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Show Trie .aturd.v rv:i!i,: Ir.'in Hit- 1hibppim-s- . li.s legiiu.-r.- l li.is stationed He w.is luinoi iiis.buigid mini vice it S.m I'i.ou-isMau-l-i ,. .md will at foi.uu! Irnm-t- t li is I t n! , li v srrvi.'i to Ills LTr:i III' .f l iiliili't ill.J, i s.-r- 1 1 apiiiutmrnt 1 kii'itti Ay - KAY S tin' Argus. ILL., Mar. J7. ing oilicers, nor Cutler. I.un inK in wearing a bandaged Imntl ax a result of Ins '.'soriubility" witlij a coyote. Mr. King is a trujt of considerable renown in this bailiwick ami is suppose 1 to know wlicn a critter is good and dead; liui about two weeks ago lie visited his the mouth of W'cbli ran train-u-t found a iiarfii'iilurlv vicious and ynn, in the trap, lie soon gave coyote llie lirute what lie thought was a knock-olilow, and left il lying the trap, proceeding with his work of setting his traps; Imt by the some means he tom-hoit when lienl vat, suddenly revived and grabbed tin- - trapper by the left hand, holding il snarling, and showing in fiery way possible its dislike of the trapper. Fortunately, Mr. King was within reach of a pitch fork which In- se- cured, aud, forcing one of I lie tines ; wl:;c!. s.- . Fair Dealing SYKACI ."'ll. M.u. jj. Tin- - burners of n th.it tin y li.ive had enough, w Met n.r umc ..lid would be pleased to It w. is I bought !,r w:i: m : t i rci s spioig li.nl come and funning '!! c..im.-a- t bul now it seems as w.is ;! c.ier .is , .'i .igiiiii. 1 1 j Tito Right. Prie-ec-t wv.i-Kiii- Loe- SYR r ' SI-- Mur , J'-.- i: We are lust but . evidenced liavis comity tin: pnci s of re.il est.ilc in our artisiau w.ilc '.ell. From sSn to per ami n il Ir ist in us is u and li Goods si-- G.uer- - .Xml !" jMleliee i t 4l in : :a Curpui.d IRum u is his Vk;11 In tail's I ii:iij iit M liiiippiri M'niii his tlic riiiurM:iU'Mt lu- - Siii.il Waiiing For Good Weather. - wlii-f- Tell the reason fur nur Holid.iv trade. We die tuo bust- - to say much in tliis issue. We lane the finest ami la st line of Kodak an.l Cameras in the cuv. Only exclusive Photo supply business in the City. BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Jl li Third Si... Salt bake Cuv n 7tah Pac King Co. . : Wants Your Chickens. Will Kill Tbev will mv toil mure for your Poultry tli.ni you can get by peddling 1 tressed or l.ive Poultry. tfff We your beef and bnld for your use. .Slue-Lupi- form its ait as required for dri-use- I; Ihiu't I .other to kill and dress your lings at home. You can drive or send them iluwn to lie dressed for the market. Highest Prices Paid. Better Afford -- Your Hogs. Boy and Sell I; thing tlmt is raised in the I or on the farm, all the way from a bologna sausage to a line let, . veal, hog. 1. very luru-yur- il ". e. i. ms, . lauidy Use. 'li ;iii.:r. jn- eaili. ilepmnie, or visit , New wli'ih KavsviPe is renoe, m-scl 1' laii lllMlglon. t" woi it lo CC the ure.iiM.ilu.i: . a I.Ui'es SECOND HAND STORE Cf J ci.iiinicici.il cluti. X . Sam W nil this Mgr. Plume ..71,4 olneCl .n view i IllcVtUlg w.i 1 S. Sun- - St.. Salt JJ4 bake Oly held on Satuid.iv i veiling nr the speci.ii Porter-Waito- n piirmse of uiguiiiiiig the new Kavsviih-oinuierciiil clu1.. Tln-r$ were present w-- w besides the brass b.iud. Wliolcs.ilo olid Rotall edi.'em , merchants, iunkers, To Be Aristocratic, . and nurserymen ail u wlii.iu ton!: Stock Foods i elnotci lueiubciship in tin club. A Garden Xml in keeping with tin- lime mid hisird i nine tin- - war, ymi slu.iiid pur- - y three ot whom rre r mid iiHMto sene one year; three lor two ye.us; and - . t if yniu High Grade A men Office iiid Warehouses amt Imia.m-K iVriumes, three to- - three yeais. 