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Show h. THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH 100K IT CHILDS RHEUMATISM LEAGUE PLAN FACES TONGUE IF SICK, ONLY, RUB CROSS, FEVERISH MURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE RON 80N8 FROM LITTLE 8TOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION 18 SOUGHT BY THE LEAGUE OF NATION8 OPPONENTS. (GIVE CALIFORNIA 8YRUP OF FIQ8 AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CON8TI RATED. Thirty-seve- n Republican Members of Senate Approve Resolution Which Means Measure May Not be Approved in Present Form. Washington. Names of thirty-seve- n Republican members' of tlie new a number sufficient to block ratification of a treaty, were rend In the senate Monday by Senator Codge of Massachusetts, who suld they had approved a resolution setting forth that the constitution of the league of nations In the form now proposed to the lienee conference should not be accepted by the United States. The list was Inserted In the record by the Republican leaders after Democrat Leader Martin and Senator Swanson of Virginia luid raised simultaneous objection to consideration of the resolution, which he had introduced after long conferences with minority members 'and communlcuted by telegraph and telephone with Republican senators and senntors-elec- t who are not In Washington. While opposing the constitution as now drafted, the resolution set forth that It was the desire of the senate that the nations of the world should unite to promote peace and general disarmament. It also said It was the sense of the senate that the negotiations on the part of the United States should Immediately .be directed to the utmost expedition of the urgent business of negotiating pence terms with Germany, and that then the leugue proposal should be taken up for careful and serious consideration. sen-ut- e, little bowels without griping, and liave a well, playful child again. you Yon needn't coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative ;" they love Its delicious taste, and It Always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of California Syrup of Figs, which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it Is made by the California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt Adv. GOVERNORS MEET AT CAPITOL Optimism Prevails at Nation-wid- e Gathering of Executives. Governors of states Washington. Fatal Lack of Knowledge. of municipalities meeting and mayors Danny Lyon went away from the far Bast Sixteenth street 20 years ago, be- March 3 In the White House to discuss came a successful business man in the alleviation of unemployment heard Wilson in a brief address West, recently returned to visit his President the emphasize principle that governboyhood haunts, met an old friend, Airs. Murphy, reintroduced himself, ments should serve In the Interests of and after a long gossip about old ac- the common people. In this spirit he urged that the federal, state and local quaintances asked : And Paddy Sweeney? What be- governments work together, steadying and easing and facilitating the whole came of my old pal Paddy?" lie was a contractor. Made a mi- labor processes of the United States. After listening to addresses by llion dollars and was drowned. I Secretaries Wilson, Baker and Daniels, Why, he Paddy made a million the governors undertook to report in couldn't read nor write!" turn on unemployment within their Nor swim. New York Sun. respective states. A majority declared that there were not enough men out of Important to all Women work in tlielr communities to justify serious apprehension, although all adReaders of this Paper vocated Immediate action by state, county and city governments to proThousands open thousands of- women mote road building and otlier public bava kidney or bladder trouble and never thus furnishing a buffer reserworks, aspect it. of voir during the period employment be Womens complaints often prove to nothing else but kidney trouble, on the when soldiers are being discharged result of kidney or bladder disease. and war Industries are converting. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organa GOVERNOR OF OREGON DIE8. to become diseased. Yon may suffer pain in the. back, headache and loss of ambition. Executive Was Active on Public BusiPoor health makes you nervous. Irritaness on Day of Death. ble and may be despondent; it makes any James Wltbyeombe, Salem, Ore. ne so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. governor of Oregon, died at his home Swamp-RooKilmer1! by restoring here Monday, March 3. lie had been health to the kidneys, proved to be Just 111 for many months, but had continthe remedy needed to . overcome such ued lo transact official business until conditions. a week ago. He was 05 years old. Many send for a sample bottle to see While it had been realized by Us what Swamp-Rooths gnat kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for physicians and members of his family them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. for several months past that the govKilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you ernor's condition was grave, the end may receive sample rise bottle by Parcel came unexpectedly. Although confinPost. Yon can purchase medium and ed to his home, Governor Withycombe large size bottles at all drug stoma. Adv. had spent a portion of Monday examining and signing of vetoing bills passThe Indoor 8port Practice makes perfect, you know," ed by the legislature which closed last week. He did not seem particobserved