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Show THE HELPER TIMES HELPER, UTAH THE STORE BEAUTIFUL I LOCAL NEWS THE SALE AT THE Kodak finishing at Photo Shop LOWENSTEIN MERCANTILE COMPANY HELPER, UTAH was a Salt Lake visitor this week. , Miss Bernice Condon T Mrs. E. A. Patrick 'and little son were Price visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Remiek were in Grand Junction during the week Our Spring and Summer Line of Mrs. H. E. Chambers was hopping at Zion during the week. Dress Goods E. T. Borkenhagen was attend ing court at Price Tuesday afternoon. are now on display. We have a most beautiful line in Silks. Mr. and Mrs. Demsoiv spent several days in Salt Lake City this week. - GOLDEN RULE STORE ON Ladies Shoes, Mens Shoes, and Mens Sweaters and Shirts was a full success so far, and cannot be otherwise when you get Shoes of $5 or $6 value for S2.75 and I $3.50 We feel that it is our duty to relieve the public we serve, from the high prices and we persuade yoii to buy these articles now while oh sale. There is enough quantities of these bargained goods left to supply everybody until this sale closes. 4 BUY WHILE THERE IS TIME. . Mrs. Marshall, See Our Line of New SPRING WAISTS Mrs. P. McGuire has returnee to Helper after several months visit spent in the east. See our Window Regarding our Full Line of Mr. and Mrs. J. Charlsworth went to Salt Lake Wednesday for a few days visit. THE STORE FARMERS IN BEST FINANCIAL SHAPE OF RECENT YEARS Smooth Transition of Agriculture to Peace Basis Predicted by Federal Reserve Board American farmers are in better financial shape than they have beea far years, according to n recent report of tbo Federal Reserve Board at Wash Inf ton, which also predicts a smooth transition of agriculture and Industry from a war to a peace basis. Tbs hoards review of economic conditions throughout the country Is based on detailed reports made .to It by the governors of tho twelve federal renerve banks. farmer is said to bo la tbo ahape for many years, foe review stye. In the South he Is able to hold his cotton for bettor prices and is marketing his output conservatively. Excellent crop prospects are re-from tho wheat state of the Erted and from California. On tho Coast tho prospects for excellent crops ere exceedingly bright.. "Victory year crops, according to another government report, added 917,000,000,000 to our wealth. Tho principal contributions were: Corn 2,682,814,000 bushels, 83,628,-812,00- 0. ' 91,874,-928,00- 0. Oats 1,631,259,000 bushels, 91,092,-423.00- 0. Barley Rye 266,275,000 19,103,000 bushels, bushels, Potatoes 897,876,000 bushels, Hay 0. barrels, 9475.-781.00- 9229-060,00- 0. As a result of tho flourishing condition of the farmer la general the government expects him to take n large block of Victory Liberty Loan Bonds s April. , BORN OF WAR It la difficult yet to valuo accurately pr in some Instances to perceive, all the war has brought to our nstlonal or pruned from It Tho things re think little now may appear to posterity the greatest The Thrift Stamp Idea seems to bo one of these. OxUlnated as a war mmiumi bm- Iff 1 Friends in Helper will be sorry to learn of the death bf Mrs. S. McCaig, a former resident of this city, whose death occurred last Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Cody at Lund, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams entertained 16 friends at 500 last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Griffith won the first prize and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter the booby prize. Luncheon was served by the hostess at the close of the games. The evening was very much enjoyed. ELEPHANTS SHREWDNESS. ao-cou-nt ly overhauled 1916 Ford touring GOOD IDEA. Juniors father was leaving the house to attend a lodge meeting at which he was to be initiated into the car with new top for sale very reasonable. Adv. Miss Day of Castle Dale is now Good-bJunior, he said. Im the sixth grade teacher. Mrs. going to ride a goat. Adair having resigned to go east exclaimed 0, daddy, Junior, to meet her husband who is reride him Back to our house. from overseas. CONSIDERATE GIRL. An interesting tale was told, a good many ycarg ago, of an African elephant in the Dresden zoological gardens. When offered an apple which was in bad condition and stale, this elephant at first accepted it; but then, suddenly, as if he had realized the trick that waa being played upon him, lie paused, looked closely at the apple, and then handed- it back to the person who had offered The elephant did not drop but waited until the man took it it, right out of his trunk, just as he had handed it to the animal in the first place. Surely this proves that elephants do not lack originality. Christian Monitor. it Not Medicine Littley of Price, is the Im thankful guest of her sister, Mrs. E. T. tons, 11,622,478,000. 