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Show ;,.v" '- -.v jj--i A L'AAl. (; Helper is the Railroad and Coal Center of Eastern Utah, and the Busiest Little City in the Stat DEVOTED TO THE INTEItEgTB AND DEVELOPMENT Volume 9 OF ONE OF THE GARDEN SPOTS OF THE WOULD. AND THE PRICE RIVER PALLET. Helper, Carbon County, Utah, ..Friday, March 7 1919. Letter From Tom Avgikos IMITATION WHISKEY ames Galanis has received an MAHU III IIEf DFD MAUL 111 UtLlLK interesting letter from Tom Av-- gikos, who is now in Germany with with the American RF, Harry Miller and Joe Williams The Utter .was dated Neuwied, of Seattle, Washington, were ar- - Germany, January 21, 1919. He rested by Marshal Perry yester- - says in part. "Last Sunday I went to Hohre, day morning for manufacturing imitation whiskey in a local Germany, where I saw Theros d Papoulas. They were sur hotel. Marshal Perry suspicion- to see me, hue we all ened that the pair were up to some- prised joyed our short meeting. Now thing crooked, so he went to a as to us here in Germany, we room next to their's at the hotel have everything and we should Wednesday night where he stay- - be happy, but human nature is ed for several hours .listening to usually unsatisfied. We want to ome, back to the U. S. their talk. From their conver- . A. Thats the cry, and the ques- sation, the marshal was convmc-L- . tion is, when are we going home? ed that they were making whis- - We in expected to key. As soon as the men left and dugoats aiid mud. under their room yesterday morning, shell fire, tired, dirty, lousy entered it and confiscated sibly, but instead of that our four pints of the stuff, a bundle good God; sent us victory fcwith of lable, bottles, paste, Rbrown all its good fruite, and here we sugar, and other things used in are today proud on the enemy the manufacture. The whiskey soil, pacing Up an down on the was purely an imitation and con- - wonderful prominades of the tained no alcohol. Perry arrest- - Rhine, living in good hotels, ed the pair and tdok them before with good things to eat, theaters Justice Stephens who fined them to go to, sight seeing trifrs, very $50 each and told them to beat little work and more liberty. So we must be, as we have to, a lit it out of town. tle patient, and then well enjoy You feel proud of your wife pur stay er; "J and children dont you? and if Sjve yu a few lines you caa do anything to make the j about our life here. .The first I it it it It it it as defined in the law. it "Abatement petltlov are dealt it with it will be made in every wbers it too much tax Is erroneously upen-iulndedl- y. lit-fun- d. it The Income Tax is it on tbs it level' all the way through. it I ry I ' and conditions I thing1 we had to do when we easiefr for them, you do it will-- 1 came here, .was. to familiarize er ASK FEDERAL AID FOR RAILROAD TO BASIN Another effort Ts being made to secure a railroad into the Uintah basin. This time they are calling upon the federal administration for assistance thru the state senate in . si resolution introduced by Senator Knight. The resolution sets forth that the building of the road would settlement open .up the basin of productive homes for returning soldiers, especially . the eons of Utah who served in the world war, and would be able to find in this rich and fertile basin ample opportunity for productive and remunerative occupation. very appropriate reading. Mrs. Reed, Margaret Audsley. The Easterly sang a beautiful solo. following talent gave a very inWe are always hearing about teresting program. Mr. and Mrs. what the "Y is doing and the J. A. Cottrell each sang two soBoy Scouts, but we dont want los, Mrs. Cottrell sang a song to overlook the Camp Fire Girls. to the scouts, and they made the A committee from their organi- air ring with shouts of joy. Mrs. zation called at the secretarys Easterly sang a solo, Miss Marhome this week, and brought a garet Grimes sang a solo, pianist Mrs. L A. Lee. Miss Olive Reed very fine box of fruit for his sick wife, .which was appreciated sang a solo. We thank Mrs. J. E. Thele who. furnished three very much. 49 merit badge cerDont forget the services nextifcakes. tificates were received this week Sunday night March 9th. The and will be presented at the Boy Scouts will sing their rousr meeting Friday, ing new song "Happy Boy Miss Dorothy Burgar Scouts. "Amongst Ourselves and Miss Ruth Metz will play a Nothing much doing this week. piano solo, the associate secre- All the scouts extend the weltary will sing "Mother O Mine come hand to Gareno De Julio, Come and bring a friend. Spdnd who has been reinstated in troop one hour of the Sabbath worship- No. 1. Charley Sheya will be a candidate for admission into the ing God. J. G. Moore, Asst. Secy. troop Friday. Helper "Cub Scouts to went Lake The Read Salt Cubs received their hats Olive, yesterday for a few days visit" this week and are now fully uniformed and ready to take active Dr. Sutherland of Storrs, has part in the sdout work. Cubs ii gone to Roosevelt where he will Frank Barboglioand Corp. received their supplies ocate permanently. from New York. Travel- to ahd from the Uintah J. j. Moore, S. M. asin is so heavy these days that lotels in Helper are crowded alIlelper Union Sunday School most every night. Services every Sunday at 10 a. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Smyth m. A bible class is being organmost pleasantly entertained a ized. Come to the R. R. Chapel ew friends at an informal next Sunday and get acquainted iridge party Wednesday night, with this fine body of Christian drs. Smyth served adelieious folks. Everybody welcome. uncheon to their guests, who j. G. Moore, Supt. were, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blum-jerMr. and Mrs. A. J. