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Show 4? THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER UTAH selfishness. Forget what you want to do and think of what we want you to do. We want yon to make a man of yourself. You must do It for the sake of those dear people who have done so much for you. The needle points toward the schoolhouse yonder. He went on with his work, and os I walked away I understood that the needle he referred to wus my conscience. I went about my chores. There was to be no more wavering In my conduct At the supper table Mr. Hacket kept ns laughing with songs and Jeats and stories. The boy John, having been reproved for rapid eating, hurled his spoTO upon the floor. "Those lti favor of bis punishment will please say aye? said the schoolmaster. I remember that we had a divided house on that Important question. The schoolmaster said: "Michael Henry wishes him to be forgiven on promise of better conduct, but for the next offense he shall ride the badger. This meant lying for a painful moment across his fathers knee. The promise was given and onr merrymaking resumed. The district attorney, whom I had met before, came to see me after supper and asked more questions and advised me to talk with no one about the shooting without his consent Soon he went away, and after I had learned my lessons THE LIEUT IN THE CLEARING- A TALE. OF THE NORTH COUNTRY IN THE TIME OF SILAS WRIGHT IRVING BfACMELLEFw aisthos of BEN HOLDEN. D'M AND L DABKEL UEFINOUP OF THE BLESSED OLE, VTTH LIZZIE. ETC. ETC BART HEARS SOME STARTLING NEWS ABOUT THE SON OF THE MONEY LENDER. 8ynopsis. Barton Rnynes, an orphan, goes to live with hie unde, Peabody IJnyues, and hie Aunt Poel on a fann on Rattlerond. In a neighborhood railed LlckltyapIIt, about the year 1826. He meets Sally Dunkelberg, about hie own age, but racially of a claae above the Bayneaee, and la fnnclnated by her pretty fare and fine clothes. Barton also meets Roving Kate, known In the neighborhood as the "Silent Woman." Ainoa Grlmahaw, a young son of the richest mnn In the township, Is a visitor at the Baynes home and Roving Kate tells the hoys fortunes, predicting n bright future for Barton and death on the gallows for Amos. Barton meets Silas Wright Jr., a man prominent In public affairs, who evlnees much Interest In the boy. Barton learns of the power of money when Mr. Criimdinw threatens to take the Baynes farm nnless a note which he holds Is paid. Now In his sixteenth year, Barton, on Ills way to the post office at Canton, meets a stranger and they ride together. They encounter a highwayman, who shoots and kills the stranger. Bartons horse throws him and runs away. As the murderer bends over the stranger Barton throws a stone, which he observes wounds the thief, who makes off at once. A few weeks later Bart leaves home to enter Michael Hnckets school at Canton. Mr. Hacket said : "Let ns walk np to the Jail and spend a few minutes with Amos. We hurried to the jail. The sheriff, stern-facea stout-buiman, admitted ua. "Can we see the Grlmshaw boy? Mr. Hacket Inquired. 1 guess so," he answered as he lazily rose from his chair and took down a bunch of large keys which had been hanging on the wait "His falt d ther has just left CHAPTER VIII Continued. "There comes Colonel Iland, said Mrs. llncket ns she looked out of the window. "The poor lonely Whig! He has nothing to do these days but sit around the tavern." Colonel Hand was a man beyond middle age, with large eyes that showed signs of dissipation, lie had a small, dark tuft beneath his lower lip and thin, black, untidy hair. "What do ye think has happened?" he asked as he looked down upon ua with a majestic movement of his hand. "The ran o that old Bucktall, Ben Grlmshnw, has been arrested and brought to Jail for murder. "For murder? asked Mr. and Mrs. Racket in one breath. "For bloody murder, sir, the colonel went on. "It was the shooting of that man In the town o Ballybeen a few weeks ago. Things have tome to a pretty pas In tyis country, I should say. Talk about law and order; we dont know what It means here and why should we? The party In power Is avowedly opposed to It yes, sir. It has fattened upon bribery and corruption. Do you think that the son o Ben Grlmshaw will receive punishment even if he Is proved guilty? Not at all. He will be protected you mark my words. He bowed and left us. When the door had closed behind him Mr. Hacket said : "Another victim horned by the Snapdragon ! If a man were to be slain by a hear back in the woods Colonel nand would look for guilt In the opposition party. Michael Henry, whatever the truth may be regarding the poor boy In Jail, we are in no way with sadness I Away responsible. What la thatr Mr. Hacket Inclined his ear and then added: "Michael Henry saya that he may be Innocent and that we had better go and see