the chronic quoter. and know dont I ularly weak until night, when he Yea, it," responded the little man with the large fam- collapsed nnd died at 8:45. My youngest daughter practices ily. Will Test Legality cf Rates. the piano, the next one practices the Railroad commisviolin, one son practices law, another Portland, Ore. one practices medicine, my wife prac- sioners of Oregon, Washington and tices economy and I practice what I Idaho, in conference here Monday, depreach, and the result is a perfect up- cided that the public service commisroar constantly." sion of the state of Washington should T bring suit at once against the federal railroad administration to test the legality of the administration's control over purely intrastate freight rates. How b the lime to Get EM of Tltas Ugly Spots ths sUshtsst need of fscltaf Thens no ashamed of your tackles, as Othloe double First Break in 8eattle Strike. e strength gureataed to remove these homely Seattle, Wash. First break In SeVote. Simply ret ea ounce of Othlne double attles shipyard strike came Monday trenfth from your drafflat, and apply n little when' 250 sheet metal workers and should see seen f It nlsht and morning and yen 200 apprentices, who have been on that even the worst tackles have begun to disan once vanished the while hive appear, lighter returned to work In shops that ttaly. It la seldom that more than one ounce strike, Is needed to completely clear ths skis and gain are working on shipyard contracts. beautiful clear complexion. Be etna to aak for the doable strength Othtse, as this is sold andec guarantee of money hack Charles E. Van Lean Dead. M tt falls to remove tackleeAdr. Philadelphia. After an Illness covNaturalists state that serpents can ering a period of three weeks, Charles Uve six months or longer without food. E. Van Loan, writer of sporting stories, died here Sunday. t, t, FRECKLES tan Weekly Health Talks What Is the Cause of Backache? BY DOCTOR CORNELL dosing rheumatism. Its pain only ; nut one case In fifty Rub requires Internal treatment. soothing, penetrating St Jacobs right on the tender spot and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. St Jacobs Liniment conquers pain! It is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesnt burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching Joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia and reduces swelling. Limber up I Get a am nil trial bottle of honest St Jacobs Liniment from any drug store, and in a moment youll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Dont suffer I Rub rheumatism away. Adv. Stop e e, IT AWAY Instant relief from pain, soreness, stiffness following a rubbing with St Jacobs Liniment" DEFEAT IN SENATE tie one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pala doesnt sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, or Is feverish, stomach boot, hreath bad; has stomach-achsore throat, diarrhea, fall of cold, give a teaspoonful of California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hoars all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and soar bile gently moves oat of the ' IS PAIN COMMISSIONS ON WORLD-WIDPROBLEM8 HEARD IN THE COUNCIL OF POWERS E Llni-men- t" Concerns War Debts and Debts Made Before the War In Enemy Countries, and Whether They Are to be Paid or Repudiated. Paris. The vouncll of the great powers on March 1 began cmiKlderu-tloof financial and economic problems as affecting both the treaty of peace and permanent conditions after the war. This subject Is taken up after weeks given to hearings on territorial questions. The subject was presented in two specific reports. One was from the financial commission of which Louis Klitz, French minister of finance. Is chairman, and Albert Straus and Norman Davis are the American members. The other report was from the economic commission of which Albert Clementel of France is chairman and Bernard M. Baruch, .Vunce McCormick and Dr. A. A. Davis are the American members. The financial commission's report was brief, giving the main headings of the vast financial reorganization that Is required. It does not embrace reparations and indemnities for the war, as those subjects arc being considered separately. Most of the bondings were presented without recommendations which are left to the council and the plenary conference. One of the main headings concerns war debts nnd debts mude before the WHr In enemy countries, and whether they ure to be paid or repudiated and, if paid, the manner and priority of payments. Another heading deals with state property in territory taken over, such ns state mines and slate railways. Thus far, the proposul lo redistribute the war burden lias not been considered favorably by the British, American or Japanese members. The British do not wish to add lo their burdens by taking part of the continental burdens, while Japan believes she should hold aloof front European Indebtedness. n OVER8EA8 TALK- BY - WIRELESS. Planned to Have Telephone 8ervice Between New York and London. London. Experiments in a new type of wireless telephony are so fur advanced that it Is hoped within a few weeks it will be possible to speak between London and New York, while the establishment of u regular commercial sendee by wireless telephone between London nnd New York early next year is expected by the Marconi company. Suffrage Halted Before 8enate. Washington. Favorable reports on the compromise resolution of the submission of a federal franchise ' constitutional amendment to the states were ordered Saturday by both the senate and