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Show V Trust to Nature. BLACK AND RED HAIR ARE AKIN. northwest notes Idea to the Contrary, Long He'd, Is - Wrong. There is only One Genuine- Syrup of Figs, . act. C. M. Mcfver was shot an I kill,-ot at Silver Peak, Nevad.t, by Al Goldfield. Cook was slight k in the neck by a bullet tired by .Me : mu i.-- i (il. r.ii California Fig Syrup Co. Iver. The University Girls Glee and Man dolin club of thq Uulversity of Y.v The lull name of the company, California Pis Syrup Co la printed on the front of every package of the genuine. tli-- . ,ir tered for the trip. The Genuine- - Syrup of Fig-s- is for Sale, In Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Chief Forrester, linchot announce? 250,0(K acres of lands lyiue in Uintah county Utah, and in southern Wyoming will be excmptcl from the order extending the riiitah forest that about .1 Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitations made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by ntUaMf dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should S I reserve. One of the largest sales of railroad landa In Wyoming In recent years was made last week when ihe I'nioa Pacific aold to thn Gibson lJve Stock company ft Nebraska, 11,228 acres foi therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always If you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its tvnrftr? effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the Always buy the Genuin- e- Syrup of Figs $9,614.42. Constituent Wat Displeased. pertinent question wus put in an Indignant letter from' an anonyinoua constituent to a candidate at the genet al elect imi. Dear Sir." lie wrote, among mlnr things. I hope the devil will get you. If he does not. what's the use of having a dev 117" Ijunlon A . Repreaenlativej Dixon of Montana, has Introduced Mils authorizing the Chicago', Milwaukee A1 St. Paul railway to cross Fort Keogh reservation and bridge the Yellowstone river in Cusicr Mall. county, Montanas IIOVT FOKtlKT The city of Provo willapeal front l I'nn-nr imekngi' llslt lliiie. imi.t in Hudecision the Booth's action llusx ('('iiiismy. rum ill Item', lud. i Judge brought by J. W. N. Wbitccotton to Fine Deed of School Children. restrain Mayor Frisky and Recorder A little girl a' tending one of the Harding front issuing waterworks anil public seboij's in Iaii-- Ma t to stay at artificial light Isuids. home and nurse ilu- baby whenever John (Mk of K1U Moimtain, wlm her nioil.'i-- wtui out to work. Tho was siimnioned as a juror at tin- term school children took lip a collection well-inform- MANUFACTURED - - The Genuine is Manufactured by the r The color of the liiiir, says the Grand Magazine. Is transmitted from parent 4 lo child. This Is especially true whin both parents have i in- - same enmi'b-xkm- . Instances, where however, are not children have hai:' black as ebony, while ih-- hair nf both parents is a Insiiad of disproving burning the tkciiiy that a child takes a Per its parents so f.ir as the color of the hair is conn rued, this Pic', It has now been ascertained, is all in favor of the dnctrine. Red linir. in fact, is by Its structure and composition much nearer to liku-- hair than to blond. Very often, if the hair of a very dark miuplcxloiied person be examined a few qui'e red hairi will bo detected in the mass. On the other hand, it would lie time wasted to seek for black hair in the locks of a fair person. Similarly it is not in frequent In notice children whose hair, red at birth, becomes