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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH 0 A Valuable Habit n Conflicting Thoughts HOW MRS. BOYD AVOIDED AN U that of being on time. It has made reputation for thousands. A good watch costa very little, and every sensible person should own one. Buy yours now. Our reasonable prices ease the way. OPERATION a- - BANDITS SCORE MANY OUTRAGES IN THE RICH TAMPICO OIL FIELDS. BOYD PARK I suffered from a. Canton, Ohio. female trouble which caused me much suffering; and two doctors decided that I would havo MAKERS OF JEWELRY MU Mill CITY MM MAM STREET IN USED CARS BARGAINS art la MOi taaMIH caaiiiloa-aa- w M mtoaSM can-Bal- dth IM Ca Dapt, Waxhington. A chronological statement of bandit outrages In the Tampico oil fields compiled from official sources, lias been submitted to the state department. The statement deals with the period from August 15, 1917, to the present and records the killing of twelve men, including eight American citizens; the wounding or otherwise seriously Injuring of thirty-on- e people including nine women, some of them Americans; the theft of more than $180,000 In cash, American gold; property destroyed valued at more than $50,000, and the theft of much live Ktock. In all. 115 raids, attacks, holdups and hattlea are listed In the record, which includes the depredations upon the properties and emof fourteen different oil comployes panies. Officials said that with few exceptions these depredations occurred In territory occupied and controlled hy the loyal Mexican forces sent to the oil fields In an effort to dislodge the bandit leluez and that In many cases the regulur Mexican soldiers were Involved. By a local lu w,. foreigners are not ullowed to carry arms, so that little resistance could be made when the bandits attacked. Tlie paymasters of the various companies, It was said here, are compelled to notify Mexican officials at Tampico of the time when they propose to go to the outlying districts to pay employes and the amount of money they will take. In several instances, it was said, the bandits were not satisfied with the amount of money offered them when they held up the paymasters and their escorts and demanded the exact sum previously declared by the company to the Tampico officials. This has led to charges of collusion being formally filed with the Mexican government. la ui taciir Uasdall Dodd Auto Ca, Uk Lata Clir SEND DS YOUR FROZER, DAMAGED LEAKY, RADIATORS We pay transportation one way. Bo turned like new. ACKTYLINI WELDING In all ita branches. a We nave you time and money. H. & E. Radiator & Welding Co. asa Bdiioa Stroot, Salt Lake City, Utah AGENTS WANTED la every town in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada, to aall abouaahold article op retailing at 51.7&. Four dollars andwill par day anaran toad to any one who arork. Sample costa $1.00. For Informatioa and aampla, write WEBB JOHNSON CO. Salt Lake City, Utah wayee learn barber trade. Many email towns need barbera; good opportunities open for men over draft ace. Barbera In army have Get prepared rood aa o nicer, commleeion. in lew weeks. Call or write. Molar Barber 4S Weat Salt Lake City. 8. 8L. Temple College, HELP WAITED POETS John Grcsnlssf Whlttlsr Has Written His Nams Among tho Immortals of tho Earth. John Greenltaf Whittier, one of tha beat loved and most famous of American poets, and, perhaps, the most ardent abolitionist known to United State history, was born December IT near Haverhill, klass. He was apprenticed to Journalism and became an editor nt the early age of twenty-twHe held various editorial positions, and throughout his Ilfs devoted himself to tho writing of both prose tnd poetry, having no doubt a deep Inspiration In that ha belonged to the same age that gavs Emerson and Longfellow to America and Tennyson and tha Brownings to England. With such as hla contemporaries Whittier, being himself blessed with natural talents, could do no less than what be did In literature. Whittier, however. Is better known to fame because of his poems. His prose is not so exalted, though true. Ho wrote "My Psalm, Barclay of At SunBarbara Frletchle, Ury, down and various other wonderful He lived to bo elghtj-flvpoems years old, dying peacefully September o. Democratic Congressman Unseated. of the Washington. Republicans house found themselves In the majority late Saturday night, and, after a bitter debate, by a strict party vote of 182 to 173, unseated Representative Zebulon Weaver, Democrat, of the Tenth North Carolina district. In favor of James 1. Britt, Republican. Porto jlieana Would Read Future. San Juan, I R. After a debate of more than two days In both houses of the insular legislature the unionists and republicans on March 1 agreed to Join forces In insisting that the American congress make known what the future of oPrto Rico Is to be. o T, 1892. LABOR DRIVEN TO ITS UMIT Hardest af Hard Work Demanded af Boatmen In the Early Daye f tha Country. Home Rule Loader Die. New York. Dr. Thomas Emmet, Tho high moral courage of tho missionaries who Btrovo to convert the Indiana of tho Canadian Northwest la well Illustrated by the Ufa of Esther La combe, who dared to rebuke Chief Factor Rowan of tho Hudson Bay company for heartlessneas toward tha company's men. Katherine