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. S. Stein, Mrs. Lou Ellertson was a Salt Lake 5. H. Thomas and Miss Josephbusiness visitor this week. ine Robinson. Why not enlarge the ourselves with marks and pfen-spheof your effection a little ninS- - Some of the soldiers of and take the town you live in on the A. E. F. will make good the same footing as your family? Foreign exchange clerks after Be proud of it, do everything you the war. "The Germans are great propa- can for it If public improve- ments are needed, urge them and gandists. They treat us so nice like act to see and vote for them. We want they loved us so Walter Lee has resigned his Helper known as one of the much, that it would be no trouble position at the Master mechanics finest and most progressive little for them to get away with not office and left Wednesday for cities in the state, If every citi- - only the Rhine provinces, but Los Angeles, California to accept zen will support its trade, for- - with the Hoboken piers. Of a position with the Miller Carward its interests and show a course the soulless M. B. inter- buretor company. pride in all its conditions, our Jvenes and says, you cant speak to the enemy, you cant fraterLittle Miss Ora Baine enternize with him; you cant walk tained eleven young friends at a down the street with a froylain, last Saturday afternoon, party Word has been received by you cant give the Germans any- the occasion being her 7th birthBar-rai- l, Mrs. E. Ballew from Mrs. and you musnt accept anyday. A big birthday cake decowho left February k23rd for thing there them. from Say! thing rated with seven candles toCrestline, Ohio, called by the must be war we and expect gether with plenty of ice cream yet, illness of Mr. Barralls mother, soon. home to go made the little guests happy. that they arrived too late, Mrs. Rhine ore many the Along Barrall passed away early Monancient castles and modern A pleasant gathering by a few day morning, February 24 She chateaus. The Rhine has a mythtwo for in health had been poor was enjoyed last Monof its own. It is full of friends ology years, suffering from diabetes, fairies and holy spirits. There day night at the home of Mr. but was only 'confined to her bed Mrs. I. A. Lee, in compliment are in Coblenz a couple of ancient and one day, and the end was entire At Co- to Walter Lee, who left Wednes and churches. palaces serviCalifornia. Those presFuneral ly unexpected. the cathedral was started day for ces were held February 27 from logne, ent were; Mr. ard Mrs. Smiley, in 1248 and cost 40, 000, 000 marks. R. and Mrs. Ford, Mesdames St Joseph church. Rev. Jos. it is a beautiful thing. Mr. Clark, Misses Waechter officiating. Mrs. Bar- They say another city just north of Metz, Easterly, Bonn, Charlsworth, Philips, rall leaves to morun her loss one us is the University town. Over Crowley, G. Moore. Mr. Miss J. . and Jessie Barrall, daughter, 4000 students attend yearly. Our who lives at home with her town has Krupp iron works and mother, and one son, Percy Bar- other factories. The Kaiser was The Tenth Annual Ball of the rall of Helper, also two sisters, not only building battleships and Boilermakers and Helpers wil Mrs. Haxton Solinger and Mrs. guns, but factories, schools, rail- be givefi on Satuaday night, Geo. Schlientz, livingn Ohio. roads and other important things March 15th at the Liberty Hall. for a civilized, progressive coun- The music will be furnished by Manager Litizzette of the Lib try'. the Castle Gate orchestra. R. all ar erty hall has completed Sgt A. P. Avgikos. W. Smith, W. W. Hill and C. A. mask a for Knobbs are on the dance commitgrand rangements Cosball . on tomorrow night tee. The floor committee is made Bill ' Hello the sale at on be will tumes up of W. R. Welch, D. R. Grifatto Elks are All requested fiths and O. P. McCarry and Crowley rooming house all day the of a tend Stray be will meeting tomorrow. Prizes given these gentlemen will see that al Hotel on Little Utah to the best lady and gents cos Elks at the who attend havet he time of their 18. Room 10th. March Monday, turned characters. lives. re ingly. . . The Helper Boy Scouts SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY it The troop wishes to thank the INCOME TAX PAYER h S. D. Wilstead took the crown ladies it whojhelpedmake thesocial "The it away from G. Pysert this week Washington, D. GL last Thursday the success it was. rights of all persons now filing it 199 score on the a of by making Incomo Tax returns tire aiuply it Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smiley were for it boweling alleys. protectwd by provision in charge of the refreshments abatements, refunds and ap- It Something doing at the "Y and were ably assisted by the peal,'1 suys Commissioner Daniel C. Roper. it every hour of the day and night following ladies: The Mesdames "Every person ran be sure of it Did you miss the services list G. W. Pen warden, B. Dyer, C. a square deal. Xo person is ex- it pected to pay more than hi it Sunday night? If you did you. H. Hall, T. D. Riggs and the shore of tax. HI sliu.iv in de- it missed a service full of inter- Misses France: Welch, Mayme termined solely by the amount it and nature of ids net in. ome for it est and profit Mrs. Clark gave a Crowley, Bernice Condon, Olive 1U18, I pos-Per- Number 4 Y. M. C. A. NOTES I home-pleasant- HELPER Cor-mai- - g, There Is No Recorded Instance Of loss by fire of the contents of a modern safe deposit vault Even in case of a conflagration, you can rest assured that your records, bonds, contracts, deeds, leases, insurance policy etc., in the vault of the Helper State Bank will be safe and intact We have installed some' new and Safety Deposit Boxes and you are invited to call and inspect What perfect protection you can have here at little cost m up-to-da- te Helper State Bank |