If we can help him. Now 1 hadn't thought o that Had you, Mary? No, the girl answered. "We must be letting Mike go ahead of us always, said her father. "Ton saw the crime, I believe, turning to me. I told them all I knew of It "Upon my word, I like yon, my brave lad. said the schoolmaster. "I heard of all this and decided that yon would be a help to Michael Henry and a creditable student Come, let us go and pay our compliments to the surly-lookln- g senator. The schoolmaster and I went over to Mr. Wright's house a white, frame building which had often been pointed out to me. Mrs. Wright a lady who met ua at the door, said that the senator had gone over to the mill with hla flue-looki- wheelbarrow. "Weve plenty of time and well wait for him, said the schoolmaster. "I see him! said little John as he and Buth ran to the gate and down the rough plank walk to meet him. We saw him coming a little way down the street In hla with hla barrow In front of him. He stopped and lifted little John In hie arms, ana after a moment put him down end embraced Ruth, "Well, I see ye still lore the tender embrace o the wheel barrow, aald Mr. Hacket as we approached the senator. "My embrace la the tenderer of the two, the latter laughed with a look at hla hands. shirt-sleev- es He recognised me and seised my two hands and shook them as he said : Upon my word, here la my friend Bart. I was not looking for you here. He put his hand on my head, now higher than hla shoulder, and said: I was not looking for you' here He asked about my aunt and uncle and expressed Joy at learning that I was now under Mr. Hacket "I shall be here for a number of weeks, he said, and I shall want to see you often. Maybe we'll go hunting some Saturday. We bade him good morning and he went on with his wheelbarrow, which was loaded, I remember, with stout sacks of meal and flour. We went to the school at half past eight What a thrilling place It was with Its 78 children and Its three rooms. How noisy they were as they waited In the schoolyard for the bell tr ring! I stood by the doorslde looking very foolish, I dare say, for I knew not what to do with myself. My legs encased in the tow breeches felt aa If they were on fire. I saw that most of the village boys wore bonght-e- n clothes' and fine boots. I looked down at my own leather and was a tower of shame on a foundation of greased cowhide. ' Sally Dunkelberg came in with some other girls and pretended not to see me. That was the hardest blow 1 suffered. Among the handsome, boys of the village was Henry Wills the boy who had stolen my water-melo1 had never forgiven him for that or for the killing of my little hen. The bell rang and we marched Into the big room, while a fat girl with crinkly hair played on n melodeon. Henry and another boy tried to shove me out of line and a big paper wad struck the side of my head as we were marching In and after we were seated a cross-eyefreckled girl In a red dress mnde a face at me. It was, on the whole, the nnhapplest day of my life. During recess I slapped a boy's face for calling me a rabbit and the two others who came to help him went away full of fear and astonishment, for I had the strength of a young moose In me those days. After that they began to make friends with me. In thr soon hour a man came to me In the schoolyard with a aubpena for the examination of Amos Grlmahaw and explained lta meaning. While I was talking with this man 8ally passed me walking with another girl and sold: well-dresse- d n. d, aiello, Bart I I observed that Henry Wills Joined them and walked down the street at the side of Sally. I got my first pang of Jealousy then. When school was out that afternoon Mr. Hacket said I could have an hour to see the sights of the village, so I set out feeling much depressed. I walked toward the house of Mr. Wright and saw him digging ' potatoes In the garden and went In. I knew that he was my friend. "Well, Bart bow do yon Uke school? he asked. "Not very well, I answered. "Of course not I It's new to you now, and yon miss your aunt and unde. Stick to It Tonll make friends and get Interested before long. "I want to go home, I declared. "Now let's look at the compass, he suggested. "Youre lost for n minute, and Uke all lost people yon're heading t(e wrong way. Dont be misled by He spoke In a low, solemn tone be pat which Impressed me deeply a lighted candle In the hand of the He led ns through a schoolmaster. door Into a narrow corridor, ne thrust a big key Into the lock of a heavy Iron grating and threw It open and bade ns step In. We entered an room with a number of cells against Its rear wall. He locked the door behind us. I saw a face and figure In the dim candle light behind the grated door of one of these cells. How lonely and dejected and helpless was the expression of that figure I The sheriff went to the door