as they When. too. grow older quite dark. after some serious illness, the production of the coloring pigment of the hair fulls off. black hair becomes not blond, Imt red. Fair hair, which to a casual eye appears to have much more affinity to red hair than to hlack, is, ou the contrary', quite A raid was made uv the alterin on all the gambling bouses of ilutt- - lust week, and there arc no ganildiitv houses now running in that city. Andrew Heath, single uu.l ugc.l JS, cmplin or the h firessman in the commit te.l iuiici,b- by Butte Miner, No cause is known for ilu Itoisfin. BY THH V Hi-t- liir-.-- A great many AuioricaiiO, both an-- l wuiiii-n- , are Uiiu. pal" Had puny, with Iioor circulation. bccauMthey bavu ill-- 1 stomachs by liuuty eating rented llit-ior too much eating, by coiisuiniiig a'co-bi- d or by too duse c.irilins-iiii-iin to bou. e, bltlce or factory, and in till) slomaih musi Ihi treated in a liulural way before they can rectify in their curlier u.iptukcs. Tho iiiiis iiiunj inch iKsiple. in fuct in every do their thin and llim bloodcd work wnh crc.it. , difliciiltv. As a result is and lasts coijii-fatigue long. The demand fur uulritivo aid is To insure perfect n bead cf I l.o supply. lie.utli eterv tissue, hone, nervo sud muscle kIi".M taka fnun the blood cerund return lo it certain tain insti-riaito prepare llio others, it is for Ihe work of taking lip from to uiuku gooil, the food bat lo go to Nature rich, red hliiisl We must Tlieiswere certa-fur the of this Indians known the to noils the advent of the whites came to the knowledge of which lut-the settlers and which arc now growing favor fur the cure rapidly in professional aud stomach liver troubles, of lliese are found to lie safe and yet certain in tlicir cleansing and invigorating cffivt uiNiu the stomach, liver and blood. These an-- : Golden Seal root, Queen's root, Slone root, BliHNlrnot, Mandrake root. Then there is Black Cherry burk. The medicinal principles residing in these native roots when extracted with glyc erine as a solvent make tlio most reliable and efficient slomacli tenia and liver when combined in just the aa in Dr. Fierce right proportions, I iiseover.v . Whero tln-rGolden Mmla-asuch aa nervou Is bankrupt vitality exhauation. hud nutrition - and thin blood, the losly aeipiirca vigor and tlis nerves, blood and all the tissues find tiia favorable elfix-- t of thia aoveroign remedy. Although sumo physicians have horn aware of the high incdieiiml value of the have uhuve plants, yet few and as a aolvi-n- t tiseii puncalled Joel ora prescriptions usually the for tlm ingreilieiits in varying amounts, with ulfohol. Mistical Discovery" Is a Tlio "Goldi-innioiniidi-- l of tho aciciitili glvccric extracts nf the aloivi mentioned iio :i nd cnnlatii Vegetable g drugs. or barmfiil l il b-- cai-iv- s a l - glvi-criu- e hahit-foi-uiiu- alci-lio- Money in the World. The lota! stuck of money, in gold, silver slid uncovered paper in ihe whole world mini. mis. In round fig. In the I'liilcd urcs, lo $12IimP.ii,-ii.iiiiiStall's i In- total slock nf iiuup-amounts to ulu i.i $iMiiu,iNii,:rp. s - . - i - LoutaviEet 5BjfraivciscotCaJ. K)S nuez W. L. Douglas 3J$&3SHOESS Douglas $4.00 Edge Line W. L. Cilt cannot be equalled at any price. If you go to Conference lire the Sail I.ake Houle. - flewYoA. Hrfjtff-f- nrrr cents m Bomz . :.. ah r ailroads Earliest Election. The earliest elec lion of which the and to pay the pledged mother as iiiii'li as sin- could earn, In order to her m stay at home and send the chi! to of court