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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH STOMACH UPSET? PAPE'S DIAPEP8IN AT ONCE ENDS DYSPEPSIA, ACIDITY, GAS, INDIGESTION. Tonr meals hit back Tour stomach Is sour, add, gassy and you feel bloated after eating or yon hare heavy lumps of Indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here Is instant relief. Relieved of Catarrh Due to La Grippe, Thanks to PERUNA FOR UTAH SOLDIERS 1 APPROPRIATION OF $25,000 IS HOUSE APPROVE8 THE SENATE ASKED LEGISLATURE FOR MEASURE TAXING PROCEEDS STATEWIDE WELCOME OF MINE8. mm Partial List of Governors Appointments Presented to Senate. Lawmakers Would Prohibit Uae of Tobacco in State of Utah. Dont stay upset! Eat a tablet of Papes Diapepsln and immediately the Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stomach distress ends. Pape's Diapepsln tablets are the surest, quickest stomach relievers In the world. They cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Not a Ray of 8unlighL Ludle loved her bright plaid hair ribbons and her gingham dresses. She as thoroughly disliked her dark woolen school dress and the black hair bow that went with it One gay-color- morning she looked In the mirror and glanced at the dark winter garb with displeasure, then she said to her mother, "Well, I suppose teacher, when she sees me coming In will think to herself, There Is certainly nothing cheerful looking about that child ! SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS Its GRAY HAIR Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Tears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeths Sage and Sulphur Compound, you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, at a small cost Dont stay gray! Try ltt No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. Ton dampen a sponge or soft brush withlt and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Adv. Quite Regular. Mr. Box (who stayed home, angrily) How did that darn newspaper photographer come to get the snapshot of you In the water at Palm Beach? Mrs. Box How? Why, you poor goose. I made an appointment with him, of course. Buffalo Express. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How to Get Quick Relief from Head-Cold- e. Its Splendid! In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will dear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling; blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Elys Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief cornea Instantly. Its Just fine. .Dont stay stuffed-u- p with a cold or nasty catarrh Belief comes so quickly. Adv. Nationality Evident. Jean was listening to her mother sing. The last line of the chorus ran, "And the little birds said we, we, Jean looked puzzled and said, "Mother, they must have been little French birds. Important to Moth era Examine carefully every bottle of GA8TOBIA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that it Bears th Signature In Use for Children Cry for Fletchers Caatoris A bad habit is a moral burdock has to be dug out by the roots. Mrs. Laura Berberick, 69 years old, of 1205 Willow Are Hoboken, N J., writes: Salt Lake City. The forty-nint- h day of the thirteenth session of the Utah legislature fell on Saturday, March 1, and while it Is generally considered that the lawmakers should rest from their arduous labors on Saturday, both houses were In session upon this occasion. In connection with a report from the committee named by the governor to make recommendation as to a suitable memento for Utah men who served in the world war, a bill was Introduced in the senate on March 1 by Senators Hayward and McKinney providing for an appropriation of $25,000 for a state celebration and giving of certificates of bonor to all Utalms entitled to receive them. A partial list of biennial appointments was submitted to the senate of the legislature on March 1 by Governor Bamberger. The list was read to the senate and then, in accordance with the rules, was referred to a special committee of five for consideration and report Senator South wicks bill prohibiting the sale or having in possession of any cigarettes or "makings was reported from the committee on health and labor March 1, with unfavorable recommendation. A minority report recommended that It pass If amended to prohibit the sale or use of tobacco In any form. The bill was placed on the second reading calendar. The bill relating to pure advertising was reported out of senate committee with recommendation that it puss, and It was sent to the second reading calendar for consideration when reached. That 00 per' cent of the Hinckley prohibition bill is heartily indorsed by the druggists of the state, is the information which has been given to the author and members of the legislature by officers of the Utah Pharmaceutical association. . LEGISLATIVE NOTES. The house bill creating representative district No. 29 in Daggett county, waB passed on final reading by the senate. One new bill was Introduced in the senate on March 1 under suspension of the rules. That was senate bill No. 143, by Stevens, making an appropriation of $25,000 from the general fund to protect Fillmore from flood waters of Chalk creek. Following the expected refusal of the senate to concur In the amendmine taxaments to the Bevan-Parktion bill which were inserted by the house, a joint conference committee was appointed for the purpose of reaching, if possible, some agreement An amendment to the motor vehicle bill that would have barred threshing machines from