weeks I would take a hot hath every night and then apply the Cuticura Ointment to my whole body; and I kept getting belter, and by the time I used four boxes of Cuticura I was entirely cured, and my hair stopped falling out. D. E. Blankenship, 319 N. Del. St., Indianapolis, IfL., Oct. 27, 'Tis the slimmer of wilt wave, Wont You Just Try or HMHUi'im Very Old English Used in Parts of West Virginia. Lost summer some persons from the North were spending a month in the mountains of West Virginia in n log cabin on the mountainside. One morning, as they sat on the porch admiring the views, s little mountain girl in short blue calico dress and bright pink sunbonnet bounced round the side of the cabin. Howdy!' she said. Mammy wants to know if yott-sl- l don't want s poke of snapples this mohnlng. A what?" the Northerner! asked, in amazement. A poke of snupples," sissy repeated. Then, evidently overcome with shyness, she darted through the underbrush before the newcomers could decide whether or not they wanted a poke of snapples." The expression got Into the systems of the visitors, until curiosity made one of them take her way to the little farmhouse. "I will take a poke of snapples, please," she said, fearing rll the while the mountain woman would laugh in her face or think her an escaped lunatic. But very gravely the woman disappeared. and soon returned, handing the caller a bag of string beans. The beans, which snap In the Angers are called snapples" by the mountaineers; and poke," which is a good old word for bag that has survived from the Shakespearean English of the early English settlers. Youth's 1905." other good punts sue combined In rmufail IrimlH. Kiulohtrtl hj Mtal''ifartiMilalKlaUonab 1.41 mhnu pre rril.V. read them. OF THE MOUNTAINEERS. Chlneae and Japritree Buttons. To-dathe buttons worn by the Chinese and Japanese on their wonderful costumes sre the most highly ornamented and the most valuable from an artistic standpoint of any In use throughout the world. maruFao MMKCt MORE K1U am enact turcr m thar r other n nnn jm wlUjUUU the world. as dnron tM lutixwiit. HI could take you Into my tkrrc large bctoriei at Brockton, Maw., and (how you tho Intinlt. ears with which of every pair shoe, lo mado. yon won Id toalizo why W. L. Uou.lo 5J.50 otaoes more to otako, why they bold tbelr obapo. bettor- wear and are of greater Jjt Intrinsic vatu thanlonger, any other 13.30 shoo. mt Mmn.t2.BO.tt.Od. BoymtchoolA $ 1.BO 92.t1.Tt. Insist bat .CAUTION, Ibs sbnos. Tiiko fm snhstltuto. in. iq-- m Nine .HODins without his Kamo and price slsmiwil on bottom, cut Cahr f clefs mtd thru mil mot sow tress Write tor lilnstrstml rst.ilig. W. L. IMU GLAH.IIrorktow. J When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. |