at Rawlings, Yu., brought his wife and babe with him. While coining through tin- - storm tin- - Imln-diein its mother's arms. The board of trade It is signed a corn met with J. Ross Clark and C. O. AVhittcmore for ti right of way tlirotigli the heart of Rhyolite, the road to he N'ev.. by to finished by June August 1 to Rhyolite, N'ev. The team taken by George M. Sentt when ho absconded lainder. Wyoming, several weeks ago, lias returned, and many there believe the man froze to death7 In a blixx.ird, as no truce of hint ills been found. bo sun- - ?nr- - Hiid - I Vnf'-reiio- - First Power Shoe Peg Mill. The liisl )oncr shot-- peg mill in Mils con n try was t lit- obi Ciiimrings peg mill at Sonib Acnorili, N. 11.. 111111101'', on ni'il by Major Kplirailii Ciiinmiiigs. w'no mis ill- - first to alio-- pigs by jsiwer. TIih mill nil? four MihIi-elof tbi? capaeiiy - If you go to ( use Hie Sail l.nl.c lSmiii in- am None is oi "None Are."7 a day. the f.ieuds of liberty of speech owe gratii ude to Prof l.ouii.-hur- y r n fre the Salt Lake Route III Confer Yale lor his In Harper's erne ibis year, lies) from Sniipete Magazine of the use of "none" us the I mill. I'luli ti u nf ies. ami l lie fni subject of a plural verb. What idiot si.iilh. It that started the Acts Belie His Words. A brutalizing influence. movement to schoolmaster dial The rich man may say sometimes "nont.-out of existence we do not Tin- telephone in having u brutalizthat he was really happier when he . The ?ciiillve-mindeknow, but his effort has bad a ilcplnr ing luliunu-ewas iioor, but still he beeps on all the of siici-ess- . An aw Hi ex man, wlm would aliriuk fium raying aide degree lime trying to get richer. Somerville ample ought to lie made of some of a illsagii ruble ildtig in ordinary Journal. Acting upon Ihe petition of the of- the grammarian? who try to make when talking ibrougb the staof the w ill ficers infantry, contorm to teli rules speak Ills mind as Instead of for language phone Ret Spring ready Everybody tioned at Fort lAlissnula, the board of making rules conform to language. It lilunily ami argue as roughly, as does Conference. an ordinary business man, and, findIhe longue county comm iR loners has passed a will lake years to Average Human Eyesight. of who painful have peopl.worthy resolution licenses of the the revoLtg compelled ing tin- pi it of lirutnlliy less A person six feet in height standing h Imagined, hecoint-- s as iheniselves Is Ilian lo "mum win say tlA.ng now saloons business near ihe on level ground can, with average eyeiheir consr-ntln- l impulse was to say lent when mil talking on the sight, see objects on the same level fort. none are. Harper s Weekly. phone. The Graphic. for a distance of three and a quarter Dr. J. J. Fislier, who conducts a miles. drug store in Portland, was shot and seriously injured by a highwayman who secured admittance to the store YOU just after It had been closel for the If you have cream to separate a good night on the pretense that he had a Cream Separator is the most profitable severe toothache. Women Are Susceptible Many investment yon can possibly make. DeThe Saratoga Valley, Ttyomiiig. A Time lay means daily waste of Stock association has voted unaniWomen Dread Diseases time, labor and product. DB LAVAL CREAM mously to disband and the money in rxvTf Two Relate for aa Experiences. the treasury was added to the credit aWkW SEPARATORS NjLJitfJX. $10- .- per cow per year of the wolf bounty fund in the Sarais of life The change vV every year of use OTer all members of the the most critical period JnLjrVj j gravity .