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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH THE HELPER TIMES PAY AND FILE I. A. LEE, Publisher ' One Year in Advance INCOME TAX Six Months in Advance 75c $1.50 HELPER LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. BEF0REMAR.15 Entered at the post office at Helper, Utah, as second class matter. Carries a full line of Lath, Cement,' Builders Hardware, Etc. "A Square Deal and Fair Treatment our Motto. Figure with us before going elsewhere. S. Internal Revenue Bureau Gives Warning That Severe Penalties Will Be Enforced. U. Cold shivers are running up and down the backs of the directors of several London life insurance companies because of one of the most heavily insured men in the world, the pianist, Paderewski, has become the leader of the nerce political maelstrom in Poland. Years ago Paderewski not only insured his life but each of his Lingers for large sums against any accident which might interfere with his playing. The famous pianist carried this to such extremes that some of the policies hold the companies liable even for the breaking of a finger nail. Hence the shivers of the insurers. - Premier Clemenceau says that President Wilson is "the most OPEN TO IRISH COAL MINES Held In Many Quarters That They Can Be Worked to Commercial Advantage. Belief Circa t nd and in the district between there and Lough Nagh. It is said that some of the Coalisland scams are known to be of good quality, but the present operations in the country along the way to Lough Neagh are to be for the purpose of determining the existence of coal in paying quantities. Lignite abounds in the region and its utilization is to be undertaken at once. It is to be stripped from its bed by rotary cutters, processed, and pressed into briquettes. The secret treatment to be employed is said to make lignite a good coal substitute. The machinery now being installed will lie capable of producing perhaps 15,000 tons of briquettes weekly. Popular Mechanics stubborn man he ever encountered." It will be recalled that the emblem of the democratic party is a stubborn one, and that the emblem of the United States Magazine. is as determined as it is powerVENTRILOQUISM. ' ful. No one can be in two places at once. Congressman-elec- t Berger of Wisconsin fully expected to spend some time in congress. A ventriloquist is a person who is able to produce sounds that seem to come from a distance, or from another person.olJe makes t.ery little motion of the lips or none at all and it ji sometimes said that he learns his art from the birds. Many birds fonn their sounds Bui an important engagement jfqr twenty-year- s at Sort Leaven- without opening their bills. The instance of pigeon is a worth is likely to prevent this. Its cooing can be distinctly well-kno- heard, although it does not open its Tjfe call is formed internally in the throat anci chest, And is only rendered audible by resonance. Similar ways may be observed in many birds and other animals. The dear, Alcohol is weakened, tobacco loud call of the cuckoo is said to be is going up in smoke, but feoffee the resonance of a note formed in the bird. The whirring of the snipe, still holds it grounds. which betrays the approach of the bird to the hunter, is an act of venThe prohibitionists showed triloquism. Even the nightingale their lighting spirit in fighting has certain notes which are produced internally and which are audible spirits. while the bill is dosed. The bullet fired a. Clemenceau not , only struck him but the " peace conference as well. bilL . . UTAH - HELPER, y WOMEN WITHIN LAW'S SCOPE; HOW THEY REPORT INCOME Britains fuel shortage has caused attention to be directed to eertain of the potential coal resources of Ireland with a view to their immediate commercial exploitation. Operations are about to be commenced in County Tyrone and borings will be made at Coal-isla- Helper Lumber & Hardware Co. The Income Tax drive comes to a close on Saturday night, Murch 13. All payments and returns due on that date under the provisions of the new Revenue law must be In the hands of local Internal Revenue Collectors before their offices close that night. The Income Tax is being collected to meet the war expenses. Every person who shouted end tooted his horn on Armistice Day is now called upon to contribute his share of the cost of winning the war. The laggards and the dodgers will face severe fines and Jail sentences. The Internal Revenue Bureau announces that its officers will check us all Up to see that every person who comes within the srepe of the Income Tax law did his share. Where to Pay and Fils. Residents of Montana, Idaho and Utah are required to make their returns and pay their taxes to William 0. Whaley, Collector of Internal Revenue, Helena, Mont, or to any of bla deputy collectors who are now doing free advisory work on Income Tax. Payments sent ty mail should be attached to the returns and should be In lha form of check, money order or draft. Cash payments by mail are sent at the taxpayer's