Hughes describes the Incident In her biography of Father La combe. The factor and tho priest wera Journeying to Edmonton la a keel boat, towed by n company of cordeliers. Of the boatman's toll Father has written: Imagine, If you please, after resting a few hours on tho bare earth, to hear at S oclock tho cry, Level Laval Et puis, hurrah ! to pull and pull on tho lines drawing the heavy boat up against tha current, walking In tha mud, the rocks, tha swamp, along cliff, and sometimes in water to their armpits and this under a burning nun or beating rain from early morning until darkness fall about o'clock. Without having seen It one can form no idea of tho hardships, tha cruel fatigues, of these boatmen. Youth's Companion. Aid In la a good practice FOR THE FARMERS POLITICAL STRIKES AFFECT GERMANY SENATE MEASURE APPROVES GUARANTEEING HIGH PRICE FOR 1919 CROP. Billion Dollar Appropriation Made To Fulfill Governments Guarantee to tho Wheat Raising Farmers of the Nation. The Washington. administration bill appropriating $1,000,000,000 to fulfill the government's guaranteed wheat price to the farmer for the 1919 crop was passed February 27 by the senate without material amendment, and now goes to conference No change was made by the senate In the house provisions for Import and export restrictions, or In the limitation to June 1, 1920, of the operation of the act. Efforts to reduce the appropriation and to strike out the licensing provisions failed. After adopting an amendment to deny benefits of the bill to growers of 1919 spring wheat, who did not grow 1918 spring wheat, the senate reversed Its action and by a vote of 31 to 23 struck out the amendment The only Important amendment adopted by the senate was a rider amending the cotton futures act so as to restrict speculation In cotton and give the government larger control over exchanges. Efforts of southern senators to add a rider to the bill calling for the removal of all export embargo restrictions against cotton failed, the senate voting down the amendment, 38 to 23, after a long debate, in the course of which Republican Leader Lodge said adoption of the amendment would violate the armistice terms which call for maintaining the status quo with Germany until the peace treaty Is .completed. . GILLETT NEXT SPEAKER. in- RENEWAL OF VIOLENCE AND EX TEN8ION OF LABOR TROUBLES IN HUNLAND. make a practice of doing something every day for their development, that they dont want to do, and then to deny themselves svsry day something they want This should not bo for n day, a week od a year, but n life work. In no other way can n man become master of himself. Dr. J. H. Teldea. well-do-fin- - If complications exist, write to Lydia-E- Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maas., for advice. The result of many is at your service. years-experienc- L e -- Feel Lame and Achy? - Would Reclaim Lands. Phoenix, Arts. President Is asked to lend hls aid to a project to reclaim two million desert acres in Arizona, A. Mitchell Palmer, who has been Lord Salisbury, It le rumored, may and Nevada, in a telegram chosen by President Wilson to succeed California to naxt British tha tnJbiNSdor th$ forwarded (be by Governor Campbell. Attorney General Gregory. United States. . a-fa-ir " Ludendorff Ready to Quit in 1917; Copenhagen. A dispatch from Berlin quotes an interview with General Ludendorff, former first quartermaster general of the German army in which he repeats his former statements that he desired peace on the basis of the status quo, both in 1917 and In 1918. Prospects of Palestine. this-famou- s 8ad Fact. Business Men Are Being Urged to Miss Mayme Is such a sensible-girl.8uapend at the Only Means of ThHt is why none of the men Successfully Combating the are proposing to her." Industrial Unrest Osrs pimple, headache, tad breath bp taking Mar Apple, Aloe, Jalap rolled Into n tiny nnfir in is the pUl cnUod Doctor Pleict'i Plonaant Polio la. Adv. Berlin. Central Germany throes of a widespread political strike Some folks are born simple and affecting large parts of Saxony, Thurothers efplay the stock market ingia and Anhalt and, through its fect upon railroad communication, is casting a sinister shadow over the entire nation. Business and professional men in Colds and grip leave thousand! with several German towns have been urged weak kidneys and aching backs. The to meet the strike of the working kidneys have to do most of the work of classes by going on strike themselves. fighting off any germ disease. They weaken elow up, and you feel dull, ir The workmen in Leipzig voted by a ri table, or nervoue nave headaches, tremendous majority for a general dizziness, backache, sore joints and irstrike. Leipzig Is without gaa or elecregular kidney action. Then the kidneys need prompt help. Uae Doana The or communication. railroad tricity Kidney Pills. Thousands praise Doan's strike at Halle, which includes the for quick, satisfactory results. railway men, continues absolute, and A Utah Case even telephonic and telegraphic comW. W. Robinson, munication Is being interferred with. First East, near A general strike has broken out at First North Bts.. American Fork. Erfurt and In many other cities In cenI Utah, .eays: know Doaa'a- Kidtral Germany. tfc be Pills ney ocGerman government troops have