-setting systems toga State bank. The womans of a existence, and $S- per cow over association had lost interest. LaA'flU and the felt by separators. Tj fliA all imitating Fifty-seve- n are women asanxiety cases of sntalpox it draws near They received the (Irand InBUp w 1risie or Highest Award reported in the farming districts of is not without Every woman who Llhian. Bridge and Uintah counties. at SL Imis. sc pa Wyoming. The source of the epidemic neglect stlie care of her Buying trashy ratom is penny wise, dollar foolish. was an abandoned pew home in s health at this time invites and pain. Such machines quickly lose their cost lien her system is in instead of sari off it mining camp at ('tinibeilanii which a a deranged condition, If yon haven't the ready cash ranchman appropriated. or she is predisoM-i- l to DE LAVAL machines may lie bought li.it C. 8. Jarvis, tie- only apoplexy, or congestion on such liberal terms that they actually her in Bellingham. Wash., on enierin; of any organ, tlio tenfor ythrmseh'es. pan Send for new catalogue and Ills shop one morning last week, found dency is at this period active to name of nearest local agent that' the front dxM' hail li en broken likely and with n host of nerthe simoiici. five niiii'drs down, The De Laval Separator Co. plumbing torn out, and chairs car vous irritations niuke life a burden. At this 74 CortlMdt Strwi vied from the RnSl,h E Canal StL I droppr I into lime, also, pl.iiind und CHICAGO NEW VORK the bay. arc more liable their Frederick Rodney. 4U years oid. to form and Spalding's Encyclopedia of Base Ball. destructive work. Poise came who lo Creel;. from May Nk?2l. Ilirtr to Itftt Hueli wii riling' sympNit SR. Iliw in hay Mm OnlHfld Ore., shot him:cif at a lodging house auflo-catiol-i. n KL lw in I Hnt Iton ijr taNimii HnM N.L JfiSL It.iw t I Stay in Hay Creek. The miciile was evi- toms asiioL iluslu--of til. Hi. Mnw In 1'igV rillnl Hfisl dently planned hs he hud idiniuuuni. tft 'SOL Hw It. I'lH.t HhurMup l ic.ick'iicbcs. n, Kl. Hiwtui'ali'h ciilorofurm. carbolic acid and morVWl lluvtof'iirii of impending evil, timidt4tjai. d to lu:i in room. prof'-How to Cdrli How to his phine ity, Miuuds ill tlio ears, dtlrtalti nTrnnii llnw biRgniiit mm. t(i to I mptra, lluwio use the gun. pulpitnl.ion of the heart, Ofinuln r Imvim the eyes, Nit Ctt. How to Kun thft J. B. Hi!ss'-;imaiuger o sparks irregularities, eons!, i :ik mini- - non- SaratoPrh't hi Hall, t i tvntt Each. tile Charter variable apM-titetli-rep-rtfiiidng of a Spaldings Official Base Ball Gniii for 190$. ga, Wyo., weakness, Inquietude, of cnp.s-- r sulphide in a and ThDftuUiofity eofiil$d oil n!t rilwtmNl iKifntK. mnifilna arc dizziness, t tlM wo iwift ruU ami tin- level In l ie ( Mil $! ItNuJilitf from drift heeded liy in playani, And phntoitraiim, of h:imlvda of Iwnut, mine, the vein In iiig two and a bill' promptly women wlioare Pitt HU'fHlM.ku Jttti. Sand yovMiM Mid wMrow for HMftkIlnvi OntnlecM feet wide and iln- - ere miming in to ."it appniiu-liinof fttl Athketk Kimrtft ii rneo. tlie A. Q. SPALDINQ A BROH. I wrote vim for advk-- nnd comna-nis-per cent in copper ill life when woimm's great eliangc U7 York NftMfta Now WaWli ClilcftCOk Art. tic. in willi Lydia F.. IiiikhHin' . Is- ini roiil lie mine siat of Tin may CiiiiiHind a you direetsl. and 1 am Com- ilHppv fi I lector of Wyoii.in; shows Hi it Lydia K. I 'i nU i:i ni'-(iishv tint all'lliiiM- - distressing iliirii-i-i- i miii-'- s me an-- I have iu?m-- I wifely through