risk of loss. If you are pnable to make your return personally because of Illness, absence or Incapacity, an agent or legnl representative may make your return. If there are any doubtful points as to your Items of Income or allowable deductions, you should get In touch at once with a Revenue officer or a banker for advice. Women Pay Tax. Women are subject to all the requirements of the Income Tax. Whether single or married, a woman's Income from all sources must be considered. If unmarried, or if living apart from her husband, she must make her return for 1918 If' her net income whs $1,000 or over. if married and living with her husband, her Income must be considered with the husband's in determining the liability for a return. Their Joint income, jess the credits allowed by law. Is subject to normal tax. The wife's net Income Is considered separately Hi computing any surtax that may be due. Husband and wife file Jointly, as a rule. If the husband does not Include hls wife's Income In his return, the wife must file a separate return. Severe Penalties. The new Revenue Law places severe penalties on a person who falls to on time, refuses to make return or renders a fraudulent return. For failure to make return and pay tax on time a fine of not more than $1,000 Is named, and 25 per cent of the tax due Is added to the assessment. For refusing wilfully to make return, or for making a false or fraudulent there Is a fine of not exceeding. $10,000 and Imprisonment of not ex. ceeding one year, or both. DIRECT RESULTS COUNT I . Use the Telephone. Send your voice on your errand instead of, wasting your valuable time by going in per son. TALK Dont WALK. THE Eastern Utah Telephone Company The CITY CAFE OPEN DAY AND. NIGHT Everything First Class. Special Dining Rooms for. Ladies. Helper, Utah Barboglio Bldg. Fresh Bakery Gooods Bread, Pies, Cakes, and all kinds of Pastry Goods FRESH EVERY DAY. QHflPQ 1V W have a Big Stock of CHIPPEWA Special Hand Made Shoes for Men. Also nice line of Shoes for Ladies and Children. Came and see. make-retur- return v LOUIS f U. SAT F OS S. CAFE CHOP SUEY and NOODLES EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS, SPECIAL DINING ROOMS FOR LADIES . Phone 74. Helper, Utah NOTICE. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 81, .91;. To Whom It May Concern: Notice ia hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office LODGE DIRECTORY lists of lands, selected by the said atate, under Section 6 of the Act of Congresa, approved July 16, 1894, as Serial Indemnity School lands, viz: 023864, SEINE Section 19; NWJNW, HELPER LODGE NO. 56 Section 20; NWJNW, Section 17; 1. O. F SWJSWi, Section S;T. 13. S., R. 8 E., S. L. M. .Copies of said lists, so far as they Meets every Tuesday evening at relate to said tracts by descriptive Flaims Hall. Visiting brothers subdivisions, have been conspicuously invited to attend. posted in this office for inspection by cordially any person . Interested and by the E. C. Burgar, N. G. Headquarters for Reservation Travelers, and the public generally. V. G. Traveling Public in GeneraL During the period of publication of , James Pland, this notice, or any time thereafter, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water inlEvery Room. T. C. Smiley, Secretary. and- before final approval and certification, under departmental regulaJames Phelps, Treat. tions of April 25, 1907. protests or against the claim of the state UtahnaRebekahLodgeNo.39 contests to any of the tracts or subdivisions HELPER, UTAH hereinbefore, described on the ground Meets 2nd and 4th Friday in the that the Bame is more valuable for every 82 h utinfied For yews our .hlp-month at 7:30 p. m., at Flaims Hall mineral than for agricultural pur ONWARD LODGE NO. 15 hnaal gndinf ud paying what w. .not. did It. W.mt. jmmoiuqr on Mipplia. poses, will be received and noted for Writ, today. T.J. DROWN FVK CO. Gladys Allison, Noble Grand. LI to the General Land Office at KaasuCltr.l report Vice Grand Leute, Knights of Pythias. Margaret D. C. Failure so to proWashington, Leva B. Hall, Secy. Meets in Castle Hall test or contest, within thfe time speciJennie OBerto, Treas. every Thursday night at evisufficient fied, will be considered 8 oclock. Visiting memcharacter of Visiting Brothers and Sisters welcome dence of the bers cordially invited. the tracts and the selections thereof, John Moore, C. ,C. being otherwise free from objection, will be approved to the state. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register.; J...Ruggeroni, M. F. . 6. Hotel Helper, Helper, Utah. . If you want the Best in Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfumes, Stationary, Candy, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc., Get them at - n. Ihti non-miner- al Buy W. S. S. Hritpub. Feb. 7, 1919. , F. CL Greenhalghs Jn the cornerwhere they all go. Try some of our Butter-Kisse-d Popcorn Its Great wwmaimwumiutaauieiiiifigfrsisiii DR. K. KAMITANI Dentist Office hours: 9 to 12 A. M. Bertoliha, fc. of. R. and S. I to 6 P. M. sad Helper, Wwh. |