'flu- gentlemen XOesI JSt. Su. 3rd iciiii van Dvkc, who also X . iiatui-as direeli.is and the urdei of I'm-iSEEO DEPARTMENT service wen as loih.ws Myr-.u. 3rd South Street. 59 hrtwcetl tllC jaws Of the coyote. In hitiil, James fhinlem-rt, both Phenes bake City. 11 J.io;i Slltilieid, r.eoage Swan it to release its hold and 230 5. Main StT fUj It. W. 11.. rues, e Salt Lake Cit it we-- again jilaceil Utah $: M. liariies. V.VV.VV.V.W.Va.V.V.V.V.V.V!.VA JsWV.V.VV.V..V.V..V.i!l horse de combat. The (llliceis o! the hew club u.ie: i. C, A s i. a irc C. AflLCr. Har. M Mr. Iviug any - hi- will never Harms president, lliruin St.w.m. another ,onte dead iinti! he nice ;.: sidcui . llljisl secret. irv V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.VsV.'.V.V.VV.V.VsV.WAWAVSV.V.VwVsV.aAV.VsVmWifVasVaVs'sW.n the ailil treasure. lifts till hide paws etc.. The iiuml.eiship hv h.'is t j l.uv1' iHlllllly eoiiiinissiulli'l's aud the n Ml II ty I l)c Crraijilosl' at .111 I ini aunii.1', :j uf oj lie 4 ... ill hand, iiislead of a "garni- haml" and il Puru Ice Wafer Sherbets. Cream, is generally llioeghi mici-i-swill & Frozen Punches as tie now spurt'. Ices, (. lb.w in.Puddings o: ilnFANCY BRICKS I'nlllllleli'l.il Pluij. WANTS THE ARGUS. r. , iv - i il - h-- ut m-a- r Co. rei-u- - com-prisin- dia-P.i- diri-c'o- I CHAIN" .a-.- l.ir-me- SEEDT i. - J !- . d , 13 - r i Ib-nr- , ::iUtah Packing Company Stock Yards! ! . I - J 1 - i- County people are'$ our Special Patrons, , lm-lie- Kclcy Ib-lia- Cream ln-i-- Ice Co. Displav r s - .:n ..rgn-,...-.-- - COMMISSIONERS 2G Richards St. iviTivcd a written in iiiiiini vi-r- poetical Wliitcar uf is the author. and The duc-idcill- B01H PHORtS 3X23 SALT LAKE CITY. - . Poem-Letter- ha MEET. Petorson, Writes a Unique Spring Pass on Sever, Peiibons and Grant Some of Them. Walter Itamptuu of Whitoar of The Mr. Morgan dimly, .. ...r-- UTAH AT county regular session m MUl Idi form. . rxfirr sPTujdG jo aim Ofuce Tin-fur- Eli 1.. oVI... '. letter is original: BARTON CLOTHING CO. AM CARE 45-4- "Go, kind letter, with all possible speed, CHARLES SCrBOLOT. Prop. To Walter Kimpton, my young friend, indeed. PHONES Indrneihknt 15 lie's a hlaeksmith by trade; 110 one cat. Bel! 1951 , . compare , wS Hi . 't( an a was ord, red In shoeing of horses a id fixing plough- 13 LAST THIRD SOUTH STREET 1Ssueil. share. . . in a motion 01 commissioner Jfen-- i el- In lixmg old shoes, no one can do liclicr; SAL T LAKE CITY , UTAH was ordered tnat cntim.aiulK 111 resoiiit iT use any leather. lic lixes them . to '.lie assessed v. dilation ol .in v I,ru He lives at in Ilavis county; ganl ot ..pphc.i'.ious for 01 Ilaa g'il place to get married, von " remissions oi taxes 11, r the current veur mnst i made to the ot I wrote von a letter a good while ago; . mi uloijd.iv Jiitu 1; lues'lav- I uue littiiiu I dun t think it reached von- the mail is A ;.ii.itiw and Mil cure 5; Wei'iiesduv June Miuul.iy June it: so slow. i'll lni:vki-nne.s-and the Opium. Tliefdav June 12 .ml 1,11 Wednesday hme Thai thiiroughhreil hound, don't vmi Iie'.w.-eT.'jcrc 1:0 publicity, tuo tick- 13- lie hours ol to o'clock waul it, old man? , badi strvated ax ja'iv.itely a. in. and 4 o'clock p. 111. ni um1 don't caie a Just say Yes" or No. 11 cor us --.t their own homes. bailed. days, or lie .1 risiMimier.ee The petition of David Stoker and four strictly cumllit iitinl. If you answer this letter, just tell all you Addii-s- , bock box 4S0. or THK others asking fur a jierpel-iaright o! know, KI'.Iil.Y IVSTlTfTi:. 