tot pound whs prepared to meet the lien's of output 1 am USE a well woman. QMHE FISH the year ending .l uniary I. lltut;. wits of woman's aystem at this trying tin liinme of lire, vuiir iiiislieina to all my Jt invigorates und pm period of her life. ti.Ptifi.S.,'! ions, wi'li a tax vain Cbentcr-limAnnie U. E. llyland, liens tin- - fcninV organism und - c ans. The hln-ntr- t ton ranging from 11 Mil. builds up tin weakened nervous system. tolnl tax value of th- output for tli Another 011101114 Case. Ill's imFor special advice year was " Ihiring ehniige of life woni cnniwit ex- invited are women lo . said 1 The ranjA.-ie- ii My iliysii-inliving aim g tin Pi- portant has stood for the BEST write to Mrs. linkliuin at Lynn, Mass., Im-s- w hat. 1 condition of tlm fcinahi u l.uranil- -. Wyo., oneer canal und itwill be furnished uiisoiutely free organs. Gnu day 1 mi-- I some of the rs of e during seventy ranches, nre of eliurge. I lu present Mrs. l'inkhiim ne.irly who liml Iss-- cured i'V of iink-haii- i, daugliter-in-hiwnE. to f Is the company l.tiliix K. Iiiikluiin's Yegctablu Ciuiqosinil, orgn arizing a Lydia inertoun saks. , r lu-detw-aseanil i dwiilisl to try it ami to write you for her assistant licfiire Inilld a line from the bead of the cam! nuslii-iiMmails nm a well Rmenber this whenyou want vmte anil for twenty-fiv- e years aim-- her ndvica. Your telephone lo connect with It an--l all my bad oymptoiiis fmn woinan. hick to comtinbeen iin ll'iunl has of given freely change . proof oiled (oats: suits, hats, or horse women. iniit ise every womnn at this life pany at Miraiiil'-ham's Pink E. Lviiia aiul write you forad-vi--Read to wliat vnur imslii-iiitake a all kinds for and hunter K. W. F. of wet work. poods Mrs. Ioil. Mrs. I.izrie Halnm, liinkle, did for' Mrs. Hyland and scout who Is known in Mnntani ns Hinkle: What Lydia E. ilnklium's Yepi-tabi- s M CUAIAMEe ETUT CAIMWT. ti new a been lias granted 'Coyote Bill," Cumpoiimi diil for Mrs. Hyland f ml Mr, rinkham? trlai. Ilesskove has lier-- confine I in Mrs Hinkle it will do for other women .AJT0WHE0.MJT0g.MASS USA diiqilsn-nien- t of at tkis lime of life. Town (ANAMAg (0 .IMS TOIONTOUg the .Missoula comity jail since last I lie I laid lo--fur Mifferingw-ityeani ami w s nHiiig iotin: nr William Hur-rig- . tlm organ It lias conquered pain, restored June, for the of life; Mv uIhIihimi was Iwilly been wolk-ii-elinugn Since October. P vssove ; utonuieh was oo: 1 had dizzy health, and prolonged life in cases that mv When Answering Advertisement , under sentenei- - of d att. and was very nervous. utterly bullied pbysieiaus. pm11k, lick ImsuIui-Im-Kindly Mention Thie Paper. Lydia E. Plnktiaas VcirtabJe Compound Succeeds IVhers Others FaiL numbers polled have been preserved Entering Salt Lake City have made is that at Lincoln, England, in 1547. ua Official Time Inspector of all At this eighty-fouvoltes' were cast Watches used by employes. We are Watch Specialists. If you go lo Conference be sure and Route. use the Sail All 1 A-rent- .Icfi-iiM- , w-- of " h i.w-wi- a t Brockton, Mom., you can with which ovory pal'rot ihoco Infinite mode, you would realize why w. L. Douglas 13. HO ibor coot moro to make, why they hold their ihopc. fK hotter, woor loafer, ood ore of great er Intrlaiic value then any other 3.90 ahoc. W. Oowedoo Strmtim Soda Shorn tar Mmm, SR.BO, 02.00. Boym Sohomt I L Bern Shorn, 02.SO, S2.S1.TB, $1.00 luol.t iimoi Lovliig V.I,.Iiig. Sanaa. Toko no onbotltutr. None genuine without hli name ond priee otompod on bottom. Fit Color