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Show EASY WAY TO WIDEN OLD BARN ",v. ' Plane Showa a Method Any One Can - J. Follow. FREE DISTRIBUTION! u GRAND 1. The accompanying plan shown how an old barn may be widened and the poata apllced. The old barn Is 10 feet wide with IS foot yom. Aa repaired the barn la 60 feet wide and lias '5 foot poata. U may be any length quirod. When timber la acarce, the frame can he constructed with by 8 Inch plank and If properly done SMART SHOP: We Give No Openings! OUR GOODS ARE VERY EXCLUSIVE STYLES, and wa cordially Invite tha Ladles to come and Inspect our line of IMPORTED GOWNS, WAISTS, WRAPS, and HATS. Tha moat EXCLUSIVE MODISTES of Paris rapraaentad. An rntrrlulning Miul hIiniiIIoimI iviunt iiirii lo nrrrune (with nniiIImm n noted below) that will prove liilereMlng mu I lieueflelul lo nil who ijarllrljiate. us the lurKiM lint of nirmt words made Till dlMrlbutUm of iriira Hill be made lo tinier from Inter until In llie three word V. Hamiltons Custom Tailor-Mad- e Suits ato Specialty! a maka tN-llin- THE KIMBALL PIANO ' . r smart SUIT Wa great efforts please our customers In or gown, and they will see only the latest productions and smart style for Spring: Prices Tti tllNirlbuiitm of thin large amount In irUra la only made ptadhlr by llie liberality ami prugrrtud veil cn of llie V. W. Kimball 'o., wlm are tlrlrrinliieil Uial llie name "KIMBALL" .hull lietiune a ImiuwIioIiI word; lo lls llie name KIMBALL Indelibly upon llie iiiIimIh of all wlni. may mm or at Mime future lime, need a piano. , $20.00 would be aa good a: solid timber. The heavy lines iudicaUi timbers of old barn. Ji Feta Pertinent Facts. The W, V. Kimball f'o. inannfaeture ami aril SS.MHI InNirumenla every year. Kimball IMaiuia are anld on llie syMein. . They liave a Hied taiue.. Mr. Junes at once rlie ami in Mr. Ilrown al another. (o All dralera who aell the Kimball llano must aril them nl llie rtualillNlird price, en lo be naked, no lew. aiii'ptril. Every dealer who liunrilea llie Klmlwll llano muni mark tliem In plain titlin'. n FIHKT l'ICI7.E tt'iO Kimball I'lirlglit Ilami, Cabinet lira ml, will lie Riven na first prise lo the aemlliiR ua llie lnrgrt lint of I oerecf wnrria aa above merllomil. ami snimllng lo rule. ami tiimlllioiii named below : SECOND IMlI.i; SZ25 Klmluill I'prlRlil I'lano, eotlagr size. all Drainage for Foundation We intend t gilding a barn In the spring and wlap to know the beat way of draining the foundation. The oil la a black muck with a hard dry subsoil. , ?. The building Is to be 36 feet by SO feet, and lfitYTFp-concretWhat thickness Is require)? 3. Is It ad vltahi to use cobble stones In the treudh level with the ground. 4. How much material will be required? 1. mt-ao- Tlllltl) A 11117, hill for $130.00. tTeilll Itill for $13(1.00. FOIHTH 11117.1-- ; A To llie ih'ii live largii lli of ciirrtil words will be given Credit lillla for $I(MI eaeli. . To llie neat five Inrgifl liMNof tor ret ( wortls will In Riven Credit IIIIIn for $V3 eaeli. To llie next Hie llU of iir-relarge! word. will In Rlten I 'milt IIIIIn for $H5 eaeli, xml follow I hr iIiIh in RroiiiN of llte, eaeli of the eumpetl-to- r Mending iin llie llte lurgeM IMu of unreel words will In Riven Credit Hills for $1.00 less tin prccnllng prtae, until the entire $I0.IIIHI slmll hate been distributed. el arruiiRenieuI with llie V. IV. KIiiiImII Co. IlieNi Criilll Hills will In honored at their fnee taiue tn.iiird llu pim-liusof unv new Klnilmll In our store.. TIm winners an llius assured of a ginn-Inil net Ion of the amount of their Cnilll Hills.piano There will In 112 Cnilll Hills diirlluiliil.. They an worth slriiiiiR for. Hy rpii-lii- l m No lists reerlvnl after Mareli 31. 100(1, will In tiinsbleml. Only siieli wonls are lo In used us an found In Webster's International lilellonary.. No proM-- r numea forrlKit uonK of mtoii, iouiim r iiImitm an Co Ik ummI. Tlie Kimliull JKi mil use a letter more limes in formliiR a won I than It apHars in llie wonls : WiniIn nm'IIii the same liul linthiR a different meaniiiR eau be usiil liul onii'. No one mitt owning au upright piano eau iiiniNte. No iim niimii'Kil with the piano business hi any way mu iiniete. In llie etenl of a He. prli s of iiial taiue will In Rlten. I oiileslaiits iiunpllliiR list must nIrii same, together with nuipon aiiiuiiMinyinR list. Ill the etenl of list ami ioiiniii not In'Iiir sIriuiI by iiiiitislaiil the right Is nserml