and unlocked It "Hello, Grlmshaw, he said sternly. Step out here. It all went to my heart the manners of the sheriff so like the cold Iron of his keys and doors the dim candle light the pole, frightened youth who walked toward us. We shook his hand and he said that he was glad to see ua I saw the scar under his left ear and reaching out upon his cheek, which my stone had made, and knew that he bore the mark of Cain. He asked If he could see me alone and the sheriff shook his head and said stone-floore- d sternly: "Against the rules. "Amos, Ive a boy o' my own an I feel for ye, sold the schoolmaster. Im going to come here, now and then, to cheer ye up and bring ye some books to read. If theres any word of advice I can give ye let me know. Have ye a lawyer? "Theres one coming tomorrow. "Don't say a word about the case, boy, to anyone but your lawyer mind that We left him and went to our horns and beds, I to spend half the night thinking of my discovery, since which, for some reason, I had no doubt of the guilt of Amos, but I spoke not of It to anyone and the secret worried me. Next morning on my way to school I passed a scene more strange and memorable than any In my long ex- perience. I saw the shabby figure of old Benjamin Grlmshaw walking In the side path. His hands were In his pockets, his eyes bent upon the ground, his lips moving os If he were In deep thought. Roving Kate, the ragged, silent womun who, for the fortune of Amos, had drawn a gibbet, the shadow of which was now upon him, walked slowly behind the money lender pointing at him with her bony forefinger. Her stem eyes watched him as the cat watches when Its prey Is near It She did not notice me. Silently, her feet wrapped In rags, she walked behind the man, always pointing at him. When he stopped she stopped. When he resumed his slow progress she followed. It thrilled me, partly because I had begun to believe in the weird, mysterious power of the Silent Woman. I had twenty minutes to spare and so I tamed Into the main street behind and close by them. I saw him stop and buy some crackers and an apple and a piece of cheese. Meanwhile she stood pointing at him. He saw, but gave no heed to her. He walked along the street in front of the stores, she following as before. How patiently she followed I I started for the big schoolhouse and a number of boys Joined me with pleasant words. Sally ran past ns with that low lived Wills boy. who carried her hooka for her. His father had gone Into the grocery business and Henry wore boughten clothes. I couldnt tell Sally how mean he was. I was angry and decided not to speak to her until she spoke to me. I got along better In school, although there was some tittering when I recited, probably because I had a broader dialect and bigger boots than the boys In the village. . CHAPTER IX. In US OUT liyjLL A small bottle of Danderine keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. , Meet President Van Buren and Am by Mr. Grlmahaw. The days went easier after that. The boys took me Into their play and some of them were most friendly. I had a swift foot and a good eye as well as a strong arm, and could hold my own at three old cat a kind of baseball which we played In the schoolyard. Saturday came. Aj we were sitting down at the table that morning the younger children dang to the knees of Mr. Hacket and begged him to take them up the river Cross-Examine- DANDRUFF GirlsI Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair In a few moments. d a boat. Good Lord! What wilt Uura glvs me when I grow childless? he exclaimed with his arms around them. "That wus the question of Abraham, and It often comes to me. Of course we shall go. But hark I Let na hear what the green chair has to say. There was a moment of alienee and then he went on with a merry laugh. "Right ye are, Michael Henry I You are always right my boy God bless your soul! We shall take Bart with us an doughnuts an cheese an' cookies an dried meat for all. From that moment I date the beginning of my love for the occupant of the green chair In the home of Michael Hacket Those good people were Catholics and I a Protestant and yet this Michael Henry always Insisted upon the most delicate consideration for my faith and feelings. "I promised' to spend the morning In the field with Mr. Wright If I may have yonr consent sir, I said. "Then we shall console ourselves, knowing that you are In better company, said Mr. Hacket Mr. Dunkelberg called at the house In Ashery lane to see me after breakfast come with me 1 some store clothes "Bart If yon will should like to order and boots for you, he said In hlf squeaky voice. For a moment I knew not how to answer him. Nettled as I had been by Sallys treatment of me. the offer was like rubbing ashes on the soreness of my spirit I blushed and surveyed my garments and said: "I guess I look pretty bad, dont I?" "You look all right but I thought maybe you would feel better In softer raiment, especially if yon care to go around much with the young people. 