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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH Thomas A. Edison once predicted that the time would come when only the rich could afford to burn candles. In 1815 the average American family spent $22 a year for sperm oil and candles, and they got 25 candle THE HELPER GARAGE 1 ' T F. L. WILLIAMS, Manager Auto Supplies, First-ClasRepairing Best Auto Service. and s, Agent for Paige and Chivrolet Cars. Barybins in Used Cars Phones: 45, 44 and 26m: THiS TELLS HOW TO FIGUREJNGOME TAX Squarely Up to Every Individual to Get Busy by March 15 or Suffer Penalty. Don't wait until tlie final dua date, March lBtli, for paying your Incoina Tax and making jrour return. Avoid the lnt minute ruah. Any person can figure ut hla liability today as well as he can next week, and If there is any point on which he needs advice he can bow get in touch with a llevenue man. This word of advice la from William C. Whaley, Collector of Internal Revenue, Helena, Mont., who Is collecting the Income Tax in Montana, Idaho anil Utah. Collector Whaley Is giving without charge every aid of his office and his enlarged field force to help the peoreple get their payments snd 15th. March turns in by But the Income Tax men will not, or your pull your door-bel- l announceCollector! to the according ment. It la squarely up to every Individual to figure out his own case and to get busy If he comes wlililu the ecope of the new Revenue law. ihr coat-tail- s, Did You Earn Thla Much? Every unmarried person who received income averaging $19.25 a week during 1913 and every married couple who Jointly received Income averaging $38.50 a week should secure at once from the nearest Deputy Collector or the nen rest bonk a blank Form 1040 A. That form contains the Information ha will need to enable him to figure hla correct net Income and any tax that Ks owes the Government. The law requires that every unmarried person who had a net Income of n $1,000 or over and every married or was Income hose$2,000 net Vjv ever (Including the Income of husband or wife, and the carnlugs of minor children, If any) must make a return en or before March l.rtli. And this requirement does not hinge on whether the person owes a tax. Taxabla Income. An Individual must Include under gross Income all gains, profits and derived from salaries, wages, or compensation for personal service of whatever kind and In whatever form paid, or from professions, vocations, business, sales or dealings In property ef all kinds, Interest, rent, dividends, or profits derived from any source whatever. Very few Items of Income per-so- . HELPER, UTAH . power lights for their money. Then came kerosene and this form of lighting was only two-thiras expensive as candles. Gas light in the average home, prior to 1885, cost about $34 a year, but of course the illumination was greatly increased compared to that furnished by candles and oil. The average family is back again, to the $22 a year basis for lighting, but instead of flickering candles, they have something like 13,500 When the Lord Let there be light. it said, must have been in contemplation of the present times. But reckoned: in the scale of the cost of living electricity has done marvelous things, INCOME TAX PAYS ' FOR PUBLIC BENEFITS. Its largest and truest rionac, the payment of taxea Is payment for benefits received or expected. Only from a narrow and essentially selfish and shortsighted viewpoint can tbs Individual propose to the evasion of tax liability as a desirable course of action." Dunlel ltoper, Commission er of Internal Revenue. Vaccum cleaner. $1.25 per day. L. L. Stephens. For Sale House and furniture complete. 3tf. See Geo. Magana. FRESH MEATS Call at the Helper Meat & Grocery Co. Near Post Office Bertolina Building, Helper, Utah: house on Main St Earl Wilcox. m Land Office That huckster who used to cheat us with sliort measure has been arrested, lies in a ieck of trouble. Wife ia Thats the February at MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF CARBON MANUFACTURERS Hay, Grain, Etc. All kinds of Soft Drinks. Jobbers in Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. Castle Gate Coal. See as before ordering elsewhere. Helper, Utah Buy W. S. S. COALS OF COKE CARBON COUNTY COALS ARE THE BEST - Publication R. S.) Salt Lake City, Utah, 2347, la the market for Hone end Mulei for Mine Hay and Grain, Mine Prop Tioa and Spraga 10, 1919. Notice ia hereby given that Orman W. Ewing, of Sait Lake City, County of Sait Lake, State of Utah, on October, 5, 1918, filed in this office 'Application to Purchase. Serial No. 023582, under the provisions of section 2347, U. S. Revised Statutes, the SEl, of Section 18, Township 13 South, Rangh 9 East, 3alt Lake Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object for any reason to the entry thereof by applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office during the thirty-da- y period of publication immediately following the first printed issue of this notice, otherwise the application may be allowed. . GOULD and varioua efthar local product Home Industries Patronized General offices seventh floor