lo njii'l sueli Fasy iiaymeniN will In rihiiIiiI tinea wlsldne lo In aiiiinimiNlaliil hy applying their Cnilll Hills, ami luiylujt llie haluun In small itlily uinienls. Ji,,l num Ilian one Cnilll lllll will In ani'plnl on llie same piano. I.lsls miis In iiihiIi lit alphalN'lleal form nr will In Mihjii-- t lo lejniion. ; j : I EXAMPLE i 'V k? ) 1 n the rtU H. . Isul. exhibition al our wan-nsunextreme i The ,,f prlzea will be deirrinimil by three Judgea, all imimlnent : (. having tl position. menu A .peel i xi Wonls Street No inn-fl-- . . In list Have you a piano . Clayton Musis Co., i LEADING MUSIC DEALERS. SOUTH MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. 3 CUT PRICES FOR SATURDAY I AT PEOPLES CASH STORE. IItfl Ap Utah Tomato Per van Utah Corn, per I can for Utah Pni t can for .. 2ACp Cl flfl qflalMF 25c Boap for Tge C000S DEPT. DRY Btralrht Grad Flour ack 10 bar Nlckl Flat per Sugar cheaper than anybody. Our freah Ranch Ebrn, I do for jsar.s WE CUT THE PRICE SATOBDAY, NASCB 17th 40c. B0c and COc Saturday only 15c, 16c SOc, Saturday only ) AValt!nR224-- Qr Waletlnge Beat Standard Print Saturday only 8AT0BDAY $1.M lavv X lart aaeortment of men'a Beyer Cape, choice. Boye School Suite, and 20c Cf fill Lad lee' Shnea, pat. tip, Cf fif wide heel. $2.00 value 1 $2.00 J.v i 1,000 Huck Towel, fringed Saturday only Beet Lining Cambric Saturday only Standard apron cheek Glnghum, Saturday only - A. Ep value SPECIALS medium Mene weight r f K Calf S1.7S lfig ..PA Sfl aawFK. fi y al Mena' Underwear, greye mel. weight, per garment Men'a Drera Shlrte. worth 76c Men'a Black Sateen Shlrte, $1.00 value Men'e Sample Hate, $3.00 value PEOPLES CASH STORE V. Pr lp PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Men'e Working t is Iosloffiee I09-IM- 1 lake Name P t! i Null of wonls and semi to Clayton Musie ConiNinr. So. Main 1 hereby certify that I nimpilnl llie aiiiunianylnR list of wonls ami agree lo aeeepl llie of llie Jmlgea of awards as (Inal. I A cement wnll one foot thick with a foot lug 6 Inches thick and two feet wide would bo Buflkient for building mentintied'above. 3. Tn building concrete walla, use all the atone fillers (hat can be thoroughly bedded in concrete in the footings and walla, hut do not start concrete walls on top of trenches filled wilh cobble stone, for the water !h liable to lay In among the stone and the frost will heave and crack the alls. Use the atone in the concrete In the bottom as described above. 4. For a concrete wall for a barn 36 feet by 60 feet by 3 feet by 1 foot, with footings. It will take: Portland cement, 19 burrels; gravel, 22 yards; stone fillers, 6 yards; labor, 4 men 5 days; concrete mixed 8 parts clean gravel to one part cement. 216 Corner of Richard and IsL South Streets. Retain Much of Danish Speech. John Ackwoith. mi English dialect novelist who has made a special study of the dialects of lamcashlre, Yorkshire, the east roasts uud also of the Bane, shows that the Dunes by their parly landings and mijournlnga In England have influenced the language of the eust coasts of Britain to an extraordinary degree, and ihut the Danes and the Urlilah. in spite of differences, are one practically in speech and language as well as in the relationship of blood. "Bo strong la the English of the east coasts or England Impregnated with Danish." John Ack worth once said, "that I am sure that if a fisherman from the east coasts of England were lo he wrecked on the shores of Denmark, and he would only speak in his true native dialect, that fisherman would he able fo make himself understood.' 91$ yds.; lime. 50 bushels. For coat of laying see builder in your city. For concrete wall for same one foot thick, it would take; Portland cement, 15)4 barrels; gravel, 19 yards; atone flllera, 4 yards; laljor, 4 men four days work to build (he wall. Footings are not Included in these figures. Concrete footings 6 In. thick, 42 feet wide, would take: Cement. 2)4 barrels; gravel, 3 yds.; alone fillers, )4 yd. THE SIGN SPEED OF AND SAFETY COMFORT TRAINS DAILY From Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, Galveston, El Paso and the Mining Camps of New Mexico i Arizona 6iii. Agt., Dooley Blk., Salt Lake C. F. WARREN, City . Concrete Blocks. How much cement will be required for wall of cellar, 12 ft x 12 ft., 7 feet high and one foot thick? 2. What la the best way to make concrete blacks 2 ft x 8 ft. x 12 In.? 1. For a concrete cellar wall, 12 ft. x 12 ft. x 7 ft. x 1 ft. thlrk it will take: Portland cement, 8)4 barrels; grivel, 10 yards; atone fillers, 3 yards. 