house woman suffrage committees, but when Chairman Jones sought to present the senate committee's report. Senator Wadsworth of New York, Republican, objected the report remained with the and com- mittee. Scandinavia To Join League. Stockholm. The Swedish attitude toward the league of nations is like that of the small boy who has to sit at the second table hes going to eat. but his feelings are hurt. Sweden and other Scandinavian countries will join the league all right but they feel that they should have been asked to help form the leagues program and should have been included in all the Initial discussions. Wilsons Candidacy Not Broached In regard to published Wilson told Democratic committeemen who lunchthat he ed with him Saturday would not accept nomination for a third term. It was stated at the White House that the subject of President Wilson again being a candidate wai not mentioned. old-tim- e, Wanted Stream Able to Be About A purchaser of a riverside property asked the real estate agent if the river didnt sometimes overflow its banks. Well, replied the ugent, it Isnt one of those sickly streams that nre always confined to their beds." Ixn-flo-n Tlt-Blt- s. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. Backache Is perhaps the most com mon ailment from which women suffer. Rarely do you find anybody fres from It. Sometimes the cause Is obscure, but Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., a high medical authority, says the cause Is very often a form of catarrh that settles In the delicate membranes of the feminine organs. When these organs are Inflamed, the first symptom is backache, accompanied by bearing down sensations, weakness, unhealthy discharges. Irregularity, painful periods, irritation, headache and n condition. Any a general wonlan in this condition is to be bat pity does not cure. The trouble calls for Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, which Is a separate and distinct medicine for women. It is made of roots and herbs put up without alcohol or opiate of any kind, for Dr. Pierce usee nothing else in hie prescription. Favorite Preemption is a natural remedy for women, for the vegetable growths of which it is made aeem to have been intended by Nature for that very purpose. Thousands of girls and women, young and old, have taken it, and thousands have written grateful letters to Dr. Pierce In taking saying it made them well. Favorite Prescription, it is reassuring to know that it goes straight to the cause of the trouble. There is but one way to overcome sickness, snd that is to overcome the cause. That is precisely what Favorite Prescription is intended to do. Bend 10c for trial pkg. of Tablets. run-dow- pit-le- d, To half p'nt of water add 1 os. Bay Rum, a email box of Barbo Compound, and 34 os. of glycerine. Any druggist can put thie up or you can mix it at home, at very little coat. Full directions for making and Address Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, use come in each box of Barbo Compound. Constipated women, as well ae It will gradually darken streaked, faded advised by Dr. Pierce to take his gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It Pellets. They are just splendid will not color the scalp, is not sticky ar greasy, and does not rub off. AdT. Afraid of an Accident. Langley Ah, they liuve Just dropped their nnchor! Mrs. Langley Dear me! I was afraid they would; It's been dangling outside for some time. Isindon Mr. Its for Dont Ruin Yonr Pnurs V0WS By Neglecting a Retained Afterbirth but buj ere rained by seek DR. DAVID ROBERTS Few cows die Deflect. Give Tlt-Blt- s. Cuticurs Soap for the .Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion dear, scalp dean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. N. Y. men, are Pleasant Cow Cleaner before and after freshening. Ik will positively prevent and overcome tills trouble. Atonr dealers or Postpaid $l.t0. Consult Da. DAVID ROBKBTS about all animal ailments. Information free. Bend for price list of medicines and get a PBXB of Cattle "The copy Specialist with full Information on Aboflioe ie Cows. DA. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY CO., IMCriad Art.. Wanked Wia. (WEEKS1 OOtM AND one thing to have an Idea, and another to carry It out. SKST-00U Rlpn 1 by beat AllSmokiigToiaccos. are Flavored YourNoseKnows The Encyclopaedia Britannica of says about the manufacture M on the smoking tobacco, Continent and in America certain sauces are employed . . . the use of the 'sauces it to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves. deYour pends as much upon the Quality and kind of flavoring used as upon the Quality and aging of the tobacco. ... smoke-enjoyme- nt Tuxedotobaccousesthepurest, most wholesome and delirious of all flavorings chocolate I That flavoring, added to the finest of carefully aged and blended hurley tobacco, produces Tuxedo the perfect tobacco " Your Nose Knows.9 Washington. reports that President Knox and Hardwick Assail League. assault Washington. A on the proposed constitution of the league of nations was mude March 1 In the senate, the speakers being Senator Knox, Pennsylvania, Republican member of the foreign relations committee, snd Senator Hardwick, Georgia, Democrat, who retires March 4e Wrong Man Killed as Deserter. Washington. War department records show that the wrong man was ibot as a deserter about two months ago at Fort Thomas, KyH and that the real deserter Is still at large. i Try This Test: Rub alittle Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall cm your judgment Your Nose Knows." |