1 am an old friend of the family and I gness It would he proper for me to buy the clothes for you. When you are older you can buy a suit for me, some time. If you care to. o It should be understood that more were towns In the people particular about their dress those days than now. "HI ask my aunt and nude about it, I proposed. "Thats all right, he answered. "I'm going to drive to your house this afternoon and your uncle wishes yon to go with me. We are all to hare a talk with Mr. Grlmshaw. He left me and I went over to Mr. Within ten minutes after an application of Danderlne you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and yonr scalp will not Itch, but what will please yon most will be after a few weeks use, when yon see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. little Danderlne Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and craggy, just moisten a cloth with and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, 'softness and luxuriance. Get a small bottle of Knowltons Danderlne for a few cents at any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that yonr hair is as pretty and soft aa any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment thats all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it If yon will Just try a little Danderlne. Adv. Dan-deri- ne well-to-d- The Holdback Game. Newlyweds had unwittingly Chosen their abode In the neighborhood where scandal was rife. One morning one of the neighbors sent a hoarse whisper over to her chief confidant: "Whats the trouble between tho Newlyweds? "Her husband tried to keep something from her. "Oh, thats not serious I Men will Wrights. was hnve their little secrets. he me told that cutting They corn In the back lot, where X found "Ah, you dont understand. This Is serious. He tried to keep $L25 of his him. "Mr. Dunkelberg came thla morning last weeks pay. Rehoboth Sunday and wanted to buy me some new clothes and hoots, I said. The senator stopped work and stood WOMEN looking at me with his hands upon his hips. OLD AGE "I wouldnt let him do It If I were Don't worry shout old age. Don't worry yon, he said thoughtfully. about being m other peoples way when Just then I saw a young man come you are getting on in yean. Keep yonr in good condition and you can be aa running toward ns In the distant field. bair bale ana hearty in your old days aa you Mr. Wright took ont his compass. were when a kid, and every one will be "Look here, he said, yon see the glad to see you. The kidneys and bladder ere the cauaes needle points dne north. of senile afflictions. Keep them clean and his of ont lodestone a He took in proper working condition. Drive the pocket, and holding It near the com- poisonous wastes from the system and uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD pass moved It back and forth. The avoid MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical- needle followed It will find that the system will The young man came up to ns Sand you be in perfect working order. Yonr was breathing deeply. Perspiration spirits will be enlivened, yonr muscles made strong and yonr face have once rolling off his face. He was mnch ex- more the look of youth and health. cited and spoke with some difficulty. New life, fresh strength and health will "Mrs. "Senator Wright, he gasped, come aa you continue this treatment. When Wright sent me down to tell yon that yonr first vigor has been restored continue a capsule or two each President Van Buren Is at the honse. for awhile taking will keep you in condition and day. They mild look ef I remember vividly the prevent a return ox yonr troubles. amusement In the senators face and There is only one guaranteed brand of the serene calmness with 'which, he Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL. are many takes on the market. Be looked at the young man and said to There sure yon get the Original GOLD MEDAL him: Imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They am s "Tell Mrs. Wright to make him com- the only reliable. For aale by all fortable In onr easiest chair and to druggiata-Ad- v. say to the president that I shall be up Mixed Up. directly." "Have yon any soft drinks In this house? Grimehaw seeks by an offer "Nothing bnt Iron water. of a bribe to Uncle Peabody to man can have a pretty hot time prevent Bart from telling what he knowe about the guilt ef on a cool million. Hew Uncle Peabody Amoh and Bart received thle offer la When Yonr Eyes Need Cara told In tho next Inetallment The WHY DREAD fint-das- (TO BS CONTINUED.) Eye Remedy M try Murine Jut lrte Comfort. StuntsBoot ITo SnaitlBf ImntoU or MUXXM Fiee ns BBKBDXforGOeOUlOAiaO mail. Witte Bye , |