2. Aa this size of concrete Work is lsrger than the average block, made by cement block machines, a good way for you to do Is to make your own moulds, cbh .a metal face .on mould. A barrel of Portland cement will make about 25 blocks of above size, and would take 4 of a yard of course sand. Timbers for Stable. am thinking of building a stable 60 feet by 36 feet, with 16 or 18 foot posts. Would 7 In. by 7 In. be heavy enough for timbers or 6 In. by 6 in. I provided sound poplar la uced. should like to have a Dip roof to work a hay fork tinder. How can .the frame be built to have the smallest possible amount of posts and beams In the loft but still strong enough for the fork? TO LADIES! The Corrective Remedy Absolutely Indispensa-bl- e .To All Ladies ! IiADII-X- : I Main posts should be 10 In. by 10 In.; purline poata 7 in. by 7 In. There should be two rests la each bent, the main ones being 13 In. by 12 In. Care Metalixea Embroideries. A chemist of Brussels devoted hie must be taken to have the main beams attention especially to nieialixing em- rather heavy, though purlinea may be broideries. and rrealed wonderful ef- lighter. fects. Until quite reeemly they could Cement Miyed Dry. not le mude of pracitcal vulue. and 1. la It beat to wet the gravel beonly now a beginning has been made fore putting cement with It or should by an invention, the details r which re kept a secret. A stock company both be mixed together dry and water has been formed for its exploitation. applied afterwards?cement will be re2. How much According in the Paris Cosmos, the each square yard of wall for quired company has created a sensation one foot thick? with their products. 1. In mixing concrete, first mix 8L Bernard Monks Use Auto. In the canton or Valais. Switzer- gravel and cement together dry. Then land. the monk a or St. Bernard have add water and mix again. Cement secured the Swiss government's per- does not mix thoroughly with wet mission to employ an automobile In gravel. 2. One barrel of cement mixed provisioning their convent. On Its eight trial trip, in order that the horses and parta gravel to one part ceway should not he frightened, the ment, with stone fillers added, w'M build 40 cubic feet iif wall. monks had a horse attached to the Ih'nI nmnly I or 'htIi'iii. ilimiivrni tlx-iiin!iiiiiI for all ohKirnilioiiK anil Irregularitiin, fliiKhlntc In tin ran, iwlti. In iln liark and ImnI)'. of IiIinkI. or nrnila. rlr.. ilr. iknitm iur lii'ailiii-lii- . Ion. of Iini. iliiring mini aiNlll. Il h an nnriiiliiiK iiinalitiillnn. No lull) mill ilr-i- rrllrinl lailii-K- . and will not Injun- - (hr . hn Hi ab ninnt lioN'li'i i um-s mH Iimvi .It'licali Ini'ii hy my ilu mu quently In niMnl by lum) anil oilier ulileli nn utterly nortlili-- . uml luiltaliiini, and fn. ami iinmiraHon wliliinit (loing.any jcinnI. NOI'K. Till lami-rfii- l n nuily Iom-mi- . Mi urely anil fm fmiii nlnrrintlnn. In any aililn-M- . in-MMal niinii) outer. ITIec. $2,311: Double Strength. S.Ytlll. One ael. r N for any cum. NOTE TIIE AllDKKss iaekil. m. on Mially timli r nii'lpt v-- it of Mtnieleiil THE Natural Cure, as IaM Fourth Komli eiul all Mull Ilea . .A v r; : !, SOUTH MAIN.SL WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY CellarJIWall. I wish to build qudone cellar under y a log tnipse 26 feet hy 18 feet, with stone wall, to be 7 feet high. What matmal would be required and what 'Tnild be the cost? What would be required for concrete wall? For a stone cellar under house 18x 26x7 feet high and 1 feet thick, it would take: Stone, 914 cords; sand, Cf' MU out. allaeh In list Ktmf. Sail Lake City, ( tali. V ) eillxens of COUPON V f-- WAISTS. The new MODELS In CHURCH LACES, NETS. Lingerie, Mulls snd Washable Taffetas are largely tu demand at two-ator- The h s'. DRERBY SUIT HATB and TOPPY UTILITY HATS are all exclusive styles. WB DO NOT COPY OR MAKE HATS. New MODELS being received and are the late productions of the CITIES SHOWN. walla. Rules and Conditions of Contest r of Hamiltons Shop. THE 1. To drain a foundation use tile drains, having tiles laid outside of walls aud even the bottom of footings; these will ratch any surface or soak age water front running underneath Important Features . L Model Hats tHe Feature e. milil TO SI 00.00. - a . (Nxl to labor llall) Suit toiler, to I. ). Ifcix 14nh. Kin-cl- lake Flly. |