the state roads failed ' of passage In the senate. The house passed the Bennion bill, amending the motor vehicle license law. The new bill classifies motor vehicles as pleasure cars and trucks, providing a license fee schedule for each. The schedule for pleasure cars remains the same, while the schedule for trucks runs from $10 for less than to $75 for trucks of more a than nine tons capacity. For the purpose of altering methods of examining applicants for license to follow the profession of healing the sick, whether by medical or drugless treatment. Senator Stevens has Introduced a bill changing the character of personnel of the state board of medical examiners. The proposed law practically changes entirely the legal status of the drugless healer. A measure amending the prohibition law is in the hands of the judiciary committee of the house. This bill, which was introduced by Representative Hinckley, defines the word liquors, as used in the title of the prohibitory laws. For a brief time on February 27 and for the first time in Utah history a woman presided over the state senate. Senator Elizabeth Hayward was called to the chair by President J. W. Funk while he took the floor In debate over an amendment to the workmens compensation bill. Utah ia to have a state tree, ns it has a state flower, and to tills end Representative Day has Introduced in the house a bill providing that the blue spruce be designated the Utah state tree. The blue spruce Is one of the most beautiful of the spruce family of trees and Is used largely in tdhe east for ornamental purp yes. er ' ton-truc- k Board of Equalization Has No Discretion in Case it Concludes That Basis is too High, According to New Bill. Salt Lake City. Eliminating the clause which permitted the state board of equalization to determine a just basis upon which to tax the net proceeds of mines, the lower house of the state legislature on February 2S senate hill passed the Bevan-Parkon mine taxation. Under the present status of the bill, the tax rate on mine proceeds would be on a flat basis of three times the pet proceeds and would give the board of equalization no discretion in case it concluded that thlz basis was too high, when other taxes were taken under consideration. Falling la an effort to secure an amendment to Senator Devna bill extending the terms of office of state land commissioners and raising their salaries, which would reduce the number of commissioners from five .to three, Senator Olson of Salt Lake put . through an amendment on February 28, raising the salary of each commissioner from $100 a month to $3000 a year, with the requirement that all of them devote'' their entire time to land board work. The entire morning session of the house on February 28 was devoted to further wrangling on house bill No. 44, providing for a state director of health education. The measure finally passed just before the house recessed for the noon hour. It secured a bare constitutional majority, the vote having been 24 to 21 In favor of its passage. er AT THE CAPITOL. By a vote of ten to eight the senate of the Utah legislature struck the exclusive state insurance feature from the Olson workmens compensation bill on February 20, at the conclusion of three days of debate on this issue. The bill as amended by this action permits a continuation of competitive compensation insurance participated In by the state fund, the private insurance companies and self carriers. Senator Chezs bill, regulating the bee industry so as to prevent the shipment of diseased bees from one county Into another and prohibit their shipment Into the state from outside places, was passed on final reading, under suspension of the rules. II. B. No. 12, by Morris, prohibiting railroads and other carriers of freight and express from making "owners risk contracts for the shipment of goods, and placing responsibility for safety of shipments upon the carriers In all cases, was passed on second reading by a vote of sixteen senators. IL B. No. 50, by the education committee, which repeals some Inoperative sections of the law, was passed by the senate on final reading, under suspension of the rules. A substitute by the senate judiciary committee for IL B. No. 29, by the labor committee, prohibiting peonage, was submitted to the senate and then passed on final reading, under suspension of the rules. A 2 per cent flat tax upon all incomes In the state, the proceeds to he used for educational purposes, Is proposed in a bill Introduced In the lower house of the legislature on February 26 by the special committee on school revenue recently appointed by the speaker to take up the matter of school taxation. An Insurance measure by J. W. Knight, providing for reciprocal insurance contracts between individuals, was passed, but before passing it the house eliminated a workingmens compensation feature that the senate had approved. The Dern bill, relating to farm loans, was passed In the house, but the measure by the same senator, providing for an extension of time, on payments for state lands, was killed for the second time after having been recalled when it was last rejected. The house refused to approve of the submission of a constitutional amendment cutting down the municipal bonding limit The house is working down Its long calendar rapidly, and promises to be "standing by for the senate when the final days are reached. Again we haye with ns the reapportionment bill, which was lost In the The measure shuffle last session. to the senators more two would give Salt Lake district