Judge Building, whit Lako City, Utah. Mines at Clear Creek, Winter Quarter Castle Gate and Sunnytide, Carbon County, Utah. 3. BLAKELY, Register. Be Wise Stuff, First pub, Feb. 14, 1919. Till the Huns Cry Enough. Keep Your W. S. S. Pledge. T1IE NEW WEST BIAGAZINB U. S. and Semolino. Colorado Turkey Red comiff S66 For- (Sec. HOME PERSIFLAGE. , For Sale 4-- SMALL RATION. Treat em Rough! FOR A GOOD LINE OF Thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds for setting. Mrs. T. B. Dyer. May, 1919. JAMES MARTELLO, Admisiatrator. First pub. Feb, 21, 1919. lf I hope that peck full measure, at any rate. M. P. BERGERA Hens For Sale COAL ENTRY Hub-W-ell, Our Shorn Look Weil, Fit Weil and Wear WelL We have a big stock and it will pay you to inveitigate. For Rent Notice Wholesale Dealers in Telephone 42 rs. IN THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL District Court:, In the matter of the estate of James Albi, Notice to Creditors: Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Helper, Utah, on or before the 20th day of In HELPER MERCANTILE CO. Kansas Flour candle-power-hou- A bargain. Hub (with magazine) llcrcs aji article entitled, Breadmaking in a are exempt Deductions Include ordinary and nec- Nutshell. essary business expenses. Interest paid Wife Heavens! And what do er accrued on indebtedness, tuxes of we bake it in a thimble? all kinds except Federal income and excess profits taxes and assessments fur local benefits, losses actually sustained, debts ascertained to bo worthless, and depreciation on buildings, machinery, fixtures, etc., used In business. A further deduction is allowed for contributions to corporations operated for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes or for the prevention ef cruelty to children or animals to an amount not exceeding 15 per cent of the taxpayer's net Income aa computed without the benefit of the contribution deduction. The taxpayer Is pot allowed. Jo de . Four-roo- lilin-xe- OUAHANTEE OUR SHOES il ds duct any personal, living or family ex pense, any amount spent for improving property, or any expense of restoring property or. making good Its exhaustion for which an allowance la claimed under depreciation. Figuring the Tax. . Before figuring the normal tax the dividends are deducted as credit! from net Income, together with the personal exemption. As la previous years, dividends of domestic corporations are exempt from normal tax when received by the stockholder. The normal tax rates for citizens and residents are aa follows: On the first $4,000 of net Income In excess of the credits the rate la 6 per rent; bn any further taxable Income the rate la 12 per cent. The surtax rates apply to net In come of each Individual lu excess of $5,000. The personal exemption and the dividends are not deductible before computing.' surtax In ihe ease'of returns by husband 'and wife, the net income of ach Is considered separately In computing any surtax that may be due. Forth 1040 should be used for making returns of net Income exceeding $5,000, mid the Instructions on that form wlll ahow how to figure the surtax. Business Heuae Returns. Employers and others who paid wages, salaries,- - rents; Interest or slm liar determinable gains In sn amount of $1,000 or over durlug 1918 to any person must file an Informal Ion return with the Government. Blanks may be Secured from the Collector. Every partnership must file a return allowing lta Income and deductions and the name and address of each partner, with hla share of the profits or losses during the past year. Personal service Corporations will file similar Information for 1918. 'VIwl .-- BalMing The Wot" lhtnbliahed 1910 For tbo development ef Wntern induitrim, err culture, mining, oil, and Of intercut to the Wcatern conic attraction!. investor, farmer and aightaeer. Printed on high e Uhutrationa. grade paper with copper Year, IS ; copy. SOe. Sample, 10c. I baek number! for S5e. Send new. The New Wat Magazine, 1111 Walker Bank Bldg.. Salt Lake C.ty, 70at Utah: 1004 White Bldg., Seattle. Wash.;near-cWoodward Am. Detroit, Mich. Addreee or through your inbicripttaa place office, thii aowapaper. Advertise half-ton- Mr. Automobile Owner. Buy your supplies from us and SAVE MONEY. Spark Plugs, guaranteed 8 yrs, $1.00 Ford Timers, the best only, 1.25 it saves your Motor 2.00 Carbon Remover, cleans 18 cylinder 1.00 Let the people at your front and back doors know what you have that they need. Place your Ad where it will be talked about among the neighbors. Put the bargains in merchandise you have in your store under the very eyes of the population you expect to help you remove the stock. Dont wait for people to come to Anti-Freez- e, We carry a complete line of Automobile Accessories. Write us your wants. When ordering, state make and model of car. Ask for bur Money-Savin- g Catalog. Mailed FREE on request. American Supply Company, 1039 So. 2nd West St. Salt Lake City, Utah. you but GO TO THEM-N0- W! The young man who sjieaks with the most friendly voice e and who is a most frequent visitor at the homes of your is your dis-tric- LOCAL NEWSPAPER . Trust him with what you have to say, every time. |