1,840,019,000 pounds, 974,318,000. Apples 178,632,000 s Mrs. 76,459,000 Tobacco uro. It has taken hold; has appealed to tho common sense of America, and Mrs. W. T. Hamilton entermay the destiny of tho tained Mrs. Minnesang and Mrs. nation. Marshall at dinner Monday even It is patent, now that tho way is that the over, Thrift Stamp has come ing. to atay. If wo get nothing els out of tho war but the habit of aavlng, which Mrs. Geo. .Hanselman and kegeta the corollary almplo living, wo will have reaped the full fruit of tho Vera, and Neva Fullwar. For a thrifty democracy Is a daughter visited mer at Salt Lake this firm democracy, a potent democracy, a democracy strong enough to pre- week. serve Itself. A man who saves is n better citlsen Joe Edwards is in Salt Lake than tho man who does not save. Ho becomes a stockholder In his govern- City attending to some business ment and he Is jealous for the wel matters in connection with his fare of that government In war and In peace. In war he will fight for It patents. with his life. In peace he will protect it from those who' would tear down. Mrs. E. T. Borkenhagen enterAs America saves from this day on so shall she grow in benign power and tained Mrs. Mae Noall and Miss In the eyes of mankind. "A bank Day, the sixth and seventh grade for every American dtlaen teachers at dinner Monday after ahould be one of oar national elogans. noon. The Thrift and War Savings SUmp Idea Is freighted with a mighty change for tho bettor In our national Ufa. Eddie Jones returned home Tho Thrift Stamp Is backed by tho United States government Without from over seas a few days ago. doubt It is tbo greatest investment He was prettly badly gassed durover offered and It Is In such a form one of the battles. that every American, big and little, ing can take advantage o' It The Helper Garage has a new- turning 9134,947-00- UNLUCKY FIGURE F0K KINGS - y, 9235,-869,00- 0. Notice . Mrs. Forest Lewis returned Mrs. Ed House returned home from Salt Lake- Wednesday home last Friday after a visit had a minor operation where she with relatives in Green River. performed on her nose, order. Wheat 917,100,000 bushels, Where Everything Sells Cheaper. Par-ticul-ar BEAUTIFUL yet-whap- THE' GOLDEN RULE STORE Notice is hereby given that a Disasters That Have Befallen Ruleri stray bay mare, 3 or 4 years old in Years Ending With One Mrs. H. Perry and Mrs. W. J. brand H on left shoulder is at Numeral. Rebholz were Price visitors the the Thos. Haycock place, Spring Years ending with the figurd Glen; early part of the week. For Men and Boys. UTh visit- in Georgettes and Crepes. Dutchess Trousers ; o! formerly this city, is here this week ing with friends. Mr. Callow Well, to you for not making fun of my mustache, as the oilier girls did. Miss Bright I never jeer at anything when its cKwn. Boston Transcript . How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halla Catarrh Cure. Halla Catarrh Cure has been tsken sufferers by catarrh for the past thirty-fiv- e and has become years, known as the moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh Cure acta thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Hoiaon from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great Improvement In yon- - general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh, riend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENKT CO.. Toledo, Ohio, all Druggists, 76c. . . eight seem to have a certain fatality in the history of kings. Thus 1588 sounded the knell of Philip II's hopes bf extended empire; 1618 was tlie beriming of the Thirty Yean war, with the misery which the ambition of princes brought upon Europe ; 1628, by the Petition of Right, marked the first real revolt of the British people against the doctrine of the ditimJ right, a revolt consummated in 1648. The death of Cromwell put a period to another form of autocracy in 1658, and 1G88 saw the end bf the divine Fight as practical politics in this countrj. The first Partition treaty, in 1G98, was one of (he landmarks in the history of the barter of peoples by their kings. The alliance of France and Spain with the United States in 1778 brought another democratic power into full life, crushed Napoleons dreams of an eastern empire, while in 1807 he began to sense the pangs of the Spanish ulcer. And 1818 was the. blackest year in the history of kings till 1918. Manchester Guardian. CLAIMING HIS DUES. Mother Now, Jack, father' woni tonight, so you sit in hit chair at the table and serve. Jack Well, if Im to be father must have two eggs. be home I rift cAkECTANT FAN. Looks like we were going to have a league of nations. Didnt I tell you wed have some wonderful baseball next summer? Not Surgery Not Osteopathy But CHIROPRACTIC Borkenhagen. Lawrence Checketts and mother of Castle Gate were Helper visitors Tuesday. Lawrence has from over seas. recently returned Mr. and Mrs. J. Charlesworth and J. G. Moore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rasmussen last Sunday at dinner. Grand Master E. H. Smith of he 1. O. 0. F. of Utah, and the Grand Marshal Harvey Cluff, were guests of J. G; Moore at he Y. M. C. A. yesterday. Dr. J. B. HENDERSON, .A"-?- ; wm ;.y Chiropractor. v-i'- Rooms 6-- 8. Hours; Golden Rule Hotel, PRICE, UTAH 10-1- 2 a. m., 2-- 5 and 6-- 7 p. m. Subscribe Today |