what Is claimjust ed for them. For cupied the town of Hamborn, In the months last winRuhr Industrial region, after a fight in ter I was Buttering with a steady ache which a number of Spartacans were and pains across killed. my kidneys. The slightest Rioting broke out anew In Munich! which caused any according to the corresj. jndent there strain on my back sent those pains through It. A drugThree thousand of the Politiken. s Kidney Pills, recommended Doan gist so I tried them. Doan's completely Spartacan soldiers marched to the cured me of the attack. parliament building in an effort to Gat Dearfs at Aar Stare, 60s s Boa force the diet to proclaim a soviet republic in Bavaria. roSTOUflLBUKN CO, BUFFALO. N.Y. Smoke Kills Fireman. San Francisco. Bernard J. Conlan, first assistant chief of the San Francisco fire department, died Sunday DON'T FEAR THE from smoke asphyxiation suffered Sat- It cant get you, if yon use DR. HILurday night In a fire In the retail LER'S ESSENTIAL OIL TABLETS. district They quickly, relieve coughs; colds, all throat and lung troubles, reduce fever, prevent attack if taken in time and are Italy Agrees to Compromise. Rome. Premier Orlando, speaking free from drugs or opiates, A real which should be used in every home, in the Italian chamber, said that Italy had agreed to a policy of compromise Trial package of 2 tubes, $1.00l Full package; 10 tubes $5.00. Complete directions. apd conciliation relative to conflicting claims on the eastern coast of the Postpaid on receipt of price; Adriatic. FREDERICK HILLER, M. D. Suite 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg, Los Angeles, California Suffrage for North Carolina. Raleigh, N. (L The North Carolina senate has pussed a bill to permit women to vote in municipal elections. that The measure now goes to the house. TSB onelabreed both beef and milk is the ShortA. MITCHELL PALMER horn. Shorthorn steers repeatedly broke tho reoonls at the markets is 1918, making the highest record on the open Palmer and Hapgood Chosen. Washington. President Wilson has nominated A. Mitchell Palmer for attorney general and Norman Hapto Denmark. good ns minister Mr. Palmer, who is alien property custodian, declined to be secretary of wur, it is reported, because he wns a Quaker. Norman Hapgood has been editor of Colliers and Harpers weeklies. for people to any difficulty. I advise any woman who i afflicted with female troubles to Lydia EL Pinkhama Vegetable pound trial and it will do aa much for Mrs. Mabib Boys, 1421 6th. them. N. E., Canton, Ohia 8t,Sometimes there are serious conditions where 8 hospital operation is tho only alternative, bat on the other band so many women nave been cured by root and herb remedy, Lydia EL Pinkhama Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation wan necessary every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it trial before submitting to such a. trying ordeaL Republican Conference 8elects Veteran from Massachusetts. FredWashington. Representative erick 11. Glllett of Massachusetts was nominated on the first ballot Thursday by the Republican conference as the party candidate for speaker in the next house of representatives. Czeohs Reported Close to Famine Representative James R. Mann of Is London. Reuter's Informed by the ran second, with RepresentaIllinois Czecho-Slova- k actlint here legation tive Philip Campbell of Kansas, who cording to the Journal Ceske Slovo, entered the race a few days ago after Czecho-Slovak Prague and the entire Simeon D. Fess of Representative on of famine. are the verge republic Ohio had withdrawn, far behind. Representative Glllett is from the LORD SALISBURY Second Massachusetts district and Ills home Is in Springfield. He was born In Westfield, Mass., In 1852, and was graduated from Amherst college and the Harvard law school. Self-Master- y. Palestine has never had a boundary except the sea on Ita west, but It fa Understood to be about 10.000 miles In extent Much of this area Is too dry and rocky for tillage; large parts are too dry oven for cattle or sheep. WHEAT GUARANTY ternationally known as a physician, author and leader of the movement for Irish home rule, died at his. home here Saturday In his 92nd year. Dr. Emmet was one of the few Americana who had been made a papal count La-com- be It from my trouble do my house work without ;er-petrat- 58 P. O. Place RANKED WITH GREAT d, Vegetable advised mo try it before submitting to an operation. It relieved mo Com-ran- OMnaMUfc Ns CaaraaiaaA flm daa U wibmS W aaalic tana, Igto paitlis Wrila tat fMiilaf Oca. to go through an. operation before L could getwelL "My mother, who-habeen helped by Lydia E.Pinkham'fr Repeated Raids Result In Death of Many American Citizens, the Serious Injury of 8cores and a Terrible Lou in Property. - move DOANS .SB, "Fill" life-sav-er Both Beef and Milk market of $90.50 perewt. And Bhorthora cows have milk records of over 17,000 lbs. per year. ItkUafarwmhimd. having aka teak, mmlH and abf fcnniteaiinf. One Treatment with Cuticura Clears Dandruff wilRBAUUM AatatoO praparatlm af warnT Balpste araSlaaU daadrag. Far gaetariss Cater and BtataGmyarFsJadHafc a sad fl.it at Draartata. imiaving uougiu Promptly treat cengha; bronchitis and similar colds, hoarseness i irritate! renditions el the threat with a tasted rased |