for foil nrS ; thru ll not near brain. CAUTION. Ih Write for llliiotrotoil raining. W. IMtlCi l,AS. llnirkton, Jloio Reservation Opening Intelligent of itrh mountain and farm landa. In IINMO a bean of Big llama Conatry , to tie opened aoon. Two lame mapa of Wyoming nnd Keaenre. with ttp. Stir. E, W. GLAFCKE, C. Houktat. Bon 2SS ChoyonnOi Wyoming. HOWARD L BURTON, ASSAVER AND CHEMIST. Maltese Lace. genuine maltese lt.ee Is handmade. and the Inhabitants or the islands are strongly opposed to any form machinery. Th- - Inof labor-savindustry is almost exclusively confined to women anti girls, and many families have special designs that are handed down from one generation to another. Two or three firms practically control the out pul of the islands. Most of the lace expmted is made on the island of G.izu. Silk ami coHttn arc the materia's used. The demand In America for this work Is becoming greater every year. Children and Sleep. One of the greatest mistakes of parents and those who have charge of children is that they are likely to allow the young ones too little time to aieep. W'i.h one excuse or anothare up later at er the lonngftr-rnight tl.nn they shout 1 be, and as they must lie off to school bet lines in ihe morning and there may lip duties to piiTor.ii Huy are called before they have Itnl.dud ihri.- - morning nap. Children, as a nil- -, ought to sle:ip len or lo do ibis they eleven bouio. un-must be put to curly enough at night so thn they nny get this amount of uni:i:crruprd ret. Vodirn Women. Guest. of an Erie Almira Todd relaips woman had guests to dinner the oilier day. and dm in? the progress of the meal she ekiertalncil them with a history or the fovl !l ev w,lt Yea." s'.'.o roi'.cV.i.Icil. this was cue of the l.o; la .a hen. an I hate-.awful to Kill iw. hut shed sek losii.lii htie-y- , been so droopy 1 I thought might r.s a ell. an' get City some gisMl out of Star. Sprrluirn i prli-ea- : l h-- tli-i- i l her."--Kans- as . nat-ural's- . - lo-r- r-r --SRIPIBE ANIHiRilm ) jf iV OJ is guarantied to cure CRIP, MD COLD, HEJUUCHE AID BEUtALGII. who wnn'l tlaaraatro to a o .ll MAC X IF IT BOVT IT MU. 1J. F. IF. Diemer, If. Aall-rlpln- CANKER AND BMaVAVSiSSSS Heilin-.JylJ- s. -- tli-l-.r DIPHTHERIA REMEDY NEVER FAILS- - Oroj Co., Gan.rai Aganti. - c non-unio- to-da- tui-inr- s is-gi- s beinl-aclu-- s, ilri-iu- . - high-gradi- pa-lio- - s The loncrv'.ty of pa, ret.--, nvens resa.l rcrialii other lirls has marked for i: ... ce:sl;:rlcs, but .ire Mill lime I tin as to the e n. i favorable limits, iif. .'.c : in ih zooi s. fine v..i-logical gai('ii:i! In Yk'iiua. Hied IIS years In enptiv:'). aul tl.e liiferen- e Is pia'n ih.it biiils cl Its kind might . cases. live much PRICE, HAILS - diM-u.s- - jnn-foo- Mig-eiii w e - exH-eled- 1 s syuqi-tonis'lc- m l fri.-nil- - I- s li Ja four-scor- n e. - - Com-poiii- llir-Mic- h s Sail UU City, Wall. siilb-tTfl- tn-a- Ih-a- r B! ilS&'.riSXSZZ: Prepare their it. Sllvrr. .rail,ll: liiild, 80 rr. th-- Uuld. Air: Zlor or Copper. It. Cyan Ido taaHL Balling envalope. and full prk-- r lilt arut ua application. Control and I'niplra wurk aollrltad. Load-vill- a, SaUuaaHtauk. Colo. IJrfemu-e.Carbuaai- Whets Appetite to When When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thia Paper. W. N.U., Salt Lake No. 13. 1906. All MIDDLE LIFE COWS? HAVE W. L. DOUBLES MERES SELLS MORE SHOES THEM SHY OTHER MFM'US.fO meruFeo turer ih the world. h cm a ci n nnn swam W I UUUU dii,rgvi this itatinwiit. If I could Uk you Into mr three lam factorial too and obow id e. |