334 V. wav to construct, opi ite and ui.iiu!.i-.And Kiul me The Argus and Ill call it :i p!f line system (or irrig.uiu-i- . domestic l .Simih Temple. Salt i.uke Gif v.L' a go." .ind cu.iuary purj us.-- i ori certain stn-eiV.V.VV.V.W.'.VS".;. .V.VI I. I will send you Thu Argus with Mil-rixiils in the m.iihwcrti-pm o'. S' 'Valter replies ; hut tin- Ilavis county was grunted fm tin- term ol pleasure. Muse did nut affect him furlht-- : '5" years. rill: Pl'l:t'n 1,1 t,le Parmers I n.un ami not a rime. lind I'oultl he 12 others asking i' ir an - T . appropriation o! '""th with which to pay lor the 45 FARMINGTON INSTITUTE. services ol a night watchman for the pr-- . wiis denied uml , lection oi their jiroia-itTaachera From All Over Lomuiissidncr J. Ib I.arKiiis was mstnici- . County in Attendance. eil to confer further wi! 11 l!ic Tlie Haris County Tesicliers Institute of Angus pjle iiml So waa held in Saturday. The ollu.r ,ur r(KllJ lhtlJ11Kll Ml)rri.. CLAYTON MUSlL COMPANY t principal address was given by Mrs. tov. tlJ cSM;1 t,.c (llhtillli:e t 0;lll.n llV 109 MAIN si. SALT LAKE CITY Quallrongh of the Oijuirrh school, Salt jj,roe nnie-- . Tile matter was discus-a-Lake City, who spoke "On Reading in the aIIIj ilcll rtirll.d to the boai,l. Grades.'' D. W. Psrrott was expected to j lie present hut could not Whitesides requested the teachers to prepare a criticism of the $ course of study to la-- submitted within three weeks. ietif Announcement was made that schools Complete Line would be required to make an exhibit this fall ill the Ilavis county fair, which is announced to lie held in Kaysville. The teachers are requested to prepare for ami late Hesigns. Order' taken for LL lllli NI-.a guud display. unking over at reH'uiubie prices. THE BRIGGS CLAIMS SETTLED. 7 Main ft ii 11 Salt LaKe City. -- Vri B .bb.bbbbi . - ; up,-dot- , . The Verdict Ovunk" cured. ; ' - decides of the PEOPLE ctJcry issue. The PEOPLE hasJe placed the PHEFEKEiCE c iy. i. lun-ve- stamp on the I lie-.'- of A j. ! j I I - r ' ORGANS j t Roeky CDountain Bell BRAND NEW j $49.50 bow-ma- i A Womens A Millinery WOMENS Wilt Keep r - nA r in Touch With SALT LAKE CITY. sinrnmnai nsiu n n c you CO-O- P THE OlORliD; j riimniniiniiii a Month of 20 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET SThe Beneficial Life Insurance com;ny are enjoying a wonderful success in Davis countv. At this writing they have some- -' thing over sioo.uki of business in Davis for future county alone, and prosx.-clsuccess in this aud other localities where $1.50 Co-o- p. and Spring 4 Telephone . n wm $ Sl s they are doing business are exceptionally good. of iulerest to Argus readers It may that they are ju-.- t now settling to know the claim uf Mrs. Briggs of her husband, David Briggs, a voting man of Bountiful, His application wss received on Jan. itj and on l:eb. 26th he died. : if ! 1 juul ' 111 e:iv intur,n-i,.iu!i- . I'roUiiiiiie for It will I liv.-Uo- paying rent. .nil Itonower. The pi sl, , GET A 'BELL piy you to do so. I.. II. Kobe! t... President, I'. J. .Viliauis. Vice President in. I .Ms . Geuerul Nelson, Triasiir ager; N. V. joues. . T1.1v bug Glenn R. WulCii-i.in- . AtLo-iiey- Corporal Bannett Returns. f.n iMHiSUiin-p. C01 KAYSVILLK. Mar. 2f. Oscar 0. beuiiell, formerly ol eomxniv R, Twelfth infantry, arrival in Kaysville as U't.illni'.-nu. liio-.r.hl- i Safe, us Toi further UNION SAVINGS j pro ( Oon-tlitii'io- n Buiidinit you ii & INVESTMENT GDMPANY. s.nt Lake Cit 1111 1 1 Tiii Ad I j |