and ten more members of the lower house to Salt Lake county. The total membership of the senate would be Increased from eighteen to twenty and the house from for ty-sev- to fifty-nin- attack tf "Four years ago Z had a troubled with After my elcknees hoarseness and alima In the head and throat, and was told I had Catarrh. X took soma medicine but without much benefit Every winter for four year 1 have had LaOrlppa (laat winter three Xtlmaa). The Catarrh grew worse. could not 11a down or aleep at night Was always troubled with all me., palm In my bark a ad a tcrrlbla headaeba every morning, when I woko up, and had no blood. X I rot a Permaa ealeadar In Danish, my native language, and read It through, every testimony, and then I bought a bottle af Permaa. y I can testify that Parana has beem m great beaett I can lla down and aleep to me. It has truthfully glvem ma blood and withoutX being troubled. I have nostrength. pain, headache, or noise In my have gained 1m weight three pounda. which X think la good head. for my are. X will be slxtr-nla- e old next aurnmor. I have used yean Peruna since X started in February, and I use It yet. I feel cheerful and happy, thaaka to Permaa. It will always be In ay borne and I recommend It to tboao wbo meed 1U" FOB SALE EVEBYWBEHB LIQUID OB TABLET FORM pe. I To-da- The Burden Bearer. Keeping Them Apart Mrs. Juggins bought a chapeau and Atlas bore the world oil his shoulder. who we rrld, Great snakes, paid dearly for It. Therefore, she was justified In her indignation on seeing worked that mandatory off ou yon?" Mrs. Belfrey In a replica of the said Quite properly, the nee now outchapeau. Mrs. Juggins spoke to the milliner ranks ihe king. shout it. Mine. Feathers listened patiently Plenty of exercise, fresh air, and then said: regular hours is all there-scriptio- n Yes, madam, the hat I sold Mrs. Belfrey is somewhat similar to. yours ; you need to avoid but I know it was not for the same Influenza unless through place of worship! a cold or -- Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thera la only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafneaa, and that la by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous fining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba la inflamed you have a rumbling aound or imperfect hearing, and whan It la entirely closed, Deafness is tha reresult Unless the Inflammation can hanorduced and this tuba restored to Ita mal condition, hearing may ha destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which la an inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot CATARRH HALL'S be cured by MEDICINE. AN Druggists Be. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. otherwise, neglect gets you. Then take once at CASCARAM QUININE Standard cold remedy for SO yean ia table tom afe. aurc. no opiate! break! up a cold Money la 34 houn relieve! grip in 3 dnye. Red top back ifit foil. The genome box haaa with Mr. HiU'a picture. At All Drug Stone. NOTED OFFICIAL PRAISES THE NEW Away In the Rear. Visiting Miss You don't mean to STOMACH RELIEF say youve given Rev. Dr. Blank a call to your church? hhn Native We have, and expect Testimonial next month. Wliats the matter with Hon. C. P. Grandfields Is Evidence EATONIC Endorsing him? Real Worth Ita of Why, my Visiting Miss Matter? Not often doee a Foetal Hervlra OfflcUl put hlmielf on record In tbia way. And dear, hes so hopelessly, deeply, darkly Boston and benightedly orthodox. that no lew a penoaase than Hon. C. P. Gmndfleld, tha Ont Aaalatant Poat-utter under Taft, la tha Transcript' GREENS AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomuch and Inactive liver, such as sick headsour stomach, ache, constipation, nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower la a. gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. Sold in all civilized countries. Give It a trial Adv. It Is the price of hogs, mostly, that la bringing home the bacon. one who teNllflei to tha valua of KATONIO and Ita beneOctal rexulta, placer KATONIO abuTO tha ordinary ntomaeh cure, anil Indlcatea g that here, at laat, la that will relieve all forma of atomach mlarry Indlgeatlon, flatulence, bcart-bnThe letter, aour, arid or gamy atomach. devoid of all unneceaaary word., In printed below. It hit. lha nail aquarely on tha head. Kveiy anlfcrer frttm atomach miner ahonld do what ha tolla them. Washington, D. C. Ton much pralae cannot he given KATONIC. Ita beneficial multi are aoma-thln- unqualified. Very truly youra, C. P. GRANDF1KLD. Ifere's the aecrat: EATONIC take np tha acidity, drtvea the gaa oat of the body lima and the Bloat Ooea With Itl It ia guaranteed to bring relief or yon get your money back I Ooata only a rent or two a day to uae it Get a bos today from your druggist. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. Out of Pain and Misery to Comfort! A 10-19- 19. , day or nights suffering is often saved those having Bayer Tablets of Aspirin handy Safe to take! For Headache Neuralgia Toothache Such quick relief Rheumatism .Gout Lumbago Backache Colds Influenzal Colds Sciatica Neuritis Grippe 1 So why suffer? Joint Pain Teeth Pain Stiff Neck Earache Fever - Pain Pain! Proved safe by millionsl American ownedl Adults Take one or two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals, Baijero.ibIets Aspirin TheMBayer Cross"on e. a. m Genuine Tablets alio larger Bayer package, Get original package. only packages Bayer pnj of lloBoacetfcacUMtcr of SanpHcarii Mflanfartnre tiafle Barer wait ef tie 90 wot Bayer package I |